import { FilterFn, find } from "../webpack"; import { React } from "../webpack/common"; /** * Makes a lazy function. On first call, the value is computed. * On subsequent calls, the same computed value will be returned * @param factory Factory function */ export function lazy<T>(factory: () => T): () => T { let cache: T; return () => cache ?? (cache = factory()); } /** * Do a lazy webpack search. Searches the module on first property access * @param filter Filter function * @returns A proxy to the webpack module. Not all traps are implemented, may produce unexpected results. */ export function lazyWebpack<T = any>(filter: FilterFn): T { const getMod = lazy(() => find(filter)); return new Proxy(() => null, { get: (_, prop) => getMod()[prop], set: (_, prop, value) => getMod()[prop] = value, has: (_, prop) => prop in getMod(), apply: (_, $this, args) => (getMod() as Function).apply($this, args), ownKeys: () => Reflect.ownKeys(getMod()), construct: (_, args, newTarget) => Reflect.construct(getMod(), args, newTarget), deleteProperty: (_, prop) => delete getMod()[prop], defineProperty: (_, property, attributes) => !!Object.defineProperty(getMod(), property, attributes) }) as any as T; } /** * Await a promise * @param factory Factory * @param fallbackValue The fallback value that will be used until the promise resolved * @returns [value, error, isPending] */ export function useAwaiter<T>(factory: () => Promise<T>): [T | null, any, boolean]; export function useAwaiter<T>(factory: () => Promise<T>, fallbackValue: T): [T, any, boolean]; export function useAwaiter<T>(factory: () => Promise<T>, fallbackValue: T | null = null): [T | null, any, boolean] { const [state, setState] = React.useState({ value: fallbackValue, error: null as any, pending: true }); React.useEffect(() => { let isAlive = true; factory() .then(value => isAlive && setState({ value, error: null, pending: false })) .catch(error => isAlive && setState({ value: null, error, pending: false })); return () => void (isAlive = false); }, []); return [state.value, state.error, state.pending]; } /** * A lazy component. The factory method is called on first render. For example useful * for const Component = LazyComponent(() => findByDisplayName("...").default) * @param factory Function returning a Component * @returns Result of factory function */ export function LazyComponent<T = any>(factory: () => React.ComponentType<T>) { return (props: T) => { const Component = React.useMemo(factory, []); return <Component {...props as any /* I hate react typings ??? */} />; }; } /** * Recursively merges defaults into an object and returns the same object * @param obj Object * @param defaults Defaults * @returns obj */ export function mergeDefaults<T>(obj: T, defaults: T): T { for (const key in defaults) { const v = defaults[key]; if (typeof v === "object" && !Array.isArray(v)) { obj[key] ??= {} as any; mergeDefaults(obj[key], v); } else { obj[key] ??= v; } } return obj; } /** * Join an array of strings in a human readable way (1, 2 and 3) * @param elements Elements */ export function humanFriendlyJoin(elements: string[]): string; /** * Join an array of strings in a human readable way (1, 2 and 3) * @param elements Elements * @param mapper Function that converts elements to a string */ export function humanFriendlyJoin<T>(elements: T[], mapper: (e: T) => string): string; export function humanFriendlyJoin(elements: any[], mapper: (e: any) => string = s => s): string { const { length } = elements; if (length === 0) return ""; if (length === 1) return mapper(elements[0]); let s = ""; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { s += mapper(elements[i]); if (length - i > 2) s += ", "; else if (length - i > 1) s += " and "; } return s; } /** * Calls .join(" ") on the arguments * classes("one", "two") => "one two" */ export function classes(...classes: string[]) { return classes.join(" "); } export function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> { return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms)); }