path: root/src/plugins/pronoundb/components
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/pronoundb/components')
3 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsAboutComponent.tsx b/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsAboutComponent.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0903509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsAboutComponent.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { Forms, React } from "../../../webpack/common";
+export default function PronounsAboutComponent() {
+ return (
+ <React.Fragment>
+ <Forms.FormTitle tag="h3">More Information</Forms.FormTitle>
+ <Forms.FormText>
+ The two pronoun formats are lowercase and capitalized. Example:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Lowercase: they/them</li>
+ <li>Capitalized: They/Them</li>
+ </ul>
+ Text like "Ask me my pronouns" or "Any pronouns" will always be capitalized. <br /><br />
+ You can also configure whether or not to display pronouns for the current user (since you probably already know them)
+ </Forms.FormText>
+ </React.Fragment>
+ );
diff --git a/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsChatComponent.tsx b/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsChatComponent.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e4e77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsChatComponent.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { Message } from "discord-types/general";
+import { fetchPronouns, formatPronouns } from "../utils";
+import { classes, lazyWebpack, useAwaiter } from "../../../utils/misc";
+import { PronounMapping } from "../types";
+import { filters } from "../../../webpack";
+import { UserStore } from "../../../webpack/common";
+import { Settings } from "../../../Vencord";
+const styles: Record<string, string> = lazyWebpack(filters.byProps(["timestampInline"]));
+export default function PronounsChatComponent({ message }: { message: Message; }) {
+ // Don't bother fetching bot or system users
+ if (message.author.bot || message.author.system) return null;
+ // Respect showSelf options
+ if (!Settings.plugins.PronounDB.showSelf && message.author.id === UserStore.getCurrentUser().id) return null;
+ const [result, , isPending] = useAwaiter(
+ () => fetchPronouns(message.author.id),
+ null,
+ e => console.error("Fetching pronouns failed: ", e)
+ );
+ // If the promise completed, the result was not "unspecified", and there is a mapping for the code, then return a span with the pronouns
+ if (!isPending && result && result !== "unspecified" && PronounMapping[result]) {
+ return (
+ <span
+ className={classes(styles.timestampInline, styles.timestamp)}
+ >• {formatPronouns(result)}</span>
+ );
+ }
+ // Otherwise, return null so nothing else is rendered
+ else return null;
diff --git a/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsProfileWrapper.tsx b/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsProfileWrapper.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8f2ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/pronoundb/components/PronounsProfileWrapper.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { UserStore } from "../../../webpack/common";
+import { Settings } from "../../../Vencord";
+import { PronounMapping, UserProfileProps } from "../types";
+import { useAwaiter, classes } from "../../../utils";
+import { fetchPronouns, formatPronouns } from "../utils";
+export default function PronounsProfileWrapper(props: UserProfileProps, pronounsComponent: JSX.Element) {
+ // Don't bother fetching bot or system users
+ if (props.user.bot || props.user.system) return null;
+ // Respect showSelf options
+ if (!Settings.plugins.PronounDB.showSelf && props.user.id === UserStore.getCurrentUser().id) return null;
+ const [result, , isPending] = useAwaiter(
+ () => fetchPronouns(props.user.id),
+ null,
+ e => console.error("Fetching pronouns failed: ", e)
+ );
+ // If the promise completed, the result was not "unspecified", and there is a mapping for the code, then return a span with the pronouns
+ if (!isPending && result && result !== "unspecified" && PronounMapping[result]) {
+ // First child is the header, second is a div with the actual text
+ const [, pronounsBodyComponent] = pronounsComponent.props.children as [JSX.Element, JSX.Element];
+ pronounsBodyComponent.props.children = formatPronouns(result);
+ return pronounsComponent;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, return null so nothing else is rendered
+ else return null;