/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import { makeCodeblock } from "../utils"; import { debounce } from "../utils/debounce"; import { Button, Clipboard, Forms, Margins, Parser, React, Switch, TextInput } from "../webpack/common"; import { search } from "../webpack/webpack"; import { CheckedTextInput } from "./CheckedTextInput"; import ErrorBoundary from "./ErrorBoundary"; // Do not include diff in non dev builds (side effects import) if (IS_DEV) { var differ = require("diff") as typeof import("diff"); } const findCandidates = debounce(function ({ find, setModule, setError }) { const candidates = search(find); const keys = Object.keys(candidates); const len = keys.length; if (len === 0) setError("No match. Perhaps that module is lazy loaded?"); else if (len !== 1) setError("Multiple matches. Please refine your filter"); else setModule([keys[0], candidates[keys[0]]]); }); function ReplacementComponent({ module, match, replacement, setReplacementError }) { const [id, fact] = module; const [compileResult, setCompileResult] = React.useState<[boolean, string]>(); const [patchedCode, matchResult, diff] = React.useMemo(() => { const src: string = fact.toString().replaceAll("\n", ""); try { var patched = src.replace(match, replacement); setReplacementError(void 0); } catch (e) { setReplacementError((e as Error).message); return ["", [], []]; } const m = src.match(match); return [patched, m, makeDiff(src, patched, m)]; }, [id, match, replacement]); function makeDiff(original: string, patched: string, match: RegExpMatchArray | null) { if (!match || original === patched) return null; const changeSize = patched.length - original.length; // Use 200 surrounding characters of context const start = Math.max(0, match.index! - 200); const end = Math.min(original.length, match.index! + match[0].length + 200); // (changeSize may be negative) const endPatched = end + changeSize; const context = original.slice(start, end); const patchedContext = patched.slice(start, endPatched); return differ.diffWordsWithSpace(context, patchedContext); } function renderMatch() { if (!matchResult) return <Forms.FormText>Regex doesn't match!</Forms.FormText>; const fullMatch = matchResult[0] ? makeCodeblock(matchResult[0], "js") : ""; const groups = matchResult.length > 1 ? makeCodeblock(matchResult.slice(1).map((g, i) => `Group ${i + 1}: ${g}`).join("\n"), "yml") : ""; return ( <> <div style={{ userSelect: "text" }}>{Parser.parse(fullMatch)}</div> <div style={{ userSelect: "text" }}>{Parser.parse(groups)}</div> </> ); } function renderDiff() { return diff?.map(p => { const color = p.added ? "lime" : p.removed ? "red" : "grey"; return <div style={{ color, userSelect: "text" }}>{p.value}</div>; }); } return ( <> <Forms.FormTitle>Module {id}</Forms.FormTitle> {!!matchResult?.[0]?.length && ( <> <Forms.FormTitle>Match</Forms.FormTitle> {renderMatch()} </>) } {!!diff?.length && ( <> <Forms.FormTitle>Diff</Forms.FormTitle> {renderDiff()} </> )} {!!diff?.length && ( <Button className={Margins.marginTop20} onClick={() => { try { Function(patchedCode.replace(/^function\(/, "function patchedModule(")); setCompileResult([true, "Compiled successfully"]); } catch (err) { setCompileResult([false, (err as Error).message]); } }}>Compile</Button> )} {compileResult && <Forms.FormText style={{ color: compileResult[0] ? "var(--text-positive)" : "var(--text-danger)" }}> {compileResult[1]} </Forms.FormText> } </> ); } function ReplacementInput({ replacement, setReplacement, replacementError }) { const [isFunc, setIsFunc] = React.useState(false); const [error, setError] = React.useState<string>(); function onChange(v: string) { setError(void 0); if (isFunc) { try { const func = (0, eval)(v); if (typeof func === "function") setReplacement(() => func); else setError("Replacement must be a function"); } catch (e) { setReplacement(v); setError((e as Error).message); } } else { setReplacement(v); } } React.useEffect( () => void (isFunc ? onChange(replacement) : setError(void 0)), [isFunc] ); return ( <> <Forms.FormTitle>replacement</Forms.FormTitle> <TextInput value={replacement?.toString()} onChange={onChange} error={error ?? replacementError} /> {!isFunc && ( <> <Forms.FormTitle>Cheat Sheet</Forms.FormTitle> {Object.entries({ "$$": "Insert a $", "$&": "Insert the entire match", "$`": "Insert the substring before the match", "$'": "Insert the substring after the match", "$n": "Insert the nth capturing group ($1, $2...)" }).map(([placeholder, desc]) => ( <Forms.FormText key={placeholder}> {Parser.parse("`" + placeholder + "`")}: {desc} </Forms.FormText> ))} </> )} <Switch className={Margins.marginTop8} value={isFunc} onChange={setIsFunc} note="'replacement' will be evaled if this is toggled" hideBorder={true} > Treat as Function </Switch> </> ); } function PatchHelper() { const [find, setFind] = React.useState<string>(""); const [match, setMatch] = React.useState<string>(""); const [replacement, setReplacement] = React.useState<string | Function>(""); const [replacementError, setReplacementError] = React.useState<string>(); const [module, setModule] = React.useState<[number, Function]>(); const [findError, setFindError] = React.useState<string>(); const code = React.useMemo(() => { return ` { find: ${JSON.stringify(find)}, replacement: { match: /${match.replace(/(?<!\\)\//g, "\\/")}/, replace: ${typeof replacement === "function" ? replacement.toString() : JSON.stringify(replacement)} } } `.trim(); }, [find, match, replacement]); function onFindChange(v: string) { setFindError(void 0); setFind(v); if (v.length) { findCandidates({ find: v, setModule, setError: setFindError }); } } function onMatchChange(v: string) { try { new RegExp(v); setFindError(void 0); setMatch(v); } catch (e: any) { setFindError((e as Error).message); } } return ( <> <Forms.FormTitle>find</Forms.FormTitle> <TextInput type="text" value={find} onChange={onFindChange} error={findError} /> <Forms.FormTitle>match</Forms.FormTitle> <CheckedTextInput value={match} onChange={onMatchChange} validate={v => { try { return (new RegExp(v), true); } catch (e) { return (e as Error).message; } }} /> <ReplacementInput replacement={replacement} setReplacement={setReplacement} replacementError={replacementError} /> <Forms.FormDivider /> {module && ( <ReplacementComponent module={module} match={new RegExp(match)} replacement={replacement} setReplacementError={setReplacementError} /> )} {!!(find && match && replacement) && ( <> <Forms.FormTitle className={Margins.marginTop20}>Code</Forms.FormTitle> <div style={{ userSelect: "text" }}>{Parser.parse(makeCodeblock(code, "ts"))}</div> <Button onClick={() => Clipboard.copy(code)}>Copy to Clipboard</Button> </> )} </> ); } export default IS_DEV ? ErrorBoundary.wrap(PatchHelper) : null;