import constants from "../../util/constants" import { waypointRender } from "../../util/helperFunctions" const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX let waypoints = [] export function automatons(arg) { const WAYPOINTNAME = "Automatons" if(arg != "toggle") { new TextComponent(`${PREFIX}&bStand in the pot in &3this&b picture and do /cw ${WAYPOINTNAME} toggle`) .setClickAction("open_url") .setClickValue("") .chat() } else { if(waypoints[0] == undefined) { let startPos = [Player.getX(), Player.getY(), Player.getZ()], x = startPos[0], y = startPos[1], z = startPos[2] let coordsRows ="Coleweight", "data/automatons.txt").split("\n") coordsRows.forEach(unsplitRow => { let row = unsplitRow.split(" ") waypoints.push([x + parseInt(row[0]), y + parseInt(row[1]), z + parseInt(row[2])]) })`${PREFIX}&b${WAYPOINTNAME} waypoints turned on!`) } else { waypoints = []`${PREFIX}&b${WAYPOINTNAME} waypoints turned off!`) } } } register("renderWorld", () => { waypointRender(waypoints) }) register("worldLoad", () => { waypoints = [] }) export default ""