diff options
6 files changed, 345 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/kotlin/model/Documentable.kt b/core/src/main/kotlin/model/Documentable.kt
index f3b88d8e..62268fef 100644
--- a/core/src/main/kotlin/model/Documentable.kt
+++ b/core/src/main/kotlin/model/Documentable.kt
@@ -340,12 +340,13 @@ data class DTypeParameter(
dri: DRI,
name: String,
+ presentableName: String?,
documentation: SourceSetDependent<DocumentationNode>,
expectPresentInSet: DokkaSourceSet?,
bounds: List<Bound>,
sourceSets: Set<DokkaSourceSet>,
extra: PropertyContainer<DTypeParameter> = PropertyContainer.empty()
- ) : this(Invariance(TypeParameter(dri, name)), documentation, expectPresentInSet, bounds, sourceSets, extra)
+ ) : this(Invariance(TypeParameter(dri, name, presentableName)), documentation, expectPresentInSet, bounds, sourceSets, extra)
override val dri: DRI by variantTypeParameter.inner::dri
override val name: String by variantTypeParameter.inner::name
@@ -376,13 +377,28 @@ data class DTypeAlias(
sealed class Projection
sealed class Bound : Projection()
-data class TypeParameter(val dri: DRI, val name: String) : Bound()
+data class TypeParameter(val dri: DRI, val name: String, val presentableName: String? = null) : Bound()
object Star : Projection()
-data class TypeConstructor(
- val dri: DRI,
- val projections: List<Projection>,
- val modifier: FunctionModifiers = FunctionModifiers.NONE
-) : Bound()
+sealed class TypeConstructor : Bound() {
+ abstract val dri: DRI
+ abstract val projections: List<Projection>
+ abstract val presentableName: String?
+data class GenericTypeConstructor(
+ override val dri: DRI,
+ override val projections: List<Projection>,
+ override val presentableName: String? = null
+) : TypeConstructor()
+data class FunctionalTypeConstructor(
+ override val dri: DRI,
+ override val projections: List<Projection>,
+ val isExtensionFunction: Boolean = false,
+ val isSuspendable: Boolean = false,
+ override val presentableName: String? = null
+) : TypeConstructor()
data class Nullable(val inner: Bound) : Bound()
@@ -406,14 +422,10 @@ object JavaObject : Bound()
object Dynamic : Bound()
data class UnresolvedBound(val name: String) : Bound()
-enum class FunctionModifiers {
fun Variance<TypeParameter>.withDri(dri: DRI) = when(this) {
- is Contravariance -> Contravariance(TypeParameter(dri, inner.name))
- is Covariance -> Covariance(TypeParameter(dri, inner.name))
- is Invariance -> Invariance(TypeParameter(dri, inner.name))
+ is Contravariance -> Contravariance(TypeParameter(dri, inner.name, inner.presentableName))
+ is Covariance -> Covariance(TypeParameter(dri, inner.name, inner.presentableName))
+ is Invariance -> Invariance(TypeParameter(dri, inner.name, inner.presentableName))
private fun String.shorten(maxLength: Int) = lineSequence().first().let {
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/signatures/KotlinSignatureProvider.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/signatures/KotlinSignatureProvider.kt
index 0a22cece..d701de04 100644
--- a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/signatures/KotlinSignatureProvider.kt
+++ b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/signatures/KotlinSignatureProvider.kt
@@ -323,14 +323,15 @@ class KotlinSignatureProvider(ctcc: CommentsToContentConverter, logger: DokkaLog
when (p) {
is TypeParameter -> link(p.name, p.dri)
- is TypeConstructor -> if (p.function)
+ is FunctionalTypeConstructor ->
+funType(mainDRI.single(), mainSourcesetData, p)
- else
+ is GenericTypeConstructor ->
group(styles = emptySet()) {
val linkText = if (showFullyQualifiedName && p.dri.packageName != null) {
} else p.dri.classNames.orEmpty()
+ if (p.presentableName != null) text(p.presentableName + ": ")
link(linkText, p.dri)
list(p.projections, prefix = "<", suffix = ">") {
signatureForProjection(it, showFullyQualifiedName)
@@ -357,14 +358,18 @@ class KotlinSignatureProvider(ctcc: CommentsToContentConverter, logger: DokkaLog
is UnresolvedBound -> text(p.name)
- private fun funType(dri: DRI, sourceSets: Set<DokkaSourceSet>, type: TypeConstructor) =
+ private fun funType(dri: DRI, sourceSets: Set<DokkaSourceSet>, type: FunctionalTypeConstructor) =
contentBuilder.contentFor(dri, sourceSets, ContentKind.Main) {
- if (type.extension) {
+ if (type.presentableName != null) text(type.presentableName + ": ")
+ if (type.isSuspendable) text("suspend ")
+ if (type.isExtensionFunction) {
- val args = if (type.extension)
+ val args = if (type.isExtensionFunction)
@@ -379,16 +384,11 @@ class KotlinSignatureProvider(ctcc: CommentsToContentConverter, logger: DokkaLog
-private fun PrimitiveJavaType.translateToKotlin() = TypeConstructor(
+private fun PrimitiveJavaType.translateToKotlin() = GenericTypeConstructor(
dri = dri,
- projections = emptyList()
+ projections = emptyList(),
+ presentableName = null
private val DTypeParameter.nontrivialBounds: List<Bound>
get() = bounds.filterNot { it is Nullable && it.inner.driOrNull == DriOfAny }
-val TypeConstructor.function
- get() = modifier == FunctionModifiers.FUNCTION || modifier == FunctionModifiers.EXTENSION
-val TypeConstructor.extension
- get() = modifier == FunctionModifiers.EXTENSION
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/descriptors/DefaultDescriptorToDocumentableTranslator.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/descriptors/DefaultDescriptorToDocumentableTranslator.kt
index f58b2b36..8525586a 100644
--- a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/descriptors/DefaultDescriptorToDocumentableTranslator.kt
+++ b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/descriptors/DefaultDescriptorToDocumentableTranslator.kt
@@ -17,8 +17,11 @@ import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.properties.PropertyContainer
import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext
import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.sources.SourceToDocumentableTranslator
import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.DokkaLogger
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.functions.FunctionClassDescriptor
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.isBuiltinExtensionFunctionalType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.isExtensionFunctionType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.isFunctionType
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.isSuspendFunctionTypeOrSubtype
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.isJvmStaticInObjectOrClassOrInterface
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind
@@ -586,7 +589,7 @@ private class DokkaDescriptorVisitor(
private fun ClassDescriptor.resolveClassDescriptionData(): ClassInfo {
fun toTypeConstructor(kt: KotlinType) =
- TypeConstructor(
+ GenericTypeConstructor(
DRI.from(kt.constructor.declarationDescriptor as DeclarationDescriptor),
kt.arguments.map { it.toProjection() })
@@ -621,7 +624,7 @@ private class DokkaDescriptorVisitor(
private fun TypeParameterDescriptor.toVariantTypeParameter() =
- TypeParameter(DRI.from(this), name.identifier)
+ TypeParameter(DRI.from(this), name.identifier, annotations.getPresentableName())
@@ -630,6 +633,10 @@ private class DokkaDescriptorVisitor(
extra = PropertyContainer.withAll(additionalExtras().toSourceSetDependent().toAdditionalModifiers())
+ private fun org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.Annotations.getPresentableName(): String? =
+ map { it.toAnnotation() }.singleOrNull { it.dri.classNames == "ParameterName" }?.params?.get("name")
+ .safeAs<StringValue>()?.value?.drop(1)?.dropLast(1) // Dropping enclosing doublequotes because we don't want to have it in our custom signature serializer
private fun KotlinType.toBound(): Bound = when (this) {
is DynamicType -> Dynamic
is AbbreviatedType -> TypeAliased(
@@ -639,14 +646,20 @@ private class DokkaDescriptorVisitor(
else -> when (val ctor = constructor.declarationDescriptor) {
is TypeParameterDescriptor -> TypeParameter(
dri = DRI.from(ctor),
- name = ctor.name.asString()
+ name = ctor.name.asString(),
+ presentableName = annotations.getPresentableName()
+ )
+ is FunctionClassDescriptor -> FunctionalTypeConstructor(
+ DRI.from(ctor),
+ arguments.map { it.toProjection() },
+ isExtensionFunction = isExtensionFunctionType || isBuiltinExtensionFunctionalType,
+ isSuspendable = isSuspendFunctionTypeOrSubtype,
+ presentableName = annotations.getPresentableName()
- else -> TypeConstructor(
+ else -> GenericTypeConstructor(
DRI.from(ctor!!), // TODO: remove '!!'
arguments.map { it.toProjection() },
- if (isExtensionFunctionType) FunctionModifiers.EXTENSION
- else if (isFunctionType) FunctionModifiers.FUNCTION
- else FunctionModifiers.NONE
+ annotations.getPresentableName()
}.let {
if (isMarkedNullable) Nullable(it) else it
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/psi/DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator.kt b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/psi/DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator.kt
index c413f5c8..d67bd9f5 100644
--- a/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/psi/DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator.kt
+++ b/plugins/base/src/main/kotlin/translators/psi/DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator.kt
@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext
import org.jetbrains.dokka.transformers.sources.SourceToDocumentableTranslator
import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.DokkaLogger
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.elements.KtLightAbstractAnnotation
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.functions.FunctionClassDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.CLIConfigurationKeys
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.config.JavaSourceRoot
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Visibilities
+import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.caches.resolve.util.getJavaClassDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.fqName.getKotlinFqName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.java.JvmAbi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.java.propertyNameByGetMethodName
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ class DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator(
psiClass.isInterface -> DRI.from(psiClass) to JavaClassKindTypes.INTERFACE
else -> DRI.from(psiClass) to JavaClassKindTypes.CLASS
- TypeConstructor(
+ GenericTypeConstructor(
) to javaClassKind
@@ -370,11 +372,19 @@ class DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator(
dri = DRI.from(resolved),
name = resolved.name.orEmpty()
- else ->
- TypeConstructor(DRI.from(resolved), type.parameters.map { getProjection(it) })
+ Regex("kotlin\\.jvm\\.functions\\.Function.*").matches(resolved.qualifiedName ?: "") ||
+ Regex("java\\.util\\.function\\.Function.*").matches(
+ resolved.qualifiedName ?: ""
+ ) -> FunctionalTypeConstructor(
+ DRI.from(resolved),
+ type.parameters.map { getProjection(it) }
+ )
+ else -> GenericTypeConstructor(
+ DRI.from(resolved),
+ type.parameters.map { getProjection(it) })
- is PsiArrayType -> TypeConstructor(
+ is PsiArrayType -> GenericTypeConstructor(
DRI("kotlin", "Array"),
@@ -411,6 +421,7 @@ class DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator(
dri.copy(target = dri.target.nextTarget()),
+ null,
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/signatures/FunctionalTypeConstructorsSignatureTest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/signatures/FunctionalTypeConstructorsSignatureTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bac3ced2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/signatures/FunctionalTypeConstructorsSignatureTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+package signatures
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.jdk
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.testApi.testRunner.AbstractCoreTest
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
+import utils.A
+import utils.Span
+import utils.TestOutputWriterPlugin
+import utils.match
+class FunctionalTypeConstructorsSignatureTest : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ private val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ sourceSets {
+ sourceSet {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/")
+ classpath = listOf(commonStdlibPath!!)
+ externalDocumentationLinks = listOf(
+ stdlibExternalDocumentationLink,
+ DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink.Companion.jdk(8)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun source(signature: String) =
+ """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/Test.kt
+ |package example
+ |
+ | $signature
+ """.trimIndent()
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin normal function`() {
+ val source = source("val nF: Function1<Int, String> = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ", A("nF"), ": (", A("Int"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin syntactic sugar function`() {
+ val source = source("val nF: (Int) -> String = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ", A("nF"), ": (", A("Int"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin syntactic sugar extension function`() {
+ val source = source("val nF: Boolean.(Int) -> String = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ", A("nF"), ": ", A("Boolean"), ".(", A("Int"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin syntactic sugar function with param name`() {
+ val source = source("val nF: (param: Int) -> String = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ", A("nF"), ": (param: ", A("Int"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Disabled // Add coroutines on classpath and get proper import
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin normal suspendable function`() {
+ val source = source("val nF: SuspendFunction1<Int, String> = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ", A("nF"), ": suspend (", A("Int"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin syntactic sugar suspendable function`() {
+ val source = source("val nF: suspend (Int) -> String = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ", A("nF"), ": suspend (", A("Int"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin syntactic sugar suspendable extension function`() {
+ val source = source("val nF: suspend Boolean.(Int) -> String = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ", A("nF"), ": suspend ", A("Boolean"), ".(", A("Int"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin syntactic sugar suspendable function with param name`() {
+ val source = source("val nF: suspend (param: Int) -> String = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ", A("nF"), ": suspend (param: ", A("Int"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `kotlin syntactic sugar suspendable fancy function with param name`() {
+ val source =
+ source("val nF: suspend (param1: suspend Boolean.(param2: List<Int>) -> Boolean) -> String = { _ -> \"\" }")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "val ",
+ A("nF"),
+ ": suspend (param1: suspend",
+ A("Boolean"),
+ ".(param2: ",
+ A("List"),
+ "<",
+ A("Int"),
+ ">) -> ",
+ A("Boolean"),
+ ") -> ",
+ A("String"),
+ Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `java with java function`() {
+ val source = """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/JavaClass.java
+ |package example
+ |
+ |public class JavaClass {
+ | public java.util.function.Function<Integer, String> javaFunction = null;
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent()
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example/-java-class/index.html").signature().last().match(
+ "open val ", A("javaFunction"), ": (", A("Integer"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `java with kotlin function`() {
+ val source = """
+ |/src/main/kotlin/test/JavaClass.java
+ |package example
+ |
+ |public class JavaClass {
+ | public kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1<Integer, String> kotlinFunction = null;
+ |}
+ """.trimIndent()
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example/-java-class/index.html").signature().last().match(
+ "open val ", A("kotlinFunction"), ": (", A("Integer"), ") -> ", A("String"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/converters/KotlinToJavaConverter.kt b/plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/converters/KotlinToJavaConverter.kt
index 5a9f0855..5112ae0b 100644
--- a/plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/converters/KotlinToJavaConverter.kt
+++ b/plugins/kotlin-as-java/src/main/kotlin/converters/KotlinToJavaConverter.kt
@@ -188,7 +188,11 @@ private fun Projection.asJava(): Projection = when(this) {
private fun Bound.asJava(): Bound = when(this) {
is TypeParameter -> copy(dri.possiblyAsJava())
- is TypeConstructor -> copy(
+ is GenericTypeConstructor -> copy(
+ dri = dri.possiblyAsJava(),
+ projections = projections.map { it.asJava() }
+ )
+ is FunctionalTypeConstructor -> copy(
dri = dri.possiblyAsJava(),
projections = projections.map { it.asJava() }
@@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ internal fun DObject.asJava(): DObject = copy(
visibility = sourceSets.map {
it to JavaVisibility.Public
- type = TypeConstructor(dri, emptyList()),
+ type = GenericTypeConstructor(dri, emptyList()),
setter = null,
getter = null,
sourceSets = sourceSets,
@@ -276,7 +280,10 @@ internal fun String.getAsPrimitive(): JvmPrimitiveType? = org.jetbrains.kotlin.b
private fun DRI.partialFqName() = packageName?.let { "$it." } + classNames
private fun DRI.possiblyAsJava() = this.partialFqName().mapToJava()?.toDRI(this) ?: this
-private fun TypeConstructor.possiblyAsJava() = copy(dri = this.dri.possiblyAsJava())
+private fun TypeConstructor.possiblyAsJava() = when(this) {
+ is GenericTypeConstructor -> copy(dri = this.dri.possiblyAsJava())
+ is FunctionalTypeConstructor -> copy(dri = this.dri.possiblyAsJava())
private fun String.mapToJava(): ClassId? =