/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import { Devs } from "@utils/constants"; import { parseUrl } from "@utils/misc"; import { wordsFromPascal, wordsToTitle } from "@utils/text"; import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types"; import previewExampleText from "~fileContent/previewExample.tsx"; import cssText from "~fileContent/shiki.css"; import { Settings } from "../../Vencord"; import { shiki } from "./api/shiki"; import { themes } from "./api/themes"; import { createHighlighter } from "./components/Highlighter"; import { DeviconSetting, HljsSetting, ShikiSettings, StyleSheets } from "./types"; import { clearStyles, removeStyle, setStyle } from "./utils/createStyle"; const themeNames = Object.keys(themes); const devIconCss = "@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/devicons/devicon@v2.10.1/devicon.min.css');"; const getSettings = () => Settings.plugins.ShikiCodeblocks as ShikiSettings; export default definePlugin({ name: "ShikiCodeblocks", description: "Brings vscode-style codeblocks into Discord, powered by Shiki", authors: [Devs.Vap], patches: [ { find: "codeBlock:{react:function", replacement: { match: /codeBlock:\{react:function\((\i),(\i),(\i)\)\{/, replace: "$&return $self.renderHighlighter($1,$2,$3);", }, }, ], start: async () => { setStyle(cssText, StyleSheets.Main); if (getSettings().useDevIcon !== DeviconSetting.Disabled) setStyle(devIconCss, StyleSheets.DevIcons); await shiki.init(getSettings().customTheme || getSettings().theme); }, stop: () => { shiki.destroy(); clearStyles(); }, settingsAboutComponent: ({ tempSettings }) => createHighlighter({ lang: "tsx", content: previewExampleText, isPreview: true, tempSettings, }), options: { theme: { type: OptionType.SELECT, description: "Default themes", options: themeNames.map(themeName => ({ label: wordsToTitle(wordsFromPascal(themeName)), value: themes[themeName], default: themes[themeName] === themes.DarkPlus, })), disabled: () => !!getSettings().customTheme, onChange: shiki.setTheme, }, customTheme: { type: OptionType.STRING, description: "A link to a custom vscode theme", placeholder: themes.MaterialCandy, isValid: value => { if (!value) return true; const url = parseUrl(value); if (!url) return "Must be a valid URL"; if (!url.pathname.endsWith(".json")) return "Must be a json file"; return true; }, onChange: value => shiki.setTheme(value || getSettings().theme), }, tryHljs: { type: OptionType.SELECT, description: "Use the more lightweight default Discord highlighter and theme.", options: [ { label: "Never", value: HljsSetting.Never, }, { label: "Prefer Shiki instead of Highlight.js", value: HljsSetting.Secondary, default: true, }, { label: "Prefer Highlight.js instead of Shiki", value: HljsSetting.Primary, }, { label: "Always", value: HljsSetting.Always, }, ], }, useDevIcon: { type: OptionType.SELECT, description: "How to show language icons on codeblocks", options: [ { label: "Disabled", value: DeviconSetting.Disabled, }, { label: "Colorless", value: DeviconSetting.Greyscale, default: true, }, { label: "Colored", value: DeviconSetting.Color, }, ], onChange: (newValue: DeviconSetting) => { if (newValue === DeviconSetting.Disabled) removeStyle(StyleSheets.DevIcons); else setStyle(devIconCss, StyleSheets.DevIcons); }, }, bgOpacity: { type: OptionType.SLIDER, description: "Background opacity", markers: [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100], default: 100, componentProps: { stickToMarkers: false, onValueRender: null, // Defaults to percentage }, }, }, // exports shiki, createHighlighter, renderHighlighter: ({ lang, content }: { lang: string; content: string; }) => { return createHighlighter({ lang, content, isPreview: false, }); }, });