path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 79 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/components/PluginSettings/index.tsx b/src/components/PluginSettings/index.tsx
index 6ad9750..1a2e78f 100644
--- a/src/components/PluginSettings/index.tsx
+++ b/src/components/PluginSettings/index.tsx
@@ -145,7 +145,19 @@ function PluginCard({ plugin, disabled, onRestartNeeded, onMouseEnter, onMouseLe
- note={<Text variant="text-md/normal" style={{ height: 40, overflow: "hidden" }}>{plugin.description}</Text>}
+ note={<Text variant="text-md/normal" style={{
+ height: 40,
+ overflow: "hidden",
+ // mfw css is so bad you need whatever this is to get multi line overflow ellipsis to work
+ textOverflow: "ellipsis",
+ display: "-webkit-box", // firefox users will cope (it doesn't support it)
+ WebkitLineClamp: 2,
+ lineClamp: 2,
+ WebkitBoxOrient: "vertical",
+ boxOrient: "vertical"
+ }}>
+ {plugin.description}
+ </Text>}
<Flex style={{ marginTop: "auto", width: "100%", height: "100%", alignItems: "center" }}>
diff --git a/src/globals.d.ts b/src/globals.d.ts
index 071bca2..2872f62 100644
--- a/src/globals.d.ts
+++ b/src/globals.d.ts
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ declare global {
* replace: `${IS_WEB}?foo:bar`
export var IS_WEB: boolean;
+ export var IS_DEV: boolean;
export var IS_STANDALONE: boolean;
export var VencordNative: typeof import("./VencordNative").default;
diff --git a/src/utils/logger.ts b/src/utils/logger.ts
index 309f4db..24cd2c8 100644
--- a/src/utils/logger.ts
+++ b/src/utils/logger.ts
@@ -17,11 +17,23 @@
export default class Logger {
+ /**
+ * Returns the console format args for a title with the specified background colour and black text
+ * @param color Background colour
+ * @param title Text
+ * @returns Array. Destructure this into {@link Logger}.errorCustomFmt or console.log
+ *
+ * @example logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitleElements("white", "Hello"), "World");
+ */
+ static makeTitle(color: string, title: string): [string, ...string[]] {
+ return ["%c %c %s ", "", `background: ${color}; color: black; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 5px;`, title];
+ }
constructor(public name: string, public color: string) { }
- private _log(level: "log" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "debug", levelColor: string, args: any[]) {
+ private _log(level: "log" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "debug", levelColor: string, args: any[], customFmt = "") {
- `%c Vencord %c %c ${this.name} `,
+ `%c Vencord %c %c ${this.name} ${customFmt}`,
`background: ${levelColor}; color: black; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 5px;`,
`background: ${this.color}; color: black; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 5px;`
@@ -41,6 +53,10 @@ export default class Logger {
this._log("error", "#e78284", args);
+ public errorCustomFmt(fmt: string, ...args: any[]) {
+ this._log("error", "#e78284", args, fmt);
+ }
public warn(...args: any[]) {
this._log("warn", "#e5c890", args);
diff --git a/src/webpack/patchWebpack.ts b/src/webpack/patchWebpack.ts
index f679f3a..5596730 100644
--- a/src/webpack/patchWebpack.ts
+++ b/src/webpack/patchWebpack.ts
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(window, WEBPACK_CHUNK, {
function patchPush() {
- function handlePush(chunk) {
+ function handlePush(chunk: any) {
try {
const modules = chunk[1];
const { subscriptions, listeners } = Vencord.Webpack;
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function patchPush() {
// Additionally, `[actual newline]` is one less char than "\n", so if Discord
// ever targets newer browsers, the minifier could potentially use this trick and
// cause issues.
- let code = mod.toString().replaceAll("\n", "");
+ let code: string = mod.toString().replaceAll("\n", "");
const originalMod = mod;
const patchedBy = new Set();
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ function patchPush() {
logger.error("Error in webpack listener", err);
for (const [filter, callback] of subscriptions) {
try {
if (filter(exports)) {
@@ -113,45 +114,80 @@ function patchPush() {
modules[id].toString = () => mod.toString();
modules[id].original = originalMod;
for (let i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) {
const patch = patches[i];
if (patch.predicate && !patch.predicate()) continue;
if (code.includes(patch.find)) {
// @ts-ignore we change all patch.replacement to array in plugins/index
for (const replacement of patch.replacement) {
const lastMod = mod;
const lastCode = code;
try {
const newCode = code.replace(replacement.match, replacement.replace);
if (newCode === code) {
- logger.warn(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} had no effect: ${replacement.match}`);
- logger.debug("Function Source:\n", code);
+ logger.warn(`Patch by ${patch.plugin} had no effect (Module id is ${id}): ${replacement.match}`);
+ if (IS_DEV) {
+ logger.debug("Function Source:\n", code);
+ }
} else {
code = newCode;
mod = (0, eval)(`// Webpack Module ${id} - Patched by ${[...patchedBy].join(", ")}\n${newCode}\n//# sourceURL=WebpackModule${id}`);
} catch (err) {
- // TODO - More meaningful errors. This probably means moving away from string.replace
- // in favour of manual matching. Then cut out the context and log some sort of
- // diff
- logger.error("Failed to apply patch of", patch.plugin, err);
- logger.debug("Original Source\n", lastCode);
- logger.debug("Patched Source\n", code);
+ logger.error(`Failed to apply patch ${replacement.match} of ${patch.plugin} to ${id}:\n`, err);
+ if (IS_DEV) {
+ const changeSize = code.length - lastCode.length;
+ const match = lastCode.match(replacement.match)!;
+ // Use 200 surrounding characters of context
+ const start = Math.max(0, match.index! - 200);
+ const end = Math.min(lastCode.length, match.index! + match[0].length + 200);
+ // (changeSize may be negative)
+ const endPatched = end + changeSize;
+ const context = lastCode.slice(start, end);
+ const patchedContext = code.slice(start, endPatched);
+ // inline require to avoid including it in !IS_DEV builds
+ const diff = (require("diff") as typeof import("diff")).diffWordsWithSpace(context, patchedContext);
+ let fmt = "%c %s ";
+ const elements = [] as string[];
+ for (const d of diff) {
+ const color = d.removed
+ ? "red"
+ : d.added
+ ? "lime"
+ : "grey";
+ fmt += "%c%s";
+ elements.push("color:" + color, d.value);
+ }
+ logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "Before"), context);
+ logger.errorCustomFmt(...Logger.makeTitle("white", "After"), context);
+ const [titleFmt, ...titleElements] = Logger.makeTitle("white", "Diff");
+ logger.errorCustomFmt(titleFmt + fmt, ...titleElements, ...elements);
+ }
code = lastCode;
mod = lastMod;
if (!patch.all) patches.splice(i--, 1);
} catch (err) {
- logger.error("oopsie", err);
+ logger.error("Error in handlePush", err);
return handlePush.original.call(window[WEBPACK_CHUNK], chunk);