package dev.isxander.yacl.api; import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.OptionImpl; import net.minecraft.text.MutableText; import net.minecraft.text.Text; import net.minecraft.util.Formatting; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; public interface Option { /** * Name of the option */ @NotNull Text name(); /** * Tooltip (or description) of the option. * Rendered on hover. */ @NotNull Text tooltip(); /** * Widget provider for a type of option. * * @see dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers */ @NotNull Controller controller(); /** * Binding for the option. * Controls setting, getting and default value. * * @see Binding */ @NotNull Binding binding(); /** * Class of the option type. * Used by some controllers. */ @NotNull Class typeClass(); /** * Checks if the pending value is not equal to the current set value */ boolean changed(); /** * If true, modifying this option recommends a restart. */ boolean requiresRestart(); /** * Value in the GUI, ready to set the actual bound value or be undone. */ @NotNull T pendingValue(); /** * Sets the pending value */ void requestSet(T value); /** * Applies the pending value to the bound value. * Cannot be undone. */ void applyValue(); /** * Sets the pending value to the bound value. */ void forgetPendingValue(); /** * Sets the pending value to the default bound value. */ void requestSetDefault(); /** * Creates a builder to construct an {@link Option} * * @param type of the option's value * @param typeClass used to capture the type */ static Builder createBuilder(Class typeClass) { return new Builder<>(typeClass); } class Builder { private Text name = Text.literal("Name not specified!").formatted(Formatting.RED); private final List tooltipLines = new ArrayList<>(); private Function, Controller> controlGetter; private Binding binding; private boolean requiresRestart; private final Class typeClass; private Builder(Class typeClass) { this.typeClass = typeClass; } /** * Sets the name to be used by the option. * * @see Option#name() */ public Builder name(@NotNull Text name) { Validate.notNull(name, "`name` cannot be null"); = name; return this; } /** * Sets the tooltip to be used by the option. * Can be invoked twice to append more lines. * No need to wrap the text yourself, the gui does this itself. * * @param tooltips text lines - merged with a new-line on {@link Builder#build()}. */ public Builder tooltip(@NotNull Text... tooltips) { Validate.notNull(tooltips, "`tooltips` cannot be empty"); tooltipLines.addAll(List.of(tooltips)); return this; } /** * Sets the controller for the option. * This is how you interact and change the options. * * @see dev.isxander.yacl.gui.controllers */ public Builder controller(@NotNull Function, Controller> control) { Validate.notNull(control, "`control` cannot be null"); this.controlGetter = control; return this; } /** * Sets the binding for the option. * Used for default, getter and setter. * * @see Binding */ public Builder binding(@NotNull Binding binding) { Validate.notNull(binding, "`binding` cannot be null"); this.binding = binding; return this; } /** * Sets the binding for the option. * Shorthand of {@link Binding#generic(Object, Supplier, Consumer)} * * @param def default value of the option, used to reset * @param getter should return the current value of the option * @param setter should set the option to the supplied value * @see Binding */ public Builder binding(@NotNull T def, @NotNull Supplier<@NotNull T> getter, @NotNull Consumer<@NotNull T> setter) { Validate.notNull(def, "`def` must not be null"); Validate.notNull(getter, "`getter` must not be null"); Validate.notNull(setter, "`setter` must not be null"); this.binding = Binding.generic(def, getter, setter); return this; } /** * Dictates whether the option should require a restart. * {@link Option#requiresRestart()} */ public Builder requiresRestart(boolean requiresRestart) { this.requiresRestart = requiresRestart; return this; } public Option build() { Validate.notNull(controlGetter, "`control` must not be null when building `Option`"); Validate.notNull(binding, "`binding` must not be null when building `Option`"); MutableText concatenatedTooltip = Text.empty(); boolean first = true; for (Text line : tooltipLines) { if (!first) concatenatedTooltip.append("\n"); first = false; concatenatedTooltip.append(line); } return new OptionImpl<>(name, concatenatedTooltip, controlGetter, binding, requiresRestart, typeClass); } } }