path: root/index.js
diff options
authorNinjune <enderknight537@gmail.com>2022-10-26 22:45:37 -0500
committerNinjune <enderknight537@gmail.com>2022-10-26 22:45:37 -0500
commitf83001bc4a3543cdcd594001e7e6a7aeea749ba1 (patch)
treee1a872aed1e9783d76ed8852d631e58c21fe7919 /index.js
parentdd8738cf5d7a1f199304fd31cf76ec064a924043 (diff)
1.5.0 Release
Diffstat (limited to 'index.js')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index bf58076..2be68ef 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -1,300 +1,94 @@
import axios from '../axios'
-import PogObject from "PogData"
+import './commandManager'
+import constants from './util/constants';
+import "./util/updater"
-const PREFIX = "&2[CW] "
-let data = new PogObject("Coleweight", {
- "api_key": undefined,
- "x": 0.5,
- "y": 141,
- "coleweight": 0,
- "cwToggle": true,
- "first_time": true
-}, ".cw_data.json");
-let cwValues = [],
- upTimeTrack = false,
- uptime = 0,
- baseColeweight = 0,
- stepsSinceLast = 0,
- cwGui = new Gui(),
- throneValues = [],
- spiralValues = [],
- coleweightHr = 0,
- cwValuesSum = 0
-register("chat", (key) => {
- data.api_key = key
- data.save()
- axios.get(`https://api.hypixel.net/key?key=${data.api_key}`)
- .then(res => {
- if(res.data.success == true)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&aSuccessfully Set api key!`)
- else
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eKey is not valid! (Try to set manually with /cw setkey <key>!)`)
- })
- .catch(err => {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eKey is not valid! (Try to set manually with /cw setkey <key>!)`)
- })
-}).setCriteria(/Your new API key is (.+)/)
-register("command", (arg, arg2) => {
- switch(arg)
- {
- case "setkey":
- if(arg2 == undefined) { ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eRequires an argument!`); return; }
- else key = arg2
- data.api_key = key
- data.save()
- axios.get(`https://api.hypixel.net/key?key=${data.api_key}`)
- .then(res => {
- if(res.data.success == true)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&aSuccsessfully set api key!`)
- else
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eKey is not valid!`)
- })
- .catch(err => {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eKey is not valid!`)
- })
- break
- case "help":
- ChatLib.chat("")
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw [username] => Gets coleweight`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw help => This menu.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw gui => Change gui location`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw toggle => Toggle gui (gui is only active when mining)`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw setkey (key) => Sets API key (can also use /api new)`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw reload => Reloads the gui.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw throne => Guide for setting up waypoints for throne.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw spiral => Guide for setting up waypoints for spiral.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/fetchdiscord (username) => Gets discord of username (if linked)`)
- ChatLib.chat("")
- break
- case "gui":
- cwGui.open();
- break
- case "toggle":
- data.cwToggle = !data.cwToggle
- data.save()
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&bSet gui to: &3${data.cwToggle}`)
- break
- case "throne":
- if(arg2 != "toggle")
- {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&bGo to the throne and sit on the back block then run /cw throne toggle.`)
- }
- else
- {
- if(throneValues[0] == undefined)
- {
- let startPos = [Player.getX()-24, Player.getY()+6, Player.getZ()-59] // calculated below values at a weird start so adjusting them
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+8, startPos[1]+2, startPos[2]-5])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+11, startPos[1]-35, startPos[2]-3])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+2, startPos[1]-34, startPos[2]-4])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+-2, startPos[1]-1, startPos[2]+49])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+2, startPos[1]-13, startPos[2]+52])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+27, startPos[1]-9, startPos[2]+51])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+38, startPos[1]-15, startPos[2]+47])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+41, startPos[1]-44, startPos[2]+46])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+50, startPos[1]-28, startPos[2]+38])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+49, startPos[1]-31, startPos[2]+1])
- throneValues.push([startPos[0]+50, startPos[1]-1, startPos[2]+10])
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&bThrone waypoints turned on!`)
- }
- else
- {
- throneValues = []
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&bThrone waypoints turned off!`)
- }
- }
- break
- case "spiral":
- if(arg2 != "toggle")
- {
- new TextComponent(`${PREFIX}&bGo to the place in &3this&b picture and do /cw spiral toggle`)
- .setClickAction("open_url")
- .setClickValue("https://i.imgur.com/dyL30GD.png")
- .chat()
- }
- else
- {
- if(spiralValues[0] == undefined)
- {
- let startPos = [Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ()]
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+2, startPos[1]-3, startPos[2]+14])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+3, startPos[1]-21, startPos[2]+6])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+6, startPos[1]-23, startPos[2]-1])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+19, startPos[1]+4, startPos[2]-5])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+21, startPos[1]-7, startPos[2]])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+25, startPos[1]-35, startPos[2]-8])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+39, startPos[1]-36, startPos[2]])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+52, startPos[1]-24, startPos[2]+1])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+48, startPos[1]+3, startPos[2]+3])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+47, startPos[1]+4, startPos[2]+22])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+55, startPos[1]-8, startPos[2]+42])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+46, startPos[1]-11, startPos[2]+49])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+26, startPos[1]+5, startPos[2]+39])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+20, startPos[1]+3, startPos[2]+41])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+8, startPos[1]-23, startPos[2]+32])
- spiralValues.push([startPos[0]+4, startPos[1]-23, startPos[2]+28])
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&bSpiral waypoints turned on!`)
- }
- else
- {
- spiralValues = []
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&bSpiral waypoints turned off!`)
- }
- }
- break
- case "reload":
- upTimeTrack = false
- stepsSinceLast = 0
- cwValues = []
- break
- default:
- let username = ""
- if(arg == undefined)
- username = Player.getUUID()
- else
- username = arg
- axios.get(`https://ninjune.dev/api/coleweight?username=${username}`)
- .then(res => {
- let coleweightMessage = new TextComponent(`${PREFIX}&b${res.data.rank}. ${res.data.name}&b's Coleweight: ${res.data.coleweight} (Top &l${res.data.percentile}&b%)`)
- .setHoverValue(`&fExperience&f: &a${res.data.exp}\n&fPowder&f: &a${res.data.pow}\n&fCollection&f: &a${res.data.col}\n&fMiscellaneous&f: &a${res.data.bes + res.data.nuc}`);
- ChatLib.chat(coleweightMessage);
- })
- .catch(err => {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eError. (api may be down)`)
- });
- }
-}).setTabCompletions((args) => {
- let output = [],
- commands = ["help", "setkey", "gui", "toggle", "throne", "spiral", "reload"]
- if(args[0].length == 0 || args[0] == undefined)
- output = commands
- else
- {
- for(let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++)
- {
- for(let j = 0; j < args[0].length; j++)
- {
- if(commands[i][j] != args[0][j])
- break
- else if(j == args[0].length - 1)
- output.push(commands[i])
- }
- }
- }
- return output
-register("command", (arg) => {
- if(arg == undefined) { ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eRequires a username!`); return; }
- axios.get(`https://api.ashcon.app/mojang/v2/user/${arg}`)
- .then(res => {
- let uuid = res.data.uuid;
- axios.get(`https://api.hypixel.net/player?key=${data.api_key}&uuid=${uuid}`)
- .then(res2 => {
- let discordMessage = new TextComponent(`${PREFIX}&a${res.data.username}'s Discord: `)
- ChatLib.chat(discordMessage);
- ChatLib.chat(`&b${res2.data.player.socialMedia.links.DISCORD}`)
- })
- .catch(err => {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eNo discord linked :( (or no key linked)`)
- })
- })
- .catch(err => {
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eInvalid name! `)
- });
+const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX
register("dragged", (dx, dy, x, y) => {
- if (!cwGui.isOpen()) return
- data.x = x
- data.y = y
- data.save()
+ if (!constants.cwGui.isOpen()) return
+ constants.data.x = x
+ constants.data.y = y
+ constants.data.save()
register("renderOverlay", () => {
- if (cwGui.isOpen()) {
+ if (constants.cwGui.isOpen()) {
let txt = "Please set your api key with /cw setkey (key)!"
- if (data.api_key != undefined)
+ if (constants.data.api_key != undefined)
txt = "Click anywhere to move!"
Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(txt, Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2 - Renderer.getStringWidth(txt)/2, Renderer.screen.getHeight()/2)
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b0\n&aCW/hr: &b0\n&aUptime: &b0m\n&aColeweight Gained: &b0`, data.x, data.y)
+ Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b0\n&aCW/hr: &b0\n&aUptime: &b0m\n&aColeweight Gained: &b0`, constants.data.x, constants.data.y)
- if(!data.cwToggle || data.api_key == undefined) return
- let coleweight = data.coleweight || 0,
+ if(!constants.data.cwToggle || constants.data.api_key == undefined) return
+ let coleweight = constants.data.coleweight || 0,
coleweightMessage = ""
coleweight > 1000 ?coleweightMessage = `&b${coleweight.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',')}`: coleweightMessage = `&b${coleweight.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',')}`
- if(cwValues[0] != undefined && upTimeTrack && calcCwPerHr)
+ if(constants.cwValues[0] != undefined && constants.upTimeTrack && constants.calcCwPerHr)
- cwValuesSum = 0
- for(let i = 0; i < cwValues.length; i++)
+ constants.cwValuesSum = 0
+ for(let i = 0; i < constants.cwValues.length; i++)
- cwValuesSum += cwValues[i]
+ constants.cwValuesSum += constants.cwValues[i]
- coleweightHr = Math.ceil((cwValuesSum*(3600/uptime)) * 100) / 100
- calcCwPerHr = false
+ let eq = Math.ceil((constants.cwValuesSum*(3600/constants.uptime)) * 100) / 100
+ eq != Infinity ? constants.coleweightHr = eq : constants.coleweightHr = "Calculating..."
+ constants.calcCwPerHr = false
- if (cwGui.isOpen() || !upTimeTrack) return
- let uptimeHr = Math.floor(uptime/60/60)
+ if (constants.cwGui.isOpen() || !constants.upTimeTrack) return
+ let uptimeHr = Math.floor(constants.uptime/60/60)
if(uptimeHr >= 1)
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b${coleweightMessage}\n&aCW/hr: &b${coleweightHr}\n&aUptime: &b${uptimeHr}h ${Math.floor(uptime/60) - uptimeHr}m\n&aColeweight Gained: &b${Math.ceil(cwValuesSum*100) / 100}`, data.x, data.y)
+ Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b${coleweightMessage}\n&aCW/hr: &b${constants.coleweightHr}\n&aUptime: &b${uptimeHr}h ${Math.floor(constants.uptime/60) - uptimeHr}m\n&aColeweight Gained: &b${Math.ceil(constants.cwValuesSum*100) / 100}`, constants.data.x, constants.data.y)
- Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b${coleweightMessage}\n&aCW/hr: &b${coleweightHr}\n&aUptime: &b${Math.floor(uptime/60)}m\n&aColeweight Gained: &b${Math.ceil(cwValuesSum*100) / 100}`, data.x, data.y)
+ Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCW: &b${coleweightMessage}\n&aCW/hr: &b${constants.coleweightHr}\n&aUptime: &b${Math.floor(constants.uptime/60)}m ${Math.floor(constants.uptime%60)}s\n&aColeweight Gained: &b${Math.ceil(constants.cwValuesSum*100) / 100}`, constants.data.x, constants.data.y)
//world update (coords)
register("renderWorld", () => {
- if(throneValues[0] != undefined)
+ if(constants.throneValues[0] != undefined)
- for(let i = 0; i < throneValues.length; i++)
+ for(let i = 0; i < constants.throneValues.length; i++)
- Tessellator.drawString(i+1, throneValues[i][0], throneValues[i][1], throneValues[i][2])
+ Tessellator.drawString(i+1, constants.throneValues[i][0], constants.throneValues[i][1], constants.throneValues[i][2])
- if(spiralValues[0] != undefined)
+ if(constants.spiralValues[0] != undefined)
- for(let i = 0; i < spiralValues.length; i++)
+ for(let i = 0; i < constants.spiralValues.length; i++)
- Tessellator.drawString(i+1, spiralValues[i][0], spiralValues[i][1], spiralValues[i][2])
+ Tessellator.drawString(i+1, constants.spiralValues[i][0], constants.spiralValues[i][1], constants.spiralValues[i][2])
+//update checker
//update every second (dogshit code)
register("step", () => {
// first time check
- if (data.first_time)
+ if (constants.data.first_time)
- data.first_time = false;
- data.save();
+ constants.data.first_time = false;
+ constants.data.save();
new TextComponent(ChatLib.getCenteredText(`${PREFIX}&bPlease Set Your Api Key By Doing /api new`)).chat();
new TextComponent(ChatLib.getCenteredText(`${PREFIX}&bOr By Doing /cw setkey (key)`)).chat();
new TextComponent(ChatLib.getCenteredText(`${PREFIX}&bView commands: /cw help`)).chat();
- if (data.api_key == undefined) return
+ if (constants.data.api_key == undefined) return
// updates coleweight for gui
let date_ob = new Date(),
seconds = date_ob.getSeconds()
- if(upTimeTrack == true)
- uptime += 1
+ if(constants.upTimeTrack == true)
+ constants.uptime += 1
if(seconds == 0 || seconds == 15 || seconds == 30 || seconds == 45)
@@ -313,7 +107,7 @@ register("step", () => {
- axios.get(`https://api.hypixel.net/skyblock/profiles?key=${data.api_key}&uuid=${uuid}`)
+ axios.get(`https://api.hypixel.net/skyblock/profiles?key=${constants.data.api_key}&uuid=${uuid}`)
.then(res => {
for(let i=0; i < res.data.profiles.length; i+=1)
@@ -371,31 +165,31 @@ register("step", () => {
coleweight += eq
- if(baseColeweight == 0)
+ if(constants.baseColeweight == 0)
- baseColeweight = coleweight
+ constants.baseColeweight = coleweight
- else if((coleweight - baseColeweight) > 0)
+ else if((coleweight - constants.baseColeweight) > 0)
- cwValues.push(coleweight - baseColeweight)
- calcCwPerHr = true
- upTimeTrack = true
- stepsSinceLast = 0
- baseColeweight = coleweight
+ constants.cwValues.push(coleweight - constants.baseColeweight)
+ constants.calcCwPerHr = true
+ constants.upTimeTrack = true
+ constants.stepsSinceLast = 0
+ constants.baseColeweight = coleweight
- else if(stepsSinceLast > 20)
+ else if(constants.stepsSinceLast > 20)
- upTimeTrack = false
- stepsSinceLast = 0
- cwValues = []
+ constants.upTimeTrack = false
+ constants.stepsSinceLast = 0
+ constants.cwValues = []
- stepsSinceLast += 1
+ constants.stepsSinceLast += 1
- data.coleweight = Math.ceil(coleweight*100)/100
- data.save()
+ constants.data.coleweight = Math.ceil(coleweight*100)/100
+ constants.data.save()
.catch(err => {})