## JDA Commander This is a proof of concept project to demonstrate using [jcommander] with [JDA] ### Building This project uses [Gradle] for building and dependency management. - You can either directly run the project using `./gradlew run`. - You can create a zip/tar using `./gradlew distZip` or `./gradlew distTar` respectively. - Those can be found in `build/distributions` - Those have Windows / Linux scripts to launch the project in the bin folder #### Versioning / Dependencies This project uses [Refresh Versions] to manage dependencies. Run `./gradlew refreshVersions` to check for updates. Then open `versions.properties` and bump versions where appropriate. After that reload your project and run `./gradlew refreshVersions` again to make sure there won't be any git conflicts. When introducing new dependencies make sure you use the `"_"` version identifier, so it will be managed by the plugin. ### Token Set the environment variable `DISCORD_TOKEN` to a bot token obtained from Discord's [Developer Panel][discord]. [discord]: https://discord.com/developers/applications/me [refresh versions]: https://google.com [gradle]: https://gradle.org [jda]: https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA [jcommander]: https://jcommander.org/