package dev.isxander.yacl3.test import com.mojang.serialization.Codec import dev.isxander.yacl3.api.OptionFlag import dev.isxander.yacl3.config.v3.JsonFileCodecConfig import dev.isxander.yacl3.config.v3.register import dev.isxander.yacl3.dsl.* import dev.isxander.yacl3.platform.YACLPlatform import net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen import import import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation object CodecConfigKt : JsonFileCodecConfig(YACLPlatform.getConfigDir().resolve("codec_config_kt.json")) { val myInt by register(0, Codec.INT) val myString by register("default", Codec.STRING) val myBoolean by register(false, Codec.BOOL) val myIdentifier by register(YACLPlatform.rl("test"), ResourceLocation.CODEC) val myText by register(Component.literal("Hello, World!"), ComponentSerialization.CODEC) init { if (!loadFromFile()) { saveToFile() } } fun generateConfigScreen(lastScreen: Screen?) = YetAnotherConfigLib("namespace") { // default title with translation key: // `yacl3.config.namespace.title` /* NO CODE REQUIRED */ // or set the title title(Component.literal("A cool title")) // usual save function save { // run your save function! saveToFile() } // get access to an option from the very root of the dsl! categories["testCategory"]["testGroup"].futureRef("myIntOption").onReady { // do something with it } val testCategory by categories.registering { // default name with translation key: // `` /* NO CODE REQUIRED */ // or set the name name { Component.literal("A cool category") } // custom tooltip tooltip { // add a line like this +Component.translatable("somecustomkey") // or like this text(Component.translatable("somecustomkey")) // or like this text { Component.translatable("somecustomkey") } } // creates a label with the id `testLabel` val testLabel by rootOptions.registeringLabel // you can declare things with strings groups.register("testGroup") { // default name with translation key: // `` /* NO CODE REQUIRED */ // or set the name name { Component.literal("A cool group") } // custom description builder: descriptionBuilder { // default description with translation key: // `yacl3.config.namespace.testCategory.testGroup.description.1-5` // not compatible with custom description builder addDefaultText(lines = 5) } // you can define opts/groups/categories using this delegate syntax val myIntOption by options.registering { // type is automatically inferred from binding // default name with translation key: // `` /* NO CODE REQUIRED */ // custom description builder: descriptionBuilderDyn { value -> // changes the desc based on the current value // description with translation key: // `yacl3.config.namespace.testCategory.testGroup.testOption.description.1-5` addDefaultText(lines = 5) text { Component.translatable("somecustomkey") } webpImage(YACLPlatform.rl("namespace", "image.png")) } // Codecs! binding = myInt.asBinding() // you can access other options like this! // `options` field is from the enclosing group dsl listener { opt, newVal -> options.futureRef("myString").onReady { } } // or use a delegated property to create a reference to an option val myStringOption by options.ref() // nullable // you can set available with a property available = true // ...or a block available { true } // cool custom controller functions controller = slider(range = 5..10, step = 1) // flags as usual flag(OptionFlag.ASSET_RELOAD) } // codec config api automatically sets binding and name val myStringOption = options.register(myString) { controller = stringField() } val myBooleanOption = options.register(myBoolean) { // custom formatters for these cool controller functions controller = textSwitch { bool -> Component.literal(bool.toString()) } } } } }.generateScreen(lastScreen) }