package dev.isxander.yacl.api; import; import dev.isxander.yacl.config.ConfigInstance; import dev.isxander.yacl.gui.YACLScreen; import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.YetAnotherConfigLibImpl; import net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.function.Consumer; /** * Main class of the mod. * Contains all data and used to provide a {@link Screen} */ public interface YetAnotherConfigLib { /** * Title of the GUI. Only used for Minecraft narration. */ Component title(); /** * Gets all config categories. */ ImmutableList<ConfigCategory> categories(); /** * Ran when changes are saved. Can be used to save config to a file etc. */ Runnable saveFunction(); /** * Ran every time the YACL screen initialises. Can be paired with FAPI to add custom widgets. */ Consumer<YACLScreen> initConsumer(); /** * Generates a Screen to display based on this instance. * * @param parent parent screen to open once closed */ Screen generateScreen(@Nullable Screen parent); /** * Creates a builder to construct YACL */ static Builder createBuilder() { return new YetAnotherConfigLibImpl.BuilderImpl(); } /** * Creates an instance using a {@link ConfigInstance} which autofills the save() builder method. * This also takes an easy functional interface that provides defaults and config to help build YACL bindings. */ static <T> YetAnotherConfigLib create(ConfigInstance<T> configInstance, ConfigBackedBuilder<T> builder) { return, configInstance.getConfig(), createBuilder().save(configInstance::save)).build(); } interface Builder { /** * Sets title of GUI for Minecraft narration * * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#title() */ Builder title(@NotNull Component title); /** * Adds a new category. * To create a category you need to use {@link ConfigCategory#createBuilder()} * * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#categories() */ Builder category(@NotNull ConfigCategory category); /** * Adds multiple categories at once. * To create a category you need to use {@link ConfigCategory#createBuilder()} * * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#categories() */ Builder categories(@NotNull Collection<? extends ConfigCategory> categories); /** * Used to define a save function for when user clicks the Save Changes button * * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#saveFunction() */ Builder save(@NotNull Runnable saveFunction); /** * Defines a consumer that is accepted every time the YACL screen initialises * * @see YetAnotherConfigLib#initConsumer() */ Builder screenInit(@NotNull Consumer<YACLScreen> initConsumer); YetAnotherConfigLib build(); } @FunctionalInterface interface ConfigBackedBuilder<T> { YetAnotherConfigLib.Builder build(T defaults, T config, YetAnotherConfigLib.Builder builder); } }