path: root/plugins
diff options
authorPaweł Marks <pmarks@virtuslab.com>2020-02-12 16:01:02 +0100
committerPaweł Marks <Kordyjan@users.noreply.github.com>2020-02-18 13:28:23 +0100
commite7730355588d1ee8c86de19c76565cc6d991f38a (patch)
tree674b673a2c874e935ddf22084db220fe27f5b89a /plugins
parentbf810f5c99c8cff3e2f786a0aca11853649b851c (diff)
Removes old javadoc plugin and excludes old xml plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
29 files changed, 0 insertions, 1457 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/build.gradle b/plugins/javadoc8/build.gradle
deleted file mode 100644
index 31bf9f41..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/build.gradle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import javax.tools.ToolProvider
-dependencies {
- compile project(':core')
- compile "com.github.olivergondza:maven-jdk-tools-wrapper:0.1"
- def toolsJar = files(((URLClassLoader) ToolProvider.getSystemToolClassLoader()).getURLs().findAll { it.path.endsWith("jar") })
- compileOnly toolsJar
- testCompile toolsJar
-// testImplementation project(":core:testApi")
- testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
- testCompile group: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin', name: 'kotlin-test-junit', version: kotlin_version
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/docbase.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/docbase.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bf72ccf..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/docbase.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.javadoc
-import com.sun.javadoc.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier.*
-import java.util.*
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-private interface HasModule {
- val module: ModuleNodeAdapter
-private interface HasDocumentationNode {
- val node: DocumentationNode
-open class DocumentationNodeBareAdapter(override val node: DocumentationNode) : Doc, HasDocumentationNode {
- private var rawCommentText_: String? = null
- override fun name(): String = node.name
- override fun position(): SourcePosition? = SourcePositionAdapter(node)
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag>? = emptyArray()
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag>? = emptyArray()
- override fun tags(): Array<out Tag> = emptyArray()
- override fun tags(tagname: String?): Array<out Tag>? = tags().filter { it.kind() == tagname || it.kind() == "@$tagname" }.toTypedArray()
- override fun seeTags(): Array<out SeeTag>? = tags().filterIsInstance<SeeTag>().toTypedArray()
- override fun commentText(): String = ""
- override fun setRawCommentText(rawDocumentation: String?) {
- rawCommentText_ = rawDocumentation ?: ""
- }
- override fun getRawCommentText(): String = rawCommentText_ ?: ""
- override fun isError(): Boolean = false
- override fun isException(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Exception
- override fun isEnumConstant(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.EnumItem
- override fun isEnum(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Enum
- override fun isMethod(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Function
- override fun isInterface(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Interface
- override fun isField(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Field
- override fun isClass(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Class
- override fun isAnnotationType(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.AnnotationClass
- override fun isConstructor(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Constructor
- override fun isOrdinaryClass(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Class
- override fun isAnnotationTypeElement(): Boolean = node.kind == NodeKind.Annotation
- override fun compareTo(other: Any?): Int = when (other) {
- !is DocumentationNodeAdapter -> 1
- else -> node.name.compareTo(other.node.name)
- }
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = node.qualifiedName() == (other as? DocumentationNodeAdapter)?.node?.qualifiedName()
- override fun hashCode(): Int = node.name.hashCode()
- override fun isIncluded(): Boolean = node.kind != NodeKind.ExternalClass
-// TODO think of source position instead of null
-// TODO tags
-open class DocumentationNodeAdapter(override val module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : DocumentationNodeBareAdapter(node), HasModule {
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag> = buildInlineTags(module, this, node.content).toTypedArray()
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag> = buildInlineTags(module, this, node.summary).toTypedArray()
- override fun tags(): Array<out Tag> {
- val result = ArrayList<Tag>(buildInlineTags(module, this, node.content))
- node.content.sections.flatMapTo(result) {
- when (it.tag) {
- ContentTags.SeeAlso -> buildInlineTags(module, this, it)
- else -> emptyList<Tag>()
- }
- }
- node.deprecation?.let {
- val content = it.content.asText()
- result.add(TagImpl(this, "deprecated", content ?: ""))
- }
- return result.toTypedArray()
- }
-// should be extension property but can't because of KT-8745
-private fun <T> nodeAnnotations(self: T): List<AnnotationDescAdapter> where T : HasModule, T : HasDocumentationNode
- = self.node.annotations.map { AnnotationDescAdapter(self.module, it) }
-private fun DocumentationNode.hasAnnotation(klass: KClass<*>) = klass.qualifiedName in annotations.map { it.qualifiedName() }
-private fun DocumentationNode.hasModifier(name: String) = details(NodeKind.Modifier).any { it.name == name }
-class PackageAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : DocumentationNodeAdapter(module, node), PackageDoc {
- private val allClasses = listOf(node).collectAllTypesRecursively()
- override fun findClass(className: String?): ClassDoc? =
- allClasses.get(className)?.let { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }
- override fun annotationTypes(): Array<out AnnotationTypeDoc> = emptyArray()
- override fun annotations(): Array<out AnnotationDesc> = node.members(NodeKind.AnnotationClass).map { AnnotationDescAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun exceptions(): Array<out ClassDoc> = node.members(NodeKind.Exception).map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun ordinaryClasses(): Array<out ClassDoc> = node.members(NodeKind.Class).map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun interfaces(): Array<out ClassDoc> = node.members(NodeKind.Interface).map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun errors(): Array<out ClassDoc> = emptyArray()
- override fun enums(): Array<out ClassDoc> = node.members(NodeKind.Enum).map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun allClasses(filter: Boolean): Array<out ClassDoc> = allClasses.values.map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun allClasses(): Array<out ClassDoc> = allClasses(true)
- override fun isIncluded(): Boolean = node.name in module.allPackages
-class AnnotationTypeDocAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, node), AnnotationTypeDoc {
- override fun elements(): Array<out AnnotationTypeElementDoc>? = emptyArray() // TODO
-class AnnotationDescAdapter(val module: ModuleNodeAdapter, val node: DocumentationNode) : AnnotationDesc {
- override fun annotationType(): AnnotationTypeDoc? = AnnotationTypeDocAdapter(module, node.links.find { it.kind == NodeKind.AnnotationClass } ?: node) // TODO ?????
- override fun isSynthesized(): Boolean = false
- override fun elementValues(): Array<out AnnotationDesc.ElementValuePair>? = emptyArray() // TODO
-open class ProgramElementAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : DocumentationNodeAdapter(module, node), ProgramElementDoc {
- override fun isPublic(): Boolean = node.hasModifier("public") || node.hasModifier("internal")
- override fun isPackagePrivate(): Boolean = false
- override fun isStatic(): Boolean = node.hasModifier("static")
- override fun modifierSpecifier(): Int = visibilityModifier or (if (isStatic) STATIC else 0)
- private val visibilityModifier
- get() = when {
- isPublic -> PUBLIC
- isPrivate -> PRIVATE
- isProtected -> PROTECTED
- else -> 0
- }
- override fun qualifiedName(): String? = node.qualifiedName()
- override fun annotations(): Array<out AnnotationDesc>? = nodeAnnotations(this).toTypedArray()
- override fun modifiers(): String? = "public ${if (isStatic) "static" else ""}".trim()
- override fun isProtected(): Boolean = node.hasModifier("protected")
- override fun isFinal(): Boolean = node.hasModifier("final")
- override fun containingPackage(): PackageDoc? {
- if (node.kind == NodeKind.Type) {
- return null
- }
- var owner: DocumentationNode? = node
- while (owner != null) {
- if (owner.kind == NodeKind.Package) {
- return PackageAdapter(module, owner)
- }
- owner = owner.owner
- }
- return null
- }
- override fun containingClass(): ClassDoc? {
- if (node.kind == NodeKind.Type) {
- return null
- }
- var owner = node.owner
- while (owner != null) {
- if (owner.kind in NodeKind.classLike) {
- return ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, owner)
- }
- owner = owner.owner
- }
- return null
- }
- override fun isPrivate(): Boolean = node.hasModifier("private")
- override fun isIncluded(): Boolean = containingPackage()?.isIncluded ?: false && containingClass()?.let { it.isIncluded } ?: true
-open class TypeAdapter(override val module: ModuleNodeAdapter, override val node: DocumentationNode) : Type, HasDocumentationNode, HasModule {
- private val javaLanguageService = JavaLanguageService()
- override fun qualifiedTypeName(): String = javaLanguageService.getArrayElementType(node)?.qualifiedNameFromType() ?: node.qualifiedNameFromType()
- override fun typeName(): String = (javaLanguageService.getArrayElementType(node)?.simpleName() ?: node.simpleName()) + dimension()
- override fun simpleTypeName(): String = typeName() // TODO difference typeName() vs simpleTypeName()
- override fun dimension(): String = Collections.nCopies(javaLanguageService.getArrayDimension(node), "[]").joinToString("")
- override fun isPrimitive(): Boolean = simpleTypeName() in setOf("int", "long", "short", "byte", "char", "double", "float", "boolean", "void")
- override fun asClassDoc(): ClassDoc? = if (isPrimitive) null else
- elementType?.asClassDoc() ?:
- when (node.kind) {
- in NodeKind.classLike,
- NodeKind.ExternalClass,
- NodeKind.Exception -> module.classNamed(qualifiedTypeName()) ?: ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, node)
- else -> when {
- node.links.isNotEmpty() -> TypeAdapter(module, node.links.first()).asClassDoc()
- else -> ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, node) // TODO ?
- }
- }
- override fun asTypeVariable(): TypeVariable? = if (node.kind == NodeKind.TypeParameter) TypeVariableAdapter(module, node) else null
- override fun asParameterizedType(): ParameterizedType? =
- if (node.details(NodeKind.Type).isNotEmpty() && javaLanguageService.getArrayElementType(node) == null)
- ParameterizedTypeAdapter(module, node)
- else
- null
- override fun asAnnotationTypeDoc(): AnnotationTypeDoc? = if (node.kind == NodeKind.AnnotationClass) AnnotationTypeDocAdapter(module, node) else null
- override fun asAnnotatedType(): AnnotatedType? = if (node.annotations.isNotEmpty()) AnnotatedTypeAdapter(module, node) else null
- override fun getElementType(): Type? = javaLanguageService.getArrayElementType(node)?.let { et -> TypeAdapter(module, et) }
- override fun asWildcardType(): WildcardType? = null
- override fun toString(): String = qualifiedTypeName() + dimension()
- override fun hashCode(): Int = node.name.hashCode()
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is TypeAdapter && toString() == other.toString()
-class NotAnnotatedTypeAdapter(typeAdapter: AnnotatedTypeAdapter) : Type by typeAdapter {
- override fun asAnnotatedType() = null
-class AnnotatedTypeAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : TypeAdapter(module, node), AnnotatedType {
- override fun underlyingType(): Type? = NotAnnotatedTypeAdapter(this)
- override fun annotations(): Array<out AnnotationDesc> = nodeAnnotations(this).toTypedArray()
-class WildcardTypeAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : TypeAdapter(module, node), WildcardType {
- override fun extendsBounds(): Array<out Type> = node.details(NodeKind.UpperBound).map { TypeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun superBounds(): Array<out Type> = node.details(NodeKind.LowerBound).map { TypeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
-class TypeVariableAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : TypeAdapter(module, node), TypeVariable {
- override fun owner(): ProgramElementDoc = node.owner!!.let<DocumentationNode, ProgramElementDoc> { owner ->
- when (owner.kind) {
- NodeKind.Function,
- NodeKind.Constructor -> ExecutableMemberAdapter(module, owner)
- NodeKind.Class,
- NodeKind.Interface,
- NodeKind.Enum -> ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, owner)
- else -> ProgramElementAdapter(module, node.owner!!)
- }
- }
- override fun bounds(): Array<out Type>? = node.details(NodeKind.UpperBound).map { TypeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun annotations(): Array<out AnnotationDesc>? = node.members(NodeKind.Annotation).map { AnnotationDescAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun qualifiedTypeName(): String = node.name
- override fun simpleTypeName(): String = node.name
- override fun typeName(): String = node.name
- override fun hashCode(): Int = node.name.hashCode()
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Type && other.typeName() == typeName() && other.asTypeVariable()?.owner() == owner()
- override fun asTypeVariable(): TypeVariableAdapter = this
-class ParameterizedTypeAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : TypeAdapter(module, node), ParameterizedType {
- override fun typeArguments(): Array<out Type> = node.details(NodeKind.Type).map { TypeVariableAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun superclassType(): Type? =
- node.lookupSuperClasses(module)
- .firstOrNull { it.kind == NodeKind.Class || it.kind == NodeKind.ExternalClass }
- ?.let { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }
- override fun interfaceTypes(): Array<out Type> =
- node.lookupSuperClasses(module)
- .filter { it.kind == NodeKind.Interface }
- .map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }
- .toTypedArray()
- override fun containingType(): Type? = when (node.owner?.kind) {
- NodeKind.Package -> null
- NodeKind.Class,
- NodeKind.Interface,
- NodeKind.Object,
- NodeKind.Enum -> ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, node.owner!!)
- else -> null
- }
-class ParameterAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : DocumentationNodeAdapter(module, node), Parameter {
- override fun typeName(): String? = type()?.typeName()
- override fun type(): Type? = TypeAdapter(module, node.detail(NodeKind.Type))
- override fun annotations(): Array<out AnnotationDesc> = nodeAnnotations(this).toTypedArray()
-class ReceiverParameterAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, val receiverType: DocumentationNode, val parent: ExecutableMemberAdapter) : DocumentationNodeAdapter(module, receiverType), Parameter {
- override fun typeName(): String? = receiverType.name
- override fun type(): Type? = TypeAdapter(module, receiverType)
- override fun annotations(): Array<out AnnotationDesc> = nodeAnnotations(this).toTypedArray()
- override fun name(): String = tryName("receiver")
- private tailrec fun tryName(name: String): String = when (name) {
- in parent.parameters().drop(1).map { it.name() } -> tryName("$$name")
- else -> name
- }
-fun classOf(fqName: String, kind: NodeKind = NodeKind.Class) = DocumentationNode(fqName.substringAfterLast(".", fqName), Content.Empty, kind).let { node ->
- val pkg = fqName.substringBeforeLast(".", "")
- if (pkg.isNotEmpty()) {
- node.append(DocumentationNode(pkg, Content.Empty, NodeKind.Package), RefKind.Owner)
- }
- node
-private fun DocumentationNode.hasNonEmptyContent() =
- this.content.summary !is ContentEmpty || this.content.description !is ContentEmpty || this.content.sections.isNotEmpty()
-open class ExecutableMemberAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : ProgramElementAdapter(module, node), ExecutableMemberDoc {
- override fun isSynthetic(): Boolean = false
- override fun isNative(): Boolean = node.annotations.any { it.name == "native" }
- override fun thrownExceptions(): Array<out ClassDoc> = emptyArray() // TODO
- override fun throwsTags(): Array<out ThrowsTag> =
- node.content.sections
- .filter { it.tag == ContentTags.Exceptions && it.subjectName != null }
- .map { ThrowsTagAdapter(this, ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, classOf(it.subjectName!!, NodeKind.Exception)), it.children) }
- .toTypedArray()
- override fun isVarArgs(): Boolean = node.details(NodeKind.Parameter).last().hasModifier("vararg")
- override fun isSynchronized(): Boolean = node.annotations.any { it.name == "synchronized" }
- override fun paramTags(): Array<out ParamTag> =
- collectParamTags(NodeKind.Parameter, sectionFilter = { it.subjectName in parameters().map { it.name() } })
- override fun thrownExceptionTypes(): Array<out Type> = emptyArray()
- override fun receiverType(): Type? = receiverNode()?.let { receiver -> TypeAdapter(module, receiver) }
- override fun flatSignature(): String = node.details(NodeKind.Parameter).map { JavaLanguageService().renderType(it) }.joinToString(", ", "(", ")")
- override fun signature(): String = node.details(NodeKind.Parameter).map { JavaLanguageService().renderType(it) }.joinToString(", ", "(", ")") // TODO it should be FQ types
- override fun parameters(): Array<out Parameter> =
- ((receiverNode()?.let { receiver -> listOf<Parameter>(ReceiverParameterAdapter(module, receiver, this)) } ?: emptyList())
- + node.details(NodeKind.Parameter).map { ParameterAdapter(module, it) }
- ).toTypedArray()
- override fun typeParameters(): Array<out TypeVariable> = node.details(NodeKind.TypeParameter).map { TypeVariableAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun typeParamTags(): Array<out ParamTag> =
- collectParamTags(NodeKind.TypeParameter, sectionFilter = { it.subjectName in typeParameters().map { it.simpleTypeName() } })
- private fun receiverNode() = node.details(NodeKind.Receiver).let { receivers ->
- when {
- receivers.isNotEmpty() -> receivers.single().detail(NodeKind.Type)
- else -> null
- }
- }
-class ConstructorAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : ExecutableMemberAdapter(module, node), ConstructorDoc {
- override fun name(): String = node.owner?.name ?: throw IllegalStateException("No owner for $node")
- override fun containingClass(): ClassDoc? {
- return super.containingClass()
- }
-class MethodAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : ExecutableMemberAdapter(module, node), MethodDoc {
- override fun overrides(meth: MethodDoc?): Boolean = false // TODO
- override fun overriddenType(): Type? = node.overrides.firstOrNull()?.owner?.let { owner -> TypeAdapter(module, owner) }
- override fun overriddenMethod(): MethodDoc? = node.overrides.map { MethodAdapter(module, it) }.firstOrNull()
- override fun overriddenClass(): ClassDoc? = overriddenMethod()?.containingClass()
- override fun isAbstract(): Boolean = false // TODO
- override fun isDefault(): Boolean = false
- override fun returnType(): Type = TypeAdapter(module, node.detail(NodeKind.Type))
- override fun tags(tagname: String?) = super.tags(tagname)
- override fun tags(): Array<out Tag> {
- val tags = super.tags().toMutableList()
- node.content.findSectionByTag(ContentTags.Return)?.let {
- tags += ReturnTagAdapter(module, this, it.children)
- }
- return tags.toTypedArray()
- }
-class FieldAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, node: DocumentationNode) : ProgramElementAdapter(module, node), FieldDoc {
- override fun isSynthetic(): Boolean = false
- override fun constantValueExpression(): String? = node.detailOrNull(NodeKind.Value)?.let { it.name }
- override fun constantValue(): Any? = constantValueExpression()
- override fun type(): Type = TypeAdapter(module, node.detail(NodeKind.Type))
- override fun isTransient(): Boolean = node.hasAnnotation(Transient::class)
- override fun serialFieldTags(): Array<out SerialFieldTag> = emptyArray()
- override fun isVolatile(): Boolean = node.hasAnnotation(Volatile::class)
-open class ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, val classNode: DocumentationNode)
- : ProgramElementAdapter(module, classNode),
- Type by TypeAdapter(module, classNode),
- ClassDoc,
- AnnotationTypeDoc {
- override fun elements(): Array<out AnnotationTypeElementDoc>? = emptyArray() // TODO
- override fun name(): String {
- val parent = classNode.owner
- if (parent?.kind in NodeKind.classLike) {
- return parent!!.name + "." + classNode.name
- }
- return classNode.simpleName()
- }
- override fun qualifiedName(): String? {
- return super.qualifiedName()
- }
- override fun constructors(filter: Boolean): Array<out ConstructorDoc> = classNode.members(NodeKind.Constructor).map { ConstructorAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun constructors(): Array<out ConstructorDoc> = constructors(true)
- override fun importedPackages(): Array<out PackageDoc> = emptyArray()
- override fun importedClasses(): Array<out ClassDoc>? = emptyArray()
- override fun typeParameters(): Array<out TypeVariable> = classNode.details(NodeKind.TypeParameter).map { TypeVariableAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun asTypeVariable(): TypeVariable? = if (classNode.kind == NodeKind.Class) TypeVariableAdapter(module, classNode) else null
- override fun isExternalizable(): Boolean = interfaces().any { it.qualifiedName() == "java.io.Externalizable" }
- override fun definesSerializableFields(): Boolean = false
- override fun methods(filter: Boolean): Array<out MethodDoc> = classNode.members(NodeKind.Function).map { MethodAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray() // TODO include get/set methods
- override fun methods(): Array<out MethodDoc> = methods(true)
- override fun enumConstants(): Array<out FieldDoc>? = classNode.members(NodeKind.EnumItem).map { FieldAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun isAbstract(): Boolean = classNode.details(NodeKind.Modifier).any { it.name == "abstract" }
- override fun interfaceTypes(): Array<out Type> = classNode.lookupSuperClasses(module)
- .filter { it.kind == NodeKind.Interface }
- .map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }
- .toTypedArray()
- override fun interfaces(): Array<out ClassDoc> = classNode.lookupSuperClasses(module)
- .filter { it.kind == NodeKind.Interface }
- .map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }
- .toTypedArray()
- override fun typeParamTags(): Array<out ParamTag> =
- collectParamTags(NodeKind.TypeParameter, sectionFilter = { it.subjectName in typeParameters().map { it.simpleTypeName() } })
- override fun fields(): Array<out FieldDoc> = fields(true)
- override fun fields(filter: Boolean): Array<out FieldDoc> = classNode.members(NodeKind.Field).map { FieldAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun findClass(className: String?): ClassDoc? = null // TODO !!!
- override fun serializableFields(): Array<out FieldDoc> = emptyArray()
- override fun superclassType(): Type? = classNode.lookupSuperClasses(module).singleOrNull { it.kind == NodeKind.Class }?.let { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }
- override fun serializationMethods(): Array<out MethodDoc> = emptyArray() // TODO
- override fun superclass(): ClassDoc? = classNode.lookupSuperClasses(module).singleOrNull { it.kind == NodeKind.Class }?.let { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }
- override fun isSerializable(): Boolean = false // TODO
- override fun subclassOf(cd: ClassDoc?): Boolean {
- if (cd == null) {
- return false
- }
- val expectedFQName = cd.qualifiedName()
- val types = arrayListOf(classNode)
- val visitedTypes = HashSet<String>()
- while (types.isNotEmpty()) {
- val type = types.removeAt(types.lastIndex)
- val fqName = type.qualifiedName()
- if (expectedFQName == fqName) {
- return true
- }
- visitedTypes.add(fqName)
- types.addAll(type.details(NodeKind.Supertype).filter { it.qualifiedName() !in visitedTypes })
- }
- return false
- }
- override fun innerClasses(): Array<out ClassDoc> = classNode.members(NodeKind.Class).map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun innerClasses(filter: Boolean): Array<out ClassDoc> = innerClasses()
-fun DocumentationNode.lookupSuperClasses(module: ModuleNodeAdapter) =
- details(NodeKind.Supertype)
- .map { it.links.firstOrNull() }.mapNotNull { module.allTypes[it?.qualifiedName()] }
-fun List<DocumentationNode>.collectAllTypesRecursively(): Map<String, DocumentationNode> {
- val result = hashMapOf<String, DocumentationNode>()
- fun DocumentationNode.collectTypesRecursively() {
- val classLikeMembers = NodeKind.classLike.flatMap { members(it) }
- classLikeMembers.forEach {
- result.put(it.qualifiedName(), it)
- it.collectTypesRecursively()
- }
- }
- forEach { it.collectTypesRecursively() }
- return result
-class ModuleNodeAdapter(val module: DocumentationModule, val reporter: DocErrorReporter, val outputPath: String) : DocumentationNodeBareAdapter(module), DocErrorReporter by reporter, RootDoc {
- val allPackages = module.members(NodeKind.Package).associateBy { it.name }
- val allTypes = module.members(NodeKind.Package).collectAllTypesRecursively()
- override fun packageNamed(name: String?): PackageDoc? = allPackages[name]?.let { PackageAdapter(this, it) }
- override fun classes(): Array<out ClassDoc> =
- allTypes.values.map { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(this, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun options(): Array<out Array<String>> = arrayOf(
- arrayOf("-d", outputPath),
- arrayOf("-docencoding", "UTF-8"),
- arrayOf("-charset", "UTF-8"),
- arrayOf("-keywords")
- )
- override fun specifiedPackages(): Array<out PackageDoc>? = module.members(NodeKind.Package).map { PackageAdapter(this, it) }.toTypedArray()
- override fun classNamed(qualifiedName: String?): ClassDoc? =
- allTypes[qualifiedName]?.let { ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(this, it) }
- override fun specifiedClasses(): Array<out ClassDoc> = classes()
-private fun DocumentationNodeAdapter.collectParamTags(kind: NodeKind, sectionFilter: (ContentSection) -> Boolean) =
- (node.details(kind)
- .filter(DocumentationNode::hasNonEmptyContent)
- .map { ParamTagAdapter(module, this, it.name, true, it.content.children) }
- + node.content.sections
- .filter(sectionFilter)
- .map {
- ParamTagAdapter(module, this, it.subjectName ?: "?", true,
- it.children.filterNot { contentNode -> contentNode is LazyContentBlock }
- )
- }
- )
- .distinctBy { it.parameterName }
- .toTypedArray() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/dokka-adapters.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/dokka-adapters.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1329876a..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/dokka-adapters.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.javadoc
-import com.google.inject.Binder
-import com.google.inject.Inject
-import com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.HtmlDoclet
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats.DefaultAnalysisComponent
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats.DefaultAnalysisComponentServices
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats.FormatDescriptor
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats.KotlinAsJava
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Utilities.bind
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Utilities.toType
-class JavadocGenerator @Inject constructor(val configuration: DokkaConfiguration, val logger: DokkaLogger) : Generator {
- override fun buildPages(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- val module = nodes.single() as DocumentationModule
- HtmlDoclet.start(ModuleNodeAdapter(module, StandardReporter(logger), configuration.outputDir))
- }
- override fun buildOutlines(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- // no outline could be generated separately
- }
- override fun buildSupportFiles() {
- }
- override fun buildPackageList(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- // handled by javadoc itself
- }
-class JavadocFormatDescriptor :
- FormatDescriptor,
- DefaultAnalysisComponent,
- DefaultAnalysisComponentServices by KotlinAsJava {
- override fun configureOutput(binder: Binder): Unit = with(binder) {
- bind<Generator>() toType JavadocGenerator::class
- }
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/reporter.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/reporter.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index fc38368c..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/reporter.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.javadoc
-import com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter
-import com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaLogger
-class StandardReporter(val logger: DokkaLogger) : DocErrorReporter {
- override fun printWarning(msg: String?) {
- logger.warn(msg.toString())
- }
- override fun printWarning(pos: SourcePosition?, msg: String?) {
- logger.warn(format(pos, msg))
- }
- override fun printError(msg: String?) {
- logger.error(msg.toString())
- }
- override fun printError(pos: SourcePosition?, msg: String?) {
- logger.error(format(pos, msg))
- }
- override fun printNotice(msg: String?) {
- logger.info(msg.toString())
- }
- override fun printNotice(pos: SourcePosition?, msg: String?) {
- logger.info(format(pos, msg))
- }
- private fun format(pos: SourcePosition?, msg: String?) =
- if (pos == null) msg.toString() else "${pos.file()}:${pos.line()}:${pos.column()}: $msg"
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/source-position.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/source-position.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6125f968..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/source-position.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.javadoc
-import com.sun.javadoc.SourcePosition
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DocumentationNode
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.NodeKind
-import java.io.File
-class SourcePositionAdapter(val docNode: DocumentationNode) : SourcePosition {
- private val sourcePositionParts: List<String> by lazy {
- docNode.details(NodeKind.SourcePosition).firstOrNull()?.name?.split(":") ?: emptyList()
- }
- override fun file(): File? = if (sourcePositionParts.isEmpty()) null else File(sourcePositionParts[0])
- override fun line(): Int = sourcePositionParts.getOrNull(1)?.toInt() ?: -1
- override fun column(): Int = sourcePositionParts.getOrNull(2)?.toInt() ?: -1
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/tags.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/tags.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c9bfff..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/kotlin/javadoc/tags.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.javadoc
-import com.sun.javadoc.*
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import java.util.*
-class TagImpl(val holder: Doc, val name: String, val text: String): Tag {
- override fun text(): String? = text
- override fun holder(): Doc = holder
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag>? = arrayOf()
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag>? = arrayOf()
- override fun name(): String = name
- override fun kind(): String = name
- override fun position(): SourcePosition = holder.position()
-class TextTag(val holder: Doc, val content: ContentText) : Tag {
- val plainText: String
- get() = content.text
- override fun name(): String = "Text"
- override fun kind(): String = name()
- override fun text(): String? = plainText
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag> = arrayOf(this)
- override fun holder(): Doc = holder
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag> = arrayOf(this)
- override fun position(): SourcePosition = holder.position()
-abstract class SeeTagAdapter(val holder: Doc, val content: ContentNodeLink) : SeeTag {
- override fun position(): SourcePosition? = holder.position()
- override fun name(): String = "@see"
- override fun kind(): String = "@see"
- override fun holder(): Doc = holder
- override fun text(): String? = content.node?.name ?: "(?)"
-class SeeExternalLinkTagAdapter(val holder: Doc, val link: ContentExternalLink) : SeeTag {
- override fun position(): SourcePosition = holder.position()
- override fun text(): String = label()
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag> = emptyArray() // TODO
- override fun label(): String {
- val label = link.asText() ?: link.href
- return "<a href=\"${link.href}\">$label</a>"
- }
- override fun referencedPackage(): PackageDoc? = null
- override fun referencedClass(): ClassDoc? = null
- override fun referencedMemberName(): String? = null
- override fun referencedClassName(): String? = null
- override fun referencedMember(): MemberDoc? = null
- override fun holder(): Doc = holder
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag> = inlineTags()
- override fun name(): String = "@link"
- override fun kind(): String = "@see"
-fun ContentBlock.asText(): String? {
- val contentText = children.singleOrNull() as? ContentText
- return contentText?.text
-class SeeMethodTagAdapter(holder: Doc, val method: MethodAdapter, content: ContentNodeLink) : SeeTagAdapter(holder, content) {
- override fun referencedMember(): MemberDoc = method
- override fun referencedMemberName(): String = method.name()
- override fun referencedPackage(): PackageDoc? = null
- override fun referencedClass(): ClassDoc? = method.containingClass()
- override fun referencedClassName(): String = method.containingClass()?.name() ?: ""
- override fun label(): String = content.text ?: "${method.containingClass()?.name()}.${method.name()}"
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag> = emptyArray() // TODO
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag> = inlineTags() // TODO
-class SeeClassTagAdapter(holder: Doc, val clazz: ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter, content: ContentNodeLink) : SeeTagAdapter(holder, content) {
- override fun referencedMember(): MemberDoc? = null
- override fun referencedMemberName(): String? = null
- override fun referencedPackage(): PackageDoc? = null
- override fun referencedClass(): ClassDoc = clazz
- override fun referencedClassName(): String = clazz.name()
- override fun label(): String = "${clazz.classNode.kind.name.toLowerCase()} ${clazz.name()}"
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag> = emptyArray() // TODO
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag> = inlineTags() // TODO
-class ParamTagAdapter(val module: ModuleNodeAdapter,
- val holder: Doc,
- val parameterName: String,
- val typeParameter: Boolean,
- val content: List<ContentNode>) : ParamTag {
- constructor(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, holder: Doc, parameterName: String, isTypeParameter: Boolean, content: ContentNode)
- : this(module, holder, parameterName, isTypeParameter, listOf(content)) {
- }
- override fun name(): String = "@param"
- override fun kind(): String = name()
- override fun holder(): Doc = holder
- override fun position(): SourcePosition? = holder.position()
- override fun text(): String = "@param $parameterName ${parameterComment()}" // Seems has no effect, so used for debug
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag> = buildInlineTags(module, holder, content).toTypedArray()
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag> = arrayOf(TextTag(holder, ContentText(text())))
- override fun isTypeParameter(): Boolean = typeParameter
- override fun parameterComment(): String = content.toString() // TODO
- override fun parameterName(): String = parameterName
-class ThrowsTagAdapter(val holder: Doc, val type: ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter, val content: List<ContentNode>) : ThrowsTag {
- override fun name(): String = "@throws"
- override fun kind(): String = name()
- override fun holder(): Doc = holder
- override fun position(): SourcePosition? = holder.position()
- override fun text(): String = "${name()} ${exceptionName()} ${exceptionComment()}"
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<out Tag> = buildInlineTags(type.module, holder, content).toTypedArray()
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<out Tag> = emptyArray()
- override fun exceptionComment(): String = content.toString()
- override fun exceptionType(): Type = type
- override fun exception(): ClassDoc = type
- override fun exceptionName(): String = type.qualifiedTypeName()
-class ReturnTagAdapter(val module: ModuleNodeAdapter, val holder: Doc, val content: List<ContentNode>) : Tag {
- override fun name(): String = "@return"
- override fun kind() = name()
- override fun holder() = holder
- override fun position(): SourcePosition? = holder.position()
- override fun text(): String = "@return $content" // Seems has no effect, so used for debug
- override fun inlineTags(): Array<Tag> = buildInlineTags(module, holder, content).toTypedArray()
- override fun firstSentenceTags(): Array<Tag> = inlineTags()
-fun buildInlineTags(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, holder: Doc, tags: List<ContentNode>): List<Tag> = ArrayList<Tag>().apply { tags.forEach { buildInlineTags(module, holder, it, this) } }
-fun buildInlineTags(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, holder: Doc, root: ContentNode): List<Tag> = ArrayList<Tag>().apply { buildInlineTags(module, holder, root, this) }
-private fun buildInlineTags(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, holder: Doc, nodes: List<ContentNode>, result: MutableList<Tag>) {
- nodes.forEach {
- buildInlineTags(module, holder, it, result)
- }
-private fun buildInlineTags(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, holder: Doc, node: ContentNode, result: MutableList<Tag>) {
- fun surroundWith(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, holder: Doc, prefix: String, postfix: String, node: ContentBlock, result: MutableList<Tag>) {
- if (node.children.isNotEmpty()) {
- val open = TextTag(holder, ContentText(prefix))
- val close = TextTag(holder, ContentText(postfix))
- result.add(open)
- buildInlineTags(module, holder, node.children, result)
- if (result.last() === open) {
- result.removeAt(result.lastIndex)
- } else {
- result.add(close)
- }
- }
- }
- fun surroundWith(module: ModuleNodeAdapter, holder: Doc, prefix: String, postfix: String, node: ContentNode, result: MutableList<Tag>) {
- if (node !is ContentEmpty) {
- val open = TextTag(holder, ContentText(prefix))
- val close = TextTag(holder, ContentText(postfix))
- result.add(open)
- buildInlineTags(module, holder, node, result)
- if (result.last() === open) {
- result.removeAt(result.lastIndex)
- } else {
- result.add(close)
- }
- }
- }
- when (node) {
- is ContentText -> result.add(TextTag(holder, node))
- is ContentNodeLink -> {
- val target = node.node
- when (target?.kind) {
- NodeKind.Function -> result.add(SeeMethodTagAdapter(holder, MethodAdapter(module, node.node!!), node))
- in NodeKind.classLike -> result.add(SeeClassTagAdapter(holder, ClassDocumentationNodeAdapter(module, node.node!!), node))
- else -> buildInlineTags(module, holder, node.children, result)
- }
- }
- is ContentExternalLink -> result.add(SeeExternalLinkTagAdapter(holder, node))
- is ContentCode -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<code>", "</code>", node, result)
- is ContentBlockCode -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<code><pre>", "</pre></code>", node, result)
- is ContentEmpty -> {}
- is ContentEmphasis -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<em>", "</em>", node, result)
- is ContentHeading -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<h${node.level}>", "</h${node.level}>", node, result)
- is ContentEntity -> result.add(TextTag(holder, ContentText(node.text))) // TODO ??
- is ContentIdentifier -> result.add(TextTag(holder, ContentText(node.text))) // TODO
- is ContentKeyword -> result.add(TextTag(holder, ContentText(node.text))) // TODO
- is ContentListItem -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<li>", "</li>", node, result)
- is ContentOrderedList -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<ol>", "</ol>", node, result)
- is ContentUnorderedList -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<ul>", "</ul>", node, result)
- is ContentParagraph -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<p>", "</p>", node, result)
- is ContentSection -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<p>", "</p>", node, result) // TODO how section should be represented?
- is ContentNonBreakingSpace -> result.add(TextTag(holder, ContentText("&nbsp;")))
- is ContentStrikethrough -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<strike>", "</strike>", node, result)
- is ContentStrong -> surroundWith(module, holder, "<strong>", "</strong>", node, result)
- is ContentSymbol -> result.add(TextTag(holder, ContentText(node.text))) // TODO?
- is Content -> {
- surroundWith(module, holder, "<p>", "</p>", node.summary, result)
- surroundWith(module, holder, "<p>", "</p>", node.description, result)
- }
- is ContentBlock -> {
- surroundWith(module, holder, "", "", node, result)
- }
- is ContentHardLineBreak -> result.add(TextTag(holder, ContentText("<br/>")))
- else -> result.add(TextTag(holder, ContentText("$node")))
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/resources/dokka/format/javadoc.properties b/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/resources/dokka/format/javadoc.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index a0d8a945..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/src/main/resources/dokka/format/javadoc.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-description=Produces Javadoc, with Kotlin declarations as Java view \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/src/test/kotlin/javadoc/JavadocTest.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/src/test/kotlin/javadoc/JavadocTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index b65c8a3b..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/src/test/kotlin/javadoc/JavadocTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.javadoc
-import com.sun.javadoc.Tag
-import com.sun.javadoc.Type
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConsoleLogger
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.testApi.ModelConfig
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.testApi.assertEqualsIgnoringSeparators
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.testApi.checkSourceExistsAndVerifyModel
-import org.junit.Assert.*
-import org.junit.Test
-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier.*
-class JavadocTest {
- val defaultModelConfig = ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm)
- @Test fun testTypes() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/types.kt", ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withJdk = true)) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.TypesKt")!!
- val method = classDoc.methods().find { it.name() == "foo" }!!
- val type = method.returnType()
- assertFalse(type.asClassDoc().isIncluded)
- assertEquals("java.lang.String", type.qualifiedTypeName())
- assertEquals("java.lang.String", type.asClassDoc().qualifiedName())
- val params = method.parameters()
- assertTrue(params[0].type().isPrimitive)
- assertFalse(params[1].type().asClassDoc().isIncluded)
- }
- }
- @Test fun testObject() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/obj.kt", defaultModelConfig) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.O")
- assertNotNull(classDoc)
- val companionDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.O.Companion")
- assertNotNull(companionDoc)
- val pkgDoc = doc.packageNamed("foo")!!
- assertEquals(2, pkgDoc.allClasses().size)
- }
- }
- @Test fun testException() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/exception.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.MyException")!!
- val member = classDoc.methods().find { it.name() == "foo" }
- assertEquals(classDoc, member!!.containingClass())
- }
- }
- @Test fun testByteArray() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/bytearr.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.ByteArray")!!
- assertNotNull(classDoc.asClassDoc())
- val member = classDoc.methods().find { it.name() == "foo" }!!
- assertEquals("[]", member.returnType().dimension())
- }
- }
- @Test fun testStringArray() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/stringarr.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.Foo")!!
- assertNotNull(classDoc.asClassDoc())
- val member = classDoc.methods().find { it.name() == "main" }!!
- val paramType = member.parameters()[0].type()
- assertNull(paramType.asParameterizedType())
- assertEquals("String[]", paramType.typeName())
- assertEquals("String", paramType.asClassDoc().name())
- }
- }
- @Test fun testJvmName() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/jvmname.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.Apple")!!
- assertNotNull(classDoc.asClassDoc())
- val member = classDoc.methods().find { it.name() == "_tree" }
- assertNotNull(member)
- }
- }
- @Test fun testLinkWithParam() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/paramlink.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("demo.Apple")!!
- assertNotNull(classDoc.asClassDoc())
- val tags = classDoc.inlineTags().filterIsInstance<SeeTagAdapter>()
- assertEquals(2, tags.size)
- val linkTag = tags[1] as SeeMethodTagAdapter
- assertEquals("cutIntoPieces", linkTag.method.name())
- }
- }
- @Test fun testInternalVisibility() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/internal.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true, includeNonPublic = false)
- ) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.Person")!!
- val constructors = classDoc.constructors()
- assertEquals(1, constructors.size)
- assertEquals(1, constructors.single().parameters().size)
- }
- }
- @Test fun testSuppress() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/suppress.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- assertNull(doc.classNamed("Some"))
- assertNull(doc.classNamed("SomeAgain"))
- assertNull(doc.classNamed("Interface"))
- val classSame = doc.classNamed("Same")!!
- assertTrue(classSame.fields().isEmpty())
- assertTrue(classSame.methods().isEmpty())
- }
- }
- @Test fun testTypeAliases() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/typealiases.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- assertNull(doc.classNamed("B"))
- assertNull(doc.classNamed("D"))
- assertEquals("A", doc.classNamed("C")!!.superclass().name())
- val methodParamType = doc.classNamed("TypealiasesKt")!!.methods()
- .find { it.name() == "some" }!!.parameters().first()
- .type()
- assertEquals("kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1", methodParamType.qualifiedTypeName())
- assertEquals("? super A, C",
- methodParamType.asParameterizedType().typeArguments().joinToString(transform = Type::qualifiedTypeName)
- )
- }
- }
- @Test fun testKDocKeywordsOnMethod() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/kdocKeywordsOnMethod.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- val method = doc.classNamed("KdocKeywordsOnMethodKt")!!.methods()[0]
- assertEquals("@return [ContentText(text=value of a)]", method.tags("return").first().text())
- assertEquals("@param a [ContentText(text=Some string)]", method.paramTags().first().text())
- assertEquals("@throws FireException [ContentText(text=in case of fire)]", method.throwsTags().first().text())
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun testBlankLineInsideCodeBlock() {
- verifyJavadoc(
- "testdata/javadoc/blankLineInsideCodeBlock.kt",
- ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)
- ) { doc ->
- val method = doc.classNamed("BlankLineInsideCodeBlockKt")!!.methods()[0]
- val text = method.inlineTags().joinToString(separator = "", transform = Tag::text)
- assertEqualsIgnoringSeparators("""
- <p><code><pre>
- This is a test
- of Dokka's code blocks.
- Here is a blank line.
- The previous line was blank.
- </pre></code></p>
- """.trimIndent(), text)
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun testCompanionMethodReference() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/companionMethodReference.kt", defaultModelConfig) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.TestClass")!!
- val tag = classDoc.inlineTags().filterIsInstance<SeeMethodTagAdapter>().first()
- assertEquals("TestClass.Companion", tag.referencedClassName())
- assertEquals("test", tag.referencedMemberName())
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun testVararg() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/vararg.kt") { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("VarargKt")!!
- val methods = classDoc.methods()
- methods.single { it.name() == "vararg" }.let { method ->
- assertTrue(method.isVarArgs)
- assertEquals("int", method.parameters().last().typeName())
- }
- methods.single { it.name() == "varargInMiddle" }.let { method ->
- assertFalse(method.isVarArgs)
- assertEquals("int[]", method.parameters()[1].typeName())
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun shouldHaveValidVisibilityModifiers() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/visibilityModifiers.kt", ModelConfig(analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm, withKotlinRuntime = true)) { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.Apple")!!
- val methods = classDoc.methods()
- val getName = methods[0]
- val setName = methods[1]
- val getWeight = methods[2]
- val setWeight = methods[3]
- val getRating = methods[4]
- val setRating = methods[5]
- val getCode = methods[6]
- val color = classDoc.fields()[3]
- val code = classDoc.fields()[4]
- assertTrue(getName.isProtected)
- assertEquals(PROTECTED, getName.modifierSpecifier())
- assertTrue(setName.isProtected)
- assertEquals(PROTECTED, setName.modifierSpecifier())
- assertTrue(getWeight.isPublic)
- assertEquals(PUBLIC, getWeight.modifierSpecifier())
- assertTrue(setWeight.isPublic)
- assertEquals(PUBLIC, setWeight.modifierSpecifier())
- assertTrue(getRating.isPublic)
- assertEquals(PUBLIC, getRating.modifierSpecifier())
- assertTrue(setRating.isPublic)
- assertEquals(PUBLIC, setRating.modifierSpecifier())
- assertTrue(getCode.isPublic)
- assertEquals(PUBLIC or STATIC, getCode.modifierSpecifier())
- assertEquals(methods.size, 7)
- assertTrue(color.isPrivate)
- assertEquals(PRIVATE, color.modifierSpecifier())
- assertTrue(code.isPrivate)
- assertTrue(code.isStatic)
- assertEquals(PRIVATE or STATIC, code.modifierSpecifier())
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun shouldNotHaveDuplicatedConstructorParameters() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/constructorParameters.kt") { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("bar.Banana")!!
- val paramTags = classDoc.constructors()[0].paramTags()
- assertEquals(3, paramTags.size)
- }
- }
- @Test fun shouldHaveAllFunctionMarkedAsDeprecated() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/deprecated.java") { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("bar.Banana")!!
- classDoc.methods().forEach { method ->
- assertTrue(method.tags().any { it.kind() == "deprecated" })
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun testDefaultNoArgConstructor() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/defaultNoArgConstructor.kt") { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.Peach")!!
- assertTrue(classDoc.constructors()[0].tags()[2].text() == "print peach")
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun testNoArgConstructor() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/noArgConstructor.kt") { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("foo.Plum")!!
- assertTrue(classDoc.constructors()[0].tags()[2].text() == "print plum")
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun testArgumentReference() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/argumentReference.kt") { doc ->
- val classDoc = doc.classNamed("ArgumentReferenceKt")!!
- val method = classDoc.methods().first()
- val tag = method.seeTags().first()
- assertEquals("argNamedError", tag.referencedMemberName())
- assertEquals("error", tag.label())
- }
- }
- @Test
- fun functionParameters() {
- verifyJavadoc("testdata/javadoc/functionParameters.java") { doc ->
- val tags = doc.classNamed("bar.Foo")!!.methods().first().paramTags()
- assertEquals((tags.first() as ParamTagAdapter).content.size, 1)
- assertEquals((tags[1] as ParamTagAdapter).content.size, 1)
- }
- }
- private fun verifyJavadoc(name: String,
- modelConfig: ModelConfig = ModelConfig(),
- callback: (ModuleNodeAdapter) -> Unit) {
- checkSourceExistsAndVerifyModel(name,
- ModelConfig(
- analysisPlatform = Platform.jvm,
- format = "javadoc",
- withJdk = modelConfig.withJdk,
- withKotlinRuntime = modelConfig.withKotlinRuntime,
- includeNonPublic = modelConfig.includeNonPublic
- )) { model ->
- val doc = ModuleNodeAdapter(model, StandardReporter(DokkaConsoleLogger), "")
- callback(doc)
- }
- }
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/argumentReference.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/argumentReference.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index ac3104e9..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/argumentReference.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- * [error]
- */
-fun argNamedError(error: String) {} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/blankLineInsideCodeBlock.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/blankLineInsideCodeBlock.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9430f4d5..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/blankLineInsideCodeBlock.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * ```
- * This is a test
- * of Dokka's code blocks.
- * Here is a blank line.
- *
- * The previous line was blank.
- * ```
- */
-fun u() {
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/bytearr.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/bytearr.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 84be1a70..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/bytearr.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package foo
-class ByteArray {
- fun foo(): IntArray {
- return intArrayOf()
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/companionMethodReference.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/companionMethodReference.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 499e4492..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/companionMethodReference.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package foo
- * Linking to [test]
- */
-class TestClass {
- companion object {
- @JvmStatic fun test(arg: String) {}
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/constructorParameters.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/constructorParameters.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index c29ae912..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/constructorParameters.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package bar
- * Just a fruit
- *
- * @param weight in grams
- * @param ranking quality from 0 to 10, where 10 is best
- * @param color yellow is default
- */
-class Banana (
- private val weight: Double,
- private val ranking: Int,
- color: String = "yellow"
-) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/defaultNoArgConstructor.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/defaultNoArgConstructor.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a6d04a5..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/defaultNoArgConstructor.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package foo
- * Description
- *
- * @constructor print peach
- */
-class Peach {
- init {
- println("peach")
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/deprecated.java b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/deprecated.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a6cdd77..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/deprecated.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package bar;
- * Just a fruit
- */
-public class Banana {
- private Double weight;
- /**
- * Returns weight
- *
- * @return weight
- * @deprecated
- */
- public Double getWeight() {
- return weight;
- }
- /**
- * Sets weight
- *
- * @param weight in grams
- * @deprecated with message
- */
- public void setWeight(Double weight) {
- this.weight = weight;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/exception.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/exception.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index ec0a5bbb..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/exception.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package foo
-class MyException : Exception {
- fun foo() = ""
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/functionParameters.java b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/functionParameters.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d5f5143..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/functionParameters.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package bar;
- * Foo
- */
-public class Foo {
- /** perfom request
- *
- * @param name user name
- * @param password user password
- */
- public void request(String name, String password) {
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/internal.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/internal.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index a57ea3b4..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/internal.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package foo
-data class Person internal constructor(
- val name: String = "",
- val age: Int = 0
-) {
- constructor(age: Int): this("", age)
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/jvmname.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/jvmname.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e4774cd6..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/jvmname.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-package foo
-class Apple {
- @get:JvmName("_tree")
- internal val source: Tree
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/kdocKeywordsOnMethod.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/kdocKeywordsOnMethod.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index df5bbbe0..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/kdocKeywordsOnMethod.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-class FireException : Exception
- * COMM
- * @param a Some string
- * @return value of a
- * @throws FireException in case of fire
- */
-fun my(a: String): String = a
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/noArgConstructor.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/noArgConstructor.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e5548c..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/noArgConstructor.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package foo
- * Description
- *
- * @constructor print plum
- */
-class Plum() {
- init {
- println("plum")
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/obj.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/obj.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d10a422..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/obj.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package foo
-class O {
- companion object {
- }
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/paramlink.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/paramlink.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 48972a22..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/paramlink.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package demo
- * You can [eat] it or cut it into slices using [cutIntoPieces]
- */
-interface Apple {
- fun eat()
- fun cutIntoPieces(pieces: Int)
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/stringarr.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/stringarr.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index d6cd9dea..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/stringarr.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package foo
-class Foo {
- companion object {
- @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/suppress.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/suppress.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 90f6c131..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/suppress.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * @suppress
- */
-class Some {
- * @suppress
- * @author me
- * @see other
- */
-class SomeAgain {
-class Same {
- /**
- * @suppress
- */
- fun privateApi() {
- }
- /**
- * @suppress
- */
- val privateForSomeReason = ""
- * @suppress
- */
-interface Interface {
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/typealiases.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/typealiases.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index bb09bfad..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/typealiases.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-class A
-typealias B = A
-class C : B
-typealias D = (A) -> C
-fun some(d: D) {
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/types.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/types.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 55be6058..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/types.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-package foo
-fun foo(x: Int, o: Any): String {
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/vararg.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/vararg.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index aa6c26d7..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/vararg.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-fun vararg(a: String, vararg b: Int) {}
-fun varargInMiddle(a: String, vararg b: Int, c: Short) {} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/visibilityModifiers.kt b/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/visibilityModifiers.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e48e7f62..00000000
--- a/plugins/javadoc8/testdata/javadoc/visibilityModifiers.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package foo
-abstract class Apple {
- protected var name: String = "foo"
- internal var weight: Int = 180
- var rating: Int = 10
- private var color: String = "red"
- companion object {
- @JvmStatic
- val code : Int = 123456
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file