package dev.isxander.yacl3.gui.utils; import dev.isxander.yacl3.platform.YACLPlatform; import net.minecraft.ResourceLocationException; import net.minecraft.core.registries.BuiltInRegistries; import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; public final class ItemRegistryHelper { /** * Checks whether the given string is an identifier referring to a known item * * @param identifier Item identifier, either of the format "namespace:path" or "path". If no namespace is included, * the default vanilla namespace "minecraft" is used. * @return true if the identifier refers to a registered item, false otherwise */ public static boolean isRegisteredItem(String identifier) { try { ResourceLocation itemIdentifier = YACLPlatform.parseRl(identifier.toLowerCase()); return BuiltInRegistries.ITEM.containsKey(itemIdentifier); } catch (ResourceLocationException e) { return false; } } /** * Looks up the item of the given identifier string. * * @param identifier Item identifier, either of the format "namespace:path" or "path". If no namespace is included, * the default vanilla namespace "minecraft" is used. * @param defaultItem Fallback item that gets returned if the identifier does not name a registered item. * @return The item identified by the given string, or the fallback if the identifier is not known. */ public static Item getItemFromName(String identifier, Item defaultItem) { try { ResourceLocation itemIdentifier = YACLPlatform.parseRl(identifier.toLowerCase()); if (BuiltInRegistries.ITEM.containsKey(itemIdentifier)) { return MiscUtil.getFromRegistry(BuiltInRegistries.ITEM, itemIdentifier); } } catch (ResourceLocationException ignored) { } return defaultItem; } /** * Looks up the item of the given identifier string. * * @param identifier Item identifier, either of the format "namespace:path" or "path". If no namespace is included, * the default vanilla namespace "minecraft" is used. * @return The item identified by the given string, or `Items.AIR` if the identifier is not known. */ public static Item getItemFromName(String identifier) { return getItemFromName(identifier, Items.AIR); } /** * Returns a list of item identifiers matching the given string. The value matches an identifier if: *
  • No namespace is provided in the value and the value is a substring of the path segment of any identifier, * regardless of namespace.
  • *
  • A namespace is provided, equals the identifier's namespace, and the value is the begin of the identifier's * path segment.
  • * * @param value (partial) identifier, either of the format "namespace:path" or "path". * @return list of matching item identifiers; empty if the given string does not correspond to any known identifiers */ public static Stream getMatchingItemIdentifiers(String value) { int sep = value.indexOf(ResourceLocation.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR); Predicate filterPredicate; if (sep == -1) { filterPredicate = identifier -> identifier.getPath().contains(value) || MiscUtil.getFromRegistry(BuiltInRegistries.ITEM, identifier) /*? if >=1.21.2 {*/ .getName() /*?} else {*/ /*.getDescription() *//*?}*/ .getString().toLowerCase().contains(value.toLowerCase()); } else { String namespace = value.substring(0, sep); String path = value.substring(sep + 1); filterPredicate = identifier -> identifier.getNamespace().equals(namespace) && identifier.getPath().startsWith(path); } return BuiltInRegistries.ITEM.keySet().stream() .filter(filterPredicate) /* Sort items as follows based on the given "value" string's path: - if both items' paths begin with the entered string, sort the identifiers (including namespace) - otherwise, if either of the items' path begins with the entered string, sort it to the left - else neither path matches: sort by identifiers again This allows the user to enter "diamond_ore" and match "minecraft:diamond_ore" before "minecraft:deepslate_diamond_ore", even though the second is lexicographically smaller */ .sorted((id1, id2) -> { String path = (sep == -1 ? value : value.substring(sep + 1)).toLowerCase(); boolean id1StartsWith = id1.getPath().toLowerCase().startsWith(path); boolean id2StartsWith = id2.getPath().toLowerCase().startsWith(path); if (id1StartsWith) { if (id2StartsWith) { return id1.compareTo(id2); } return -1; } if (id2StartsWith) { return 1; } return id1.compareTo(id2); }); } }