package dev.isxander.yacl.api; import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.RequireRestartScreen; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import java.util.function.Consumer; /** * Code that is executed upon certain options being applied. * Each flag is executed only once per save, no matter the amount of options with the flag. */ @FunctionalInterface public interface OptionFlag extends Consumer { /** Warns the user that a game restart is required for the changes to take effect */ OptionFlag GAME_RESTART = client -> client.setScreen(new RequireRestartScreen(client.screen)); /** Reloads chunks upon applying (F3+A) */ OptionFlag RELOAD_CHUNKS = client -> client.levelRenderer.allChanged(); OptionFlag WORLD_RENDER_UPDATE = client -> client.levelRenderer.needsUpdate(); OptionFlag ASSET_RELOAD = Minecraft::delayTextureReload; }