/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import * as DataStore from "@api/DataStore"; import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary"; import { Devs } from "@utils/constants"; import { useForceUpdater } from "@utils/react"; import definePlugin from "@utils/types"; import { findByPropsLazy, findStoreLazy } from "@webpack"; import { Tooltip } from "webpack/common"; const enum ActivitiesTypes { Game, Embedded } interface IgnoredActivity { id: string; type: ActivitiesTypes; } const RegisteredGamesClasses = findByPropsLazy("overlayToggleIconOff", "overlayToggleIconOn"); const TryItOutClasses = findByPropsLazy("tryItOutBadge", "tryItOutBadgeIcon"); const BaseShapeRoundClasses = findByPropsLazy("baseShapeRound", "baseShapeRoundLeft", "baseShapeRoundRight"); const RunningGameStore = findStoreLazy("RunningGameStore"); function ToggleIconOff() { return ( <svg className={RegisteredGamesClasses.overlayToggleIconOff} height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 2.2 32 26" aria-hidden={true} role="img" > <g fill="none" fillRule="evenodd" > <path className={RegisteredGamesClasses.fill} fill="currentColor" d="M 16 8 C 7.664063 8 1.25 15.34375 1.25 15.34375 L 0.65625 16 L 1.25 16.65625 C 1.25 16.65625 7.097656 23.324219 14.875 23.9375 C 15.246094 23.984375 15.617188 24 16 24 C 16.382813 24 16.753906 23.984375 17.125 23.9375 C 24.902344 23.324219 30.75 16.65625 30.75 16.65625 L 31.34375 16 L 30.75 15.34375 C 30.75 15.34375 24.335938 8 16 8 Z M 16 10 C 18.203125 10 20.234375 10.601563 22 11.40625 C 22.636719 12.460938 23 13.675781 23 15 C 23 18.613281 20.289063 21.582031 16.78125 21.96875 C 16.761719 21.972656 16.738281 21.964844 16.71875 21.96875 C 16.480469 21.980469 16.242188 22 16 22 C 15.734375 22 15.476563 21.984375 15.21875 21.96875 C 11.710938 21.582031 9 18.613281 9 15 C 9 13.695313 9.351563 12.480469 9.96875 11.4375 L 9.9375 11.4375 C 11.71875 10.617188 13.773438 10 16 10 Z M 16 12 C 14.34375 12 13 13.34375 13 15 C 13 16.65625 14.34375 18 16 18 C 17.65625 18 19 16.65625 19 15 C 19 13.34375 17.65625 12 16 12 Z M 7.25 12.9375 C 7.09375 13.609375 7 14.285156 7 15 C 7 16.753906 7.5 18.394531 8.375 19.78125 C 5.855469 18.324219 4.105469 16.585938 3.53125 16 C 4.011719 15.507813 5.351563 14.203125 7.25 12.9375 Z M 24.75 12.9375 C 26.648438 14.203125 27.988281 15.507813 28.46875 16 C 27.894531 16.585938 26.144531 18.324219 23.625 19.78125 C 24.5 18.394531 25 16.753906 25 15 C 25 14.285156 24.90625 13.601563 24.75 12.9375 Z" /> <rect className={RegisteredGamesClasses.fill} x="3" y="26" width="26" height="2" transform="rotate(-45 2 20)" /> </g> </svg> ); } function ToggleIconOn({ forceWhite }: { forceWhite?: boolean; }) { return ( <svg className={RegisteredGamesClasses.overlayToggleIconOn} height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 2.2 32 26" > <path className={forceWhite ? "" : RegisteredGamesClasses.fill} fill={forceWhite ? "var(--white-500)" : ""} d="M 16 8 C 7.664063 8 1.25 15.34375 1.25 15.34375 L 0.65625 16 L 1.25 16.65625 C 1.25 16.65625 7.097656 23.324219 14.875 23.9375 C 15.246094 23.984375 15.617188 24 16 24 C 16.382813 24 16.753906 23.984375 17.125 23.9375 C 24.902344 23.324219 30.75 16.65625 30.75 16.65625 L 31.34375 16 L 30.75 15.34375 C 30.75 15.34375 24.335938 8 16 8 Z M 16 10 C 18.203125 10 20.234375 10.601563 22 11.40625 C 22.636719 12.460938 23 13.675781 23 15 C 23 18.613281 20.289063 21.582031 16.78125 21.96875 C 16.761719 21.972656 16.738281 21.964844 16.71875 21.96875 C 16.480469 21.980469 16.242188 22 16 22 C 15.734375 22 15.476563 21.984375 15.21875 21.96875 C 11.710938 21.582031 9 18.613281 9 15 C 9 13.695313 9.351563 12.480469 9.96875 11.4375 L 9.9375 11.4375 C 11.71875 10.617188 13.773438 10 16 10 Z M 16 12 C 14.34375 12 13 13.34375 13 15 C 13 16.65625 14.34375 18 16 18 C 17.65625 18 19 16.65625 19 15 C 19 13.34375 17.65625 12 16 12 Z M 7.25 12.9375 C 7.09375 13.609375 7 14.285156 7 15 C 7 16.753906 7.5 18.394531 8.375 19.78125 C 5.855469 18.324219 4.105469 16.585938 3.53125 16 C 4.011719 15.507813 5.351563 14.203125 7.25 12.9375 Z M 24.75 12.9375 C 26.648438 14.203125 27.988281 15.507813 28.46875 16 C 27.894531 16.585938 26.144531 18.324219 23.625 19.78125 C 24.5 18.394531 25 16.753906 25 15 C 25 14.285156 24.90625 13.601563 24.75 12.9375 Z" /> </svg> ); } function ToggleActivityComponent({ activity, forceWhite, forceLeftMargin }: { activity: IgnoredActivity; forceWhite?: boolean; forceLeftMargin?: boolean; }) { const forceUpdate = useForceUpdater(); return ( <Tooltip text="Toggle activity"> {({ onMouseLeave, onMouseEnter }) => ( <div onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave} onMouseEnter={onMouseEnter} className={RegisteredGamesClasses.overlayToggleIcon} role="button" aria-label="Toggle activity" tabIndex={0} style={forceLeftMargin ? { marginLeft: "2px" } : undefined} onClick={e => handleActivityToggle(e, activity, forceUpdate)} > { ignoredActivitiesCache.has(activity.id) ? <ToggleIconOff /> : <ToggleIconOn forceWhite={forceWhite} /> } </div> )} </Tooltip> ); } function ToggleActivityComponentWithBackground({ activity }: { activity: IgnoredActivity; }) { return ( <div className={`${TryItOutClasses.tryItOutBadge} ${BaseShapeRoundClasses.baseShapeRound}`} style={{ padding: "0px 2px", height: 28 }} > <ToggleActivityComponent activity={activity} forceWhite={true} /> </div> ); } function handleActivityToggle(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>, activity: IgnoredActivity, forceUpdateComponent: () => void) { e.stopPropagation(); if (ignoredActivitiesCache.has(activity.id)) ignoredActivitiesCache.delete(activity.id); else ignoredActivitiesCache.set(activity.id, activity); forceUpdateComponent(); saveCacheToDatastore(); } async function saveCacheToDatastore() { await DataStore.set("IgnoreActivities_ignoredActivities", ignoredActivitiesCache); } let ignoredActivitiesCache = new Map<IgnoredActivity["id"], IgnoredActivity>(); export default definePlugin({ name: "IgnoreActivities", authors: [Devs.Nuckyz], description: "Ignore certain activities (like games and actual activities) from showing up on your status. You can configure which ones are ignored from the Registered Games and Activities tabs.", patches: [ { find: ".Messages.SETTINGS_GAMES_TOGGLE_OVERLAY", replacement: { match: /!(\i)(\)return null;var \i=(\i)\.overlay.+?children:)(\[.{0,70}overlayStatusText.+?\])(?=}\)}\(\))/, replace: (_, platformCheck, restWithoutPlatformCheck, props, children) => "false" + `${restWithoutPlatformCheck}` + `(${platformCheck}?${children}:[])` + `.concat(Vencord.Plugins.plugins.IgnoreActivities.renderToggleGameActivityButton(${props}))` } }, { find: ".overlayBadge", replacement: [ { match: /(?<=\(\)\.badgeContainer,children:).{0,50}?name:(\i)\.name.+?null/, replace: (m, props) => `[${m},$self.renderToggleActivityButton(${props})]` }, { match: /(?<=\(\)\.badgeContainer,children:).{0,50}?name:(\i\.application)\.name.+?null/, replace: (m, props) => `${m},$self.renderToggleActivityButton(${props})` } ] }, { find: '.displayName="LocalActivityStore"', replacement: { match: /LISTENING.+?\)\);(?<=(\i)\.push.+?)/, replace: (m, activities) => `${m}${activities}=${activities}.filter($self.isActivityNotIgnored);` } } ], async start() { const ignoredActivitiesData = await DataStore.get<string[] | Map<IgnoredActivity["id"], IgnoredActivity>>("IgnoreActivities_ignoredActivities") ?? new Map<IgnoredActivity["id"], IgnoredActivity>(); /** Migrate old data */ if (Array.isArray(ignoredActivitiesData)) { for (const id of ignoredActivitiesData) { ignoredActivitiesCache.set(id, { id, type: ActivitiesTypes.Game }); } await saveCacheToDatastore(); } else ignoredActivitiesCache = ignoredActivitiesData; if (ignoredActivitiesCache.size !== 0) { const gamesSeen: { id?: string; exePath: string; }[] = RunningGameStore.getGamesSeen(); for (const ignoredActivity of ignoredActivitiesCache.values()) { if (ignoredActivity.type !== ActivitiesTypes.Game) continue; if (!gamesSeen.some(game => game.id === ignoredActivity.id || game.exePath === ignoredActivity.id)) { /** Custom added game which no longer exists */ ignoredActivitiesCache.delete(ignoredActivity.id); } } await saveCacheToDatastore(); } }, renderToggleGameActivityButton(props: { id?: string; exePath: string; }) { return ( <ErrorBoundary noop> <ToggleActivityComponent activity={{ id: props.id ?? props.exePath, type: ActivitiesTypes.Game }} forceLeftMargin={true} /> </ErrorBoundary> ); }, renderToggleActivityButton(props: { id: string; }) { return ( <ErrorBoundary noop> <ToggleActivityComponentWithBackground activity={{ id: props.id, type: ActivitiesTypes.Embedded }} /> </ErrorBoundary> ); }, isActivityNotIgnored(props: { type: number; application_id?: string; name?: string; }) { if (props.type === 0) { if (props.application_id !== undefined) return !ignoredActivitiesCache.has(props.application_id); else { const exePath = RunningGameStore.getRunningGames().find(game => game.name === props.name)?.exePath; if (exePath) return !ignoredActivitiesCache.has(exePath); } } return true; } });