import { @Vigilant, @ButtonProperty, @SwitchProperty, @SelectorProperty, @SliderProperty } from 'Vigilance' @Vigilant("Coleweight/config") class Settings { @SwitchProperty({ name: "Coleweight tracker", description: "Enables the Coleweight tracker.", subcategory: "Coleweight Tracker", category: "General" }) cwToggle = false; @ButtonProperty({ name: "Change Coleweight tracker position", description: "Move the location of the coleweight tracker.", subcategory: "Coleweight Tracker", category: "General", placeholder: "Open" }) moveCwLocation() { ChatLib.command("cw move coleweight", true); } @SwitchProperty({ name: "Rank chat", description: "Enables the Coleweight rank message after a name in chat.", subcategory: "Ranked Chat", category: "General" }) rankChat = true; @SwitchProperty({ name: "Rank everywhere", description: "Enables showing Coleweight rank everywhere. (instead of just in crystal hollows)", subcategory: "Ranked Chat", category: "General" }) rankEverywhere = false; @SwitchProperty({ name: "Track griefers", description: "Check lobbies for griefers (on join and when new players join.)", subcategory: "Random Features", category: "General" }) trackGriefers = true; @SwitchProperty({ name: "Claiming", description: "Enables lobby claiming (/claim).", subcategory: "Random Features", category: "General" }) claiming = true; @SwitchProperty({ name: "Downtime tracker", description: "Tracks downtime.", subcategory: "Downtime", category: "General" }) downtimeTracker = false; @ButtonProperty({ name: "Change downtime tracker position", description: "Move the location of the downtime tracker.", subcategory: "Downtime", category: "General", placeholder: "Open" }) moveDowntimeLocation() { ChatLib.command("cw move downtime", true); } @SwitchProperty({ name: "Debug", description: "Toggles debug mode.", subcategory: "Random Features", category: "General" }) debug = false; @SwitchProperty({ name: "Marked lobbies", description: "Enables lobby marking (automatic).", category: "General", subcategory: "Marking" }) lobbyMarking = false; @ButtonProperty({ name: "Clear lobbies", description: "Clears marked lobbies.", category: "General", subcategory: "Marking", placeholder: "Clear" }) clearLobbies() { ChatLib.command("cw clearlobbies", true); } @SwitchProperty({ name: "Timer", description: "Toggles visibility of CHollows timer", subcategory: "Timer", category: "General" }) timerVisible = false; @ButtonProperty({ name: "Change timer position", description: "Move the location of the timer.", subcategory: "Timer", category: "General", placeholder: "Open" }) moveTimerLocation() { ChatLib.command("cw move timer", true); } @SwitchProperty({ name: "Show powdertracker", description: "If the tracker overlay should be visible.", category: "Powdertracker" }) trackerVisible = false; @SwitchProperty({ name: "Show totals", description: "If the tracker should show the total amount.", category: "Powdertracker" }) showTotals = true; @SwitchProperty({ name: "Show rates", description: "If the tracker should show the estimated rates per hour.", category: "Powdertracker" }) showRates = true; @SelectorProperty({ name: "Alignment", description: "Sets the alignment of the tracker.", category: "Powdertracker", options: ["Left", "Right", "Center"] }) trackerAlignment = 0; @ButtonProperty({ name: "Change Powdertracker position", description: "Move the location of the powdertracker.", category: "Powdertracker", placeholder: "Open" }) movePowderLocation() { ChatLib.command("cw move powdertracker", true); } @SwitchProperty({ name: "Show naturals", description: "If natural veins should show.", category: "Naturals" }) showNaturals = false @SliderProperty({ name: "Natural range", description: "Range that naturals will show up in", category: "Naturals", min: 16, max: 64 }) naturalRange = 32 constructor() { this.initialize(this); this.registerListener("Rank chat", value => { this.rankChat = value; }) this.registerListener("Rank everywhere", value => { this.rankEverywhere = value; }) this.registerListener("Track griefers", value => { this.trackGriefers = value; }) this.registerListener("Claiming", value => { this.claiming = value; }) this.registerListener("Marked lobbies", value => { this.lobbyMarking = value; }) this.registerListener("Timer", value => { this.timerVisible = value; }) this.registerListener("Downtime tracker", value => { this.downtimeTracker = value; }) this.registerListener("Debug", value => { this.debug = value; }) this.registerListener("Show powdertracker", value => { this.trackerVisible = value; }) this.registerListener("Show totals", value => { this.showTotals = value; }) this.registerListener("Show rates", value => { this.showRates = value; }) this.registerListener("Alignment", value => { this.trackerAlignment = value; }) this.registerListener("Show naturals", value => { this.showNaturals = value; }) this.registerListener("Natural range", value => { this.naturalRange = value; }) } } export default new Settings()