path: root/src/plugins/clearURLs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/clearURLs')
2 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/clearURLs/defaultRules.ts b/src/plugins/clearURLs/defaultRules.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d878f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/clearURLs/defaultRules.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Global Parameter
+ * `utm_source`
+ *
+ * Parameter restricted to domain
+ * `feature@youtube.com`
+ *
+ * Domains wildcards
+ * `tag@amazon.*`
+ *
+ * Parameter wildcards
+ * `utm_*`>
+ *
+ */
+export const defaultRules = [
+ "action_object_map",
+ "action_type_map",
+ "action_ref_map",
+ "spm@*.aliexpress.com",
+ "scm@*.aliexpress.com",
+ "aff_platform",
+ "aff_trace_key",
+ "algo_expid@*.aliexpress.*",
+ "algo_pvid@*.aliexpress.*",
+ "btsid",
+ "ws_ab_test",
+ "pd_rd_*@amazon.*",
+ "_encoding@amazon.*",
+ "psc@amazon.*",
+ "tag@amazon.*",
+ "ref_@amazon.*",
+ "pf_rd_*@amazon.*",
+ "pf@amazon.*",
+ "crid@amazon.*",
+ "keywords@amazon.*",
+ "sprefix@amazon.*",
+ "sr@amazon.*",
+ "ie@amazon.*",
+ "node@amazon.*",
+ "qid@amazon.*",
+ "callback@bilibili.com",
+ "cvid@bing.com",
+ "form@bing.com",
+ "sk@bing.com",
+ "sp@bing.com",
+ "sc@bing.com",
+ "qs@bing.com",
+ "pq@bing.com",
+ "sc_cid",
+ "mkt_tok",
+ "trk",
+ "trkCampaign",
+ "ga_*",
+ "gclid",
+ "gclsrc",
+ "hmb_campaign",
+ "hmb_medium",
+ "hmb_source",
+ "spReportId",
+ "spJobID",
+ "spUserID",
+ "spMailingID",
+ "itm_*",
+ "s_cid",
+ "elqTrackId",
+ "elqTrack",
+ "assetType",
+ "assetId",
+ "recipientId",
+ "campaignId",
+ "siteId",
+ "mc_cid",
+ "mc_eid",
+ "pk_*",
+ "sc_campaign",
+ "sc_channel",
+ "sc_content",
+ "sc_medium",
+ "sc_outcome",
+ "sc_geo",
+ "sc_country",
+ "nr_email_referer",
+ "vero_conv",
+ "vero_id",
+ "yclid",
+ "_openstat",
+ "mbid",
+ "cmpid",
+ "cid",
+ "c_id",
+ "campaign_id",
+ "Campaign",
+ "hash@ebay.*",
+ "fb_action_ids",
+ "fb_action_types",
+ "fb_ref",
+ "fb_source",
+ "fbclid",
+ "refsrc@facebook.com",
+ "hrc@facebook.com",
+ "gs_l",
+ "gs_lcp@google.*",
+ "ved@google.*",
+ "ei@google.*",
+ "sei@google.*",
+ "gws_rd@google.*",
+ "gs_gbg@google.*",
+ "gs_mss@google.*",
+ "gs_rn@google.*",
+ "_hsenc",
+ "_hsmi",
+ "__hssc",
+ "__hstc",
+ "hsCtaTracking",
+ "source@sourceforge.net",
+ "position@sourceforge.net",
+ "t@*.twitter.com",
+ "s@*.twitter.com",
+ "ref_*@*.twitter.com",
+ "tt_medium",
+ "tt_content",
+ "lr@yandex.*",
+ "redircnt@yandex.*",
+ "feature@youtube.com",
+ "kw@youtube.com",
+ "wt_zmc",
+ "utm_source",
+ "utm_content",
+ "utm_medium",
+ "utm_campaign",
+ "utm_term",
+ "si@open.spotify.com",
diff --git a/src/plugins/clearURLs/index.ts b/src/plugins/clearURLs/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abdeefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/clearURLs/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import { defaultRules } from "./defaultRules";
+import {
+ addPreSendListener,
+ addPreEditListener,
+ MessageObject,
+ removePreSendListener,
+ removePreEditListener,
+} from "../../api/MessageEvents";
+import definePlugin from "../../utils/types";
+// From lodash
+const reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g;
+const reHasRegExpChar = RegExp(reRegExpChar.source);
+export default definePlugin({
+ name: "clearURLs",
+ description: "Removes tracking garbage from URLs",
+ authors: [
+ {
+ name: "adryd",
+ id: 0n,
+ },
+ ],
+ dependencies: ["MessageEventsAPI"],
+ escapeRegExp(str: string) {
+ return (str && reHasRegExpChar.test(str))
+ ? str.replace(reRegExpChar, "\\$&")
+ : (str || "");
+ },
+ createRules() {
+ // Can be extended upon once user configs are available
+ // Eg. (useDefaultRules: boolean, customRules: Array[string])
+ const rules = defaultRules;
+ this.universalRules = new Set();
+ this.rulesByHost = new Map();
+ this.hostRules = new Map();
+ for (const rule of rules) {
+ const splitRule = rule.split("@");
+ const paramRule = new RegExp(
+ "^" +
+ this.escapeRegExp(splitRule[0]).replace(/\\\*/, ".+?") +
+ "$"
+ );
+ if (!splitRule[1]) {
+ this.universalRules.add(paramRule);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const hostRule = new RegExp(
+ "^(www\\.)?" +
+ this.escapeRegExp(splitRule[1])
+ .replace(/\\\./, "\\.")
+ .replace(/^\\\*\\\./, "(.+?\\.)?")
+ .replace(/\\\*/, ".+?") +
+ "$"
+ );
+ const hostRuleIndex = hostRule.toString();
+ this.hostRules.set(hostRuleIndex, hostRule);
+ if (this.rulesByHost.get(hostRuleIndex) == null) {
+ this.rulesByHost.set(hostRuleIndex, new Set());
+ }
+ this.rulesByHost.get(hostRuleIndex).add(paramRule);
+ }
+ },
+ removeParam(rule: string | RegExp, param: string, parent: URLSearchParams) {
+ if (param === rule || rule instanceof RegExp && rule.test(param)) {
+ parent.delete(param);
+ }
+ },
+ replacer(match: string) {
+ // Parse URL without throwing errors
+ try {
+ var url = new URL(match);
+ } catch (error) {
+ // Don't modify anything if we can't parse the URL
+ return match;
+ }
+ // Cheap way to check if there are any search params
+ if (url.searchParams.entries().next().done) {
+ // If there are none, we don't need to modify anything
+ return match;
+ }
+ // Check all universal rules
+ this.universalRules.forEach((rule) => {
+ url.searchParams.forEach((_value, param, parent) => {
+ this.removeParam(rule, param, parent);
+ });
+ });
+ // Check rules for each hosts that match
+ this.hostRules.forEach((regex, hostRuleName) => {
+ if (!regex.test(url.hostname)) return;
+ this.rulesByHost.get(hostRuleName).forEach((rule) => {
+ url.searchParams.forEach((_value, param, parent) => {
+ this.removeParam(rule, param, parent);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ return url.toString();
+ },
+ onSend(msg: MessageObject) {
+ // Only run on messages that contain URLs
+ if (msg.content.match(/http(s)?:\/\//)) {
+ msg.content = msg.content.replace(
+ /(https?:\/\/[^\s<]+[^<.,:;"'>)|\]\s])/g,
+ (match) => this.replacer(match)
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ start() {
+ this.createRules();
+ this.preSend = addPreSendListener((_, msg) => this.onSend(msg));
+ this.preEdit = addPreEditListener((_cid, _mid, msg) =>
+ this.onSend(msg)
+ );
+ },
+ stop() {
+ removePreSendListener(this.preSend);
+ removePreEditListener(this.preEdit);
+ },