from collections import namedtuple from configparser import ConfigParser, DEFAULTSECT from .load import base_path parser = ConfigParser() tracked_classes = [] prop_attribs = namedtuple('prop_attribs', 'config_name required section') all_props = [] attr_map = {} _UNSET = object() has_read = False config_file = str(base_path / 'config.ini') def load_config(): global has_read if not has_read: has_read = True def prop_name(section, option): return (section + '.' if section and section != DEFAULTSECT else '') + option def section(section_name: str): def x(c): tracked_classes.append(c) c._section = section_name c._props = [] for p in dir(c): prop = getattr(c, p) try: prop = attr_map.get(prop, prop) except: continue if hasattr(prop, 'config_name'): s = prop.section or section_name prop_info = prop_attribs(prop.config_name, prop.required, s) c._props.append(prop_info) all_props.append(prop_info) return c() return x def create_property(name, conv, section, fallback): def get(self): load_config() s = section or getattr(self, '_section', None) or DEFAULTSECT cv = parser.get(s, name, fallback=fallback) if cv is _UNSET: raise ValueError("Missing config option") else: return conv(cv) p = property(get) attrs = prop_attribs(name, fallback is _UNSET, section) attr_map[p] = attrs return p def required(name: str, conv=str, section=None): return create_property(name, conv, section, _UNSET) def default(name: str, default_value, conv=str, section=None): return create_property(name, conv, section, default_value) def prompt_missing_configs(): load_config() for p in all_props: if parser.get(p.section, p.config_name, fallback=_UNSET) is _UNSET: if not parser.has_section(p.section): parser.add_section(p.section) parser.set(p.section, p.config_name, input(f"What value do you want for {prop_name(p.section, p.config_name)}: ")) with open(config_file, 'w') as fp: parser.write(fp) print('Wrote config.ini') __all__ = ['default', 'required', 'section', 'prompt_missing_configs']