import type { WebpackInstance } from "discord-types/other"; export let wreq: WebpackInstance; export let cache: WebpackInstance["c"]; export type FilterFn = (mod: any) => boolean; export const filters = { byProps: (props: string[]): FilterFn => props.length === 1 ? m => m[props[0]] !== void 0 : m => props.every(p => m[p] !== void 0), byDisplayName: (deezNuts: string): FilterFn => m => m.default?.displayName === deezNuts, byCode: (...code: string[]): FilterFn => m => { if (typeof m !== "function") return false; const s =; for (const c of code) { if (!s.includes(c)) return false; } return true; } }; export const subscriptions = new Map<FilterFn, CallbackFn>(); export const listeners = new Set<CallbackFn>(); export type CallbackFn = (mod: any) => void; export function _initWebpack(instance: typeof window.webpackChunkdiscord_app) { if (cache !== void 0) throw "no."; wreq = instance.push([[Symbol()], {}, (r) => r]); cache = wreq.c; instance.pop(); } export function find(filter: FilterFn, getDefault = true) { if (typeof filter !== "function") throw new Error("Invalid filter. Expected a function got", filter); for (const key in cache) { const mod = cache[key]; if (!mod?.exports) continue; if (filter(mod.exports)) return mod.exports; if (mod.exports.default && filter(mod.exports.default)) return getDefault ? mod.exports.default : mod.exports; for (const nestedMod in mod.exports) { const nested = mod.exports[nestedMod]; if (nested && filter(nested)) return nested; } } return null; } // TODO fix export function findAll(filter: FilterFn, getDefault = true) { if (typeof filter !== "function") throw new Error("Invalid filter. Expected a function got", filter); const ret = [] as any[]; for (const key in cache) { const mod = cache[key]; if (mod?.exports && filter(mod.exports)) ret.push(mod.exports); if (mod?.exports?.default && filter(mod.exports.default)) ret.push(getDefault ? mod.exports.default : mod.exports); } return ret; } export function findByProps(...props: string[]) { return find(filters.byProps(props)); } export function findAllByProps(...props: string[]) { return findAll(filters.byProps(props)); } export function findByDisplayName(deezNuts: string) { return find(filters.byDisplayName(deezNuts)); } export function waitFor(filter: string | string[] | FilterFn, callback: CallbackFn) { if (typeof filter === "string") filter = filters.byProps([filter]); else if (Array.isArray(filter)) filter = filters.byProps(filter); else if (typeof filter !== "function") throw new Error("filter must be a string, string[] or function, got", filter); const existing = find(filter!); if (existing) return void callback(existing); subscriptions.set(filter, callback); } export function addListener(callback: CallbackFn) { listeners.add(callback); } export function removeListener(callback: CallbackFn) { listeners.delete(callback); } /** * Search modules by keyword. This searches the factory methods, * meaning you can search all sorts of things, displayName, methodName, strings somewhere in the code, etc * @param filters One or more strings or regexes * @returns Mapping of found modules */ export function search(...filters: Array<string | RegExp>) { const results = {} as Record<number, Function>; const factories = wreq.m; outer: for (const id in factories) { const factory = factories[id]; const str: string = factory.toString(); for (const filter of filters) { if (typeof filter === "string" && !str.includes(filter)) continue outer; if (filter instanceof RegExp && !filter.test(str)) continue outer; } results[id] = factory; } return results; } /** * Extract a specific module by id into its own Source File. This has no effect on * the code, it is only useful to be able to look at a specific module without having * to view a massive file. extract then returns the extracted module so you can jump to it. * As mentioned above, note that this extracted module is not actually used, * so putting breakpoints or similar will have no effect. * @param id The id of the module to extract */ export function extract(id: number) { const mod = wreq.m[id] as Function; if (!mod) return null; const code = ` // [EXTRACTED] WebpackModule${id} // WARNING: This module was extracted to be more easily readable. // This module is NOT ACTUALLY USED! This means putting breakpoints will have NO EFFECT!! ${mod.toString()} //# sourceURL=ExtractedWebpackModule${id} `; const extracted = (0, eval)(code); return extracted as Function; }