/*import constants from "../util/constants" const PREFIX = constants.PREFIX let collectionGui = new Gui(), collection = "" export function trackCollection(arg) { switch(arg) { case "obby": case "obsidian": collection = "OBSIDIAN" break default: ChatLib.chat(`${PREFIX}&eThat is not a valid collection! (or is not supported)`) } } export function moveCollection() { collectionGui.open() } register("dragged", (dx, dy, x, y) => { if (!collectionGui.isOpen()) return constants.data.collectionX = x constants.data.collectionY = y constants.data.save() }) register("renderOverlay", () => { if (cwGui.isOpen()) { let txt = "Please set your api key with /cw setkey (key)!" if (constants.data.api_key != undefined) txt = "Click anywhere to move!" Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(txt, Renderer.screen.getWidth()/2 - Renderer.getStringWidth(txt)/2, Renderer.screen.getHeight()/2) Renderer.drawStringWithShadow(`&aCollection: &b0\n&aCW/hr: &b0\n&aUptime: &b0m\n&aColeweight Gained: &b0`, constants.data.collectionX, constants.data.collectionY) } if(collection == "") return coleweight > 1000 ?collectionMessage = `&b${coleweight.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',')}`: coleweightMessage = `&b${coleweight.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',')}` })*/