path: root/report.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'report.md')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/report.md b/report.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f6c9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/report.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Vencord Report
+## Bad Patches
+- BetterGifAltText (had no effect)
+ - ID: `866358`
+ - Match: ```/(return .{1,2}\.createElement.{0,50}isWindowFocused)/ ```
+- Webhook Tags (had no effect)
+ - ID: `696278`
+ - Match: ```/return null==(.)\?null:.\.createElement\((.)\.Z/ ```
+- MessageAccessoriesAPI (had no effect)
+ - ID: `96063`
+ - Match: ```/\(\)\.container\)},(.+?)\)};return/ ```
+- NoBlockedMessages (had no effect)
+ - ID: `748241`
+ - Match: ```/collapsedReason;return (?=\w{1,2}.createElement)/ ```
+- IgnoreActivities (had no effect)
+ - ID: `413620`
+ - Match: ```/(.:\(\)=>.)(.+)(function (.)\(.{1,10}\.width.+\)\)\)})/ ```
+- IgnoreActivities (had no effect)
+ - ID: `529622`
+ - Match: ```/(this.renderLastPlayed\(\)\),this.renderOverlayToggle\(\))/ ```
+- IgnoreActivities (errored)
+ - ID: `529622`
+ - Match: ```/;(.\.renderOverlayToggle=function\(\).+?\)\)\)};)/ ```
+ - Error: ```Unexpected end of input ```
+- ViewIcons (had no effect)
+ - ID: `847018`
+ - Match: ```/(?<=createElement\((.{1,5}),\{id:"leave-guild".{0,100},)(.{1,2}\.createElement)\((.{1,5}),null,(.{1,2})\)(?=\)\}function)/ ```
+- PlainFolderIcon (found no module)
+ - ID: `-`
+ - Match: ```().expandedFolderIconWrapperabaa ```
+## Bad Starts
+- NitroBypass
+ - Error: ```tets error ```
+## Discord Errors
+- ```Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 429 () ```
+- ```Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () ```