package dev.isxander.yacl.config; import dev.isxander.yacl.impl.utils.YACLConstants; import net.minecraft.nbt.*; import java.awt.*; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.UnaryOperator; import; /** * Uses {@link net.minecraft.nbt} to serialize and deserialize to and from an NBT file. * Data can be written as compressed GZIP or uncompressed NBT. * * You can optionally provide custom implementations for handling certain classes if the default * handling fails with {@link NbtSerializer} * * @param config data type */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class NbtConfigInstance extends ConfigInstance { private final Path path; private final boolean compressed; private final NbtSerializerHolder nbtSerializerHolder; /** * Constructs an instance with compression on * * @param configClass config data type class * @param path file to write nbt to */ public NbtConfigInstance(Class configClass, Path path) { this(configClass, path, holder -> holder, true); } /** * @param configClass config data type class * @param path file to write nbt to * @param serializerHolderBuilder allows you to add custom serializers * @param compressed whether to compress the NBT */ public NbtConfigInstance(Class configClass, Path path, UnaryOperator serializerHolderBuilder, boolean compressed) { super(configClass); this.path = path; this.compressed = compressed; this.nbtSerializerHolder = serializerHolderBuilder.apply(new NbtSerializerHolder()); } @Override public void save() {"Saving {}...", getConfigClass().getSimpleName()); NbtCompound nbt; try { nbt = (NbtCompound) serializeObject(getConfig(), nbtSerializerHolder, field -> field.isAnnotationPresent(ConfigEntry.class)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { YACLConstants.LOGGER.error("Failed to convert '{}' -> NBT", getConfigClass().getName(), e); return; } try(FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path.toFile())) { if (Files.notExists(path)) Files.createFile(path); if (compressed) NbtIo.writeCompressed(nbt, fos); else NbtIo.write(nbt, new DataOutputStream(fos)); } catch (IOException e) { YACLConstants.LOGGER.error("Failed to write NBT to '{}'", path, e); } } @Override public void load() { if (Files.notExists(path)) { save(); return; }"Loading {}...", getConfigClass().getSimpleName()); NbtCompound nbt; try { nbt = compressed ? NbtIo.readCompressed(path.toFile()) :; } catch (IOException e) { YACLConstants.LOGGER.error("Failed to read NBT file '{}'", path, e); return; } try { setConfig(deserializeObject(nbt, getConfigClass(), nbtSerializerHolder, field -> field.isAnnotationPresent(ConfigEntry.class))); } catch (InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { YACLConstants.LOGGER.error("Failed to convert NBT -> '{}'", getConfigClass().getName(), e); } } public Path getPath() { return this.path; } public boolean isUsingCompression() { return this.compressed; } private static NbtElement serializeObject(Object object, NbtSerializerHolder serializerHolder, Predicate topLevelPredicate) throws IllegalAccessException { if (serializerHolder.hasSerializer(object.getClass())) { return serializerHolder.serialize(object); } else if (object instanceof Object[] ol) { NbtList nbtList = new NbtList(); for (Object obj : ol) nbtList.add(serializeObject(obj, serializerHolder, field -> true)); return nbtList; } else { NbtCompound compound = new NbtCompound(); Field[] fields = object.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) || !topLevelPredicate.test(field)) continue; System.out.println(field.getName()); field.setAccessible(true); String key = toCamelCase(field.getName()); NbtElement value = serializeObject(field.get(object), serializerHolder, f -> true); compound.put(key, value); } return compound; } } private static T deserializeObject(NbtElement element, Class type, NbtSerializerHolder serializerHolder, Predicate topLevelPredicate) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (serializerHolder.hasSerializer(type)) return serializerHolder.get(type).deserialize(element, type); else if (type == Array.class) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); Class arrayType = Array.newInstance(type.getComponentType(), 0).getClass(); NbtList nbtList = (NbtList) element; for (NbtElement nbtElement : nbtList) { list.add(deserializeObject(nbtElement, arrayType, serializerHolder, field -> true)); } return (T) list.toArray(); } else { if (!(element instanceof NbtCompound compound)) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot deserialize " + type.getName()); T object = type.getConstructor().newInstance(); Field[] fields = type.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) || !topLevelPredicate.test(field)) continue; field.setAccessible(true); String key = toCamelCase(field.getName()); if (!compound.contains(key)) continue; field.set(object, deserializeObject(compound.get(key), field.getType(), serializerHolder, f -> true)); } return object; } } /* shamelessly stolen from gson */ private static String toCamelCase(String name) { StringBuilder translation = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, length = name.length(); i < length; i++) { char character = name.charAt(i); if (Character.isUpperCase(character) && translation.length() != 0) { translation.append('_'); } translation.append(character); } return translation.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } public static class NbtSerializerHolder { private final Map, NbtSerializer> serializerMap = new HashMap<>(); private NbtSerializerHolder() { register(boolean.class, NbtSerializer.simple(b -> b ? NbtByte.ONE : NbtByte.ZERO, nbt -> nbt.byteValue() != 0)); register(Boolean.class, NbtSerializer.simple(b -> b ? NbtByte.ONE : NbtByte.ZERO, nbt -> nbt.byteValue() != 0)); register(int.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtInt::of, NbtInt::intValue)); register(Integer.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtInt::of, NbtInt::intValue));register(int[].class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtIntArray::new, NbtIntArray::getIntArray)); register(float.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtFloat::of, NbtFloat::floatValue)); register(Float.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtFloat::of, NbtFloat::floatValue)); register(double.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtDouble::of, NbtDouble::doubleValue)); register(Double.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtDouble::of, NbtDouble::doubleValue)); register(short.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtShort::of, NbtShort::shortValue)); register(Short.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtShort::of, NbtShort::shortValue)); register(byte.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtByte::of, NbtByte::byteValue)); register(Byte.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtByte::of, NbtByte::byteValue)); register(byte[].class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtByteArray::new, NbtByteArray::getByteArray)); register(long.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtLong::of, NbtLong::longValue)); register(Long.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtLong::of, NbtLong::longValue)); register(long[].class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtLongArray::new, NbtLongArray::getLongArray)); register(String.class, NbtSerializer.simple(NbtString::of, NbtString::asString)); register(Enum.class, NbtSerializer.simple(e -> NbtString.of(, (nbt, type) -> ->; register(Color.class, new ColorSerializer()); } public NbtSerializerHolder register(Class clazz, NbtSerializer serializer) { serializerMap.put(clazz, serializer); return this; } public NbtSerializer get(Class clazz) { return (NbtSerializer) search(clazz).findFirst().orElseThrow().getValue(); } public boolean hasSerializer(Class clazz) { return search(clazz).findAny().isPresent(); } public NbtElement serialize(Object object) { return ((NbtSerializer) get(object.getClass())).serialize(object); } private Stream, NbtSerializer>> search(Class type) { return serializerMap.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getKey().isAssignableFrom(type)); } } public interface NbtSerializer { NbtElement serialize(T object); T deserialize(NbtElement element, Class type); static NbtSerializer simple(Function serializer, Function deserializer) { return simple(serializer, (nbt, type) -> deserializer.apply(nbt)); } static NbtSerializer simple(Function serializer, BiFunction, T> deserializer) { return new NbtSerializer<>() { @Override public NbtElement serialize(T object) { return serializer.apply(object); } @Override public T deserialize(NbtElement element, Class type) { return deserializer.apply((U) element, type); } }; } } public static class ColorSerializer implements NbtSerializer { @Override public NbtElement serialize(Color object) { return NbtInt.of(object.getRGB()); } @Override public Color deserialize(NbtElement element, Class type) { return new Color(((NbtInt) element).intValue(), true); } } }