path: root/src/Model
diff options
authorDmitry Jemerov <yole@jetbrains.com>2015-12-03 16:22:11 +0100
committerDmitry Jemerov <yole@jetbrains.com>2015-12-03 16:22:49 +0100
commit39631054c58df5841ea268b7002b820ec55f6e0a (patch)
treecefedd8411c859243bd181568e16fcdd372a38c8 /src/Model
parent797cb4732c53bf1e3b2091add8cf731fc436607f (diff)
restructure Dokka build to use Gradle for everything except for the Maven plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Model')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 570 deletions
diff --git a/src/Model/Content.kt b/src/Model/Content.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6556b09e..00000000
--- a/src/Model/Content.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-public interface ContentNode {
- val textLength: Int
-public object ContentEmpty : ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int get() = 0
-public open class ContentBlock() : ContentNode {
- val children = arrayListOf<ContentNode>()
- fun append(node: ContentNode) {
- children.add(node)
- }
- fun isEmpty() = children.isEmpty()
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
- other is ContentBlock && javaClass == other.javaClass && children == other.children
- override fun hashCode(): Int =
- children.hashCode()
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = children.sumBy { it.textLength }
-enum class IdentifierKind {
- TypeName,
- ParameterName,
- AnnotationName,
- SummarizedTypeName,
- Other
-public data class ContentText(val text: String) : ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = text.length
-public data class ContentKeyword(val text: String) : ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = text.length
-public data class ContentIdentifier(val text: String, val kind: IdentifierKind = IdentifierKind.Other) : ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = text.length
-public data class ContentSymbol(val text: String) : ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = text.length
-public data class ContentEntity(val text: String) : ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = text.length
-public object ContentNonBreakingSpace: ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = 1
-public object ContentSoftLineBreak: ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = 0
-public object ContentIndentedSoftLineBreak: ContentNode {
- override val textLength: Int
- get() = 0
-public class ContentParagraph() : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentEmphasis() : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentStrong() : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentStrikethrough() : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentCode() : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentBlockCode(val language: String = "") : ContentBlock()
-public abstract class ContentNodeLink() : ContentBlock() {
- abstract val node: DocumentationNode?
-public class ContentNodeDirectLink(override val node: DocumentationNode): ContentNodeLink() {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
- super.equals(other) && other is ContentNodeDirectLink && node.name == other.node.name
- override fun hashCode(): Int =
- children.hashCode() * 31 + node.name.hashCode()
-public class ContentNodeLazyLink(val linkText: String, val lazyNode: () -> DocumentationNode?): ContentNodeLink() {
- override val node: DocumentationNode? get() = lazyNode()
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
- super.equals(other) && other is ContentNodeLazyLink && linkText == other.linkText
- override fun hashCode(): Int =
- children.hashCode() * 31 + linkText.hashCode()
-public class ContentExternalLink(val href : String) : ContentBlock() {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
- super.equals(other) && other is ContentExternalLink && href == other.href
- override fun hashCode(): Int =
- children.hashCode() * 31 + href.hashCode()
-public class ContentUnorderedList() : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentOrderedList() : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentListItem() : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentHeading(val level: Int) : ContentBlock()
-public class ContentSection(public val tag: String, public val subjectName: String?) : ContentBlock() {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
- super.equals(other) && other is ContentSection && tag == other.tag && subjectName == other.subjectName
- override fun hashCode(): Int =
- children.hashCode() * 31 * 31 + tag.hashCode() * 31 + (subjectName?.hashCode() ?: 0)
-public object ContentTags {
- val Description = "Description"
- val SeeAlso = "See Also"
-fun content(body: ContentBlock.() -> Unit): ContentBlock {
- val block = ContentBlock()
- block.body()
- return block
-fun ContentBlock.text(value: String) = append(ContentText(value))
-fun ContentBlock.keyword(value: String) = append(ContentKeyword(value))
-fun ContentBlock.symbol(value: String) = append(ContentSymbol(value))
-fun ContentBlock.identifier(value: String, kind: IdentifierKind = IdentifierKind.Other) = append(ContentIdentifier(value, kind))
-fun ContentBlock.nbsp() = append(ContentNonBreakingSpace)
-fun ContentBlock.softLineBreak() = append(ContentSoftLineBreak)
-fun ContentBlock.indentedSoftLineBreak() = append(ContentIndentedSoftLineBreak)
-fun ContentBlock.strong(body: ContentBlock.() -> Unit) {
- val strong = ContentStrong()
- strong.body()
- append(strong)
-fun ContentBlock.code(body: ContentBlock.() -> Unit) {
- val code = ContentCode()
- code.body()
- append(code)
-fun ContentBlock.link(to: DocumentationNode, body: ContentBlock.() -> Unit) {
- val block = ContentNodeDirectLink(to)
- block.body()
- append(block)
-public open class Content(): ContentBlock() {
- public open val sections: List<ContentSection> get() = emptyList()
- public open val summary: ContentNode get() = ContentEmpty
- public open val description: ContentNode get() = ContentEmpty
- fun findSectionByTag(tag: String): ContentSection? =
- sections.firstOrNull { tag.equals(it.tag, ignoreCase = true) }
- companion object {
- val Empty = Content()
- fun of(vararg child: ContentNode): Content {
- val result = MutableContent()
- child.forEach { result.append(it) }
- return result
- }
- }
-public open class MutableContent() : Content() {
- private val sectionList = arrayListOf<ContentSection>()
- public override val sections: List<ContentSection>
- get() = sectionList
- fun addSection(tag: String?, subjectName: String?): ContentSection {
- val section = ContentSection(tag ?: "", subjectName)
- sectionList.add(section)
- return section
- }
- public override val summary: ContentNode get() = children.firstOrNull() ?: ContentEmpty
- public override val description: ContentNode by lazy {
- val descriptionNodes = children.drop(1)
- if (descriptionNodes.isEmpty()) {
- ContentEmpty
- } else {
- val result = ContentSection(ContentTags.Description, null)
- result.children.addAll(descriptionNodes)
- result
- }
- }
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
- if (other !is Content)
- return false
- return sections == other.sections && children == other.children
- }
- override fun hashCode(): Int {
- return sections.map { it.hashCode() }.sum()
- }
- override fun toString(): String {
- if (sections.isEmpty())
- return "<empty>"
- return (listOf(summary, description) + sections).joinToString()
- }
-fun javadocSectionDisplayName(sectionName: String?): String? =
- when(sectionName) {
- "param" -> "Parameters"
- "throws", "exception" -> "Exceptions"
- else -> sectionName?.capitalize()
- }
diff --git a/src/Model/DocumentationNode.kt b/src/Model/DocumentationNode.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 52881f65..00000000
--- a/src/Model/DocumentationNode.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import java.util.*
-public open class DocumentationNode(val name: String,
- content: Content,
- val kind: DocumentationNode.Kind) {
- private val references = LinkedHashSet<DocumentationReference>()
- var content: Content = content
- private set
- public val summary: ContentNode get() = content.summary
- public val owner: DocumentationNode?
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Owner).singleOrNull()?.to
- public val details: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail).map { it.to }
- public val members: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Member).map { it.to }
- public val inheritedMembers: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.InheritedMember).map { it.to }
- public val extensions: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Extension).map { it.to }
- public val inheritors: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Inheritor).map { it.to }
- public val overrides: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Override).map { it.to }
- public val links: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Link).map { it.to }
- public val hiddenLinks: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.HiddenLink).map { it.to }
- public val annotations: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Annotation).map { it.to }
- public val deprecation: DocumentationNode?
- get() = references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Deprecation).singleOrNull()?.to
- // TODO: Should we allow node mutation? Model merge will copy by ref, so references are transparent, which could nice
- public fun addReferenceTo(to: DocumentationNode, kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) {
- references.add(DocumentationReference(this, to, kind))
- }
- public fun addAllReferencesFrom(other: DocumentationNode) {
- references.addAll(other.references)
- }
- public fun updateContent(body: MutableContent.() -> Unit) {
- if (content !is MutableContent) {
- content = MutableContent()
- }
- (content as MutableContent).body()
- }
- public fun details(kind: DocumentationNode.Kind): List<DocumentationNode> = details.filter { it.kind == kind }
- public fun members(kind: DocumentationNode.Kind): List<DocumentationNode> = members.filter { it.kind == kind }
- public fun inheritedMembers(kind: DocumentationNode.Kind): List<DocumentationNode> = inheritedMembers.filter { it.kind == kind }
- public fun links(kind: DocumentationNode.Kind): List<DocumentationNode> = links.filter { it.kind == kind }
- public fun detail(kind: DocumentationNode.Kind): DocumentationNode = details.filter { it.kind == kind }.single()
- public fun member(kind: DocumentationNode.Kind): DocumentationNode = members.filter { it.kind == kind }.single()
- public fun link(kind: DocumentationNode.Kind): DocumentationNode = links.filter { it.kind == kind }.single()
- public fun references(kind: DocumentationReference.Kind): List<DocumentationReference> = references.filter { it.kind == kind }
- public fun allReferences(): Set<DocumentationReference> = references
- public override fun toString(): String {
- return "$kind:$name"
- }
- public enum class Kind {
- Unknown,
- Package,
- Class,
- Interface,
- Enum,
- AnnotationClass,
- EnumItem,
- Object,
- Constructor,
- Function,
- Property,
- Field,
- CompanionObjectProperty,
- CompanionObjectFunction,
- Parameter,
- Receiver,
- TypeParameter,
- Type,
- Supertype,
- UpperBound,
- LowerBound,
- Exception,
- Modifier,
- NullabilityModifier,
- Module,
- ExternalClass,
- Annotation,
- Value,
- SourceUrl,
- SourcePosition,
- /**
- * A note which is rendered once on a page documenting a group of overloaded functions.
- * Needs to be generated equally on all overloads.
- */
- OverloadGroupNote;
- companion object {
- val classLike = setOf(Class, Interface, Enum, AnnotationClass, Object)
- }
- }
-public class DocumentationModule(name: String, content: Content = Content.Empty)
- : DocumentationNode(name, content, DocumentationNode.Kind.Module) {
-val DocumentationNode.path: List<DocumentationNode>
- get() {
- val parent = owner ?: return listOf(this)
- return parent.path + this
- }
-fun DocumentationNode.findOrCreatePackageNode(packageName: String, packageContent: Map<String, Content>): DocumentationNode {
- val existingNode = members(DocumentationNode.Kind.Package).firstOrNull { it.name == packageName }
- if (existingNode != null) {
- return existingNode
- }
- val newNode = DocumentationNode(packageName,
- packageContent.getOrElse(packageName) { Content.Empty },
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Package)
- append(newNode, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member)
- return newNode
-fun DocumentationNode.append(child: DocumentationNode, kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) {
- addReferenceTo(child, kind)
- when (kind) {
- DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail -> child.addReferenceTo(this, DocumentationReference.Kind.Owner)
- DocumentationReference.Kind.Member -> child.addReferenceTo(this, DocumentationReference.Kind.Owner)
- DocumentationReference.Kind.Owner -> child.addReferenceTo(this, DocumentationReference.Kind.Member)
- else -> { /* Do not add any links back for other types */ }
- }
-fun DocumentationNode.appendTextNode(text: String,
- kind: DocumentationNode.Kind,
- refKind: DocumentationReference.Kind = DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail) {
- append(DocumentationNode(text, Content.Empty, kind), refKind)
-fun DocumentationNode.qualifiedName() = path.drop(1).map { it.name }.filter { it.length > 0 }.joinToString(".")
diff --git a/src/Model/DocumentationReference.kt b/src/Model/DocumentationReference.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 898c92d7..00000000
--- a/src/Model/DocumentationReference.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.google.inject.Singleton
-public data class DocumentationReference(val from: DocumentationNode, val to: DocumentationNode, val kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) {
- public enum class Kind {
- Owner,
- Member,
- InheritedMember,
- Detail,
- Link,
- HiddenLink,
- Extension,
- Inheritor,
- Superclass,
- Override,
- Annotation,
- Deprecation,
- TopLevelPage
- }
-class PendingDocumentationReference(val lazyNodeFrom: () -> DocumentationNode?,
- val lazyNodeTo: () -> DocumentationNode?,
- val kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) {
- fun resolve() {
- val fromNode = lazyNodeFrom()
- val toNode = lazyNodeTo()
- if (fromNode != null && toNode != null) {
- fromNode.addReferenceTo(toNode, kind)
- }
- }
-class NodeReferenceGraph() {
- private val nodeMap = hashMapOf<String, DocumentationNode>()
- val references = arrayListOf<PendingDocumentationReference>()
- fun register(signature: String, node: DocumentationNode) {
- nodeMap.put(signature, node)
- }
- fun link(fromNode: DocumentationNode, toSignature: String, kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) {
- references.add(PendingDocumentationReference({ -> fromNode}, { -> nodeMap[toSignature]}, kind))
- }
- fun link(fromSignature: String, toNode: DocumentationNode, kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) {
- references.add(PendingDocumentationReference({ -> nodeMap[fromSignature]}, { -> toNode}, kind))
- }
- fun link(fromSignature: String, toSignature: String, kind: DocumentationReference.Kind) {
- references.add(PendingDocumentationReference({ -> nodeMap[fromSignature]}, { -> nodeMap[toSignature]}, kind))
- }
- fun lookup(signature: String): DocumentationNode? = nodeMap[signature]
- fun resolveReferences() {
- references.forEach { it.resolve() }
- }
diff --git a/src/Model/PackageDocs.kt b/src/Model/PackageDocs.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 044c73d8..00000000
--- a/src/Model/PackageDocs.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.google.inject.Inject
-import com.google.inject.Singleton
-import org.intellij.markdown.MarkdownElementTypes
-import org.intellij.markdown.MarkdownTokenTypes
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.lazy.descriptors.LazyPackageDescriptor
-import java.io.File
-public class PackageDocs
- @Inject constructor(val linkResolver: DeclarationLinkResolver?,
- val logger: DokkaLogger)
- public val moduleContent: MutableContent = MutableContent()
- private val _packageContent: MutableMap<String, MutableContent> = hashMapOf()
- public val packageContent: Map<String, Content>
- get() = _packageContent
- fun parse(fileName: String, linkResolveContext: LazyPackageDescriptor?) {
- val file = File(fileName)
- if (file.exists()) {
- val text = file.readText()
- val tree = parseMarkdown(text)
- var targetContent: MutableContent = moduleContent
- tree.children.forEach {
- if (it.type == MarkdownElementTypes.ATX_1) {
- val headingText = it.child(MarkdownTokenTypes.ATX_CONTENT)?.text
- if (headingText != null) {
- targetContent = findTargetContent(headingText.trimStart())
- }
- } else {
- buildContentTo(it, targetContent, { resolveContentLink(it, linkResolveContext) })
- }
- }
- } else {
- logger.warn("Include file $file was not found.")
- }
- }
- private fun findTargetContent(heading: String): MutableContent {
- if (heading.startsWith("Module") || heading.startsWith("module")) {
- return moduleContent
- }
- if (heading.startsWith("Package") || heading.startsWith("package")) {
- return findOrCreatePackageContent(heading.substring("package".length).trim())
- }
- return findOrCreatePackageContent(heading)
- }
- private fun findOrCreatePackageContent(packageName: String) =
- _packageContent.getOrPut(packageName) { -> MutableContent() }
- private fun resolveContentLink(href: String, linkResolveContext: LazyPackageDescriptor?): ContentBlock {
- if (linkResolveContext != null && linkResolver != null) {
- return linkResolver.resolveContentLink(linkResolveContext, href)
- }
- return ContentExternalLink("#")
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Model/SourceLinks.kt b/src/Model/SourceLinks.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 956bfe4b..00000000
--- a/src/Model/SourceLinks.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
-import java.io.File
-import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocumentManager
-import com.intellij.psi.PsiNameIdentifierOwner
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.startOffset
-class SourceLinkDefinition(val path: String, val url: String, val lineSuffix: String?)
-fun DocumentationNode.appendSourceLink(psi: PsiElement?, sourceLinks: List<SourceLinkDefinition>) {
- val path = psi?.containingFile?.virtualFile?.path ?: return
- val target = if (psi is PsiNameIdentifierOwner) psi.nameIdentifier else psi
- val absPath = File(path).absolutePath
- val linkDef = sourceLinks.firstOrNull { absPath.startsWith(it.path) }
- if (linkDef != null) {
- var url = linkDef.url + path.substring(linkDef.path.length)
- if (linkDef.lineSuffix != null) {
- val line = target?.lineNumber()
- if (line != null) {
- url += linkDef.lineSuffix + line.toString()
- }
- }
- append(DocumentationNode(url, Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.SourceUrl),
- DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail);
- }
- if (target != null) {
- append(DocumentationNode(target.sourcePosition(), Content.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.SourcePosition), DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail)
- }
-private fun PsiElement.sourcePosition(): String {
- val path = containingFile.virtualFile.path
- val lineNumber = lineNumber()
- val columnNumber = columnNumber()
- return when {
- lineNumber == null -> path
- columnNumber == null -> "$path:$lineNumber"
- else -> "$path:$lineNumber:$columnNumber"
- }
-fun PsiElement.lineNumber(): Int? {
- val doc = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getDocument(containingFile)
- // IJ uses 0-based line-numbers; external source browsers use 1-based
- return doc?.getLineNumber(textRange.startOffset)?.plus(1)
-fun PsiElement.columnNumber(): Int? {
- val doc = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getDocument(containingFile) ?: return null
- val lineNumber = doc.getLineNumber(textRange.startOffset)
- return startOffset - doc.getLineStartOffset(lineNumber)
-} \ No newline at end of file