* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
import { LazyComponent } from "@utils/misc";
import { proxyLazy } from "@utils/proxyLazy";
import {
filters, findByCode, findByCodeLazy, findByPropsLazy, mapMangledModule, mapMangledModuleLazy, waitFor
} from "@webpack";
import type Components from "discord-types/components";
import { User } from "discord-types/general";
import type Other from "discord-types/other";
import type Stores from "discord-types/stores";
export const Margins = findByPropsLazy("marginTop20");
export let FluxDispatcher: Other.FluxDispatcher;
export const Flux = findByPropsLazy("connectStores");
export let React: typeof import("react");
export let useState: typeof React.useState;
export let useEffect: typeof React.useEffect;
export let useMemo: typeof React.useMemo;
export let useRef: typeof React.useRef;
export const ReactDOM: typeof import("react-dom") = findByPropsLazy("createPortal", "render");
export const RestAPI = findByPropsLazy("getAPIBaseURL", "get");
export const moment: typeof import("moment") = findByPropsLazy("parseTwoDigitYear");
export const hljs: typeof import("highlight.js") = findByPropsLazy("highlight");
export const MessageStore = findByPropsLazy("getRawMessages") as Omit & {
getMessages(chanId: string): any;
export const PermissionStore = findByPropsLazy("can", "getGuildPermissions");
export const PrivateChannelsStore = findByPropsLazy("openPrivateChannel");
export const GuildChannelStore = findByPropsLazy("getChannels");
export const ReadStateStore = findByPropsLazy("lastMessageId");
export const PresenceStore = findByPropsLazy("setCurrentUserOnConnectionOpen");
export let GuildStore: Stores.GuildStore;
export let UserStore: Stores.UserStore;
export let SelectedChannelStore: Stores.SelectedChannelStore;
export let SelectedGuildStore: any;
export let ChannelStore: Stores.ChannelStore;
export let GuildMemberStore: Stores.GuildMemberStore;
export let RelationshipStore: Stores.RelationshipStore & {
/** Get the date (as a string) that the relationship was created */
getSince(userId: string): string;
export const Forms = {} as {
FormTitle: Components.FormTitle;
FormSection: any;
FormDivider: any;
FormText: Components.FormText;
export let Card: Components.Card;
export let Button: any;
export const ButtonLooks = findByPropsLazy("BLANK", "FILLED", "INVERTED") as Record<"FILLED" | "INVERTED" | "OUTLINED" | "LINK" | "BLANK", string>;
export let Switch: any;
export let Tooltip: Components.Tooltip;
export let Router: any;
export let TextInput: any;
export let Text: (props: TextProps) => JSX.Element;
export const TextArea = findByCodeLazy("handleSetRef", "textArea") as React.ComponentType>;
export const Select = LazyComponent(() => findByCode("optionClassName", "popoutPosition", "autoFocus", "maxVisibleItems"));
export const Slider = LazyComponent(() => findByCode("closestMarkerIndex", "stickToMarkers"));
export let SnowflakeUtils: { fromTimestamp: (timestamp: number) => string, extractTimestamp: (snowflake: string) => number; };
waitFor(["fromTimestamp", "extractTimestamp"], m => SnowflakeUtils = m);
export let Parser: any;
export let Alerts: {
show(alert: {
title: any;
body: React.ReactNode;
className?: string;
confirmColor?: string;
cancelText?: string;
confirmText?: string;
secondaryConfirmText?: string;
onCancel?(): void;
onConfirm?(): void;
onConfirmSecondary?(): void;
}): void;
/** This is a noop, it does nothing. */
close(): void;
const ToastType = {
const ToastPosition = {
TOP: 0,
export const Toasts = {
Type: ToastType,
Position: ToastPosition,
// what's less likely than getting 0 from Math.random()? Getting it twice in a row
genId: () => (Math.random() || Math.random()).toString(36).slice(2),
// hack to merge with the following interface, dunno if there's a better way
...{} as {
show(data: {
message: string,
id: string,
* Toasts.Type
type: number,
options?: {
* Toasts.Position
position?: number;
component?: React.ReactNode,
duration?: number;
}): void;
pop(): void;
export const UserUtils = {
fetchUser: findByCodeLazy(".USER(", "getUser") as (id: string) => Promise,
export const Clipboard = mapMangledModuleLazy('document.queryCommandEnabled("copy")||document.queryCommandSupported("copy")', {
copy: filters.byCode(".default.copy("),
SUPPORTS_COPY: x => typeof x === "boolean",
export const NavigationRouter = mapMangledModuleLazy("Transitioning to external path", {
transitionTo: filters.byCode("Transitioning to external path"),
transitionToGuild: filters.byCode("transitionToGuild"),
goBack: filters.byCode("goBack()"),
goForward: filters.byCode("goForward()"),
waitFor("useState", m => {
React = m;
({ useEffect, useState, useMemo, useRef } = React);
waitFor(["dispatch", "subscribe"], m => {
FluxDispatcher = m;
const cb = () => {
m.unsubscribe("CONNECTION_OPEN", cb);
m.subscribe("CONNECTION_OPEN", cb);
waitFor(["getCurrentUser", "initialize"], m => UserStore = m);
waitFor("getSortedPrivateChannels", m => ChannelStore = m);
waitFor("getCurrentlySelectedChannelId", m => SelectedChannelStore = m);
waitFor("getLastSelectedGuildId", m => SelectedGuildStore = m);
waitFor("getGuildCount", m => GuildStore = m);
waitFor(["getMember", "initialize"], m => GuildMemberStore = m);
waitFor("getRelationshipType", m => RelationshipStore = m);
waitFor(["Hovers", "Looks", "Sizes"], m => Button = m);
waitFor(filters.byCode("helpdeskArticleId"), m => Switch = m);
waitFor(["Positions", "Colors"], m => Tooltip = m);
waitFor(m => m.Types?.PRIMARY === "cardPrimary", m => Card = m);
waitFor(filters.byCode("errorSeparator"), m => Forms.FormTitle = m);
waitFor(filters.byCode("titleClassName", "sectionTitle"), m => Forms.FormSection = m);
waitFor(m => m.Types?.INPUT_PLACEHOLDER, m => Forms.FormText = m);
waitFor(m => {
if (typeof m !== "function") return false;
const s = m.toString();
return s.length < 200 && s.includes(".divider");
}, m => Forms.FormDivider = m);
// This is the same module but this is easier
waitFor(filters.byCode("currentToast?"), m => Toasts.show = m);
waitFor(filters.byCode("currentToast:null"), m => Toasts.pop = m);
waitFor(["show", "close"], m => Alerts = m);
waitFor("parseTopic", m => Parser = m);
waitFor(["open", "saveAccountChanges"], m => Router = m);
waitFor(["defaultProps", "Sizes", "contextType"], m => TextInput = m);
waitFor(m => {
if (typeof m !== "function") return false;
const s = m.toString();
return (s.length < 1500 && s.includes("data-text-variant") && s.includes("always-white"));
}, m => Text = m);
export type TextProps = React.PropsWithChildren & {
variant: TextVariant;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
color?: string;
tag?: "div" | "span" | "p" | "strong" | `h${1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6}`;
selectable?: boolean;
lineClamp?: number;
id?: string;
className?: string;
export type TextVariant = "heading-sm/normal" | "heading-sm/medium" | "heading-sm/semibold" | "heading-sm/bold" | "heading-md/normal" | "heading-md/medium" | "heading-md/semibold" | "heading-md/bold" | "heading-lg/normal" | "heading-lg/medium" | "heading-lg/semibold" | "heading-lg/bold" | "heading-xl/normal" | "heading-xl/medium" | "heading-xl/bold" | "heading-xxl/normal" | "heading-xxl/medium" | "heading-xxl/bold" | "eyebrow" | "heading-deprecated-14/normal" | "heading-deprecated-14/medium" | "heading-deprecated-14/bold" | "text-xxs/normal" | "text-xxs/medium" | "text-xxs/semibold" | "text-xxs/bold" | "text-xs/normal" | "text-xs/medium" | "text-xs/semibold" | "text-xs/bold" | "text-sm/normal" | "text-sm/medium" | "text-sm/semibold" | "text-sm/bold" | "text-md/normal" | "text-md/medium" | "text-md/semibold" | "text-md/bold" | "text-lg/normal" | "text-lg/medium" | "text-lg/semibold" | "text-lg/bold" | "display-sm" | "display-md" | "display-lg" | "code";
type RC = React.ComponentType>>;
interface Menu {
ContextMenu: RC<{
navId: string;
onClose(): void;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
hideScroller?: boolean;
onSelect?(): void;
MenuSeparator: React.ComponentType;
MenuGroup: RC;
MenuItem: RC<{
id: string;
label: string;
render?: React.ComponentType;
onChildrenScroll?: Function;
childRowHeight?: number;
listClassName?: string;
MenuCheckboxItem: RC<{
id: string;
MenuRadioItem: RC<{
id: string;
MenuControlItem: RC<{
id: string;
interactive?: boolean;
* Discord's Context menu items.
* To use anything but Menu.ContextMenu, your plugin HAS TO
* depend on MenuItemDeobfuscatorAPI. Otherwise they will throw
export const Menu = proxyLazy(() => {
const hasDeobfuscator = Vencord.Settings.plugins.MenuItemDeobfuscatorAPI.enabled;
const menuItems = ["MenuSeparator", "MenuGroup", "MenuItem", "MenuCheckboxItem", "MenuRadioItem", "MenuControlItem"];
const map = mapMangledModule("♫ ⊂(。◕‿‿◕。⊂) ♪", {
ContextMenu: filters.byCode("getContainerProps"),
...Object.fromEntries((hasDeobfuscator ? menuItems : []).map(s => [s, (m: any) => m.name === s]))
}) as Menu;
if (!hasDeobfuscator) {
for (const m of menuItems)
Object.defineProperty(map, m, {
get() {
throw new Error("MenuItemDeobfuscator must be enabled to use this.");
return map;
export const ContextMenu = mapMangledModuleLazy('type:"CONTEXT_MENU_OPEN"', {
open: filters.byCode("stopPropagation"),
openLazy: m => m.toString().length < 50,
close: filters.byCode("CONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE")
}) as {
close(): void;
event: React.UIEvent,
render?: Menu["ContextMenu"],
options?: { enableSpellCheck?: boolean; },
renderLazy?: () => Promise