path: root/commands/help.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'commands/help.js')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/commands/help.js b/commands/help.js
index 1157c65..05c5a04 100644
--- a/commands/help.js
+++ b/commands/help.js
@@ -1,22 +1,34 @@
-import constants from "../util/constants"
-const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX
+const PREFIX = "◆"
export function help()
- ChatLib.chat("")
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw [username] => Gets coleweight`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw help => This menu.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw settings => Open settings.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw time => Prints time on timer (timer gui doesn't have to be visible).`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw tick <mining speed> <('r','jade', etc) || breaking power of block> => Shows tick data.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw info => Prints coleweight info.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw claim <throne || spiral> => Claims a chollows sapphire structure in a lobby.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw setkey <key> => Sets API key (can also use /api new)`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw reload => Reloads the gui.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw throne => Guide for setting up waypoints for throne.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw spiral => Guide for setting up waypoints for spiral.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw yog => Guide for setting up waypoints for yogs.`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/cw leaderboard => Gets leaderboard within a specific range (like 20 40)`)
- ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&b/fetchdiscord (username) => Gets discord of username (if linked)`)
- ChatLib.chat("")
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ ChatLib.chat("&b--------------[ &a&lColeweight &b]--------------")
+ ChatLib.chat(ChatLib.getCenteredText("&a&lInfo"))
+ helpCommand("", "Gets Coleweight of specified user", "(username)")
+ helpCommand("help", "This menu.", "")
+ helpCommand("time", "Prints time on timer (timer gui doesn't have to be visible).", "")
+ helpCommand("tick", "Shows tick data.", "(mining speed) (('r','jade', etc) || breaking power of block))")
+ helpCommand("leaderboard", "Shows leaderboard.", "(min) [max]")
+ helpCommand("info", "Prints coleweight info.", "")
+ ChatLib.chat(ChatLib.getCenteredText("&a&lSettings"))
+ helpCommand("settings", "Opens settings.", "")
+ helpCommand("claim", "Claims a chollows sapphire structure in a lobby.", "(throne || spiral)")
+ helpCommand("setkey", "Sets API key (can also use /api new)-", "(key)")
+ helpCommand("reload", "Reloads the gui.", "")
+ ChatLib.chat(ChatLib.getCenteredText("&a&lWaypoints"))
+ helpCommand("coords", "Opens coords gui.", "")
+ helpCommand("throne", "Guide for setting up waypoints for throne.", "[toggle]")
+ helpCommand("spiral", "Guide for setting up waypoints for spiral", "[toggle]")
+ helpCommand("yog", "Shows instructions for yog waypoints.", "[toggle]")
+ helpCommand("divans", "Guide for setting up waypoints for Mines of Divan treasures.", "[toggle]")
+ ChatLib.chat(ChatLib.getCenteredText("&a&lMiscellaneous"))
+ ChatLib.chat(`&a${PREFIX} /fetchdiscord (username) => &bGets discord of username (if linked)`)
+ ChatLib.chat("&b------------------------------------------")
+// Made by Almighty Stylla <3
+function helpCommand(command, desc, usage)
+ ChatLib.chat(new TextComponent(`&a${PREFIX} /cw ${command} => &b${desc}`).setHoverValue(`${"/cw " + command + " " + usage}`))