diff options
21 files changed, 8697 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/dokka.iml b/dokka.iml
index 5bd910bb..23008ad1 100644
--- a/dokka.iml
+++ b/dokka.iml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src" isTestSource="false" packagePrefix="org.jetbrains.dokka" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test/src" isTestSource="true" packagePrefix="org.jetbrains.dokka.tests" />
+ <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/gen" isTestSource="false" generated="true" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
diff --git a/src/Formats/StructuredFormatService.kt b/src/Formats/StructuredFormatService.kt
index 339ccf73..0c58f553 100644
--- a/src/Formats/StructuredFormatService.kt
+++ b/src/Formats/StructuredFormatService.kt
@@ -63,8 +63,10 @@ public abstract class StructuredFormatService(val locationService: LocationServi
appendLine(to, formatText(node.doc.description))
- for (section in node.doc.sections) {
- appendLine(to, formatBold(formatText(section.label)))
+ for ((label, section) in node.doc.sections) {
+ if (label.startsWith("$"))
+ continue
+ appendLine(to, formatBold(formatText(label)))
appendLine(to, formatText(section.text))
diff --git a/src/Formats/TextFormatService.kt b/src/Formats/TextFormatService.kt
index 29f01a74..77a0bb65 100644
--- a/src/Formats/TextFormatService.kt
+++ b/src/Formats/TextFormatService.kt
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ public class TextFormatService(val signatureGenerator: LanguageService) : Format
for (n in 0..node.doc.summary.length())
- for (section in node.doc.sections) {
- appendln(section.label)
+ for ((label,section) in node.doc.sections) {
+ appendln(label)
diff --git a/src/Markdown/GeneratedParserUtilBase.java b/src/Markdown/GeneratedParserUtilBase.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9dd999b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Markdown/GeneratedParserUtilBase.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1031 @@
+ * Copyright 2011-2014 Gregory Shrago
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown;
+import com.intellij.lang.*;
+import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderAdapter;
+import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl;
+import com.intellij.lexer.Lexer;
+import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
+import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing;
+import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key;
+import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair;
+import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringHash;
+import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
+import com.intellij.psi.PsiReference;
+import com.intellij.psi.TokenType;
+import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.FileContextUtil;
+import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.CompositePsiElement;
+import com.intellij.psi.tree.ICompositeElementType;
+import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
+import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet;
+import com.intellij.util.Function;
+import com.intellij.util.PairProcessor;
+import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
+import com.intellij.util.containers.LimitedPool;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
+import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+ * @author gregsh
+ */
+public class GeneratedParserUtilBase {
+ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("org.intellij.grammar.parser.GeneratedParserUtilBase");
+ private static final int MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL = 1000;
+ private static final int MAX_VARIANTS_SIZE = 10000;
+ private static final int MAX_VARIANTS_TO_DISPLAY = 50;
+ private static final int INITIAL_VARIANTS_SIZE = 1000;
+ private static final int VARIANTS_POOL_SIZE = 10000;
+ private static final int FRAMES_POOL_SIZE = 500;
+ public static final IElementType DUMMY_BLOCK = new DummyBlockElementType();
+ public interface Parser {
+ boolean parse(PsiBuilder builder, int level);
+ }
+ public static final Parser TOKEN_ADVANCER = new Parser() {
+ @Override
+ public boolean parse(PsiBuilder builder, int level) {
+ if (builder.eof()) return false;
+ builder.advanceLexer();
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ public static final Parser TRUE_CONDITION = new Parser() {
+ @Override
+ public boolean parse(PsiBuilder builder, int level) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ public static boolean eof(PsiBuilder builder_, int level_) {
+ return builder_.eof();
+ }
+ public static int current_position_(PsiBuilder builder_) {
+ return builder_.rawTokenIndex();
+ }
+ public static boolean recursion_guard_(PsiBuilder builder_, int level_, String funcName_) {
+ if (level_ > MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL) {
+ builder_.error("Maximum recursion level (" + MAX_RECURSION_LEVEL + ") reached in '" + funcName_ + "'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static boolean empty_element_parsed_guard_(PsiBuilder builder_, String funcName_, int prev_position_) {
+ if (prev_position_ == current_position_(builder_)) {
+ builder_.error("Empty element parsed in '" + funcName_ + "' at offset " + builder_.getCurrentOffset());
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static boolean invalid_left_marker_guard_(PsiBuilder builder_, PsiBuilder.Marker marker_, String funcName_) {
+ //builder_.error("Invalid left marker encountered in " + funcName_ +" at offset " + builder_.getCurrentOffset());
+ boolean goodMarker = marker_ != null; // && ((LighterASTNode)marker_).getTokenType() != TokenType.ERROR_ELEMENT;
+ if (!goodMarker) return false;
+ ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
+ return !state.frameStack.isEmpty();
+ }
+ public static TokenSet create_token_set_(IElementType... tokenTypes_) {
+ return TokenSet.create(tokenTypes_);
+ }
+ private static boolean consumeTokens(PsiBuilder builder_, boolean smart, int pin, IElementType... tokens) {
+ ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
+ if (state.completionState != null && state.predicateCount == 0) {
+ addCompletionVariant(builder_, state.completionState, tokens);
+ }
+ // suppress single token completion
+ CompletionState completionState = state.completionState;
+ state.completionState = null;
+ boolean result_ = true;
+ boolean pinned_ = false;
+ for (int i = 0, tokensLength = tokens.length; i < tokensLength; i++) {
+ if (pin > 0 && i == pin) pinned_ = result_;
+ if (result_ || pinned_) {
+ boolean fast = smart && i == 0;
+ if (!(fast ? consumeTokenFast(builder_, tokens[i]) : consumeToken(builder_, tokens[i]))) {
+ result_ = false;
+ if (pin < 0 || pinned_) report_error_(builder_, state, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ state.completionState = completionState;
+ return pinned_ || result_;
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeTokens(PsiBuilder builder_, int pin_, IElementType... token) {
+ return consumeTokens(builder_, false, pin_, token);
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeTokensSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, int pin_, IElementType... token) {
+ return consumeTokens(builder_, true, pin_, token);
+ }
+ public static boolean parseTokens(PsiBuilder builder_, int pin_, IElementType... tokens) {
+ return parseTokens(builder_, false, pin_, tokens);
+ }
+ public static boolean parseTokensSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, int pin_, IElementType... tokens) {
+ return parseTokens(builder_, true, pin_, tokens);
+ }
+ public static boolean parseTokens(PsiBuilder builder_, boolean smart, int pin_, IElementType... tokens) {
+ PsiBuilder.Marker marker_ = builder_.mark();
+ boolean result_ = consumeTokens(builder_, smart, pin_, tokens);
+ if (!result_) {
+ marker_.rollbackTo();
+ }
+ else {
+ marker_.drop();
+ }
+ return result_;
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeTokenSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
+ addCompletionVariantSmart(builder_, token);
+ return consumeTokenFast(builder_, token);
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeTokenSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, String token) {
+ addCompletionVariantSmart(builder_, token);
+ return consumeTokenFast(builder_, token);
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeToken(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
+ addVariantSmart(builder_, token, true);
+ if (nextTokenIsFast(builder_, token)) {
+ builder_.advanceLexer();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeTokenFast(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
+ if (nextTokenIsFast(builder_, token)) {
+ builder_.advanceLexer();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeToken(PsiBuilder builder_, String text) {
+ return consumeToken(builder_, text, ErrorState.get(builder_).caseSensitive);
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeToken(PsiBuilder builder_, String text, boolean caseSensitive) {
+ addVariantSmart(builder_, text, true);
+ int count = nextTokenIsFast(builder_, text, caseSensitive);
+ if (count > 0) {
+ while (count-- > 0) builder_.advanceLexer();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static boolean consumeTokenFast(PsiBuilder builder_, String text) {
+ int count = nextTokenIsFast(builder_, text, ErrorState.get(builder_).caseSensitive);
+ if (count > 0) {
+ while (count-- > 0) builder_.advanceLexer();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static boolean nextTokenIsFast(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
+ return builder_.getTokenType() == token;
+ }
+ public static boolean nextTokenIsFast(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType... tokens) {
+ IElementType tokenType = builder_.getTokenType();
+ for (IElementType token : tokens) {
+ if (token == tokenType) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static boolean nextTokenIs(PsiBuilder builder_, String frameName, IElementType... tokens) {
+ ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
+ if (state.completionState != null) return true;
+ boolean track = !state.suppressErrors && state.predicateCount < 2 && state.predicateSign;
+ if (!track) return nextTokenIsFast(builder_, tokens);
+ IElementType tokenType = builder_.getTokenType();
+ if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(frameName)) {
+ addVariantInner(state, builder_.rawTokenIndex(), frameName);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (IElementType token : tokens) {
+ addVariant(builder_, state, token);
+ }
+ }
+ if (tokenType == null) return false;
+ for (IElementType token : tokens) {
+ if (tokenType == token) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static boolean nextTokenIs(PsiBuilder builder_, IElementType token) {
+ if (!addVariantSmart(builder_, token, false)) return true;
+ return nextTokenIsFast(builder_, token);
+ }
+ public static boolean nextTokenIs(PsiBuilder builder_, String tokenText) {
+ if (!addVariantSmart(builder_, tokenText, false)) return true;
+ return nextTokenIsFast(builder_, tokenText, ErrorState.get(builder_).caseSensitive) > 0;
+ }
+ public static boolean nextTokenIsFast(PsiBuilder builder_, String tokenText) {
+ return nextTokenIsFast(builder_, tokenText, ErrorState.get(builder_).caseSensitive) > 0;
+ }
+ public static int nextTokenIsFast(PsiBuilder builder_, String tokenText, boolean caseSensitive) {
+ CharSequence sequence = builder_.getOriginalText();
+ int offset = builder_.getCurrentOffset();
+ int endOffset = offset + tokenText.length();
+ CharSequence subSequence = sequence.subSequence(offset, Math.min(endOffset, sequence.length()));
+ if (!Comparing.equal(subSequence, tokenText, caseSensitive)) return 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ int nextOffset = builder_.rawTokenTypeStart(++count);
+ if (nextOffset > endOffset) {
+ return -count;
+ }
+ else if (nextOffset == endOffset) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ private static void addCompletionVariantSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, Object token) {
+ ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
+ CompletionState completionState = state.completionState;
+ if (completionState != null && state.predicateCount == 0) {
+ addCompletionVariant(builder_, completionState, token);
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean addVariantSmart(PsiBuilder builder_, Object token, boolean force) {
+ ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
+ // skip FIRST check in completion mode
+ if (state.completionState != null && !force) return false;
+ builder_.eof();
+ if (!state.suppressErrors && state.predicateCount < 2) {
+ addVariant(builder_, state, token);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static void addVariant(PsiBuilder builder_, String text) {
+ addVariant(builder_, ErrorState.get(builder_), text);
+ }
+ private static void addVariant(PsiBuilder builder_, ErrorState state, Object o) {
+ builder_.eof(); // skip whitespaces
+ addVariantInner(state, builder_.rawTokenIndex(), o);
+ CompletionState completionState = state.completionState;
+ if (completionState != null && state.predicateSign) {
+ addCompletionVariant(builder_, completionState, o);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void addVariantInner(ErrorState state, int pos, Object o) {
+ Variant variant = state.VARIANTS.alloc().init(pos, o);
+ if (state.predicateSign) {
+ state.variants.add(variant);
+ if (state.lastExpectedVariantPos < variant.position) {
+ state.lastExpectedVariantPos = variant.position;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ state.unexpected.add(variant);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void addCompletionVariant(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder_, @NotNull CompletionState completionState, Object o) {
+ int offset = builder_.getCurrentOffset();
+ if (!builder_.eof() && offset == builder_.rawTokenTypeStart(1)) return; // suppress for zero-length tokens
+ boolean add = false;
+ int diff = completionState.offset - offset;
+ String text = completionState.convertItem(o);
+ int length = text == null? 0 : text.length();
+ if (length == 0) return;
+ if (diff == 0) {
+ add = true;
+ }
+ else if (diff > 0 && diff <= length) {
+ CharSequence fragment = builder_.getOriginalText().subSequence(offset, completionState.offset);
+ add = completionState.prefixMatches(fragment.toString(), text);
+ }
+ else if (diff < 0) {
+ for (int i=-1; ; i--) {
+ IElementType type = builder_.rawLookup(i);
+ int tokenStart = builder_.rawTokenTypeStart(i);
+ if (isWhitespaceOrComment(builder_, type)) {
+ diff = completionState.offset - tokenStart;
+ }
+ else if (type != null && tokenStart < completionState.offset) {
+ CharSequence fragment = builder_.getOriginalText().subSequence(tokenStart, completionState.offset);
+ if (completionState.prefixMatches(fragment.toString(), text)) {
+ diff = completionState.offset - tokenStart;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else break;
+ }
+ add = diff >= 0 && diff < length;
+ }
+ add = add && length > 1 && !(text.charAt(0) == '<' && text.charAt(length - 1) == '>') &&
+ !(text.charAt(0) == '\'' && text.charAt(length - 1) == '\'' && length < 5);
+ if (add) {
+ completionState.addItem(builder_, text);
+ }
+ }
+ public static boolean isWhitespaceOrComment(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder_, @Nullable IElementType type) {
+ return ((PsiBuilderImpl)((Builder)builder_).getDelegate()).whitespaceOrComment(type);
+ }
+ // here's the new section API for compact parsers & less IntelliJ platform API exposure
+ public static final int _NONE_ = 0x0;
+ public static final int _COLLAPSE_ = 0x1;
+ public static final int _LEFT_ = 0x2;
+ public static final int _LEFT_INNER_ = 0x4;
+ public static final int _AND_ = 0x8;
+ public static final int _NOT_ = 0x10;
+ // simple enter/exit methods pair that doesn't require frame object
+ public static PsiBuilder.Marker enter_section_(PsiBuilder builder_) {
+ return builder_.mark();
+ }
+ public static void exit_section_(PsiBuilder builder_,
+ PsiBuilder.Marker marker,
+ @Nullable IElementType elementType,
+ boolean result) {
+ close_marker_impl_(ErrorState.get(builder_).frameStack.peekLast(), marker, elementType, result);
+ }
+ // complex enter/exit methods pair with frame object
+ public static PsiBuilder.Marker enter_section_(PsiBuilder builder_, int level, int modifiers, @Nullable String frameName) {
+ PsiBuilder.Marker marker = builder_.mark();
+ enter_section_impl_(builder_, level, modifiers, frameName);
+ return marker;
+ }
+ private static void enter_section_impl_(PsiBuilder builder_, int level, int modifiers, @Nullable String frameName) {
+ ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
+ Frame frame = state.FRAMES.alloc().init(builder_, state, level, modifiers, frameName);
+ Frame prevFrame = state.frameStack.peekLast();
+ if (prevFrame != null && prevFrame.errorReportedAt > frame.position) {
+ // report error for previous unsuccessful frame
+ reportError(builder_, state, frame, true, false);
+ }
+ if (((frame.modifiers & _LEFT_) | (frame.modifiers & _LEFT_INNER_)) != 0) {
+ PsiBuilder.Marker left = (PsiBuilder.Marker)builder_.getLatestDoneMarker();
+ if (invalid_left_marker_guard_(builder_, left, frameName)) {
+ frame.leftMarker = left;
+ }
+ }
+ state.frameStack.add(frame);
+ if ((modifiers & _AND_) != 0) {
+ if (state.predicateCount == 0 && !state.predicateSign) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Incorrect false predicate sign");
+ }
+ state.predicateCount++;
+ }
+ else if ((modifiers & _NOT_) != 0) {
+ if (state.predicateCount == 0) {
+ state.predicateSign = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ state.predicateSign = !state.predicateSign;
+ }
+ state.predicateCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void exit_section_(PsiBuilder builder_,
+ int level,
+ PsiBuilder.Marker marker,
+ @Nullable IElementType elementType,
+ boolean result,
+ boolean pinned,
+ @Nullable Parser eatMore) {
+ ErrorState state = ErrorState.get(builder_);
+ Frame frame = state.frameStack.pollLast();
+ if (frame == null || level != frame.level) {
+ LOG.error("Unbalanced error section: got " + frame + ", expected level " + level);
+ if (frame != null) state.FRAMES.recycle(frame);
+ close_marker_impl_(frame, marker, elementType, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (((frame.modifiers & _AND_) | (frame.modifiers & _NOT_)) != 0) {
+ close_marker_impl_(frame, marker, null, false);
+ state.predicateCount--;
+ if ((frame.modifiers & _NOT_) != 0) state.predicateSign = !state.predicateSign;
+ state.FRAMES.recycle(frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ exit_section_impl_(state, frame, builder_, marker, elementType, result, pinned);
+ int initialPos = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
+ boolean willFail = !result && !pinned;
+ if (willFail && initialPos == frame.position && state.lastExpectedVariantPos == frame.position &&
+ frame.name != null && state.variants.size() - frame.variantCount > 1) {
+ state.clearVariants(true, frame.variantCount);
+ addVariantInner(state, initialPos, frame.name);
+ }
+ int lastErrorPos = getLastVariantPos(state, initialPos);
+ if (!state.suppressErrors && eatMore != null) {
+ state.suppressErrors = true;
+ final boolean eatMoreFlagOnce = !builder_.eof() && eatMore.parse(builder_, frame.level + 1);
+ boolean eatMoreFlag = eatMoreFlagOnce || !result && frame.position == initialPos && lastErrorPos > frame.position;
+ PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker latestDoneMarker =
+ (pinned || result) && (state.altMode || elementType != null) &&
+ eatMoreFlagOnce ? (PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker)builder_.getLatestDoneMarker() : null;
+ PsiBuilder.Marker extensionMarker = null;
+ IElementType extensionTokenType = null;
+ // whitespace prefix makes the very first frame offset bigger than marker start offset which is always 0
+ if (latestDoneMarker instanceof PsiBuilder.Marker &&
+ frame.position >= latestDoneMarker.getStartIndex() &&
+ frame.position <= latestDoneMarker.getEndIndex()) {
+ extensionMarker = ((PsiBuilder.Marker)latestDoneMarker).precede();
+ extensionTokenType = latestDoneMarker.getTokenType();
+ ((PsiBuilder.Marker)latestDoneMarker).drop();
+ }
+ // advance to the last error pos
+ // skip tokens until lastErrorPos. parseAsTree might look better here...
+ int parenCount = 0;
+ while ((eatMoreFlag || parenCount > 0) && builder_.rawTokenIndex() < lastErrorPos) {
+ builder_.advanceLexer();
+ eatMoreFlag = eatMore.parse(builder_, frame.level + 1);
+ }
+ boolean errorReported = frame.errorReportedAt == initialPos || !result && frame.errorReportedAt >= frame.position;
+ if (errorReported) {
+ if (eatMoreFlag) {
+ builder_.advanceLexer();
+ parseAsTree(state, builder_, frame.level + 1, DUMMY_BLOCK, true, TOKEN_ADVANCER, eatMore);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (eatMoreFlag) {
+ errorReported = reportError(builder_, state, frame, true, true);
+ parseAsTree(state, builder_, frame.level + 1, DUMMY_BLOCK, true, TOKEN_ADVANCER, eatMore);
+ }
+ else if (eatMoreFlagOnce || (!result && frame.position != builder_.rawTokenIndex()) || frame.errorReportedAt > initialPos) {
+ errorReported = reportError(builder_, state, frame, true, false);
+ }
+ if (extensionMarker != null) {
+ extensionMarker.done(extensionTokenType);
+ }
+ state.suppressErrors = false;
+ if (errorReported || result) {
+ state.clearVariants(true, 0);
+ state.clearVariants(false, 0);
+ state.lastExpectedVariantPos = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!result && pinned && frame.errorReportedAt < 0) {
+ // do not report if there are errors beyond current position
+ if (lastErrorPos == initialPos) {
+ // do not force, inner recoverRoot might have skipped some tokens
+ reportError(builder_, state, frame, false, false);
+ }
+ else if (lastErrorPos > initialPos) {
+ // set error pos here as if it is reported for future reference
+ frame.errorReportedAt = lastErrorPos;
+ }
+ }
+ // propagate errorReportedAt up the stack to avoid duplicate reporting
+ Frame prevFrame = willFail && eatMore == null ? null : state.frameStack.peekLast();
+ if (prevFrame != null && prevFrame.errorReportedAt < frame.errorReportedAt) {
+ prevFrame.errorReportedAt = frame.errorReportedAt;
+ }
+ state.FRAMES.recycle(frame);
+ }
+ private static void exit_section_impl_(ErrorState state,
+ Frame frame,
+ PsiBuilder builder_,
+ PsiBuilder.Marker marker,
+ IElementType elementType,
+ boolean result,
+ boolean pinned) {
+ if (elementType != null && marker != null) {
+ if ((frame.modifiers & _COLLAPSE_) != 0) {
+ PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker last = result || pinned? (PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker)builder_.getLatestDoneMarker() : null;
+ if (last != null && last.getStartIndex() == frame.position &&
+ state.typeExtends(last.getTokenType(), elementType)) {
+ IElementType resultType = last.getTokenType();
+ ((PsiBuilder.Marker)last).drop();
+ marker.done(resultType);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result || pinned) {
+ if ((frame.modifiers & _LEFT_INNER_) != 0 && frame.leftMarker != null) {
+ marker.done(elementType);
+ frame.leftMarker.precede().done(((LighterASTNode)frame.leftMarker).getTokenType());
+ frame.leftMarker.drop();
+ }
+ else if ((frame.modifiers & _LEFT_) != 0 && frame.leftMarker != null) {
+ marker.drop();
+ frame.leftMarker.precede().done(elementType);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (frame.level == 0) builder_.eof(); // skip whitespaces
+ marker.done(elementType);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ close_marker_impl_(frame, marker, null, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (result || pinned) {
+ if (marker != null) marker.drop();
+ if ((frame.modifiers & _LEFT_INNER_) != 0 && frame.leftMarker != null) {
+ frame.leftMarker.precede().done(((LighterASTNode)frame.leftMarker).getTokenType());
+ frame.leftMarker.drop();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ close_marker_impl_(frame, marker, null, false);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void close_marker_impl_(Frame frame, PsiBuilder.Marker marker, IElementType elementType, boolean result) {
+ if (marker == null) return;
+ if (result) {
+ if (elementType != null) {
+ marker.done(elementType);
+ }
+ else {
+ marker.drop();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (frame != null) {
+ int position = ((PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker)marker).getStartIndex();
+ if (frame.errorReportedAt > position) {
+ frame.errorReportedAt = frame.errorReportedAtPrev;
+ }
+ }
+ marker.rollbackTo();
+ }
+ }
+ public static boolean report_error_(PsiBuilder builder_, boolean result_) {
+ if (!result_) report_error_(builder_, ErrorState.get(builder_), false);
+ return result_;
+ }
+ public static void report_error_(PsiBuilder builder_, ErrorState state, boolean advance) {
+ Frame frame = state.frameStack.isEmpty()? null : state.frameStack.getLast();
+ if (frame == null) {
+ LOG.error("unbalanced enter/exit section call: got null");
+ return;
+ }
+ int position = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
+ if (frame.errorReportedAt < position && getLastVariantPos(state, position + 1) <= position) {
+ reportError(builder_, state, frame, true, advance);
+ }
+ }
+ private static int getLastVariantPos(ErrorState state, int defValue) {
+ return state.lastExpectedVariantPos < 0? defValue : state.lastExpectedVariantPos;
+ }
+ private static boolean reportError(PsiBuilder builder_,
+ ErrorState state,
+ Frame frame,
+ boolean force,
+ boolean advance) {
+ String expectedText = state.getExpectedText(builder_);
+ boolean notEmpty = StringUtil.isNotEmpty(expectedText);
+ if (force || notEmpty || advance) {
+ String gotText = builder_.eof()? "unexpected end of file" :
+ notEmpty? "got '" + builder_.getTokenText() +"'" :
+ "'" + builder_.getTokenText() +"' unexpected";
+ String message = expectedText + gotText;
+ if (advance) {
+ PsiBuilder.Marker mark = builder_.mark();
+ builder_.advanceLexer();
+ mark.error(message);
+ }
+ else {
+ builder_.error(message);
+ }
+ builder_.eof(); // skip whitespaces
+ frame.errorReportedAt = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static final Key<CompletionState> COMPLETION_STATE_KEY = Key.create("COMPLETION_STATE_KEY");
+ public static class CompletionState implements Function<Object, String> {
+ public final int offset;
+ public final Collection<String> items = ContainerUtil.newTroveSet();
+ public CompletionState(int offset_) {
+ offset = offset_;
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ public String convertItem(Object o) {
+ return o instanceof Object[] ? StringUtil.join((Object[]) o, this, " ") : o.toString();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String fun(Object o) {
+ return o.toString();
+ }
+ public void addItem(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder, @NotNull String text) {
+ items.add(text);
+ }
+ public boolean prefixMatches(@NotNull String prefix, @NotNull String variant) {
+ return StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(variant, prefix);
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Builder extends PsiBuilderAdapter {
+ public final ErrorState state;
+ public final PsiParser parser;
+ public Builder(PsiBuilder builder_, ErrorState state_, PsiParser parser_) {
+ super(builder_);
+ state = state_;
+ parser = parser_;
+ }
+ public Lexer getLexer() {
+ return ((PsiBuilderImpl)myDelegate).getLexer();
+ }
+ }
+ public static PsiBuilder adapt_builder_(IElementType root, PsiBuilder builder, PsiParser parser) {
+ return adapt_builder_(root, builder, parser, null);
+ }
+ public static PsiBuilder adapt_builder_(IElementType root, PsiBuilder builder, PsiParser parser, TokenSet[] extendsSets) {
+ ErrorState state = new ErrorState();
+ ErrorState.initState(state, builder, root, extendsSets);
+ return new Builder(builder, state, parser);
+ }
+ public static class ErrorState {
+ TokenSet[] extendsSets;
+ public PairProcessor<IElementType, IElementType> altExtendsChecker;
+ int predicateCount;
+ boolean predicateSign = true;
+ boolean suppressErrors;
+ public final LinkedList<Frame> frameStack = new LinkedList<Frame>();
+ public CompletionState completionState;
+ private boolean caseSensitive;
+ public boolean altMode;
+ int lastExpectedVariantPos = -1;
+ MyList<Variant> variants = new MyList<Variant>(INITIAL_VARIANTS_SIZE);
+ MyList<Variant> unexpected = new MyList<Variant>(INITIAL_VARIANTS_SIZE / 10);
+ final LimitedPool<Variant> VARIANTS = new LimitedPool<Variant>(VARIANTS_POOL_SIZE, new LimitedPool.ObjectFactory<Variant>() {
+ @Override
+ public Variant create() {
+ return new Variant();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void cleanup(final Variant o) {
+ }
+ });
+ final LimitedPool<Frame> FRAMES = new LimitedPool<Frame>(FRAMES_POOL_SIZE, new LimitedPool.ObjectFactory<Frame>() {
+ @Override
+ public Frame create() {
+ return new Frame();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void cleanup(final Frame o) {
+ }
+ });
+ public static ErrorState get(PsiBuilder builder) {
+ return ((Builder)builder).state;
+ }
+ public static void initState(ErrorState state, PsiBuilder builder, IElementType root, TokenSet[] extendsSets) {
+ state.extendsSets = extendsSets;
+ PsiFile file = builder.getUserDataUnprotected(FileContextUtil.CONTAINING_FILE_KEY);
+ state.completionState = file == null? null: file.getUserData(COMPLETION_STATE_KEY);
+ Language language = file == null? root.getLanguage() : file.getLanguage();
+ state.caseSensitive = language.isCaseSensitive();
+ }
+ public String getExpectedText(PsiBuilder builder_) {
+ int position = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ if (addExpected(sb, position, true)) {
+ sb.append(" expected, ");
+ }
+ else if (addExpected(sb, position, false)) sb.append(" unexpected, ");
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ private boolean addExpected(StringBuilder sb, int position, boolean expected) {
+ MyList<Variant> list = expected ? variants : unexpected;
+ String[] strings = new String[list.size()];
+ long[] hashes = new long[strings.length];
+ Arrays.fill(strings, "");
+ int count = 0;
+ loop: for (Variant variant : list) {
+ if (position == variant.position) {
+ String text = variant.object.toString();
+ long hash = StringHash.calc(text);
+ for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
+ if (hashes[i] == hash) continue loop;
+ }
+ hashes[count] = hash;
+ strings[count] = text;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ Arrays.sort(strings);
+ count = 0;
+ for (String s : strings) {
+ if (s.length() == 0) continue;
+ if (count++ > 0) {
+ if (count > MAX_VARIANTS_TO_DISPLAY) {
+ sb.append(" and ...");
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ sb.append(", ");
+ }
+ }
+ char c = s.charAt(0);
+ String displayText = c == '<' || StringUtil.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) ? s : '\'' + s + '\'';
+ sb.append(displayText);
+ }
+ if (count > 1 && count < MAX_VARIANTS_TO_DISPLAY) {
+ int idx = sb.lastIndexOf(", ");
+ sb.replace(idx, idx + 1, " or");
+ }
+ return count > 0;
+ }
+ public void clearVariants(boolean expected, int start) {
+ MyList<Variant> list = expected? variants : unexpected;
+ if (start < 0 || start >= list.size()) return;
+ for (int i = start, len = list.size(); i < len; i ++) {
+ VARIANTS.recycle(list.get(i));
+ }
+ list.setSize(start);
+ }
+ boolean typeExtends(IElementType child_, IElementType parent_) {
+ if (child_ == parent_) return true;
+ if (extendsSets != null) {
+ for (TokenSet set : extendsSets) {
+ if (set.contains(child_) && set.contains(parent_)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return altExtendsChecker != null && altExtendsChecker.process(child_, parent_);
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Frame {
+ public int offset;
+ public int position;
+ public int level;
+ public int modifiers;
+ public String name;
+ public int variantCount;
+ public int errorReportedAt;
+ public int errorReportedAtPrev;
+ public PsiBuilder.Marker leftMarker;
+ public Frame() {
+ }
+ public Frame init(PsiBuilder builder_, ErrorState state, int level_, int modifiers_, String name_) {
+ offset = builder_.getCurrentOffset();
+ position = builder_.rawTokenIndex();
+ level = level_;
+ modifiers = modifiers_;
+ name = name_;
+ variantCount = state.variants.size();
+ errorReportedAt = -1;
+ Frame prev = state.frameStack.peekLast();
+ errorReportedAtPrev = prev == null? -1 : prev.errorReportedAt;
+ leftMarker = null;
+ return this;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ String mod = modifiers == _NONE_ ? "_NONE_, " :
+ ((modifiers & _COLLAPSE_) != 0? "_CAN_COLLAPSE_, ": "") +
+ ((modifiers & _LEFT_) != 0? "_LEFT_, ": "") +
+ ((modifiers & _LEFT_INNER_) != 0? "_LEFT_INNER_, ": "") +
+ ((modifiers & _AND_) != 0? "_AND_, ": "") +
+ ((modifiers & _NOT_) != 0? "_NOT_, ": "");
+ return String.format("{%s:%s:%d, %d, %s%s}", offset, position, level, errorReportedAt, mod, name);
+ }
+ }
+ private static class Variant {
+ int position;
+ Object object;
+ public Variant init(int pos, Object o) {
+ position = pos;
+ object = o;
+ return this;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "<" + position + ", " + object + ">";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object o) {
+ if (this == o) return true;
+ if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
+ Variant variant = (Variant)o;
+ if (position != variant.position) return false;
+ if (!this.object.equals(variant.object)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ int result = position;
+ result = 31 * result + object.hashCode();
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ private static final int MAX_CHILDREN_IN_TREE = 10;
+ public static boolean parseAsTree(ErrorState state, final PsiBuilder builder_, int level, final IElementType chunkType,
+ boolean checkBraces, final Parser parser, final Parser eatMoreCondition) {
+ final LinkedList<Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, PsiBuilder.Marker>> parenList = new LinkedList<Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, PsiBuilder.Marker>>();
+ final LinkedList<Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, Integer>> siblingList = new LinkedList<Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, Integer>>();
+ PsiBuilder.Marker marker = null;
+ final Runnable checkSiblingsRunnable = new Runnable() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ main:
+ while (!siblingList.isEmpty()) {
+ final Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, PsiBuilder.Marker> parenPair = parenList.peek();
+ final int rating = siblingList.getFirst().second;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, Integer> pair : siblingList) {
+ if (pair.second != rating || parenPair != null && pair.first == parenPair.second) break main;
+ if (++count >= MAX_CHILDREN_IN_TREE) {
+ final PsiBuilder.Marker parentMarker = pair.first.precede();
+ while (count-- > 0) {
+ siblingList.removeFirst();
+ }
+ parentMarker.done(chunkType);
+ siblingList.addFirst(Pair.create(parentMarker, rating + 1));
+ continue main;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ int totalCount = 0;
+ int tokenCount = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ final IElementType tokenType = builder_.getTokenType();
+ if (marker == null) {
+ marker = builder_.mark();
+ }
+ final boolean result = (!parenList.isEmpty() || eatMoreCondition.parse(builder_, level + 1)) && parser.parse(builder_, level + 1);
+ if (result) {
+ tokenCount++;
+ totalCount++;
+ }
+ if (!result) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tokenCount >= MAX_CHILDREN_IN_TREE && marker != null) {
+ marker.done(chunkType);
+ siblingList.addFirst(Pair.create(marker, 1));
+ checkSiblingsRunnable.run();
+ marker = null;
+ tokenCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (marker != null) {
+ marker.drop();
+ }
+ for (Pair<PsiBuilder.Marker, PsiBuilder.Marker> pair : parenList) {
+ pair.first.drop();
+ }
+ return totalCount != 0;
+ }
+ private static class DummyBlockElementType extends IElementType implements ICompositeElementType{
+ DummyBlockElementType() {
+ super("DUMMY_BLOCK", Language.ANY);
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ @Override
+ public ASTNode createCompositeNode() {
+ return new DummyBlock();
+ }
+ }
+ public static class DummyBlock extends CompositePsiElement {
+ DummyBlock() {
+ super(DUMMY_BLOCK);
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ @Override
+ public PsiReference[] getReferences() {
+ return PsiReference.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ }
+ @NotNull
+ @Override
+ public Language getLanguage() {
+ return getParent().getLanguage();
+ }
+ }
+ private static class MyList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
+ MyList(int initialCapacity) {
+ super(initialCapacity);
+ }
+ protected void setSize(int fromIndex) {
+ removeRange(fromIndex, size());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean add(E e) {
+ int size = size();
+ if (size >= MAX_VARIANTS_SIZE) {
+ removeRange(MAX_VARIANTS_SIZE / 4, size - MAX_VARIANTS_SIZE / 4);
+ }
+ return super.add(e);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Markdown/MarkdownLexer.java b/src/Markdown/MarkdownLexer.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3486d795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Markdown/MarkdownLexer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown;
+import com.intellij.lexer.FlexAdapter;
+import org.jetbrains.markdown.impl._MarkdownLexer;
+public class MarkdownLexer extends FlexAdapter {
+ public MarkdownLexer() {
+ super(new _MarkdownLexer());
+ }
diff --git a/src/Markdown/MarkdownProcessor.kt b/src/Markdown/MarkdownProcessor.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9843eb68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Markdown/MarkdownProcessor.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka
+import org.jetbrains.markdown.*
+import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl
+import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet
+import com.intellij.lang.Language
+import com.intellij.psi.tree.IFileElementType
+import com.intellij.lang.LighterASTNode
+import com.intellij.util.diff.FlyweightCapableTreeStructure
+import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown.MarkdownLexer
+public class MarkdownProcessor {
+ class object {
+ val EXPR_LANGUAGE = object : Language("MARKDOWN") {}
+ }
+ public fun parse(markdown: String): MarkdownTree {
+ val parser = MarkdownParser()
+ val builder = PsiBuilderImpl(null, null, TokenSet.EMPTY, TokenSet.EMPTY, MarkdownLexer(), null, markdown, null, null)
+ parser.parse_only_(DOCUMENT, builder)
+ val light = builder.getLightTree()!!
+ return MarkdownTree(markdown, light)
+ }
+public class MarkdownTree(private val text: String, private val structure: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure<LighterASTNode>) {
+ public fun dump(): String {
+ val sb = StringBuilder()
+ visit(sb, "", structure.getRoot(), structure, text)
+ return sb.toString()
+ }
+fun markdownToHtml(markdown : String) : String {
+ return MarkdownProcessor().parse(markdown).dump()
+fun visit(sb: StringBuilder, indent: String, node: LighterASTNode, structure: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure<LighterASTNode>, markdown: String) {
+ sb.append(indent)
+ sb.append(node.getTokenType().toString())
+ val nodeText = markdown.substring(node.getStartOffset(), node.getEndOffset())
+ sb.append(":" + nodeText.replace("\n","\u23CE"))
+ sb.appendln()
+ val ref = Ref.create<Array<LighterASTNode>?>()
+ val count = structure.getChildren(node, ref)
+ val children = ref.get()
+ if (children == null)
+ return
+ for (index in 0..count - 1) {
+ val child = children[index]
+ visit(sb, indent + " ", child, structure, markdown)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Markdown/MarkdownTokenType.kt b/src/Markdown/MarkdownTokenType.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..293228c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Markdown/MarkdownTokenType.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown
+import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
+public class MarkdownTokenType(debugName: String) : IElementType(debugName, null) {
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Markdown/_MarkdownLexer.flex b/src/Markdown/_MarkdownLexer.flex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c76da8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Markdown/_MarkdownLexer.flex
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package org.jetbrains.markdown.impl;
+import com.intellij.lexer.*;
+import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
+import static org.jetbrains.markdown.MarkdownElementTypes.*;
+ public _MarkdownLexer() {
+ this((java.io.Reader)null);
+ }
+%class _MarkdownLexer
+%implements FlexLexer
+%function advance
+%type IElementType
+Spacechar=[\ \t\f]
+STRING=[^~\*_`&\[\]()<!#\\ \t\n\r]+
+Line=!'\r' !'\n' .* {Newline}
+ {Spacechar} { return SPACECHAR; }
+ {Newline} { return NEWLINE; }
+ "\\357\\273\\277" { return BOM; }
+ {NUMBER} { return NUMBER; }
+ {STRING} { return STRING; }
+ {ANYCHAR} { return ANYCHAR; }
+ [^] { return com.intellij.psi.TokenType.BAD_CHARACTER; }
diff --git a/src/Markdown/markdown.bnf b/src/Markdown/markdown.bnf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0a3ede6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Markdown/markdown.bnf
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ psiPackage = 'org.jetbrains.markdown'
+ psiImplPackage = 'org.jetbrains.markdown.impl'
+ parserClass="org.jetbrains.markdown.MarkdownParser"
+ parserUtilClass="org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown.GeneratedParserUtilBase"
+ elementTypeHolderClass = 'org.jetbrains.markdown.MarkdownElementTypes'
+ tokenTypeClass = 'org.jetbrains.dokka.Markdown.MarkdownTokenType'
+ tokens=[
+ LINE_WS='regexp:[\ \t\f]'
+ EOL='"\r"|"\n"|"\r\n"'
+ BOM = '\357\273\277'
+ number='regexp:\d+(\.\d*)?'
+ String='regexp:[^~\*_`&\[\]()<!#\\ \t\n\r]+'
+ AnyChar='regexp:.'
+ ]
+Document ::= BOM? ( Block )*
+OptionalSpace ::= Spacechar*
+RequiredSpace ::= Spacechar+
+NonindentSpace ::= (" " | " " | " ")?
+BlankLine ::= OptionalSpace Newline
+Whitespace ::= Spacechar | Newline
+EndLine ::= LineBreak | TerminalEndline | NormalEndline
+NormalEndline ::= OptionalSpace Newline !BlankLine
+TerminalEndline ::= OptionalSpace Newline <<eof>>
+LineBreak ::= " " NormalEndline
+Indent ::= "\t" | " "
+// ---- BLOCKS ----
+Block ::= BlankLine* (
+ Para
+ | Plain
+ | OrderedList
+ | BulletList
+ )
+Para ::= NonindentSpace Inlines (BlankLine+ | TerminalEndline)
+Plain ::= Inlines
+HorizontalRule ::= NonindentSpace
+ ( '*' OptionalSpace '*' OptionalSpace '*' (OptionalSpace '*')*
+ | '-' OptionalSpace '-' OptionalSpace '-' (OptionalSpace '-')*
+ | '_' OptionalSpace '_' OptionalSpace '_' (OptionalSpace '_')*)
+ OptionalSpace Newline BlankLine+
+Bullet ::= !HorizontalRule NonindentSpace ('+' | '*' | '-') Spacechar+
+Enumerator ::= NonindentSpace number '.' Spacechar+
+BulletList ::= &Bullet List
+OrderedList ::= &Enumerator List
+List ::= (ListItem BlankLine*)+
+ListItem ::= (Bullet | Enumerator) ListBlock ( ListContinuationBlock )*
+ListBlock ::= !BlankLine Plain ( ListBlockLine )*
+ListBlockLine ::= !BlankLine !(Indent? (Bullet | Enumerator)) !HorizontalRule Indent? Plain
+ListContinuationBlock ::= BlankLine* (Indent ListBlock)+
+// ---- INLINES ----
+Inlines ::= (!EndLine Inline | EndLine &Inline )+ EndLine?
+Inline ::= String | EndLine | RequiredSpace | Strong | Emph | Link
+Emph ::= EmphStar | EmphUnderscore
+EmphStar ::= '*' !Whitespace (!'*' Inline)+ '*'
+EmphUnderscore ::= '_' !Whitespace (!'_' Inline)+ '_'
+Strong ::= StrongStar | StrongUnderscore
+StrongStar ::= '**' !Whitespace (!'**' Inline)+ '**'
+StrongUnderscore ::= '__' !Whitespace (!'__' Inline)+ '__'
+Link ::= ReferenceLink
+ReferenceLink ::= ReferenceLinkSingle
+ReferenceLinkSingle ::= '[' Target ']'
+Target ::= String \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Markdown/markdown.leg b/src/Markdown/markdown.leg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea8bc522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Markdown/markdown.leg
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+ markdown_parser.leg - markdown parser in C using a PEG grammar.
+ (c) 2008 John MacFarlane (jgm at berkeley dot edu).
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License or the MIT
+ license. See LICENSE for details.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "markdown_peg.h"
+#include "utility_functions.h"
+ Definitions for leg parser generator.
+ YY_INPUT is the function the parser calls to get new input.
+ We take all new input from (static) charbuf.
+ ***********************************************************************/
+# define YYSTYPE element *
+#ifdef __DEBUG__
+# define YY_DEBUG 1
+#define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) \
+{ \
+ int yyc; \
+ if (charbuf && *charbuf != '\0') { \
+ yyc= *charbuf++; \
+ } else { \
+ yyc= EOF; \
+ } \
+ result= (EOF == yyc) ? 0 : (*(buf)= yyc, 1); \
+#define YY_RULE(T) T
+ PEG grammar and parser actions for markdown syntax.
+ ***********************************************************************/
+Doc = BOM? a:StartList ( Block { a = cons($$, a); } )*
+ { parse_result = reverse(a); }
+Block = BlankLine*
+ ( BlockQuote
+ | Verbatim
+ | Note
+ | Reference
+ | HorizontalRule
+ | Heading
+ | OrderedList
+ | BulletList
+ | HtmlBlock
+ | StyleBlock
+ | Para
+ | Plain )
+Para = NonindentSpace a:Inlines BlankLine+
+ { $$ = a; $$->key = PARA; }
+Plain = a:Inlines
+ { $$ = a; $$->key = PLAIN; }
+AtxInline = !Newline !(Sp '#'* Sp Newline) Inline
+AtxStart = < ( "######" | "#####" | "####" | "###" | "##" | "#" ) >
+ { $$ = mk_element(H1 + (strlen(yytext) - 1)); }
+AtxHeading = s:AtxStart Sp a:StartList ( AtxInline { a = cons($$, a); } )+ (Sp '#'* Sp)? Newline
+ { $$ = mk_list(s->key, a);
+ free(s); }
+SetextHeading = SetextHeading1 | SetextHeading2
+SetextBottom1 = '='+ Newline
+SetextBottom2 = '-'+ Newline
+SetextHeading1 = &(RawLine SetextBottom1)
+ a:StartList ( !Endline Inline { a = cons($$, a); } )+ Sp Newline
+ SetextBottom1 { $$ = mk_list(H1, a); }
+SetextHeading2 = &(RawLine SetextBottom2)
+ a:StartList ( !Endline Inline { a = cons($$, a); } )+ Sp Newline
+ SetextBottom2 { $$ = mk_list(H2, a); }
+Heading = SetextHeading | AtxHeading
+BlockQuote = a:BlockQuoteRaw
+ { $$ = mk_element(BLOCKQUOTE);
+ $$->children = a;
+ }
+BlockQuoteRaw = a:StartList
+ (( '>' ' '? Line { a = cons($$, a); } )
+ ( !'>' !BlankLine Line { a = cons($$, a); } )*
+ ( BlankLine { a = cons(mk_str("\n"), a); } )*
+ )+
+ { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, true);
+ $$->key = RAW;
+ }
+NonblankIndentedLine = !BlankLine IndentedLine
+VerbatimChunk = a:StartList
+ ( BlankLine { a = cons(mk_str("\n"), a); } )*
+ ( NonblankIndentedLine { a = cons($$, a); } )+
+ { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, false); }
+Verbatim = a:StartList ( VerbatimChunk { a = cons($$, a); } )+
+ { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, false);
+ $$->key = VERBATIM; }
+HorizontalRule = NonindentSpace
+ ( '*' Sp '*' Sp '*' (Sp '*')*
+ | '-' Sp '-' Sp '-' (Sp '-')*
+ | '_' Sp '_' Sp '_' (Sp '_')*)
+ Sp Newline BlankLine+
+ { $$ = mk_element(HRULE); }
+Bullet = !HorizontalRule NonindentSpace ('+' | '*' | '-') Spacechar+
+BulletList = &Bullet (ListTight | ListLoose)
+ { $$->key = BULLETLIST; }
+ListTight = a:StartList
+ ( ListItemTight { a = cons($$, a); } )+
+ BlankLine* !(Bullet | Enumerator)
+ { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); }
+ListLoose = a:StartList
+ ( b:ListItem BlankLine*
+ { element *li;
+ li = b->children;
+ li->contents.str = realloc(li->contents.str, strlen(li->contents.str) + 3);
+ strcat(li->contents.str, "\n\n"); /* In loose list, \n\n added to end of each element */
+ a = cons(b, a);
+ } )+
+ { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); }
+ListItem = ( Bullet | Enumerator )
+ a:StartList
+ ListBlock { a = cons($$, a); }
+ ( ListContinuationBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )*
+ { element *raw;
+ raw = mk_str_from_list(a, false);
+ raw->key = RAW;
+ $$ = mk_element(LISTITEM);
+ $$->children = raw;
+ }
+ListItemTight =
+ ( Bullet | Enumerator )
+ a:StartList
+ ListBlock { a = cons($$, a); }
+ ( !BlankLine
+ ListContinuationBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )*
+ !ListContinuationBlock
+ { element *raw;
+ raw = mk_str_from_list(a, false);
+ raw->key = RAW;
+ $$ = mk_element(LISTITEM);
+ $$->children = raw;
+ }
+ListBlock = a:StartList
+ !BlankLine Line { a = cons($$, a); }
+ ( ListBlockLine { a = cons($$, a); } )*
+ { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, false); }
+ListContinuationBlock = a:StartList
+ ( < BlankLine* >
+ { if (strlen(yytext) == 0)
+ a = cons(mk_str("\001"), a); /* block separator */
+ else
+ a = cons(mk_str(yytext), a); } )
+ ( Indent ListBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )+
+ { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, false); }
+Enumerator = NonindentSpace [0-9]+ '.' Spacechar+
+OrderedList = &Enumerator (ListTight | ListLoose)
+ { $$->key = ORDEREDLIST; }
+ListBlockLine = !BlankLine
+ !( Indent? (Bullet | Enumerator) )
+ !HorizontalRule
+ OptionallyIndentedLine
+# Parsers for different kinds of block-level HTML content.
+# This is repetitive due to constraints of PEG grammar.
+HtmlBlockOpenAddress = '<' Spnl ("address" | "ADDRESS") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseAddress = '<' Spnl '/' ("address" | "ADDRESS") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockAddress = HtmlBlockOpenAddress (HtmlBlockAddress | !HtmlBlockCloseAddress .)* HtmlBlockCloseAddress
+HtmlBlockOpenBlockquote = '<' Spnl ("blockquote" | "BLOCKQUOTE") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote = '<' Spnl '/' ("blockquote" | "BLOCKQUOTE") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockBlockquote = HtmlBlockOpenBlockquote (HtmlBlockBlockquote | !HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote .)* HtmlBlockCloseBlockquote
+HtmlBlockOpenCenter = '<' Spnl ("center" | "CENTER") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseCenter = '<' Spnl '/' ("center" | "CENTER") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockCenter = HtmlBlockOpenCenter (HtmlBlockCenter | !HtmlBlockCloseCenter .)* HtmlBlockCloseCenter
+HtmlBlockOpenDir = '<' Spnl ("dir" | "DIR") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseDir = '<' Spnl '/' ("dir" | "DIR") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockDir = HtmlBlockOpenDir (HtmlBlockDir | !HtmlBlockCloseDir .)* HtmlBlockCloseDir
+HtmlBlockOpenDiv = '<' Spnl ("div" | "DIV") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseDiv = '<' Spnl '/' ("div" | "DIV") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockDiv = HtmlBlockOpenDiv (HtmlBlockDiv | !HtmlBlockCloseDiv .)* HtmlBlockCloseDiv
+HtmlBlockOpenDl = '<' Spnl ("dl" | "DL") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseDl = '<' Spnl '/' ("dl" | "DL") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockDl = HtmlBlockOpenDl (HtmlBlockDl | !HtmlBlockCloseDl .)* HtmlBlockCloseDl
+HtmlBlockOpenFieldset = '<' Spnl ("fieldset" | "FIELDSET") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseFieldset = '<' Spnl '/' ("fieldset" | "FIELDSET") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockFieldset = HtmlBlockOpenFieldset (HtmlBlockFieldset | !HtmlBlockCloseFieldset .)* HtmlBlockCloseFieldset
+HtmlBlockOpenForm = '<' Spnl ("form" | "FORM") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseForm = '<' Spnl '/' ("form" | "FORM") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockForm = HtmlBlockOpenForm (HtmlBlockForm | !HtmlBlockCloseForm .)* HtmlBlockCloseForm
+HtmlBlockOpenH1 = '<' Spnl ("h1" | "H1") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseH1 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h1" | "H1") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockH1 = HtmlBlockOpenH1 (HtmlBlockH1 | !HtmlBlockCloseH1 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH1
+HtmlBlockOpenH2 = '<' Spnl ("h2" | "H2") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseH2 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h2" | "H2") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockH2 = HtmlBlockOpenH2 (HtmlBlockH2 | !HtmlBlockCloseH2 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH2
+HtmlBlockOpenH3 = '<' Spnl ("h3" | "H3") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseH3 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h3" | "H3") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockH3 = HtmlBlockOpenH3 (HtmlBlockH3 | !HtmlBlockCloseH3 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH3
+HtmlBlockOpenH4 = '<' Spnl ("h4" | "H4") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseH4 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h4" | "H4") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockH4 = HtmlBlockOpenH4 (HtmlBlockH4 | !HtmlBlockCloseH4 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH4
+HtmlBlockOpenH5 = '<' Spnl ("h5" | "H5") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseH5 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h5" | "H5") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockH5 = HtmlBlockOpenH5 (HtmlBlockH5 | !HtmlBlockCloseH5 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH5
+HtmlBlockOpenH6 = '<' Spnl ("h6" | "H6") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseH6 = '<' Spnl '/' ("h6" | "H6") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockH6 = HtmlBlockOpenH6 (HtmlBlockH6 | !HtmlBlockCloseH6 .)* HtmlBlockCloseH6
+HtmlBlockOpenMenu = '<' Spnl ("menu" | "MENU") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseMenu = '<' Spnl '/' ("menu" | "MENU") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockMenu = HtmlBlockOpenMenu (HtmlBlockMenu | !HtmlBlockCloseMenu .)* HtmlBlockCloseMenu
+HtmlBlockOpenNoframes = '<' Spnl ("noframes" | "NOFRAMES") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseNoframes = '<' Spnl '/' ("noframes" | "NOFRAMES") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockNoframes = HtmlBlockOpenNoframes (HtmlBlockNoframes | !HtmlBlockCloseNoframes .)* HtmlBlockCloseNoframes
+HtmlBlockOpenNoscript = '<' Spnl ("noscript" | "NOSCRIPT") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseNoscript = '<' Spnl '/' ("noscript" | "NOSCRIPT") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockNoscript = HtmlBlockOpenNoscript (HtmlBlockNoscript | !HtmlBlockCloseNoscript .)* HtmlBlockCloseNoscript
+HtmlBlockOpenOl = '<' Spnl ("ol" | "OL") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseOl = '<' Spnl '/' ("ol" | "OL") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockOl = HtmlBlockOpenOl (HtmlBlockOl | !HtmlBlockCloseOl .)* HtmlBlockCloseOl
+HtmlBlockOpenP = '<' Spnl ("p" | "P") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseP = '<' Spnl '/' ("p" | "P") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockP = HtmlBlockOpenP (HtmlBlockP | !HtmlBlockCloseP .)* HtmlBlockCloseP
+HtmlBlockOpenPre = '<' Spnl ("pre" | "PRE") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockClosePre = '<' Spnl '/' ("pre" | "PRE") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockPre = HtmlBlockOpenPre (HtmlBlockPre | !HtmlBlockClosePre .)* HtmlBlockClosePre
+HtmlBlockOpenTable = '<' Spnl ("table" | "TABLE") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseTable = '<' Spnl '/' ("table" | "TABLE") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockTable = HtmlBlockOpenTable (HtmlBlockTable | !HtmlBlockCloseTable .)* HtmlBlockCloseTable
+HtmlBlockOpenUl = '<' Spnl ("ul" | "UL") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseUl = '<' Spnl '/' ("ul" | "UL") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockUl = HtmlBlockOpenUl (HtmlBlockUl | !HtmlBlockCloseUl .)* HtmlBlockCloseUl
+HtmlBlockOpenDd = '<' Spnl ("dd" | "DD") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseDd = '<' Spnl '/' ("dd" | "DD") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockDd = HtmlBlockOpenDd (HtmlBlockDd | !HtmlBlockCloseDd .)* HtmlBlockCloseDd
+HtmlBlockOpenDt = '<' Spnl ("dt" | "DT") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseDt = '<' Spnl '/' ("dt" | "DT") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockDt = HtmlBlockOpenDt (HtmlBlockDt | !HtmlBlockCloseDt .)* HtmlBlockCloseDt
+HtmlBlockOpenFrameset = '<' Spnl ("frameset" | "FRAMESET") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseFrameset = '<' Spnl '/' ("frameset" | "FRAMESET") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockFrameset = HtmlBlockOpenFrameset (HtmlBlockFrameset | !HtmlBlockCloseFrameset .)* HtmlBlockCloseFrameset
+HtmlBlockOpenLi = '<' Spnl ("li" | "LI") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseLi = '<' Spnl '/' ("li" | "LI") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockLi = HtmlBlockOpenLi (HtmlBlockLi | !HtmlBlockCloseLi .)* HtmlBlockCloseLi
+HtmlBlockOpenTbody = '<' Spnl ("tbody" | "TBODY") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseTbody = '<' Spnl '/' ("tbody" | "TBODY") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockTbody = HtmlBlockOpenTbody (HtmlBlockTbody | !HtmlBlockCloseTbody .)* HtmlBlockCloseTbody
+HtmlBlockOpenTd = '<' Spnl ("td" | "TD") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseTd = '<' Spnl '/' ("td" | "TD") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockTd = HtmlBlockOpenTd (HtmlBlockTd | !HtmlBlockCloseTd .)* HtmlBlockCloseTd
+HtmlBlockOpenTfoot = '<' Spnl ("tfoot" | "TFOOT") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseTfoot = '<' Spnl '/' ("tfoot" | "TFOOT") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockTfoot = HtmlBlockOpenTfoot (HtmlBlockTfoot | !HtmlBlockCloseTfoot .)* HtmlBlockCloseTfoot
+HtmlBlockOpenTh = '<' Spnl ("th" | "TH") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseTh = '<' Spnl '/' ("th" | "TH") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockTh = HtmlBlockOpenTh (HtmlBlockTh | !HtmlBlockCloseTh .)* HtmlBlockCloseTh
+HtmlBlockOpenThead = '<' Spnl ("thead" | "THEAD") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseThead = '<' Spnl '/' ("thead" | "THEAD") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockThead = HtmlBlockOpenThead (HtmlBlockThead | !HtmlBlockCloseThead .)* HtmlBlockCloseThead
+HtmlBlockOpenTr = '<' Spnl ("tr" | "TR") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseTr = '<' Spnl '/' ("tr" | "TR") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockTr = HtmlBlockOpenTr (HtmlBlockTr | !HtmlBlockCloseTr .)* HtmlBlockCloseTr
+HtmlBlockOpenScript = '<' Spnl ("script" | "SCRIPT") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseScript = '<' Spnl '/' ("script" | "SCRIPT") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockScript = HtmlBlockOpenScript (!HtmlBlockCloseScript .)* HtmlBlockCloseScript
+HtmlBlockOpenHead = '<' Spnl ("head" | "HEAD") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+HtmlBlockCloseHead = '<' Spnl '/' ("head" | "HEAD") Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockHead = HtmlBlockOpenHead (!HtmlBlockCloseHead .)* HtmlBlockCloseHead
+HtmlBlockInTags = HtmlBlockAddress
+ | HtmlBlockBlockquote
+ | HtmlBlockCenter
+ | HtmlBlockDir
+ | HtmlBlockDiv
+ | HtmlBlockDl
+ | HtmlBlockFieldset
+ | HtmlBlockForm
+ | HtmlBlockH1
+ | HtmlBlockH2
+ | HtmlBlockH3
+ | HtmlBlockH4
+ | HtmlBlockH5
+ | HtmlBlockH6
+ | HtmlBlockMenu
+ | HtmlBlockNoframes
+ | HtmlBlockNoscript
+ | HtmlBlockOl
+ | HtmlBlockP
+ | HtmlBlockPre
+ | HtmlBlockTable
+ | HtmlBlockUl
+ | HtmlBlockDd
+ | HtmlBlockDt
+ | HtmlBlockFrameset
+ | HtmlBlockLi
+ | HtmlBlockTbody
+ | HtmlBlockTd
+ | HtmlBlockTfoot
+ | HtmlBlockTh
+ | HtmlBlockThead
+ | HtmlBlockTr
+ | HtmlBlockScript
+ | HtmlBlockHead
+HtmlBlock = < ( HtmlBlockInTags | HtmlComment | HtmlBlockSelfClosing ) >
+ BlankLine+
+ { if (extension(EXT_FILTER_HTML)) {
+ $$ = mk_list(LIST, NULL);
+ } else {
+ $$ = mk_str(yytext);
+ $$->key = HTMLBLOCK;
+ }
+ }
+HtmlBlockSelfClosing = '<' Spnl HtmlBlockType Spnl HtmlAttribute* '/' Spnl '>'
+HtmlBlockType = "address" | "blockquote" | "center" | "dir" | "div" | "dl" | "fieldset" | "form" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" |
+ "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "hr" | "isindex" | "menu" | "noframes" | "noscript" | "ol" | "p" | "pre" | "table" |
+ "ul" | "dd" | "dt" | "frameset" | "li" | "tbody" | "td" | "tfoot" | "th" | "thead" | "tr" | "script" |
+ "ADDRESS" | "BLOCKQUOTE" | "CENTER" | "DIR" | "DIV" | "DL" | "FIELDSET" | "FORM" | "H1" | "H2" | "H3" |
+ "H4" | "H5" | "H6" | "HR" | "ISINDEX" | "MENU" | "NOFRAMES" | "NOSCRIPT" | "OL" | "P" | "PRE" | "TABLE" |
+ "UL" | "DD" | "DT" | "FRAMESET" | "LI" | "TBODY" | "TD" | "TFOOT" | "TH" | "THEAD" | "TR" | "SCRIPT"
+StyleOpen = '<' Spnl ("style" | "STYLE") Spnl HtmlAttribute* '>'
+StyleClose = '<' Spnl '/' ("style" | "STYLE") Spnl '>'
+InStyleTags = StyleOpen (!StyleClose .)* StyleClose
+StyleBlock = < InStyleTags >
+ BlankLine*
+ { if (extension(EXT_FILTER_STYLES)) {
+ $$ = mk_list(LIST, NULL);
+ } else {
+ $$ = mk_str(yytext);
+ $$->key = HTMLBLOCK;
+ }
+ }
+Inlines = a:StartList ( !Endline Inline { a = cons($$, a); }
+ | c:Endline &Inline { a = cons(c, a); } )+ Endline?
+ { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); }
+Inline = Str
+ | Endline
+ | UlOrStarLine
+ | Space
+ | Strong
+ | Emph
+ | Strike
+ | Image
+ | Link
+ | NoteReference
+ | InlineNote
+ | Code
+ | RawHtml
+ | Entity
+ | EscapedChar
+ | Smart
+ | Symbol
+Space = Spacechar+
+ { $$ = mk_str(" ");
+ $$->key = SPACE; }
+Str = a:StartList < NormalChar+ > { a = cons(mk_str(yytext), a); }
+ ( StrChunk { a = cons($$, a); } )*
+ { if (a->next == NULL) { $$ = a; } else { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); } }
+StrChunk = < (NormalChar | '_'+ &Alphanumeric)+ > { $$ = mk_str(yytext); } |
+ AposChunk
+AposChunk = &{ extension(EXT_SMART) } '\'' &Alphanumeric
+ { $$ = mk_element(APOSTROPHE); }
+EscapedChar = '\\' !Newline < [-\\`|*_{}[\]()#+.!><] >
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
+Entity = ( HexEntity | DecEntity | CharEntity )
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); $$->key = HTML; }
+Endline = LineBreak | TerminalEndline | NormalEndline
+NormalEndline = Sp Newline !BlankLine !'>' !AtxStart
+ !(Line ('='+ | '-'+) Newline)
+ { $$ = mk_str("\n");
+ $$->key = SPACE; }
+TerminalEndline = Sp Newline Eof
+ { $$ = NULL; }
+LineBreak = " " NormalEndline
+ { $$ = mk_element(LINEBREAK); }
+Symbol = < SpecialChar >
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
+# This keeps the parser from getting bogged down on long strings of '*' or '_',
+# or strings of '*' or '_' with space on each side:
+UlOrStarLine = (UlLine | StarLine) { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
+StarLine = < "****" '*'* > | < Spacechar '*'+ &Spacechar >
+UlLine = < "____" '_'* > | < Spacechar '_'+ &Spacechar >
+Emph = EmphStar | EmphUl
+Whitespace = Spacechar | Newline
+EmphStar = '*' !Whitespace
+ a:StartList
+ ( !'*' b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); }
+ | b:StrongStar { a = cons(b, a); }
+ )+
+ '*'
+ { $$ = mk_list(EMPH, a); }
+EmphUl = '_' !Whitespace
+ a:StartList
+ ( !'_' b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); }
+ | b:StrongUl { a = cons(b, a); }
+ )+
+ '_'
+ { $$ = mk_list(EMPH, a); }
+Strong = StrongStar | StrongUl
+StrongStar = "**" !Whitespace
+ a:StartList
+ ( !"**" b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); })+
+ "**"
+ { $$ = mk_list(STRONG, a); }
+StrongUl = "__" !Whitespace
+ a:StartList
+ ( !"__" b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); })+
+ "__"
+ { $$ = mk_list(STRONG, a); }
+Strike = &{ extension(EXT_STRIKE) }
+ "~~" !Whitespace
+ a:StartList
+ ( !"~~" b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); })+
+ "~~"
+ { $$ = mk_list(STRIKE, a); }
+Image = '!' ( ExplicitLink | ReferenceLink )
+ { if ($$->key == LINK) {
+ $$->key = IMAGE;
+ } else {
+ element *result;
+ result = $$;
+ $$->children = cons(mk_str("!"), result->children);
+ } }
+Link = ExplicitLink | ReferenceLink | AutoLink
+ReferenceLink = ReferenceLinkDouble | ReferenceLinkSingle
+ReferenceLinkDouble = a:Label < Spnl > !"[]" b:Label
+ { link match;
+ if (find_reference(&match, b->children)) {
+ $$ = mk_link(a->children, match.url, match.title);
+ free(a);
+ free_element_list(b);
+ } else {
+ element *result;
+ result = mk_element(LIST);
+ result->children = cons(mk_str("["), cons(a, cons(mk_str("]"), cons(mk_str(yytext),
+ cons(mk_str("["), cons(b, mk_str("]")))))));
+ $$ = result;
+ }
+ }
+ReferenceLinkSingle = a:Label < (Spnl "[]")? >
+ { link match;
+ if (find_reference(&match, a->children)) {
+ $$ = mk_link(a->children, match.url, match.title);
+ free(a);
+ }
+ else {
+ element *result;
+ result = mk_element(LIST);
+ result->children = cons(mk_str("["), cons(a, cons(mk_str("]"), mk_str(yytext))));
+ $$ = result;
+ }
+ }
+ExplicitLink = l:Label '(' Sp s:Source Spnl t:Title Sp ')'
+ { $$ = mk_link(l->children, s->contents.str, t->contents.str);
+ free_element(s);
+ free_element(t);
+ free(l); }
+Source = ( '<' < SourceContents > '>' | < SourceContents > )
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
+SourceContents = ( ( !'(' !')' !'>' Nonspacechar )+ | '(' SourceContents ')')*
+Title = ( TitleSingle | TitleDouble | < "" > )
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
+TitleSingle = '\'' < ( !( '\'' Sp ( ')' | Newline ) ) . )* > '\''
+TitleDouble = '"' < ( !( '"' Sp ( ')' | Newline ) ) . )* > '"'
+AutoLink = AutoLinkUrl | AutoLinkEmail
+AutoLinkUrl = '<' < [A-Za-z]+ "://" ( !Newline !'>' . )+ > '>'
+ { $$ = mk_link(mk_str(yytext), yytext, ""); }
+AutoLinkEmail = '<' ( "mailto:" )? < [-A-Za-z0-9+_./!%~$]+ '@' ( !Newline !'>' . )+ > '>'
+ { char *mailto = malloc(strlen(yytext) + 8);
+ sprintf(mailto, "mailto:%s", yytext);
+ $$ = mk_link(mk_str(yytext), mailto, "");
+ free(mailto);
+ }
+Reference = NonindentSpace !"[]" l:Label ':' Spnl s:RefSrc t:RefTitle BlankLine+
+ { $$ = mk_link(l->children, s->contents.str, t->contents.str);
+ free_element(s);
+ free_element(t);
+ free(l);
+ $$->key = REFERENCE; }
+Label = '[' ( !'^' &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) } | &. &{ !extension(EXT_NOTES) } )
+ a:StartList
+ ( !']' Inline { a = cons($$, a); } )*
+ ']'
+ { $$ = mk_list(LIST, a); }
+RefSrc = < Nonspacechar+ >
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext);
+ $$->key = HTML; }
+RefTitle = ( RefTitleSingle | RefTitleDouble | RefTitleParens | EmptyTitle )
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
+EmptyTitle = < "" >
+RefTitleSingle = Spnl '\'' < ( !( '\'' Sp Newline | Newline ) . )* > '\''
+RefTitleDouble = Spnl '"' < ( !('"' Sp Newline | Newline) . )* > '"'
+RefTitleParens = Spnl '(' < ( !(')' Sp Newline | Newline) . )* > ')'
+References = a:StartList
+ ( b:Reference { a = cons(b, a); } | SkipBlock )*
+ { references = reverse(a); }
+Ticks1 = "`" !'`'
+Ticks2 = "``" !'`'
+Ticks3 = "```" !'`'
+Ticks4 = "````" !'`'
+Ticks5 = "`````" !'`'
+Code = ( Ticks1 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks1 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks1 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks1
+ | Ticks2 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks2 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks2 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks2
+ | Ticks3 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks3 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks3 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks3
+ | Ticks4 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks4 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks4 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks4
+ | Ticks5 Sp < ( ( !'`' Nonspacechar )+ | !Ticks5 '`'+ | !( Sp Ticks5 ) ( Spacechar | Newline !BlankLine ) )+ > Sp Ticks5
+ )
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); $$->key = CODE; }
+RawHtml = < (HtmlComment | HtmlBlockScript | HtmlTag) >
+ { if (extension(EXT_FILTER_HTML)) {
+ $$ = mk_list(LIST, NULL);
+ } else {
+ $$ = mk_str(yytext);
+ $$->key = HTML;
+ }
+ }
+BlankLine = Sp Newline
+Quoted = '"' (!'"' .)* '"' | '\'' (!'\'' .)* '\''
+HtmlAttribute = (AlphanumericAscii | '-')+ Spnl ('=' Spnl (Quoted | (!'>' Nonspacechar)+))? Spnl
+HtmlComment = "<!--" (!"-->" .)* "-->"
+HtmlTag = '<' Spnl '/'? AlphanumericAscii+ Spnl HtmlAttribute* '/'? Spnl '>'
+Eof = !.
+Spacechar = ' ' | '\t'
+Nonspacechar = !Spacechar !Newline .
+Newline = '\n' | '\r' '\n'?
+Sp = Spacechar*
+Spnl = Sp (Newline Sp)?
+SpecialChar = '~' | '*' | '_' | '`' | '&' | '[' | ']' | '(' | ')' | '<' | '!' | '#' | '\\' | '\'' | '"' | ExtendedSpecialChar
+NormalChar = !( SpecialChar | Spacechar | Newline ) .
+Alphanumeric = [0-9A-Za-z] | '\200' | '\201' | '\202' | '\203' | '\204' | '\205' | '\206' | '\207' | '\210' | '\211' | '\212' | '\213' | '\214' | '\215' | '\216' | '\217' | '\220' | '\221' | '\222' | '\223' | '\224' | '\225' | '\226' | '\227' | '\230' | '\231' | '\232' | '\233' | '\234' | '\235' | '\236' | '\237' | '\240' | '\241' | '\242' | '\243' | '\244' | '\245' | '\246' | '\247' | '\250' | '\251' | '\252' | '\253' | '\254' | '\255' | '\256' | '\257' | '\260' | '\261' | '\262' | '\263' | '\264' | '\265' | '\266' | '\267' | '\270' | '\271' | '\272' | '\273' | '\274' | '\275' | '\276' | '\277' | '\300' | '\301' | '\302' | '\303' | '\304' | '\305' | '\306' | '\307' | '\310' | '\311' | '\312' | '\313' | '\314' | '\315' | '\316' | '\317' | '\320' | '\321' | '\322' | '\323' | '\324' | '\325' | '\326' | '\327' | '\330' | '\331' | '\332' | '\333' | '\334' | '\335' | '\336' | '\337' | '\340' | '\341' | '\342' | '\343' | '\344' | '\345' | '\346' | '\347' | '\350' | '\351' | '\352' | '\353' | '\354' | '\355' | '\356' | '\357' | '\360' | '\361' | '\362' | '\363' | '\364' | '\365' | '\366' | '\367' | '\370' | '\371' | '\372' | '\373' | '\374' | '\375' | '\376' | '\377'
+AlphanumericAscii = [A-Za-z0-9]
+Digit = [0-9]
+BOM = "\357\273\277"
+HexEntity = < '&' '#' [Xx] [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' >
+DecEntity = < '&' '#' [0-9]+ > ';' >
+CharEntity = < '&' [A-Za-z0-9]+ ';' >
+NonindentSpace = " " | " " | " " | ""
+Indent = "\t" | " "
+IndentedLine = Indent Line
+OptionallyIndentedLine = Indent? Line
+# StartList starts a list data structure that can be added to with cons:
+StartList = &.
+ { $$ = NULL; }
+Line = RawLine
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
+RawLine = ( < (!'\r' !'\n' .)* Newline > | < .+ > Eof )
+SkipBlock = HtmlBlock
+ | ( !'#' !SetextBottom1 !SetextBottom2 !BlankLine RawLine )+ BlankLine*
+ | BlankLine+
+ | RawLine
+# Syntax extensions
+ExtendedSpecialChar = &{ extension(EXT_SMART) } ('.' | '-' | '\'' | '"')
+ | &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) } ( '^' )
+Smart = &{ extension(EXT_SMART) }
+ ( Ellipsis | Dash | SingleQuoted | DoubleQuoted | Apostrophe )
+Apostrophe = '\''
+ { $$ = mk_element(APOSTROPHE); }
+Ellipsis = ("..." | ". . .")
+ { $$ = mk_element(ELLIPSIS); }
+Dash = EmDash | EnDash
+EnDash = '-' &Digit
+ { $$ = mk_element(ENDASH); }
+EmDash = ("---" | "--")
+ { $$ = mk_element(EMDASH); }
+SingleQuoteStart = '\'' !(Spacechar | Newline)
+SingleQuoteEnd = '\'' !Alphanumeric
+SingleQuoted = SingleQuoteStart
+ a:StartList
+ ( !SingleQuoteEnd b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); } )+
+ SingleQuoteEnd
+ { $$ = mk_list(SINGLEQUOTED, a); }
+DoubleQuoteStart = '"'
+DoubleQuoteEnd = '"'
+DoubleQuoted = DoubleQuoteStart
+ a:StartList
+ ( !DoubleQuoteEnd b:Inline { a = cons(b, a); } )+
+ DoubleQuoteEnd
+ { $$ = mk_list(DOUBLEQUOTED, a); }
+NoteReference = &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) }
+ ref:RawNoteReference
+ { element *match;
+ if (find_note(&match, ref->contents.str)) {
+ $$ = mk_element(NOTE);
+ assert(match->children != NULL);
+ $$->children = match->children;
+ $$->contents.str = 0;
+ } else {
+ char *s;
+ s = malloc(strlen(ref->contents.str) + 4);
+ sprintf(s, "[^%s]", ref->contents.str);
+ $$ = mk_str(s);
+ free(s);
+ }
+ }
+RawNoteReference = "[^" < ( !Newline !']' . )+ > ']'
+ { $$ = mk_str(yytext); }
+Note = &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) }
+ NonindentSpace ref:RawNoteReference ':' Sp
+ a:StartList
+ ( RawNoteBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )
+ ( &Indent RawNoteBlock { a = cons($$, a); } )*
+ { $$ = mk_list(NOTE, a);
+ $$->contents.str = strdup(ref->contents.str);
+ }
+InlineNote = &{ extension(EXT_NOTES) }
+ "^["
+ a:StartList
+ ( !']' Inline { a = cons($$, a); } )+
+ ']'
+ { $$ = mk_list(NOTE, a);
+ $$->contents.str = 0; }
+Notes = a:StartList
+ ( b:Note { a = cons(b, a); } | SkipBlock )*
+ { notes = reverse(a); }
+RawNoteBlock = a:StartList
+ ( !BlankLine OptionallyIndentedLine { a = cons($$, a); } )+
+ ( < BlankLine* > { a = cons(mk_str(yytext), a); } )
+ { $$ = mk_str_from_list(a, true);
+ $$->key = RAW;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Model/DocumentationContent.kt b/src/Model/DocumentationContent.kt
index cebb429b..77e8c764 100644
--- a/src/Model/DocumentationContent.kt
+++ b/src/Model/DocumentationContent.kt
@@ -9,40 +9,38 @@ public class DocumentationContentSection(public val label: String, public val te
-// TODO: refactor sections to map
-public class DocumentationContent(public val summary: RichString,
- public val description: RichString,
- public val sections: List<DocumentationContentSection>) {
+public class DocumentationContent(public val sections: Map<String, DocumentationContentSection>) {
+ public val summary: RichString get() = sections["\$summary"]?.text ?: RichString.empty
+ public val description: RichString get() = sections["\$description"]?.text ?: RichString.empty
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other !is DocumentationContent)
return false
- if (summary != other.summary)
- return false
if (sections.size != other.sections.size)
return false
- for (index in sections.indices)
- if (sections[index] != other.sections[index])
+ for (keys in sections.keySet())
+ if (sections[keys] != other.sections[keys])
return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
- return summary.hashCode() + sections.map { it.hashCode() }.sum()
+ return sections.map { it.hashCode() }.sum()
override fun toString(): String {
if (sections.isEmpty())
- return summary.toString()
- return "$summary | " + sections.joinToString()
+ return "<empty>"
+ return sections.values().joinToString()
val isEmpty: Boolean
get() = description.isEmpty() && sections.none()
class object {
- val Empty = DocumentationContent(RichString.empty, RichString.empty, listOf())
+ val Empty = DocumentationContent(mapOf())
@@ -50,31 +48,33 @@ public class DocumentationContent(public val summary: RichString,
fun BindingContext.getDocumentation(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): DocumentationContent {
val docText = getDocumentationElements(descriptor).map { it.extractText() }.join("\n")
val sections = docText.parseSections()
- val (summary, description) = sections.extractSummaryAndDescription()
- return DocumentationContent(summary, description, sections.drop(1))
+ sections.createSummaryAndDescription()
+ return DocumentationContent(sections)
-fun List<DocumentationContentSection>.extractSummaryAndDescription() : Pair<RichString, RichString> {
- // TODO: rework to unify
- // if no $summary and $description is present, parse unnamed section and create specific sections
- // otherwise, create empty sections for missing
+fun MutableMap<String, DocumentationContentSection>.createSummaryAndDescription() {
- val summary = firstOrNull { it.label == "\$summary" }
- if (summary != null) {
- val description = firstOrNull { it.label == "\$description" }
- return Pair(summary.text, description?.text ?: RichString.empty)
+ val summary = get("\$summary")
+ val description = get("\$description")
+ if (summary != null && description == null) {
+ return
- val description = firstOrNull { it.label == "\$description" }
- if (description != null) {
- return Pair(RichString.empty, description.text)
+ if (summary == null && description != null) {
+ return
- val default = firstOrNull { it.label == "" }?.text
- if (default == null)
- return Pair(RichString.empty, RichString.empty)
+ val unnamed = get("")
+ if (unnamed == null) {
+ return
+ }
- return default.splitBy("\n")
+ val split = unnamed.text.splitBy("\n")
+ remove("")
+ if (!split.first.isEmpty())
+ put("\$summary", DocumentationContentSection("\$summary", split.first))
+ if (!split.second.isEmpty())
+ put("\$description", DocumentationContentSection("\$description", split.second))
fun String.parseLabel(index: Int): Pair<String, Int> {
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ fun String.parseLabel(index: Int): Pair<String, Int> {
return "" to -1
-fun String.parseSections(): List<DocumentationContentSection> {
- val sections = arrayListOf<DocumentationContentSection>()
+fun String.parseSections(): MutableMap<String, DocumentationContentSection> {
+ val sections = hashMapOf<String, DocumentationContentSection>()
var currentLabel = ""
var currentSectionStart = 0
var currentIndex = 0
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ fun String.parseSections(): List<DocumentationContentSection> {
// section starts, add previous section
val currentContent = substring(currentSectionStart, currentIndex).trim()
val section = DocumentationContentSection(currentLabel, currentContent.toRichString())
- sections.add(section)
+ sections.put(section.label, section)
currentLabel = label
currentIndex = index + 1
@@ -131,12 +131,20 @@ fun String.parseSections(): List<DocumentationContentSection> {
val currentContent = substring(currentSectionStart, currentIndex).trim()
val section = DocumentationContentSection(currentLabel, currentContent.toRichString())
- sections.add(section)
+ sections.put(section.label, section)
return sections
fun String.toRichString() : RichString {
val content = RichString()
+ for(index in indices) {
+ val ch = get(index)
+ when {
+ ch == '\\' -> continue
+ ch == '*' && index < length-1 && !get(index + 1).isWhitespace() -> ch
+ }
+ }
content.addSlice(this, NormalStyle)
return content
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Model/DocumentationNodeBuilder.kt b/src/Model/DocumentationNodeBuilder.kt
index c8744172..f724c444 100644
--- a/src/Model/DocumentationNodeBuilder.kt
+++ b/src/Model/DocumentationNodeBuilder.kt
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class DocumentationNodeBuilder(val context: BindingContext) : DeclarationDescrip
val classifierDescriptor = typeConstructor.getDeclarationDescriptor()
val name = when (classifierDescriptor) {
is Named -> classifierDescriptor.getName().asString()
- else -> "<BAD>"
+ else -> "<anonymous>"
val node = DocumentationNode(descriptor, name, DocumentationContent.Empty, DocumentationNode.Kind.Type)
reference(data, node, DocumentationReference.Kind.Detail)
diff --git a/src/Processing/CrossReferences.kt b/src/Processing/CrossReferences.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f21da6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Processing/CrossReferences.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka
+public fun DocumentationNode.buildCrossReferences() {
+ for (member in members) {
+ member.buildCrossReferences()
+ member.details(DocumentationNode.Kind.Receiver).forEach { detail ->
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/RichContent/RichString.kt b/src/RichContent/RichString.kt
index f09e4715..2110c47f 100644
--- a/src/RichContent/RichString.kt
+++ b/src/RichContent/RichString.kt
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ public class RichString {
public val slices: List<RichStringSlice> get() = sliceList
public fun addSlice(slice: RichStringSlice) {
- sliceList.add(slice)
+ if (slice.text.length() > 0)
+ sliceList.add(slice)
public fun addSlice(text: String, style: RichStringStyle) {
diff --git a/src/main.kt b/src/main.kt
index 2f2ac93c..a541831d 100644
--- a/src/main.kt
+++ b/src/main.kt
@@ -59,10 +59,23 @@ public fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val timeAnalyse = System.currentTimeMillis() - startAnalyse
println("done in ${timeAnalyse / 1000} secs")
+ print("Processing cross references... ")
+ val startProcessing = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ documentation.buildCrossReferences()
+ val timeProcessing = System.currentTimeMillis() - startProcessing
+ println("done in ${timeProcessing / 1000} secs")
val startBuild = System.currentTimeMillis()
val signatureGenerator = KotlinLanguageService()
val locationService = FoldersLocationService(arguments.outputDir)
- val formatter = JekyllFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator)
+ val templateService = HtmlTemplateService.default("/dokka/styles/style.css")
+ val resolutionService = object : ResolutionService {
+ override fun resolve(text: String): DocumentationNode {
+ return documentation
+ }
+ }
+ val formatter = HtmlFormatService(locationService, resolutionService, signatureGenerator, templateService)
val generator = FileGenerator(signatureGenerator, locationService, formatter)
print("Building pages... ")
diff --git a/styles/style.css b/styles/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..012587a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/styles/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300italic,700italic,300,700);
+body, table {
+ padding:50px;
+ font:14px/1.5 Lato, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ color:#555;
+ font-weight:300;
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ color:#222;
+ margin:0 0 20px;
+p, ul, ol, table, pre, dl {
+ margin:0 0 20px;
+h1, h2, h3 {
+ line-height:1.1;
+h1 {
+ font-size:28px;
+h2 {
+ color:#393939;
+h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ color:#494949;
+a {
+ color:#39c;
+ font-weight:400;
+ text-decoration:none;
+a small {
+ font-size:11px;
+ color:#555;
+ margin-top:-0.6em;
+ display:block;
+.wrapper {
+ width:860px;
+ margin:0 auto;
+blockquote {
+ border-left:1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ margin:0;
+ padding:0 0 0 20px;
+ font-style:italic;
+code, pre {
+ font-family:Monaco, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Lucida Console, Terminal;
+ color:#333;
+ font-size:12px;
+ display: block;
+pre {
+ padding:8px 8px;
+ background: #f8f8f8;
+ border-radius:5px;
+ border:1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ overflow-x: auto;
+table {
+ width:100%;
+ border-collapse:collapse;
+th, td {
+ text-align:left;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ padding:5px 10px;
+dt {
+ color:#444;
+ font-weight:700;
+th {
+ color:#444;
+img {
+ max-width:100%;
+header {
+ width:270px;
+ float:left;
+ position:fixed;
+header ul {
+ list-style:none;
+ height:40px;
+ padding:0;
+ background: #eee;
+ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%, #dddddd 100%);
+ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#f8f8f8), color-stop(100%,#dddddd));
+ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%,#dddddd 100%);
+ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%,#dddddd 100%);
+ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%,#dddddd 100%);
+ background: linear-gradient(top, #f8f8f8 0%,#dddddd 100%);
+ border-radius:5px;
+ border:1px solid #d2d2d2;
+ box-shadow:inset #fff 0 1px 0, inset rgba(0,0,0,0.03) 0 -1px 0;
+ width:270px;
+header li {
+ width:89px;
+ float:left;
+ border-right:1px solid #d2d2d2;
+ height:40px;
+header ul a {
+ line-height:1;
+ font-size:11px;
+ color:#999;
+ display:block;
+ text-align:center;
+ padding-top:6px;
+ height:40px;
+strong {
+ color:#222;
+ font-weight:700;
+header ul li + li {
+ width:88px;
+ border-left:1px solid #fff;
+header ul li + li + li {
+ border-right:none;
+ width:89px;
+header ul a strong {
+ font-size:14px;
+ display:block;
+ color:#222;
+section {
+ width:500px;
+ float:right;
+ padding-bottom:50px;
+small {
+ font-size:11px;
+hr {
+ border:0;
+ background:#e5e5e5;
+ height:1px;
+ margin:0 0 20px;
+footer {
+ width:270px;
+ float:left;
+ position:fixed;
+ bottom:50px;
+@media print, screen and (max-width: 960px) {
+ div.wrapper {
+ width:auto;
+ margin:0;
+ }
+ header, section, footer {
+ float:none;
+ position:static;
+ width:auto;
+ }
+ header {
+ padding-right:320px;
+ }
+ section {
+ border:1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ border-width:1px 0;
+ padding:20px 0;
+ margin:0 0 20px;
+ }
+ header a small {
+ display:inline;
+ }
+ header ul {
+ position:absolute;
+ right:50px;
+ top:52px;
+ }
+@media print, screen and (max-width: 720px) {
+ body {
+ word-wrap:break-word;
+ }
+ header {
+ padding:0;
+ }
+ header ul, header p.view {
+ position:static;
+ }
+ pre, code {
+ word-wrap:normal;
+ }
+@media print, screen and (max-width: 480px) {
+ body {
+ padding:15px;
+ }
+ header ul {
+ display:none;
+ }
+@media print {
+ body {
+ padding:0.4in;
+ font-size:12pt;
+ color:#444;
+ }
diff --git a/test/data/markdown/spec.txt b/test/data/markdown/spec.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fce87924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/markdown/spec.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6150 @@
+title: CommonMark Spec
+- John MacFarlane
+version: 2
+date: 2014-09-19
+# Introduction
+## What is Markdown?
+Markdown is a plain text format for writing structured documents,
+based on conventions used for indicating formatting in email and
+usenet posts. It was developed in 2004 by John Gruber, who wrote
+the first Markdown-to-HTML converter in perl, and it soon became
+widely used in websites. By 2014 there were dozens of
+implementations in many languages. Some of them extended basic
+Markdown syntax with conventions for footnotes, definition lists,
+tables, and other constructs, and some allowed output not just in
+HTML but in LaTeX and many other formats.
+## Why is a spec needed?
+John Gruber's [canonical description of Markdown's
+does not specify the syntax unambiguously. Here are some examples of
+questions it does not answer:
+1. How much indentation is needed for a sublist? The spec says that
+ continuation paragraphs need to be indented four spaces, but is
+ not fully explicit about sublists. It is natural to think that
+ they, too, must be indented four spaces, but `Markdown.pl` does
+ not require that. This is hardly a "corner case," and divergences
+ between implementations on this issue often lead to surprises for
+ users in real documents. (See [this comment by John
+ Gruber](http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/1997).)
+2. Is a blank line needed before a block quote or header?
+ Most implementations do not require the blank line. However,
+ this can lead to unexpected results in hard-wrapped text, and
+ also to ambiguities in parsing (note that some implementations
+ put the header inside the blockquote, while others do not).
+ (John Gruber has also spoken [in favor of requiring the blank
+ lines](http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/2146).)
+3. Is a blank line needed before an indented code block?
+ (`Markdown.pl` requires it, but this is not mentioned in the
+ documentation, and some implementations do not require it.)
+ ``` markdown
+ paragraph
+ code?
+ ```
+4. What is the exact rule for determining when list items get
+ wrapped in `<p>` tags? Can a list be partially "loose" and partially
+ "tight"? What should we do with a list like this?
+ ``` markdown
+ 1. one
+ 2. two
+ 3. three
+ ```
+ Or this?
+ ``` markdown
+ 1. one
+ - a
+ - b
+ 2. two
+ ```
+ (There are some relevant comments by John Gruber
+ [here](http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.markdown.general/2554).)
+5. Can list markers be indented? Can ordered list markers be right-aligned?
+ ``` markdown
+ 8. item 1
+ 9. item 2
+ 10. item 2a
+ ```
+6. Is this one list with a horizontal rule in its second item,
+ or two lists separated by a horizontal rule?
+ ``` markdown
+ * a
+ * * * * *
+ * b
+ ```
+7. When list markers change from numbers to bullets, do we have
+ two lists or one? (The Markdown syntax description suggests two,
+ but the perl scripts and many other implementations produce one.)
+ ``` markdown
+ 1. fee
+ 2. fie
+ - foe
+ - fum
+ ```
+8. What are the precedence rules for the markers of inline structure?
+ For example, is the following a valid link, or does the code span
+ take precedence ?
+ ``` markdown
+ [a backtick (`)](/url) and [another backtick (`)](/url).
+ ```
+9. What are the precedence rules for markers of emphasis and strong
+ emphasis? For example, how should the following be parsed?
+ ``` markdown
+ *foo *bar* baz*
+ ```
+10. What are the precedence rules between block-level and inline-level
+ structure? For example, how should the following be parsed?
+ ``` markdown
+ - `a long code span can contain a hyphen like this
+ - and it can screw things up`
+ ```
+11. Can list items include headers? (`Markdown.pl` does not allow this,
+ but headers can occur in blockquotes.)
+ ``` markdown
+ - # Heading
+ ```
+12. Can link references be defined inside block quotes or list items?
+ ``` markdown
+ > Blockquote [foo].
+ >
+ > [foo]: /url
+ ```
+13. If there are multiple definitions for the same reference, which takes
+ precedence?
+ ``` markdown
+ [foo]: /url1
+ [foo]: /url2
+ [foo][]
+ ```
+In the absence of a spec, early implementers consulted `Markdown.pl`
+to resolve these ambiguities. But `Markdown.pl` was quite buggy, and
+gave manifestly bad results in many cases, so it was not a
+satisfactory replacement for a spec.
+Because there is no unambiguous spec, implementations have diverged
+considerably. As a result, users are often surprised to find that
+a document that renders one way on one system (say, a github wiki)
+renders differently on another (say, converting to docbook using
+pandoc). To make matters worse, because nothing in Markdown counts
+as a "syntax error," the divergence often isn't discovered right away.
+## About this document
+This document attempts to specify Markdown syntax unambiguously.
+It contains many examples with side-by-side Markdown and
+HTML. These are intended to double as conformance tests. An
+accompanying script `runtests.pl` can be used to run the tests
+against any Markdown program:
+ perl runtests.pl spec.txt PROGRAM
+Since this document describes how Markdown is to be parsed into
+an abstract syntax tree, it would have made sense to use an abstract
+representation of the syntax tree instead of HTML. But HTML is capable
+of representing the structural distinctions we need to make, and the
+choice of HTML for the tests makes it possible to run the tests against
+an implementation without writing an abstract syntax tree renderer.
+This document is generated from a text file, `spec.txt`, written
+in Markdown with a small extension for the side-by-side tests.
+The script `spec2md.pl` can be used to turn `spec.txt` into pandoc
+Markdown, which can then be converted into other formats.
+In the examples, the `→` character is used to represent tabs.
+# Preprocessing
+A [line](#line) <a id="line"></a>
+is a sequence of zero or more characters followed by a line
+ending (CR, LF, or CRLF) or by the end of
+This spec does not specify an encoding; it thinks of lines as composed
+of characters rather than bytes. A conforming parser may be limited
+to a certain encoding.
+Tabs in lines are expanded to spaces, with a tab stop of 4 characters:
+<pre><code>foo baz bim
+ a→a
+ ὐ→a
+<pre><code>a a
+ὐ a
+Line endings are replaced by newline characters (LF).
+A line containing no characters, or a line containing only spaces (after
+tab expansion), is called a [blank line](#blank-line).
+<a id="blank-line"></a>
+# Blocks and inlines
+We can think of a document as a sequence of [blocks](#block)<a
+id="block"></a>---structural elements like paragraphs, block quotations,
+lists, headers, rules, and code blocks. Blocks can contain other
+blocks, or they can contain [inline](#inline)<a id="inline"></a> content:
+words, spaces, links, emphasized text, images, and inline code.
+## Precedence
+Indicators of block structure always take precedence over indicators
+of inline structure. So, for example, the following is a list with
+two items, not a list with one item containing a code span:
+- `one
+- two`
+This means that parsing can proceed in two steps: first, the block
+structure of the document can be discerned; second, text lines inside
+paragraphs, headers, and other block constructs can be parsed for inline
+structure. The second step requires information about link reference
+definitions that will be available only at the end of the first
+step. Note that the first step requires processing lines in sequence,
+but the second can be parallelized, since the inline parsing of
+one block element does not affect the inline parsing of any other.
+## Container blocks and leaf blocks
+We can divide blocks into two types:
+[container blocks](#container-block), <a id="container-block"></a>
+which can contain other blocks, and [leaf blocks](#leaf-block),
+<a id="leaf-block"></a> which cannot.
+# Leaf blocks
+This section describes the different kinds of leaf block that make up a
+Markdown document.
+## Horizontal rules
+A line consisting of 0-3 spaces of indentation, followed by a sequence
+of three or more matching `-`, `_`, or `*` characters, each followed
+optionally by any number of spaces, forms a [horizontal
+rule](#horizontal-rule). <a id="horizontal-rule"></a>
+<hr />
+<hr />
+<hr />
+Wrong characters:
+Not enough characters:
+One to three spaces indent are allowed:
+ ***
+ ***
+ ***
+<hr />
+<hr />
+<hr />
+Four spaces is too many:
+ ***
+ ***
+More than three characters may be used:
+<hr />
+Spaces are allowed between the characters:
+ - - -
+<hr />
+ ** * ** * ** * **
+<hr />
+- - - -
+<hr />
+Spaces are allowed at the end:
+- - - -
+<hr />
+However, no other characters may occur at the end or the
+_ _ _ _ a
+<p>_ _ _ _ a</p>
+It is required that all of the non-space characters be the same.
+So, this is not a horizontal rule:
+ *-*
+Horizontal rules do not need blank lines before or after:
+- foo
+- bar
+<hr />
+Horizontal rules can interrupt a paragraph:
+<hr />
+Note, however, that this is a setext header, not a paragraph followed
+by a horizontal rule:
+When both a horizontal rule and a list item are possible
+interpretations of a line, the horizontal rule is preferred:
+* Foo
+* * *
+* Bar
+<hr />
+If you want a horizontal rule in a list item, use a different bullet:
+- Foo
+- * * *
+<li><hr /></li>
+## ATX headers
+An [ATX header](#atx-header) <a id="atx-header"></a>
+consists of a string of characters, parsed as inline content, between an
+opening sequence of 1--6 unescaped `#` characters and an optional
+closing sequence of any number of `#` characters. The opening sequence
+of `#` characters cannot be followed directly by a nonspace character.
+The closing `#` characters may be followed by spaces only. The opening
+`#` character may be indented 0-3 spaces. The raw contents of the
+header are stripped of leading and trailing spaces before being parsed
+as inline content. The header level is equal to the number of `#`
+characters in the opening sequence.
+Simple headers:
+# foo
+## foo
+### foo
+#### foo
+##### foo
+###### foo
+More than six `#` characters is not a header:
+####### foo
+<p>####### foo</p>
+A space is required between the `#` characters and the header's
+contents. Note that many implementations currently do not require
+the space. However, the space was required by the [original ATX
+implementation](http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/atx/atx.py), and it helps
+prevent things like the following from being parsed as headers:
+#5 bolt
+<p>#5 bolt</p>
+This is not a header, because the first `#` is escaped:
+\## foo
+<p>## foo</p>
+Contents are parsed as inlines:
+# foo *bar* \*baz\*
+<h1>foo <em>bar</em> *baz*</h1>
+Leading and trailing blanks are ignored in parsing inline content:
+# foo
+One to three spaces indentation are allowed:
+ ### foo
+ ## foo
+ # foo
+Four spaces are too much:
+ # foo
+<pre><code># foo
+ # bar
+# bar</p>
+A closing sequence of `#` characters is optional:
+## foo ##
+ ### bar ###
+It need not be the same length as the opening sequence:
+# foo ##################################
+##### foo ##
+Spaces are allowed after the closing sequence:
+### foo ###
+A sequence of `#` characters with a nonspace character following it
+is not a closing sequence, but counts as part of the contents of the
+### foo ### b
+<h3>foo ### b</h3>
+Backslash-escaped `#` characters do not count as part
+of the closing sequence:
+### foo \###
+## foo \#\##
+# foo \#
+<h3>foo #</h3>
+<h2>foo ##</h2>
+<h1>foo #</h1>
+ATX headers need not be separated from surrounding content by blank
+lines, and they can interrupt paragraphs:
+## foo
+<hr />
+<hr />
+Foo bar
+# baz
+Bar foo
+<p>Foo bar</p>
+<p>Bar foo</p>
+ATX headers can be empty:
+### ###
+## Setext headers
+A [setext header](#setext-header) <a id="setext-header"></a>
+consists of a line of text, containing at least one nonspace character,
+with no more than 3 spaces indentation, followed by a [setext header
+underline](#setext-header-underline). A [setext header
+underline](#setext-header-underline) <a id="setext-header-underline"></a>
+is a sequence of `=` characters or a sequence of `-` characters, with no
+more than 3 spaces indentation and any number of trailing
+spaces. The header is a level 1 header if `=` characters are used, and
+a level 2 header if `-` characters are used. The contents of the header
+are the result of parsing the first line as Markdown inline content.
+In general, a setext header need not be preceded or followed by a
+blank line. However, it cannot interrupt a paragraph, so when a
+setext header comes after a paragraph, a blank line is needed between
+Simple examples:
+Foo *bar*
+Foo *bar*
+<h1>Foo <em>bar</em></h1>
+<h2>Foo <em>bar</em></h2>
+The underlining can be any length:
+The header content can be indented up to three spaces, and need
+not line up with the underlining:
+ Foo
+ Foo
+ Foo
+ ===
+Four spaces indent is too much:
+ Foo
+ ---
+ Foo
+<hr />
+The setext header underline can be indented up to three spaces, and
+may have trailing spaces:
+ ----
+Four spaces is too much:
+ ---
+The setext header underline cannot contain internal spaces:
+= =
+--- -
+= =</p>
+<hr />
+Trailing spaces in the content line do not cause a line break:
+Nor does a backslash at the end:
+Since indicators of block structure take precedence over
+indicators of inline structure, the following are setext headers:
+<a title="a lot
+of dashes"/>
+<h2>&lt;a title=&quot;a lot</h2>
+<p>of dashes&quot;/&gt;</p>
+The setext header underline cannot be a lazy line:
+> Foo
+<hr />
+A setext header cannot interrupt a paragraph:
+<hr />
+But in general a blank line is not required before or after:
+<hr />
+Setext headers cannot be empty:
+## Indented code blocks
+An [indented code block](#indented-code-block)
+<a id="indented-code-block"></a> is composed of one or more
+[indented chunks](#indented-chunk) separated by blank lines.
+An [indented chunk](#indented-chunk) <a id="indented-chunk"></a>
+is a sequence of non-blank lines, each indented four or more
+spaces. An indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph, so
+if it occurs before or after a paragraph, there must be an
+intervening blank line. The contents of the code block are
+the literal contents of the lines, including trailing newlines,
+minus four spaces of indentation. An indented code block has no
+ a simple
+ indented code block
+<pre><code>a simple
+ indented code block
+The contents are literal text, and do not get parsed as Markdown:
+ <a/>
+ *hi*
+ - one
+- one
+Here we have three chunks separated by blank lines:
+ chunk1
+ chunk2
+ chunk3
+Any initial spaces beyond four will be included in the content, even
+in interior blank lines:
+ chunk1
+ chunk2
+ chunk2
+An indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph. (This
+allows hanging indents and the like.)
+ bar
+However, any non-blank line with fewer than four leading spaces ends
+the code block immediately. So a paragraph may occur immediately
+after indented code:
+ foo
+And indented code can occur immediately before and after other kinds of
+# Header
+ foo
+ foo
+<hr />
+The first line can be indented more than four spaces:
+ foo
+ bar
+<pre><code> foo
+Blank lines preceding or following an indented code block
+are not included in it:
+ foo
+Trailing spaces are included in the code block's content:
+ foo
+## Fenced code blocks
+A [code fence](#code-fence) <a id="code-fence"></a> is a sequence
+of at least three consecutive backtick characters (`` ` ``) or
+tildes (`~`). (Tildes and backticks cannot be mixed.)
+A [fenced code block](#fenced-code-block) <a id="fenced-code-block"></a>
+begins with a code fence, indented no more than three spaces.
+The line with the opening code fence may optionally contain some text
+following the code fence; this is trimmed of leading and trailing
+spaces and called the [info string](#info-string).
+<a id="info-string"></a> The info string may not contain any backtick
+characters. (The reason for this restriction is that otherwise
+some inline code would be incorrectly interpreted as the
+beginning of a fenced code block.)
+The content of the code block consists of all subsequent lines, until
+a closing [code fence](#code-fence) of the same type as the code block
+began with (backticks or tildes), and with at least as many backticks
+or tildes as the opening code fence. If the leading code fence is
+indented N spaces, then up to N spaces of indentation are removed from
+each line of the content (if present). (If a content line is not
+indented, it is preserved unchanged. If it is indented less than N
+spaces, all of the indentation is removed.)
+The closing code fence may be indented up to three spaces, and may be
+followed only by spaces, which are ignored. If the end of the
+containing block (or document) is reached and no closing code fence
+has been found, the code block contains all of the lines after the
+opening code fence until the end of the containing block (or
+document). (An alternative spec would require backtracking in the
+event that a closing code fence is not found. But this makes parsing
+much less efficient, and there seems to be no real down side to the
+behavior described here.)
+A fenced code block may interrupt a paragraph, and does not require
+a blank line either before or after.
+The content of a code fence is treated as literal text, not parsed
+as inlines. The first word of the info string is typically used to
+specify the language of the code sample, and rendered in the `class`
+attribute of the `code` tag. However, this spec does not mandate any
+particular treatment of the info string.
+Here is a simple example with backticks:
+ >
+ &gt;
+With tildes:
+ >
+ &gt;
+The closing code fence must use the same character as the opening
+The closing code fence must be at least as long as the opening fence:
+Unclosed code blocks are closed by the end of the document:
+A code block can have all empty lines as its content:
+A code block can be empty:
+Fences can be indented. If the opening fence is indented,
+content lines will have equivalent opening indentation removed,
+if present:
+ ```
+ aaa
+ ```
+ aaa
+ ```
+ ```
+ aaa
+ aaa
+ aaa
+ ```
+ aaa
+Four spaces indentation produces an indented code block:
+ ```
+ aaa
+ ```
+Code fences (opening and closing) cannot contain internal spaces:
+``` ```
+~~~ ~~
+~~~ ~~
+Fenced code blocks can interrupt paragraphs, and can be followed
+directly by paragraphs, without a blank line between:
+Other blocks can also occur before and after fenced code blocks
+without an intervening blank line:
+# baz
+An [info string](#info-string) can be provided after the opening code fence.
+Opening and closing spaces will be stripped, and the first word, prefixed
+with `language-`, is used as the value for the `class` attribute of the
+`code` element within the enclosing `pre` element.
+def foo(x)
+ return 3
+<pre><code class="language-ruby">def foo(x)
+ return 3
+~~~~ ruby startline=3 $%@#$
+def foo(x)
+ return 3
+<pre><code class="language-ruby">def foo(x)
+ return 3
+<pre><code class="language-;"></code></pre>
+Info strings for backtick code blocks cannot contain backticks:
+``` aa ```
+Closing code fences cannot have info strings:
+``` aaa
+<pre><code>``` aaa
+## HTML blocks
+An [HTML block tag](#html-block-tag) <a id="html-block-tag"></a> is
+an [open tag](#open-tag) or [closing tag](#closing-tag) whose tag
+name is one of the following (case-insensitive):
+`article`, `header`, `aside`, `hgroup`, `blockquote`, `hr`, `iframe`,
+`body`, `li`, `map`, `button`, `object`, `canvas`, `ol`, `caption`,
+`output`, `col`, `p`, `colgroup`, `pre`, `dd`, `progress`, `div`,
+`section`, `dl`, `table`, `td`, `dt`, `tbody`, `embed`, `textarea`,
+`fieldset`, `tfoot`, `figcaption`, `th`, `figure`, `thead`, `footer`,
+`footer`, `tr`, `form`, `ul`, `h1`, `h2`, `h3`, `h4`, `h5`, `h6`,
+`video`, `script`, `style`.
+An [HTML block](#html-block) <a id="html-block"></a> begins with an
+[HTML block tag](#html-block-tag), [HTML comment](#html-comment),
+[processing instruction](#processing-instruction),
+[declaration](#declaration), or [CDATA section](#cdata-section).
+It ends when a [blank line](#blank-line) or the end of the
+input is encountered. The initial line may be indented up to three
+spaces, and subsequent lines may have any indentation. The contents
+of the HTML block are interpreted as raw HTML, and will not be escaped
+in HTML output.
+Some simple examples:
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ hi
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ hi
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <div>
+ *hello*
+ <foo><a>
+ <div>
+ *hello*
+ <foo><a>
+Here we have two code blocks with a Markdown paragraph between them:
+<DIV CLASS="foo">
+<DIV CLASS="foo">
+In the following example, what looks like a Markdown code block
+is actually part of the HTML block, which continues until a blank
+line or the end of the document is reached:
+``` c
+int x = 33;
+``` c
+int x = 33;
+A comment:
+<!-- Foo
+ baz -->
+<!-- Foo
+ baz -->
+A processing instruction:
+ echo 'foo'
+ echo 'foo'
+function matchwo(a,b)
+if (a < b && a < 0) then
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+function matchwo(a,b)
+if (a < b && a < 0) then
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+The opening tag can be indented 1-3 spaces, but not 4:
+ <!-- foo -->
+ <!-- foo -->
+ <!-- foo -->
+<pre><code>&lt;!-- foo --&gt;
+An HTML block can interrupt a paragraph, and need not be preceded
+by a blank line.
+However, a following blank line is always needed, except at the end of
+a document:
+An incomplete HTML block tag may also start an HTML block:
+<div class
+<div class
+This rule differs from John Gruber's original Markdown syntax
+specification, which says:
+> The only restrictions are that block-level HTML elements —
+> e.g. `<div>`, `<table>`, `<pre>`, `<p>`, etc. — must be separated from
+> surrounding content by blank lines, and the start and end tags of the
+> block should not be indented with tabs or spaces.
+In some ways Gruber's rule is more restrictive than the one given
+- It requires that an HTML block be preceded by a blank line.
+- It does not allow the start tag to be indented.
+- It requires a matching end tag, which it also does not allow to
+ be indented.
+Indeed, most Markdown implementations, including some of Gruber's
+own perl implementations, do not impose these restrictions.
+There is one respect, however, in which Gruber's rule is more liberal
+than the one given here, since it allows blank lines to occur inside
+an HTML block. There are two reasons for disallowing them here.
+First, it removes the need to parse balanced tags, which is
+expensive and can require backtracking from the end of the document
+if no matching end tag is found. Second, it provides a very simple
+and flexible way of including Markdown content inside HTML tags:
+simply separate the Markdown from the HTML using blank lines:
+*Emphasized* text.
+<p><em>Emphasized</em> text.</p>
+*Emphasized* text.
+*Emphasized* text.
+Some Markdown implementations have adopted a convention of
+interpreting content inside tags as text if the open tag has
+the attribute `markdown=1`. The rule given above seems a simpler and
+more elegant way of achieving the same expressive power, which is also
+much simpler to parse.
+The main potential drawback is that one can no longer paste HTML
+blocks into Markdown documents with 100% reliability. However,
+*in most cases* this will work fine, because the blank lines in
+HTML are usually followed by HTML block tags. For example:
+Moreover, blank lines are usually not necessary and can be
+deleted. The exception is inside `<pre>` tags; here, one can
+replace the blank lines with `&#10;` entities.
+So there is no important loss of expressive power with the new rule.
+## Link reference definitions
+A [link reference definition](#link-reference-definition)
+<a id="link-reference-definition"></a> consists of a [link
+label](#link-label), indented up to three spaces, followed
+by a colon (`:`), optional blank space (including up to one
+newline), a [link destination](#link-destination), optional
+blank space (including up to one newline), and an optional [link
+title](#link-title), which if it is present must be separated
+from the [link destination](#link-destination) by whitespace.
+No further non-space characters may occur on the line.
+A [link reference-definition](#link-reference-definition)
+does not correspond to a structural element of a document. Instead, it
+defines a label which can be used in [reference links](#reference-link)
+and reference-style [images](#image) elsewhere in the document. [Link
+reference definitions] can come either before or after the links that use
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+ [foo]:
+ /url
+ 'the title'
+<p><a href="/url" title="the title">foo</a></p>
+[Foo*bar\]]:my_(url) 'title (with parens)'
+<p><a href="my_(url)" title="title (with parens)">Foo*bar]</a></p>
+[Foo bar]:
+<my url>
+[Foo bar]
+<p><a href="my%20url" title="title">Foo bar</a></p>
+The title may be omitted:
+<p><a href="/url">foo</a></p>
+The link destination may not be omitted:
+A link can come before its corresponding definition:
+[foo]: url
+<p><a href="url">foo</a></p>
+If there are several matching definitions, the first one takes
+[foo]: first
+[foo]: second
+<p><a href="first">foo</a></p>
+As noted in the section on [Links], matching of labels is
+case-insensitive (see [matches](#matches)).
+[FOO]: /url
+<p><a href="/url">Foo</a></p>
+[ΑΓΩ]: /φου
+<p><a href="/%CF%86%CE%BF%CF%85">αγω</a></p>
+Here is a link reference definition with no corresponding link.
+It contributes nothing to the document.
+[foo]: /url
+This is not a link reference definition, because there are
+non-space characters after the title:
+[foo]: /url "title" ok
+<p>[foo]: /url &quot;title&quot; ok</p>
+This is not a link reference definition, because it is indented
+four spaces:
+ [foo]: /url "title"
+<pre><code>[foo]: /url &quot;title&quot;
+This is not a link reference definition, because it occurs inside
+a code block:
+[foo]: /url
+<pre><code>[foo]: /url
+A [link reference definition](#link-reference-definition) cannot
+interrupt a paragraph.
+[bar]: /baz
+[bar]: /baz</p>
+However, it can directly follow other block elements, such as headers
+and horizontal rules, and it need not be followed by a blank line.
+# [Foo]
+[foo]: /url
+> bar
+<h1><a href="/url">Foo</a></h1>
+Several [link references](#link-reference) can occur one after another,
+without intervening blank lines.
+[foo]: /foo-url "foo"
+[bar]: /bar-url
+ "bar"
+[baz]: /baz-url
+<p><a href="/foo-url" title="foo">foo</a>,
+<a href="/bar-url" title="bar">bar</a>,
+<a href="/baz-url">baz</a></p>
+[Link reference definitions](#link-reference-definition) can occur
+inside block containers, like lists and block quotations. They
+affect the entire document, not just the container in which they
+are defined:
+> [foo]: /url
+<p><a href="/url">foo</a></p>
+## Paragraphs
+A sequence of non-blank lines that cannot be interpreted as other
+kinds of blocks forms a [paragraph](#paragraph).<a id="paragraph"></a>
+The contents of the paragraph are the result of parsing the
+paragraph's raw content as inlines. The paragraph's raw content
+is formed by concatenating the lines and removing initial and final
+A simple example with two paragraphs:
+Paragraphs can contain multiple lines, but no blank lines:
+Multiple blank lines between paragraph have no effect:
+Leading spaces are skipped:
+ aaa
+ bbb
+Lines after the first may be indented any amount, since indented
+code blocks cannot interrupt paragraphs.
+ bbb
+ ccc
+However, the first line may be indented at most three spaces,
+or an indented code block will be triggered:
+ aaa
+ aaa
+Final spaces are stripped before inline parsing, so a paragraph
+that ends with two or more spaces will not end with a hard line
+<p>aaa<br />
+## Blank lines
+[Blank lines](#blank-line) between block-level elements are ignored,
+except for the role they play in determining whether a [list](#list)
+is [tight](#tight) or [loose](#loose).
+Blank lines at the beginning and end of the document are also ignored.
+# aaa
+# Container blocks
+A [container block](#container-block) is a block that has other
+blocks as its contents. There are two basic kinds of container blocks:
+[block quotes](#block-quote) and [list items](#list-item).
+[Lists](#list) are meta-containers for [list items](#list-item).
+We define the syntax for container blocks recursively. The general
+form of the definition is:
+> If X is a sequence of blocks, then the result of
+> transforming X in such-and-such a way is a container of type Y
+> with these blocks as its content.
+So, we explain what counts as a block quote or list item by explaining
+how these can be *generated* from their contents. This should suffice
+to define the syntax, although it does not give a recipe for *parsing*
+these constructions. (A recipe is provided below in the section entitled
+[A parsing strategy](#appendix-a-a-parsing-strategy).)
+## Block quotes
+A [block quote marker](#block-quote-marker) <a id="block-quote-marker"></a>
+consists of 0-3 spaces of initial indent, plus (a) the character `>` together
+with a following space, or (b) a single character `>` not followed by a space.
+The following rules define [block quotes](#block-quote):
+<a id="block-quote"></a>
+1. **Basic case.** If a string of lines *Ls* constitute a sequence
+ of blocks *Bs*, then the result of appending a [block quote
+ marker](#block-quote-marker) to the beginning of each line in *Ls*
+ is a [block quote](#block-quote) containing *Bs*.
+2. **Laziness.** If a string of lines *Ls* constitute a [block
+ quote](#block-quote) with contents *Bs*, then the result of deleting
+ the initial [block quote marker](#block-quote-marker) from one or
+ more lines in which the next non-space character after the [block
+ quote marker](#block-quote-marker) is [paragraph continuation
+ text](#paragraph-continuation-text) is a block quote with *Bs* as
+ its content. <a id="paragraph-continuation-text"></a>
+ [Paragraph continuation text](#paragraph-continuation-text) is text
+ that will be parsed as part of the content of a paragraph, but does
+ not occur at the beginning of the paragraph.
+3. **Consecutiveness.** A document cannot contain two [block
+ quotes](#block-quote) in a row unless there is a [blank
+ line](#blank-line) between them.
+Nothing else counts as a [block quote](#block-quote).
+Here is a simple example:
+> # Foo
+> bar
+> baz
+The spaces after the `>` characters can be omitted:
+># Foo
+> baz
+The `>` characters can be indented 1-3 spaces:
+ > # Foo
+ > bar
+ > baz
+Four spaces gives us a code block:
+ > # Foo
+ > bar
+ > baz
+<pre><code>&gt; # Foo
+&gt; bar
+&gt; baz
+The Laziness clause allows us to omit the `>` before a
+paragraph continuation line:
+> # Foo
+> bar
+A block quote can contain some lazy and some non-lazy
+continuation lines:
+> bar
+> foo
+Laziness only applies to lines that are continuations of
+paragraphs. Lines containing characters or indentation that indicate
+block structure cannot be lazy.
+> foo
+<hr />
+> - foo
+- bar
+> foo
+ bar
+> ```
+A block quote can be empty:
+A block quote can have initial or final blank lines:
+> foo
+A blank line always separates block quotes:
+> foo
+> bar
+(Most current Markdown implementations, including John Gruber's
+original `Markdown.pl`, will parse this example as a single block quote
+with two paragraphs. But it seems better to allow the author to decide
+whether two block quotes or one are wanted.)
+Consecutiveness means that if we put these block quotes together,
+we get a single block quote:
+> foo
+> bar
+To get a block quote with two paragraphs, use:
+> foo
+> bar
+Block quotes can interrupt paragraphs:
+> bar
+In general, blank lines are not needed before or after block
+> aaa
+> bbb
+<hr />
+However, because of laziness, a blank line is needed between
+a block quote and a following paragraph:
+> bar
+> bar
+> bar
+It is a consequence of the Laziness rule that any number
+of initial `>`s may be omitted on a continuation line of a
+nested block quote:
+> > > foo
+>>> foo
+> bar
+When including an indented code block in a block quote,
+remember that the [block quote marker](#block-quote-marker) includes
+both the `>` and a following space. So *five spaces* are needed after
+the `>`:
+> code
+> not code
+<p>not code</p>
+## List items
+A [list marker](#list-marker) <a id="list-marker"></a> is a
+[bullet list marker](#bullet-list-marker) or an [ordered list
+A [bullet list marker](#bullet-list-marker) <a id="bullet-list-marker"></a>
+is a `-`, `+`, or `*` character.
+An [ordered list marker](#ordered-list-marker) <a id="ordered-list-marker"></a>
+is a sequence of one of more digits (`0-9`), followed by either a
+`.` character or a `)` character.
+The following rules define [list items](#list-item):
+1. **Basic case.** If a sequence of lines *Ls* constitute a sequence of
+ blocks *Bs* starting with a non-space character and not separated
+ from each other by more than one blank line, and *M* is a list
+ marker *M* of width *W* followed by 0 < *N* < 5 spaces, then the result
+ of prepending *M* and the following spaces to the first line of
+ *Ls*, and indenting subsequent lines of *Ls* by *W + N* spaces, is a
+ list item with *Bs* as its contents. The type of the list item
+ (bullet or ordered) is determined by the type of its list marker.
+ If the list item is ordered, then it is also assigned a start
+ number, based on the ordered list marker.
+For example, let *Ls* be the lines
+A paragraph
+with two lines.
+ indented code
+> A block quote.
+<p>A paragraph
+with two lines.</p>
+<pre><code>indented code
+<p>A block quote.</p>
+And let *M* be the marker `1.`, and *N* = 2. Then rule #1 says
+that the following is an ordered list item with start number 1,
+and the same contents as *Ls*:
+1. A paragraph
+ with two lines.
+ indented code
+ > A block quote.
+<li><p>A paragraph
+with two lines.</p>
+<pre><code>indented code
+<p>A block quote.</p>
+The most important thing to notice is that the position of
+the text after the list marker determines how much indentation
+is needed in subsequent blocks in the list item. If the list
+marker takes up two spaces, and there are three spaces between
+the list marker and the next nonspace character, then blocks
+must be indented five spaces in order to fall under the list
+Here are some examples showing how far content must be indented to be
+put under the list item:
+- one
+ two
+- one
+ two
+ - one
+ two
+<pre><code> two
+ - one
+ two
+It is tempting to think of this in terms of columns: the continuation
+blocks must be indented at least to the column of the first nonspace
+character after the list marker. However, that is not quite right.
+The spaces after the list marker determine how much relative indentation
+is needed. Which column this indentation reaches will depend on
+how the list item is embedded in other constructions, as shown by
+this example:
+ > > 1. one
+>> two
+Here `two` occurs in the same column as the list marker `1.`,
+but is actually contained in the list item, because there is
+sufficent indentation after the last containing blockquote marker.
+The converse is also possible. In the following example, the word `two`
+occurs far to the right of the initial text of the list item, `one`, but
+it is not considered part of the list item, because it is not indented
+far enough past the blockquote marker:
+>>- one
+ > > two
+A list item may not contain blocks that are separated by more than
+one blank line. Thus, two blank lines will end a list, unless the
+two blanks are contained in a [fenced code block](#fenced-code-block).
+- foo
+ bar
+- foo
+ bar
+- ```
+ foo
+ bar
+ ```
+A list item may contain any kind of block:
+1. foo
+ ```
+ bar
+ ```
+ baz
+ > bam
+2. **Item starting with indented code.** If a sequence of lines *Ls*
+ constitute a sequence of blocks *Bs* starting with an indented code
+ block and not separated from each other by more than one blank line,
+ and *M* is a list marker *M* of width *W* followed by
+ one space, then the result of prepending *M* and the following
+ space to the first line of *Ls*, and indenting subsequent lines of
+ *Ls* by *W + 1* spaces, is a list item with *Bs* as its contents.
+ If a line is empty, then it need not be indented. The type of the
+ list item (bullet or ordered) is determined by the type of its list
+ marker. If the list item is ordered, then it is also assigned a
+ start number, based on the ordered list marker.
+An indented code block will have to be indented four spaces beyond
+the edge of the region where text will be included in the list item.
+In the following case that is 6 spaces:
+- foo
+ bar
+And in this case it is 11 spaces:
+ 10. foo
+ bar
+<ol start="10">
+If the *first* block in the list item is an indented code block,
+then by rule #2, the contents must be indented *one* space after the
+list marker:
+ indented code
+ more code
+<pre><code>indented code
+<pre><code>more code
+1. indented code
+ paragraph
+ more code
+<li><pre><code>indented code
+<pre><code>more code
+Note that an additional space indent is interpreted as space
+inside the code block:
+1. indented code
+ paragraph
+ more code
+<li><pre><code> indented code
+<pre><code>more code
+Note that rules #1 and #2 only apply to two cases: (a) cases
+in which the lines to be included in a list item begin with a nonspace
+character, and (b) cases in which they begin with an indented code
+block. In a case like the following, where the first block begins with
+a three-space indent, the rules do not allow us to form a list item by
+indenting the whole thing and prepending a list marker:
+ foo
+- foo
+ bar
+This is not a significant restriction, because when a block begins
+with 1-3 spaces indent, the indentation can always be removed without
+a change in interpretation, allowing rule #1 to be applied. So, in
+the above case:
+- foo
+ bar
+3. **Indentation.** If a sequence of lines *Ls* constitutes a list item
+ according to rule #1 or #2, then the result of indenting each line
+ of *L* by 1-3 spaces (the same for each line) also constitutes a
+ list item with the same contents and attributes. If a line is
+ empty, then it need not be indented.
+Indented one space:
+ 1. A paragraph
+ with two lines.
+ indented code
+ > A block quote.
+<li><p>A paragraph
+with two lines.</p>
+<pre><code>indented code
+<p>A block quote.</p>
+Indented two spaces:
+ 1. A paragraph
+ with two lines.
+ indented code
+ > A block quote.
+<li><p>A paragraph
+with two lines.</p>
+<pre><code>indented code
+<p>A block quote.</p>
+Indented three spaces:
+ 1. A paragraph
+ with two lines.
+ indented code
+ > A block quote.
+<li><p>A paragraph
+with two lines.</p>
+<pre><code>indented code
+<p>A block quote.</p>
+Four spaces indent gives a code block:
+ 1. A paragraph
+ with two lines.
+ indented code
+ > A block quote.
+<pre><code>1. A paragraph
+ with two lines.
+ indented code
+ &gt; A block quote.
+4. **Laziness.** If a string of lines *Ls* constitute a [list
+ item](#list-item) with contents *Bs*, then the result of deleting
+ some or all of the indentation from one or more lines in which the
+ next non-space character after the indentation is
+ [paragraph continuation text](#paragraph-continuation-text) is a
+ list item with the same contents and attributes.
+Here is an example with lazy continuation lines:
+ 1. A paragraph
+with two lines.
+ indented code
+ > A block quote.
+<li><p>A paragraph
+with two lines.</p>
+<pre><code>indented code
+<p>A block quote.</p>
+Indentation can be partially deleted:
+ 1. A paragraph
+ with two lines.
+<li>A paragraph
+with two lines.</li>
+These examples show how laziness can work in nested structures:
+> 1. > Blockquote
+continued here.
+continued here.</p>
+> 1. > Blockquote
+> continued here.
+continued here.</p>
+5. **That's all.** Nothing that is not counted as a list item by rules
+ #1--4 counts as a [list item](#list-item).
+The rules for sublists follow from the general rules above. A sublist
+must be indented the same number of spaces a paragraph would need to be
+in order to be included in the list item.
+So, in this case we need two spaces indent:
+- foo
+ - bar
+ - baz
+One is not enough:
+- foo
+ - bar
+ - baz
+Here we need four, because the list marker is wider:
+10) foo
+ - bar
+<ol start="10">
+Three is not enough:
+10) foo
+ - bar
+<ol start="10">
+A list may be the first block in a list item:
+- - foo
+1. - 2. foo
+<li><ol start="2">
+A list item may be empty:
+- foo
+- bar
+### Motivation
+John Gruber's Markdown spec says the following about list items:
+1. "List markers typically start at the left margin, but may be indented
+ by up to three spaces. List markers must be followed by one or more
+ spaces or a tab."
+2. "To make lists look nice, you can wrap items with hanging indents....
+ But if you don't want to, you don't have to."
+3. "List items may consist of multiple paragraphs. Each subsequent
+ paragraph in a list item must be indented by either 4 spaces or one
+ tab."
+4. "It looks nice if you indent every line of the subsequent paragraphs,
+ but here again, Markdown will allow you to be lazy."
+5. "To put a blockquote within a list item, the blockquote's `>`
+ delimiters need to be indented."
+6. "To put a code block within a list item, the code block needs to be
+ indented twice — 8 spaces or two tabs."
+These rules specify that a paragraph under a list item must be indented
+four spaces (presumably, from the left margin, rather than the start of
+the list marker, but this is not said), and that code under a list item
+must be indented eight spaces instead of the usual four. They also say
+that a block quote must be indented, but not by how much; however, the
+example given has four spaces indentation. Although nothing is said
+about other kinds of block-level content, it is certainly reasonable to
+infer that *all* block elements under a list item, including other
+lists, must be indented four spaces. This principle has been called the
+*four-space rule*.
+The four-space rule is clear and principled, and if the reference
+implementation `Markdown.pl` had followed it, it probably would have
+become the standard. However, `Markdown.pl` allowed paragraphs and
+sublists to start with only two spaces indentation, at least on the
+outer level. Worse, its behavior was inconsistent: a sublist of an
+outer-level list needed two spaces indentation, but a sublist of this
+sublist needed three spaces. It is not surprising, then, that different
+implementations of Markdown have developed very different rules for
+determining what comes under a list item. (Pandoc and python-Markdown,
+for example, stuck with Gruber's syntax description and the four-space
+rule, while discount, redcarpet, marked, PHP Markdown, and others
+followed `Markdown.pl`'s behavior more closely.)
+Unfortunately, given the divergences between implementations, there
+is no way to give a spec for list items that will be guaranteed not
+to break any existing documents. However, the spec given here should
+correctly handle lists formatted with either the four-space rule or
+the more forgiving `Markdown.pl` behavior, provided they are laid out
+in a way that is natural for a human to read.
+The strategy here is to let the width and indentation of the list marker
+determine the indentation necessary for blocks to fall under the list
+item, rather than having a fixed and arbitrary number. The writer can
+think of the body of the list item as a unit which gets indented to the
+right enough to fit the list marker (and any indentation on the list
+marker). (The laziness rule, #4, then allows continuation lines to be
+unindented if needed.)
+This rule is superior, we claim, to any rule requiring a fixed level of
+indentation from the margin. The four-space rule is clear but
+unnatural. It is quite unintuitive that
+``` markdown
+- foo
+ bar
+ - baz
+should be parsed as two lists with an intervening paragraph,
+``` html
+as the four-space rule demands, rather than a single list,
+``` html
+The choice of four spaces is arbitrary. It can be learned, but it is
+not likely to be guessed, and it trips up beginners regularly.
+Would it help to adopt a two-space rule? The problem is that such
+a rule, together with the rule allowing 1--3 spaces indentation of the
+initial list marker, allows text that is indented *less than* the
+original list marker to be included in the list item. For example,
+`Markdown.pl` parses
+``` markdown
+ - one
+ two
+as a single list item, with `two` a continuation paragraph:
+``` html
+and similarly
+``` markdown
+> - one
+> two
+``` html
+This is extremely unintuitive.
+Rather than requiring a fixed indent from the margin, we could require
+a fixed indent (say, two spaces, or even one space) from the list marker (which
+may itself be indented). This proposal would remove the last anomaly
+discussed. Unlike the spec presented above, it would count the following
+as a list item with a subparagraph, even though the paragraph `bar`
+is not indented as far as the first paragraph `foo`:
+``` markdown
+ 10. foo
+ bar
+Arguably this text does read like a list item with `bar` as a subparagraph,
+which may count in favor of the proposal. However, on this proposal indented
+code would have to be indented six spaces after the list marker. And this
+would break a lot of existing Markdown, which has the pattern:
+``` markdown
+1. foo
+ indented code
+where the code is indented eight spaces. The spec above, by contrast, will
+parse this text as expected, since the code block's indentation is measured
+from the beginning of `foo`.
+The one case that needs special treatment is a list item that *starts*
+with indented code. How much indentation is required in that case, since
+we don't have a "first paragraph" to measure from? Rule #2 simply stipulates
+that in such cases, we require one space indentation from the list marker
+(and then the normal four spaces for the indented code). This will match the
+four-space rule in cases where the list marker plus its initial indentation
+takes four spaces (a common case), but diverge in other cases.
+## Lists
+A [list](#list) <a id="list"></a> is a sequence of one or more
+list items [of the same type](#of-the-same-type). The list items
+may be separated by single [blank lines](#blank-line), but two
+blank lines end all containing lists.
+Two list items are [of the same type](#of-the-same-type)
+<a id="of-the-same-type"></a> if they begin with a [list
+marker](#list-marker) of the same type. Two list markers are of the
+same type if (a) they are bullet list markers using the same character
+(`-`, `+`, or `*`) or (b) they are ordered list numbers with the same
+delimiter (either `.` or `)`).
+A list is an [ordered list](#ordered-list) <a id="ordered-list"></a>
+if its constituent list items begin with
+[ordered list markers](#ordered-list-marker), and a [bullet
+list](#bullet-list) <a id="bullet-list"></a> if its constituent list
+items begin with [bullet list markers](#bullet-list-marker).
+The [start number](#start-number) <a id="start-number"></a>
+of an [ordered list](#ordered-list) is determined by the list number of
+its initial list item. The numbers of subsequent list items are
+A list is [loose](#loose) if it any of its constituent list items are
+separated by blank lines, or if any of its constituent list items
+directly contain two block-level elements with a blank line between
+them. Otherwise a list is [tight](#tight). (The difference in HTML output
+is that paragraphs in a loose with are wrapped in `<p>` tags, while
+paragraphs in a tight list are not.)
+Changing the bullet or ordered list delimiter starts a new list:
+- foo
+- bar
++ baz
+1. foo
+2. bar
+3) baz
+<ol start="3">
+There can be blank lines between items, but two blank lines end
+a list:
+- foo
+- bar
+- baz
+As illustrated above in the section on [list items](#list-item),
+two blank lines between blocks *within* a list item will also end a
+- foo
+ bar
+- baz
+Indeed, two blank lines will end *all* containing lists:
+- foo
+ - bar
+ - baz
+ bim
+<pre><code> bim
+Thus, two blank lines can be used to separate consecutive lists of
+the same type, or to separate a list from an indented code block
+that would otherwise be parsed as a subparagraph of the final list
+- foo
+- bar
+- baz
+- bim
+- foo
+ notcode
+- foo
+ code
+List items need not be indented to the same level. The following
+list items will be treated as items at the same list level,
+since none is indented enough to belong to the previous list
+- a
+ - b
+ - c
+ - d
+ - e
+ - f
+- g
+This is a loose list, because there is a blank line between
+two of the list items:
+- a
+- b
+- c
+So is this, with a empty second item:
+* a
+* c
+These are loose lists, even though there is no space between the items,
+because one of the items directly contains two block-level elements
+with a blank line between them:
+- a
+- b
+ c
+- d
+- a
+- b
+ [ref]: /url
+- d
+This is a tight list, because the blank lines are in a code block:
+- a
+- ```
+ b
+ ```
+- c
+This is a tight list, because the blank line is between two
+paragraphs of a sublist. So the inner list is loose while
+the other list is tight:
+- a
+ - b
+ c
+- d
+This is a tight list, because the blank line is inside the
+block quote:
+* a
+ > b
+ >
+* c
+This list is tight, because the consecutive block elements
+are not separated by blank lines:
+- a
+ > b
+ ```
+ c
+ ```
+- d
+A single-paragraph list is tight:
+- a
+- a
+ - b
+Here the outer list is loose, the inner list tight:
+* foo
+ * bar
+ baz
+- a
+ - b
+ - c
+- d
+ - e
+ - f
+# Inlines
+Inlines are parsed sequentially from the beginning of the character
+stream to the end (left to right, in left-to-right languages).
+Thus, for example, in
+`hi` is parsed as code, leaving the backtick at the end as a literal
+## Backslash escapes
+Any ASCII punctuation character may be backslash-escaped:
+Backslashes before other characters are treated as literal
+\→\A\a\ \3\φ\«
+<p>\ \A\a\ \3\φ\«</p>
+Escaped characters are treated as regular characters and do
+not have their usual Markdown meanings:
+\*not emphasized*
+\<br/> not a tag
+\[not a link](/foo)
+\`not code`
+1\. not a list
+\* not a list
+\# not a header
+\[foo]: /url "not a reference"
+<p>*not emphasized*
+&lt;br/&gt; not a tag
+[not a link](/foo)
+`not code`
+1. not a list
+* not a list
+# not a header
+[foo]: /url &quot;not a reference&quot;</p>
+If a backslash is itself escaped, the following character is not:
+A backslash at the end of the line is a hard line break:
+<p>foo<br />
+Backslash escapes do not work in code blocks, code spans, autolinks, or
+raw HTML:
+`` \[\` ``
+ \[\]
+<p><a href="http://google.com?find=%5C*">http://google.com?find=\*</a></p>
+<a href="/bar\/)">
+<p><a href="/bar\/)"></p>
+But they work in all other contexts, including URLs and link titles,
+link references, and info strings in [fenced code
+[foo](/bar\* "ti\*tle")
+<p><a href="/bar*" title="ti*tle">foo</a></p>
+[foo]: /bar\* "ti\*tle"
+<p><a href="/bar*" title="ti*tle">foo</a></p>
+``` foo\+bar
+<pre><code class="language-foo+bar">foo
+## Entities
+With the goal of making this standard as HTML-agnostic as possible, all HTML valid HTML Entities in any
+context are recognized as such and converted into their actual values (i.e. the UTF8 characters representing
+the entity itself) before they are stored in the AST.
+This allows implementations that target HTML output to trivially escape the entities when generating HTML,
+and simplifies the job of implementations targetting other languages, as these will only need to handle the
+UTF8 chars and need not be HTML-entity aware.
+[Named entities](#name-entities) <a id="named-entities"></a> consist of `&`
++ any of the valid HTML5 entity names + `;`. The [following document](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/entities.json)
+is used as an authoritative source of the valid entity names and their corresponding codepoints.
+Conforming implementations that target Markdown don't need to generate entities for all the valid
+named entities that exist, with the exception of `"` (`&quot;`), `&` (`&amp;`), `<` (`&lt;`) and `>` (`&gt;`),
+which always need to be written as entities for security reasons.
+&nbsp; &amp; &copy; &AElig; &Dcaron; &frac34; &HilbertSpace; &DifferentialD; &ClockwiseContourIntegral;
+<p>  &amp; © Æ Ď ¾ ℋ ⅆ ∲</p>
+[Decimal entities](#decimal-entities) <a id="decimal-entities"></a>
+consist of `&#` + a string of 1--8 arabic digits + `;`. Again, these entities need to be recognised
+and tranformed into their corresponding UTF8 codepoints. Invalid Unicode codepoints will be written
+as the "unknown codepoint" character (`0xFFFD`)
+&#35; &#1234; &#992; &#98765432;
+<p># Ӓ Ϡ �</p>
+[Hexadecimal entities](#hexadecimal-entities) <a id="hexadecimal-entities"></a>
+consist of `&#` + either `X` or `x` + a string of 1-8 hexadecimal digits
++ `;`. They will also be parsed and turned into their corresponding UTF8 values in the AST.
+&#X22; &#XD06; &#xcab;
+<p>&quot; ആ ಫ</p>
+Here are some nonentities:
+&nbsp &x; &#; &#x; &ThisIsWayTooLongToBeAnEntityIsntIt; &hi?;
+<p>&amp;nbsp &amp;x; &amp;#; &amp;#x; &amp;ThisIsWayTooLongToBeAnEntityIsntIt; &amp;hi?;</p>
+Although HTML5 does accept some entities without a trailing semicolon
+(such as `&copy`), these are not recognized as entities here, because it makes the grammar too ambiguous:
+Strings that are not on the list of HTML5 named entities are not recognized as entities either:
+Entities are recognized in any context besides code spans or
+code blocks, including raw HTML, URLs, [link titles](#link-title), and
+[fenced code block](#fenced-code-block) info strings:
+<a href="&ouml;&ouml;.html">
+<p><a href="&ouml;&ouml;.html"></p>
+[foo](/f&ouml;&ouml; "f&ouml;&ouml;")
+<p><a href="/f%C3%B6%C3%B6" title="föö">foo</a></p>
+[foo]: /f&ouml;&ouml; "f&ouml;&ouml;"
+<p><a href="/f%C3%B6%C3%B6" title="föö">foo</a></p>
+``` f&ouml;&ouml;
+<pre><code class="language-föö">foo
+Entities are treated as literal text in code spans and code blocks:
+ f&ouml;f&ouml;
+## Code span
+A [backtick string](#backtick-string) <a id="backtick-string"></a>
+is a string of one or more backtick characters (`` ` ``) that is neither
+preceded nor followed by a backtick.
+A code span begins with a backtick string and ends with a backtick
+string of equal length. The contents of the code span are the
+characters between the two backtick strings, with leading and trailing
+spaces and newlines removed, and consecutive spaces and newlines
+collapsed to single spaces.
+This is a simple code span:
+Here two backticks are used, because the code contains a backtick.
+This example also illustrates stripping of leading and trailing spaces:
+`` foo ` bar ``
+<p><code>foo ` bar</code></p>
+This example shows the motivation for stripping leading and trailing
+` `` `
+Newlines are treated like spaces:
+Interior spaces and newlines are collapsed into single spaces, just
+as they would be by a browser:
+`foo bar
+ baz`
+<p><code>foo bar baz</code></p>
+Q: Why not just leave the spaces, since browsers will collapse them
+anyway? A: Because we might be targeting a non-HTML format, and we
+shouldn't rely on HTML-specific rendering assumptions.
+(Existing implementations differ in their treatment of internal
+spaces and newlines. Some, including `Markdown.pl` and
+`showdown`, convert an internal newline into a `<br />` tag.
+But this makes things difficult for those who like to hard-wrap
+their paragraphs, since a line break in the midst of a code
+span will cause an unintended line break in the output. Others
+just leave internal spaces as they are, which is fine if only
+HTML is being targeted.)
+`foo `` bar`
+<p><code>foo `` bar</code></p>
+Note that backslash escapes do not work in code spans. All backslashes
+are treated literally:
+Backslash escapes are never needed, because one can always choose a
+string of *n* backtick characters as delimiters, where the code does
+not contain any strings of exactly *n* backtick characters.
+Code span backticks have higher precedence than any other inline
+constructs except HTML tags and autolinks. Thus, for example, this is
+not parsed as emphasized text, since the second `*` is part of a code
+And this is not parsed as a link:
+[not a `link](/foo`)
+<p>[not a <code>link](/foo</code>)</p>
+But this is a link:
+<p><a href="http://foo.bar.%60baz">http://foo.bar.`baz</a>`</p>
+And this is an HTML tag:
+<a href="`">`
+<p><a href="`">`</p>
+When a backtick string is not closed by a matching backtick string,
+we just have literal backticks:
+## Emphasis and strong emphasis
+John Gruber's original [Markdown syntax
+description](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#em) says:
+> Markdown treats asterisks (`*`) and underscores (`_`) as indicators of
+> emphasis. Text wrapped with one `*` or `_` will be wrapped with an HTML
+> `<em>` tag; double `*`'s or `_`'s will be wrapped with an HTML `<strong>`
+> tag.
+This is enough for most users, but these rules leave much undecided,
+especially when it comes to nested emphasis. The original
+`Markdown.pl` test suite makes it clear that triple `***` and
+`___` delimiters can be used for strong emphasis, and most
+implementations have also allowed the following patterns:
+``` markdown
+***strong emph***
+***strong** in emph*
+***emph* in strong**
+**in strong *emph***
+*in emph **strong***
+The following patterns are less widely supported, but the intent
+is clear and they are useful (especially in contexts like bibliography
+``` markdown
+*emph *with emph* in it*
+**strong **with strong** in it**
+Many implementations have also restricted intraword emphasis to
+the `*` forms, to avoid unwanted emphasis in words containing
+internal underscores. (It is best practice to put these in code
+spans, but users often do not.)
+``` markdown
+internal emphasis: foo*bar*baz
+no emphasis: foo_bar_baz
+The following rules capture all of these patterns, while allowing
+for efficient parsing strategies that do not backtrack:
+1. A single `*` character [can open emphasis](#can-open-emphasis)
+ <a id="can-open-emphasis"></a> iff
+ (a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `*`s,
+ (b) it is not followed by whitespace, and
+ (c) either it is not followed by a `*` character or it is
+ followed immediately by strong emphasis.
+2. A single `_` character [can open emphasis](#can-open-emphasis) iff
+ (a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `_`s,
+ (b) it is not followed by whitespace,
+ (c) it is not preceded by an ASCII alphanumeric character, and
+ (d) either it is not followed by a `_` character or it is
+ followed immediately by strong emphasis.
+3. A single `*` character [can close emphasis](#can-close-emphasis)
+ <a id="can-close-emphasis"></a> iff
+ (a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `*`s, and
+ (b) it is not preceded by whitespace.
+4. A single `_` character [can close emphasis](#can-close-emphasis) iff
+ (a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `_`s,
+ (b) it is not preceded by whitespace, and
+ (c) it is not followed by an ASCII alphanumeric character.
+5. A double `**` [can open strong emphasis](#can-open-strong-emphasis)
+ <a id="can-open-strong-emphasis" ></a> iff
+ (a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `*`s,
+ (b) it is not followed by whitespace, and
+ (c) either it is not followed by a `*` character or it is
+ followed immediately by emphasis.
+6. A double `__` [can open strong emphasis](#can-open-strong-emphasis)
+ iff
+ (a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `_`s,
+ (b) it is not followed by whitespace, and
+ (c) it is not preceded by an ASCII alphanumeric character, and
+ (d) either it is not followed by a `_` character or it is
+ followed immediately by emphasis.
+7. A double `**` [can close strong emphasis](#can-close-strong-emphasis)
+ <a id="can-close-strong-emphasis" ></a> iff
+ (a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `*`s, and
+ (b) it is not preceded by whitespace.
+8. A double `__` [can close strong emphasis](#can-close-strong-emphasis)
+ iff
+ (a) it is not part of a sequence of four or more unescaped `_`s,
+ (b) it is not preceded by whitespace, and
+ (c) it is not followed by an ASCII alphanumeric character.
+9. Emphasis begins with a delimiter that [can open
+ emphasis](#can-open-emphasis) and includes inlines parsed
+ sequentially until a delimiter that [can close
+ emphasis](#can-close-emphasis), and that uses the same
+ character (`_` or `*`) as the opening delimiter, is reached.
+10. Strong emphasis begins with a delimiter that [can open strong
+ emphasis](#can-open-strong-emphasis) and includes inlines parsed
+ sequentially until a delimiter that [can close strong
+ emphasis](#can-close-strong-emphasis), and that uses the
+ same character (`_` or `*`) as the opening delimiter, is reached.
+These rules can be illustrated through a series of examples.
+Simple emphasis:
+*foo bar*
+<p><em>foo bar</em></p>
+_foo bar_
+<p><em>foo bar</em></p>
+Simple strong emphasis:
+**foo bar**
+<p><strong>foo bar</strong></p>
+__foo bar__
+<p><strong>foo bar</strong></p>
+Emphasis can continue over line breaks:
+Emphasis can contain other inline constructs:
+*foo [bar](/url)*
+<p><em>foo <a href="/url">bar</a></em></p>
+_foo [bar](/url)_
+<p><em>foo <a href="/url">bar</a></em></p>
+**foo [bar](/url)**
+<p><strong>foo <a href="/url">bar</a></strong></p>
+__foo [bar](/url)__
+<p><strong>foo <a href="/url">bar</a></strong></p>
+Symbols contained in other inline constructs will not
+close emphasis:
+*foo [bar*](/url)
+<p>*foo <a href="/url">bar*</a></p>
+_foo [bar_](/url)
+<p>_foo <a href="/url">bar_</a></p>
+**<a href="**">
+<p>**<a href="**"></p>
+__<a href="__">
+<p>__<a href="__"></p>
+*a `*`*
+<p><em>a <code>*</code></em></p>
+_a `_`_
+<p><em>a <code>_</code></em></p>
+<p>**a<a href="http://foo.bar?q=**">http://foo.bar?q=**</a></p>
+<p>__a<a href="http://foo.bar?q=__">http://foo.bar?q=__</a></p>
+This is not emphasis, because the opening delimiter is
+followed by white space:
+and * foo bar*
+<p>and * foo bar*</p>
+_ foo bar_
+<p>_ foo bar_</p>
+and ** foo bar**
+<p>and ** foo bar**</p>
+__ foo bar__
+<p>__ foo bar__</p>
+This is not emphasis, because the closing delimiter is
+preceded by white space:
+and *foo bar *
+<p>and *foo bar *</p>
+and _foo bar _
+<p>and _foo bar _</p>
+and **foo bar **
+<p>and **foo bar **</p>
+and __foo bar __
+<p>and __foo bar __</p>
+The rules imply that a sequence of four or more unescaped `*` or
+`_` characters will always be parsed as a literal string:
+Sign here: _________
+<p>Sign here: _________</p>
+The rules also imply that there can be no empty emphasis or strong
+** is not an empty emphasis
+<p>** is not an empty emphasis</p>
+**** is not an empty strong emphasis
+<p>**** is not an empty strong emphasis</p>
+To include `*` or `_` in emphasized sections, use backslash escapes
+or code spans:
+*here is a \**
+<p><em>here is a *</em></p>
+__this is a double underscore (`__`)__
+<p><strong>this is a double underscore (<code>__</code>)</strong></p>
+`*` delimiters allow intra-word emphasis; `_` delimiters do not:
+Internal underscores will be ignored in underscore-delimited
+The rules are sufficient for the following nesting patterns:
+***foo bar***
+<p><strong><em>foo bar</em></strong></p>
+___foo bar___
+<p><strong><em>foo bar</em></strong></p>
+***foo** bar*
+<p><em><strong>foo</strong> bar</em></p>
+___foo__ bar_
+<p><em><strong>foo</strong> bar</em></p>
+***foo* bar**
+<p><strong><em>foo</em> bar</strong></p>
+___foo_ bar__
+<p><strong><em>foo</em> bar</strong></p>
+*foo **bar***
+<p><em>foo <strong>bar</strong></em></p>
+_foo __bar___
+<p><em>foo <strong>bar</strong></em></p>
+**foo *bar***
+<p><strong>foo <em>bar</em></strong></p>
+__foo _bar___
+<p><strong>foo <em>bar</em></strong></p>
+*foo **bar***
+<p><em>foo <strong>bar</strong></em></p>
+_foo __bar___
+<p><em>foo <strong>bar</strong></em></p>
+*foo *bar* baz*
+<p><em>foo <em>bar</em> baz</em></p>
+_foo _bar_ baz_
+<p><em>foo <em>bar</em> baz</em></p>
+**foo **bar** baz**
+<p><strong>foo <strong>bar</strong> baz</strong></p>
+__foo __bar__ baz__
+<p><strong>foo <strong>bar</strong> baz</strong></p>
+*foo **bar** baz*
+<p><em>foo <strong>bar</strong> baz</em></p>
+_foo __bar__ baz_
+<p><em>foo <strong>bar</strong> baz</em></p>
+**foo *bar* baz**
+<p><strong>foo <em>bar</em> baz</strong></p>
+__foo _bar_ baz__
+<p><strong>foo <em>bar</em> baz</strong></p>
+Note that you cannot nest emphasis directly inside emphasis
+using the same delimeter, or strong emphasis directly inside
+strong emphasis:
+For these nestings, you need to switch delimiters:
+Note that a `*` followed by a `*` can close emphasis, and
+a `**` followed by a `*` can close strong emphasis (and
+similarly for `_` and `__`):
+*foo *bar**
+<p><em>foo <em>bar</em></em></p>
+***foo* bar***
+<p><strong><em>foo</em> bar</strong>*</p>
+***foo** bar***
+<p><em><strong>foo</strong> bar</em>**</p>
+The following contains no strong emphasis, because the opening
+delimiter is closed by the first `*` before `bar`:
+However, a string of four or more `****` can never close emphasis:
+Note that there are some asymmetries here:
+*foo *bar**
+**foo* bar*
+<p><em>foo <em>bar</em></em></p>
+<p>**foo* bar*</p>
+More cases with mismatched delimiters:
+**foo* bar*
+<p>**foo* bar*</p>
+***foo *bar*
+<p>***foo <em>bar</em></p>
+## Links
+A link contains a [link label](#link-label) (the visible text),
+a [destination](#destination) (the URI that is the link destination),
+and optionally a [link title](#link-title). There are two basic kinds
+of links in Markdown. In [inline links](#inline-links) the destination
+and title are given immediately after the label. In [reference
+links](#reference-links) the destination and title are defined elsewhere
+in the document.
+A [link label](#link-label) <a id="link-label"></a> consists of
+- an opening `[`, followed by
+- zero or more backtick code spans, autolinks, HTML tags, link labels,
+ backslash-escaped ASCII punctuation characters, or non-`]` characters,
+ followed by
+- a closing `]`.
+These rules are motivated by the following intuitive ideas:
+- A link label is a container for inline elements.
+- The square brackets bind more tightly than emphasis markers,
+ but less tightly than `<>` or `` ` ``.
+- Link labels may contain material in matching square brackets.
+A [link destination](#link-destination) <a id="link-destination"></a>
+consists of either
+- a sequence of zero or more characters between an opening `<` and a
+ closing `>` that contains no line breaks or unescaped `<` or `>`
+ characters, or
+- a nonempty sequence of characters that does not include
+ ASCII space or control characters, and includes parentheses
+ only if (a) they are backslash-escaped or (b) they are part of
+ a balanced pair of unescaped parentheses that is not itself
+ inside a balanced pair of unescaped paretheses.
+A [link title](#link-title) <a id="link-title"></a> consists of either
+- a sequence of zero or more characters between straight double-quote
+ characters (`"`), including a `"` character only if it is
+ backslash-escaped, or
+- a sequence of zero or more characters between straight single-quote
+ characters (`'`), including a `'` character only if it is
+ backslash-escaped, or
+- a sequence of zero or more characters between matching parentheses
+ (`(...)`), including a `)` character only if it is backslash-escaped.
+An [inline link](#inline-link) <a id="inline-link"></a>
+consists of a [link label](#link-label) followed immediately
+by a left parenthesis `(`, optional whitespace,
+an optional [link destination](#link-destination),
+an optional [link title](#link-title) separated from the link
+destination by whitespace, optional whitespace, and a right
+parenthesis `)`. The link's text consists of the label (excluding
+the enclosing square brackets) parsed as inlines. The link's
+URI consists of the link destination, excluding enclosing `<...>` if
+present, with backslash-escapes in effect as described above. The
+link's title consists of the link title, excluding its enclosing
+delimiters, with backslash-escapes in effect as described above.
+Here is a simple inline link:
+[link](/uri "title")
+<p><a href="/uri" title="title">link</a></p>
+The title may be omitted:
+<p><a href="/uri">link</a></p>
+Both the title and the destination may be omitted:
+<p><a href="">link</a></p>
+<p><a href="">link</a></p>
+If the destination contains spaces, it must be enclosed in pointy
+[link](/my uri)
+<p>[link](/my uri)</p>
+[link](</my uri>)
+<p><a href="/my%20uri">link</a></p>
+The destination cannot contain line breaks, even with pointy braces:
+One level of balanced parentheses is allowed without escaping:
+<p><a href="(foo)and(bar)">link</a></p>
+However, if you have parentheses within parentheses, you need to escape
+or use the `<...>` form:
+<p><a href="foo(and(bar))">link</a></p>
+<p><a href="foo(and(bar))">link</a></p>
+Parentheses and other symbols can also be escaped, as usual
+in Markdown:
+<p><a href="foo):">link</a></p>
+URL-escaping and should be left alone inside the destination, as all URL-escaped characters
+are also valid URL characters. HTML entities in the destination will be parsed into their UTF8
+codepoints, as usual, and optionally URL-escaped when written as HTML.
+<p><a href="foo%20b%C3%A4">link</a></p>
+Note that, because titles can often be parsed as destinations,
+if you try to omit the destination and keep the title, you'll
+get unexpected results:
+<p><a href="%22title%22">link</a></p>
+Titles may be in single quotes, double quotes, or parentheses:
+[link](/url "title")
+[link](/url 'title')
+[link](/url (title))
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">link</a>
+<a href="/url" title="title">link</a>
+<a href="/url" title="title">link</a></p>
+Backslash escapes and entities may be used in titles:
+[link](/url "title \"&quot;")
+<p><a href="/url" title="title &quot;&quot;">link</a></p>
+Nested balanced quotes are not allowed without escaping:
+[link](/url "title "and" title")
+<p>[link](/url &quot;title &quot;and&quot; title&quot;)</p>
+But it is easy to work around this by using a different quote type:
+[link](/url 'title "and" title')
+<p><a href="/url" title="title &quot;and&quot; title">link</a></p>
+(Note: `Markdown.pl` did allow double quotes inside a double-quoted
+title, and its test suite included a test demonstrating this.
+But it is hard to see a good rationale for the extra complexity this
+brings, since there are already many ways---backslash escaping,
+entities, or using a different quote type for the enclosing title---to
+write titles containing double quotes. `Markdown.pl`'s handling of
+titles has a number of other strange features. For example, it allows
+single-quoted titles in inline links, but not reference links. And, in
+reference links but not inline links, it allows a title to begin with
+`"` and end with `)`. `Markdown.pl` 1.0.1 even allows titles with no closing
+quotation mark, though 1.0.2b8 does not. It seems preferable to adopt
+a simple, rational rule that works the same way in inline links and
+link reference definitions.)
+Whitespace is allowed around the destination and title:
+[link]( /uri
+ "title" )
+<p><a href="/uri" title="title">link</a></p>
+But it is not allowed between the link label and the
+following parenthesis:
+[link] (/uri)
+<p>[link] (/uri)</p>
+Note that this is not a link, because the closing `]` occurs in
+an HTML tag:
+[foo <bar attr="](baz)">
+<p>[foo <bar attr="](baz)"></p>
+There are three kinds of [reference links](#reference-link):
+<a id="reference-link"></a>
+A [full reference link](#full-reference-link) <a id="full-reference-link"></a>
+consists of a [link label](#link-label), optional whitespace, and
+another [link label](#link-label) that [matches](#matches) a
+[link reference definition](#link-reference-definition) elsewhere in the
+One label [matches](#matches) <a id="matches"></a>
+another just in case their normalized forms are equal. To normalize a
+label, perform the *unicode case fold* and collapse consecutive internal
+whitespace to a single space. If there are multiple matching reference
+link definitions, the one that comes first in the document is used. (It
+is desirable in such cases to emit a warning.)
+The contents of the first link label are parsed as inlines, which are
+used as the link's text. The link's URI and title are provided by the
+matching [link reference definition](#link-reference-definition).
+Here is a simple example:
+[bar]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+The first label can contain inline content:
+[bar]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title"><em>foo!</em></a></p>
+Matching is case-insensitive:
+[bar]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+Unicode case fold is used:
+[Толпой][Толпой] is a Russian word.
+[ТОЛПОЙ]: /url
+<p><a href="/url">Толпой</a> is a Russian word.</p>
+Consecutive internal whitespace is treated as one space for
+purposes of determining matching:
+ bar]: /url
+[Baz][Foo bar]
+<p><a href="/url">Baz</a></p>
+There can be whitespace between the two labels:
+[foo] [bar]
+[bar]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+[bar]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+When there are multiple matching [link reference
+definitions](#link-reference-definition), the first is used:
+[foo]: /url1
+[foo]: /url2
+<p><a href="/url1">bar</a></p>
+Note that matching is performed on normalized strings, not parsed
+inline content. So the following does not match, even though the
+labels define equivalent inline content:
+[foo!]: /url
+A [collapsed reference link](#collapsed-reference-link)
+<a id="collapsed-reference-link"></a> consists of a [link
+label](#link-label) that [matches](#matches) a [link reference
+definition](#link-reference-definition) elsewhere in the
+document, optional whitespace, and the string `[]`. The contents of the
+first link label are parsed as inlines, which are used as the link's
+text. The link's URI and title are provided by the matching reference
+link definition. Thus, `[foo][]` is equivalent to `[foo][foo]`.
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+[*foo* bar][]
+[*foo* bar]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title"><em>foo</em> bar</a></p>
+The link labels are case-insensitive:
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">Foo</a></p>
+As with full reference links, whitespace is allowed
+between the two sets of brackets:
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+A [shortcut reference link](#shortcut-reference-link)
+<a id="shortcut-reference-link"></a> consists of a [link
+label](#link-label) that [matches](#matches) a [link reference
+definition](#link-reference-definition) elsewhere in the
+document and is not followed by `[]` or a link label.
+The contents of the first link label are parsed as inlines,
+which are used as the link's text. the link's URI and title
+are provided by the matching link reference definition.
+Thus, `[foo]` is equivalent to `[foo][]`.
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+[*foo* bar]
+[*foo* bar]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title"><em>foo</em> bar</a></p>
+[[*foo* bar]]
+[*foo* bar]: /url "title"
+<p>[<a href="/url" title="title"><em>foo</em> bar</a>]</p>
+The link labels are case-insensitive:
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><a href="/url" title="title">Foo</a></p>
+If you just want bracketed text, you can backslash-escape the
+opening bracket to avoid links:
+[foo]: /url "title"
+Note that this is a link, because link labels bind more tightly
+than emphasis:
+[foo*]: /url
+<p>*<a href="/url">foo*</a></p>
+However, this is not, because link labels bind less
+tightly than code backticks:
+[foo`]: /url
+Link labels can contain matched square brackets:
+[[[foo]]]: /url
+<p><a href="/url">[[foo]]</a></p>
+[[[foo]]]: /url1
+[foo]: /url2
+<p><a href="/url1">[[foo]]</a></p>
+For non-matching brackets, use backslash escapes:
+[\[foo]: /url
+<p><a href="/url">[foo</a></p>
+Full references take precedence over shortcut references:
+[foo]: /url1
+[bar]: /url2
+<p><a href="/url2">foo</a></p>
+In the following case `[bar][baz]` is parsed as a reference,
+`[foo]` as normal text:
+[baz]: /url
+<p>[foo]<a href="/url">bar</a></p>
+Here, though, `[foo][bar]` is parsed as a reference, since
+`[bar]` is defined:
+[baz]: /url1
+[bar]: /url2
+<p><a href="/url2">foo</a><a href="/url1">baz</a></p>
+Here `[foo]` is not parsed as a shortcut reference, because it
+is followed by a link label (even though `[bar]` is not defined):
+[baz]: /url1
+[foo]: /url2
+<p>[foo]<a href="/url1">bar</a></p>
+## Images
+An (unescaped) exclamation mark (`!`) followed by a reference or
+inline link will be parsed as an image. The link label will be
+used as the image's alt text, and the link title, if any, will
+be used as the image's title.
+![foo](/url "title")
+<p><img src="/url" alt="foo" title="title" /></p>
+![foo *bar*]
+[foo *bar*]: train.jpg "train & tracks"
+<p><img src="train.jpg" alt="foo &lt;em&gt;bar&lt;/em&gt;" title="train &amp; tracks" /></p>
+![foo *bar*][]
+[foo *bar*]: train.jpg "train & tracks"
+<p><img src="train.jpg" alt="foo &lt;em&gt;bar&lt;/em&gt;" title="train &amp; tracks" /></p>
+![foo *bar*][foobar]
+[FOOBAR]: train.jpg "train & tracks"
+<p><img src="train.jpg" alt="foo &lt;em&gt;bar&lt;/em&gt;" title="train &amp; tracks" /></p>
+<p><img src="train.jpg" alt="foo" /></p>
+My ![foo bar](/path/to/train.jpg "title" )
+<p>My <img src="/path/to/train.jpg" alt="foo bar" title="title" /></p>
+<p><img src="url" alt="foo" /></p>
+<p><img src="/url" alt="" /></p>
+![foo] [bar]
+[bar]: /url
+<p><img src="/url" alt="foo" /></p>
+![foo] [bar]
+[BAR]: /url
+<p><img src="/url" alt="foo" /></p>
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><img src="/url" alt="foo" title="title" /></p>
+![*foo* bar][]
+[*foo* bar]: /url "title"
+<p><img src="/url" alt="&lt;em&gt;foo&lt;/em&gt; bar" title="title" /></p>
+The labels are case-insensitive:
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><img src="/url" alt="Foo" title="title" /></p>
+As with full reference links, whitespace is allowed
+between the two sets of brackets:
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><img src="/url" alt="foo" title="title" /></p>
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><img src="/url" alt="foo" title="title" /></p>
+![*foo* bar]
+[*foo* bar]: /url "title"
+<p><img src="/url" alt="&lt;em&gt;foo&lt;/em&gt; bar" title="title" /></p>
+[[foo]]: /url "title"
+<p><img src="/url" alt="[foo]" title="title" /></p>
+The link labels are case-insensitive:
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p><img src="/url" alt="Foo" title="title" /></p>
+If you just want bracketed text, you can backslash-escape the
+opening `!` and `[`:
+[foo]: /url "title"
+If you want a link after a literal `!`, backslash-escape the
+[foo]: /url "title"
+<p>!<a href="/url" title="title">foo</a></p>
+## Autolinks
+Autolinks are absolute URIs and email addresses inside `<` and `>`.
+They are parsed as links, with the URL or email address as the link
+A [URI autolink](#uri-autolink) <a id="uri-autolink"></a>
+consists of `<`, followed by an [absolute
+URI](#absolute-uri) not containing `<`, followed by `>`. It is parsed
+as a link to the URI, with the URI as the link's label.
+An [absolute URI](#absolute-uri), <a id="absolute-uri"></a>
+for these purposes, consists of a [scheme](#scheme) followed by a colon (`:`)
+followed by zero or more characters other than ASCII whitespace and
+control characters, `<`, and `>`. If the URI includes these characters,
+you must use percent-encoding (e.g. `%20` for a space).
+The following [schemes](#scheme) <a id="scheme"></a>
+are recognized (case-insensitive):
+`coap`, `doi`, `javascript`, `aaa`, `aaas`, `about`, `acap`, `cap`,
+`cid`, `crid`, `data`, `dav`, `dict`, `dns`, `file`, `ftp`, `geo`, `go`,
+`gopher`, `h323`, `http`, `https`, `iax`, `icap`, `im`, `imap`, `info`,
+`ipp`, `iris`, `iris.beep`, `iris.xpc`, `iris.xpcs`, `iris.lwz`, `ldap`,
+`mailto`, `mid`, `msrp`, `msrps`, `mtqp`, `mupdate`, `news`, `nfs`,
+`ni`, `nih`, `nntp`, `opaquelocktoken`, `pop`, `pres`, `rtsp`,
+`service`, `session`, `shttp`, `sieve`, `sip`, `sips`, `sms`, `snmp`,`
+soap.beep`, `soap.beeps`, `tag`, `tel`, `telnet`, `tftp`, `thismessage`,
+`tn3270`, `tip`, `tv`, `urn`, `vemmi`, `ws`, `wss`, `xcon`,
+`xcon-userid`, `xmlrpc.beep`, `xmlrpc.beeps`, `xmpp`, `z39.50r`,
+`z39.50s`, `adiumxtra`, `afp`, `afs`, `aim`, `apt`,` attachment`, `aw`,
+`beshare`, `bitcoin`, `bolo`, `callto`, `chrome`,` chrome-extension`,
+`com-eventbrite-attendee`, `content`, `cvs`,` dlna-playsingle`,
+`dlna-playcontainer`, `dtn`, `dvb`, `ed2k`, `facetime`, `feed`,
+`finger`, `fish`, `gg`, `git`, `gizmoproject`, `gtalk`, `hcp`, `icon`,
+`ipn`, `irc`, `irc6`, `ircs`, `itms`, `jar`, `jms`, `keyparc`, `lastfm`,
+`ldaps`, `magnet`, `maps`, `market`,` message`, `mms`, `ms-help`,
+`msnim`, `mumble`, `mvn`, `notes`, `oid`, `palm`, `paparazzi`,
+`platform`, `proxy`, `psyc`, `query`, `res`, `resource`, `rmi`, `rsync`,
+`rtmp`, `secondlife`, `sftp`, `sgn`, `skype`, `smb`, `soldat`,
+`spotify`, `ssh`, `steam`, `svn`, `teamspeak`, `things`, `udp`,
+`unreal`, `ut2004`, `ventrilo`, `view-source`, `webcal`, `wtai`,
+`wyciwyg`, `xfire`, `xri`, `ymsgr`.
+Here are some valid autolinks:
+<p><a href="http://foo.bar.baz">http://foo.bar.baz</a></p>
+<p><a href="http://foo.bar.baz?q=hello&amp;id=22&amp;boolean">http://foo.bar.baz?q=hello&amp;id=22&amp;boolean</a></p>
+<p><a href="irc://foo.bar:2233/baz">irc://foo.bar:2233/baz</a></p>
+Uppercase is also fine:
+Spaces are not allowed in autolinks:
+<http://foo.bar/baz bim>
+<p>&lt;http://foo.bar/baz bim&gt;</p>
+An [email autolink](#email-autolink) <a id="email-autolink"></a>
+consists of `<`, followed by an [email address](#email-address),
+followed by `>`. The link's label is the email address,
+and the URL is `mailto:` followed by the email address.
+An [email address](#email-address), <a id="email-address"></a>
+for these purposes, is anything that matches
+the [non-normative regex from the HTML5
+ /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?
+ (?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/
+Examples of email autolinks:
+<p><a href="mailto:foo@bar.baz.com">foo@bar.baz.com</a></p>
+<p><a href="mailto:foo+special@Bar.baz-bar0.com">foo+special@Bar.baz-bar0.com</a></p>
+These are not autolinks:
+< http://foo.bar >
+<p>&lt; http://foo.bar &gt;</p>
+## Raw HTML
+Text between `<` and `>` that looks like an HTML tag is parsed as a
+raw HTML tag and will be rendered in HTML without escaping.
+Tag and attribute names are not limited to current HTML tags,
+so custom tags (and even, say, DocBook tags) may be used.
+Here is the grammar for tags:
+A [tag name](#tag-name) <a id="tag-name"></a> consists of an ASCII letter
+followed by zero or more ASCII letters or digits.
+An [attribute](#attribute) <a id="attribute"></a> consists of whitespace,
+an **attribute name**, and an optional **attribute value
+An [attribute name](#attribute-name) <a id="attribute-name"></a>
+consists of an ASCII letter, `_`, or `:`, followed by zero or more ASCII
+letters, digits, `_`, `.`, `:`, or `-`. (Note: This is the XML
+specification restricted to ASCII. HTML5 is laxer.)
+An [attribute value specification](#attribute-value-specification)
+<a id="attribute-value-specification"></a> consists of optional whitespace,
+a `=` character, optional whitespace, and an [attribute
+An [attribute value](#attribute-value) <a id="attribute-value"></a>
+consists of an [unquoted attribute value](#unquoted-attribute-value),
+a [single-quoted attribute value](#single-quoted-attribute-value),
+or a [double-quoted attribute value](#double-quoted-attribute-value).
+An [unquoted attribute value](#unquoted-attribute-value)
+<a id="unquoted-attribute-value"></a> is a nonempty string of characters not
+including spaces, `"`, `'`, `=`, `<`, `>`, or `` ` ``.
+A [single-quoted attribute value](#single-quoted-attribute-value)
+<a id="single-quoted-attribute-value"></a> consists of `'`, zero or more
+characters not including `'`, and a final `'`.
+A [double-quoted attribute value](#double-quoted-attribute-value)
+<a id="double-quoted-attribute-value"></a> consists of `"`, zero or more
+characters not including `"`, and a final `"`.
+An [open tag](#open-tag) <a id="open-tag"></a> consists of a `<` character,
+a [tag name](#tag-name), zero or more [attributes](#attribute),
+optional whitespace, an optional `/` character, and a `>` character.
+A [closing tag](#closing-tag) <a id="closing-tag"></a> consists of the
+string `</`, a [tag name](#tag-name), optional whitespace, and the
+character `>`.
+An [HTML comment](#html-comment) <a id="html-comment"></a> consists of the
+string `<!--`, a string of characters not including the string `--`, and
+the string `-->`.
+A [processing instruction](#processing-instruction)
+<a id="processing-instruction"></a> consists of the string `<?`, a string
+of characters not including the string `?>`, and the string
+A [declaration](#declaration) <a id="declaration"></a> consists of the
+string `<!`, a name consisting of one or more uppercase ASCII letters,
+whitespace, a string of characters not including the character `>`, and
+the character `>`.
+A [CDATA section](#cdata-section) <a id="cdata-section"></a> consists of
+the string `<![CDATA[`, a string of characters not including the string
+`]]>`, and the string `]]>`.
+An [HTML tag](#html-tag) <a id="html-tag"></a> consists of an [open
+tag](#open-tag), a [closing tag](#closing-tag), an [HTML
+comment](#html-comment), a [processing
+instruction](#processing-instruction), an [element type
+declaration](#element-type-declaration), or a [CDATA
+Here are some simple open tags:
+Empty elements:
+Whitespace is allowed:
+<a /><b2
+data="foo" >
+<p><a /><b2
+data="foo" ></p>
+With attributes:
+<a foo="bar" bam = 'baz <em>"</em>'
+_boolean zoop:33=zoop:33 />
+<p><a foo="bar" bam = 'baz <em>"</em>'
+_boolean zoop:33=zoop:33 /></p>
+Illegal tag names, not parsed as HTML:
+<33> <__>
+<p>&lt;33&gt; &lt;__&gt;</p>
+Illegal attribute names:
+<a h*#ref="hi">
+<p>&lt;a h*#ref=&quot;hi&quot;&gt;</p>
+Illegal attribute values:
+<a href="hi'> <a href=hi'>
+<p>&lt;a href=&quot;hi'&gt; &lt;a href=hi'&gt;</p>
+Illegal whitespace:
+< a><
+foo><bar/ >
+<p>&lt; a&gt;&lt;
+foo&gt;&lt;bar/ &gt;</p>
+Missing whitespace:
+<a href='bar'title=title>
+<p>&lt;a href='bar'title=title&gt;</p>
+Closing tags:
+</foo >
+</foo ></p>
+Illegal attributes in closing tag:
+</a href="foo">
+<p>&lt;/a href=&quot;foo&quot;&gt;</p>
+foo <!-- this is a
+comment - with hyphen -->
+<p>foo <!-- this is a
+comment - with hyphen --></p>
+foo <!-- not a comment -- two hyphens -->
+<p>foo &lt;!-- not a comment -- two hyphens --&gt;</p>
+Processing instructions:
+foo <?php echo $a; ?>
+<p>foo <?php echo $a; ?></p>
+foo <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
+<p>foo <!ELEMENT br EMPTY></p>
+CDATA sections:
+foo <![CDATA[>&<]]>
+<p>foo <![CDATA[>&<]]></p>
+Entities are preserved in HTML attributes:
+<a href="&ouml;">
+<p><a href="&ouml;"></p>
+Backslash escapes do not work in HTML attributes:
+<a href="\*">
+<p><a href="\*"></p>
+<a href="\"">
+<p>&lt;a href=&quot;&quot;&quot;&gt;</p>
+## Hard line breaks
+A line break (not in a code span or HTML tag) that is preceded
+by two or more spaces is parsed as a linebreak (rendered
+in HTML as a `<br />` tag):
+<p>foo<br />
+For a more visible alternative, a backslash before the newline may be
+used instead of two spaces:
+<p>foo<br />
+More than two spaces can be used:
+<p>foo<br />
+Leading spaces at the beginning of the next line are ignored:
+ bar
+<p>foo<br />
+ bar
+<p>foo<br />
+Line breaks can occur inside emphasis, links, and other constructs
+that allow inline content:
+<p><em>foo<br />
+<p><em>foo<br />
+Line breaks do not occur inside code spans
+<p><code>code span</code></p>
+<p><code>code\ span</code></p>
+or HTML tags:
+<a href="foo
+<p><a href="foo
+<a href="foo\
+<p><a href="foo\
+## Soft line breaks
+A regular line break (not in a code span or HTML tag) that is not
+preceded by two or more spaces is parsed as a softbreak. (A
+softbreak may be rendered in HTML either as a newline or as a space.
+The result will be the same in browsers. In the examples here, a
+newline will be used.)
+Spaces at the end of the line and beginning of the next line are
+ baz
+A conforming parser may render a soft line break in HTML either as a
+line break or as a space.
+A renderer may also provide an option to render soft line breaks
+as hard line breaks.
+## Strings
+Any characters not given an interpretation by the above rules will
+be parsed as string content.
+hello $.;'there
+<p>hello $.;'there</p>
+Foo χρῆν
+<p>Foo χρῆν</p>
+Internal spaces are preserved verbatim:
+Multiple spaces
+<p>Multiple spaces</p>
+<!-- END TESTS -->
+# Appendix A: A parsing strategy {-}
+## Overview {-}
+Parsing has two phases:
+1. In the first phase, lines of input are consumed and the block
+structure of the document---its division into paragraphs, block quotes,
+list items, and so on---is constructed. Text is assigned to these
+blocks but not parsed. Link reference definitions are parsed and a
+map of links is constructed.
+2. In the second phase, the raw text contents of paragraphs and headers
+are parsed into sequences of Markdown inline elements (strings,
+code spans, links, emphasis, and so on), using the map of link
+references constructed in phase 1.
+## The document tree {-}
+At each point in processing, the document is represented as a tree of
+**blocks**. The root of the tree is a `document` block. The `document`
+may have any number of other blocks as **children**. These children
+may, in turn, have other blocks as children. The last child of a block
+is normally considered **open**, meaning that subsequent lines of input
+can alter its contents. (Blocks that are not open are **closed**.)
+Here, for example, is a possible document tree, with the open blocks
+marked by arrows:
+``` tree
+-> document
+ -> block_quote
+ paragraph
+ "Lorem ipsum dolor\nsit amet."
+ -> list (type=bullet tight=true bullet_char=-)
+ list_item
+ paragraph
+ "Qui *quodsi iracundia*"
+ -> list_item
+ -> paragraph
+ "aliquando id"
+## How source lines alter the document tree {-}
+Each line that is processed has an effect on this tree. The line is
+analyzed and, depending on its contents, the document may be altered
+in one or more of the following ways:
+1. One or more open blocks may be closed.
+2. One or more new blocks may be created as children of the
+ last open block.
+3. Text may be added to the last (deepest) open block remaining
+ on the tree.
+Once a line has been incorporated into the tree in this way,
+it can be discarded, so input can be read in a stream.
+We can see how this works by considering how the tree above is
+generated by four lines of Markdown:
+``` markdown
+> Lorem ipsum dolor
+sit amet.
+> - Qui *quodsi iracundia*
+> - aliquando id
+At the outset, our document model is just
+``` tree
+-> document
+The first line of our text,
+``` markdown
+> Lorem ipsum dolor
+causes a `block_quote` block to be created as a child of our
+open `document` block, and a `paragraph` block as a child of
+the `block_quote`. Then the text is added to the last open
+block, the `paragraph`:
+``` tree
+-> document
+ -> block_quote
+ -> paragraph
+ "Lorem ipsum dolor"
+The next line,
+``` markdown
+sit amet.
+is a "lazy continuation" of the open `paragraph`, so it gets added
+to the paragraph's text:
+``` tree
+-> document
+ -> block_quote
+ -> paragraph
+ "Lorem ipsum dolor\nsit amet."
+The third line,
+``` markdown
+> - Qui *quodsi iracundia*
+causes the `paragraph` block to be closed, and a new `list` block
+opened as a child of the `block_quote`. A `list_item` is also
+added as a child of the `list`, and a `paragraph` as a child of
+the `list_item`. The text is then added to the new `paragraph`:
+``` tree
+-> document
+ -> block_quote
+ paragraph
+ "Lorem ipsum dolor\nsit amet."
+ -> list (type=bullet tight=true bullet_char=-)
+ -> list_item
+ -> paragraph
+ "Qui *quodsi iracundia*"
+The fourth line,
+``` markdown
+> - aliquando id
+causes the `list_item` (and its child the `paragraph`) to be closed,
+and a new `list_item` opened up as child of the `list`. A `paragraph`
+is added as a child of the new `list_item`, to contain the text.
+We thus obtain the final tree:
+``` tree
+-> document
+ -> block_quote
+ paragraph
+ "Lorem ipsum dolor\nsit amet."
+ -> list (type=bullet tight=true bullet_char=-)
+ list_item
+ paragraph
+ "Qui *quodsi iracundia*"
+ -> list_item
+ -> paragraph
+ "aliquando id"
+## From block structure to the final document {-}
+Once all of the input has been parsed, all open blocks are closed.
+We then "walk the tree," visiting every node, and parse raw
+string contents of paragraphs and headers as inlines. At this
+point we have seen all the link reference definitions, so we can
+resolve reference links as we go.
+``` tree
+ block_quote
+ paragraph
+ str "Lorem ipsum dolor"
+ softbreak
+ str "sit amet."
+ list (type=bullet tight=true bullet_char=-)
+ list_item
+ paragraph
+ str "Qui "
+ emph
+ str "quodsi iracundia"
+ list_item
+ paragraph
+ str "aliquando id"
+Notice how the newline in the first paragraph has been parsed as
+a `softbreak`, and the asterisks in the first list item have become
+an `emph`.
+The document can be rendered as HTML, or in any other format, given
+an appropriate renderer.
diff --git a/test/src/markdown/MarkdownTestRunner.kt b/test/src/markdown/MarkdownTestRunner.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf1d9516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/src/markdown/MarkdownTestRunner.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+package org.jetbrains.kmark.test
+import org.junit.runner.*
+import org.junit.runner.notification.*
+import java.io.File
+import org.junit.runners.ParentRunner
+import java.io.Serializable
+import kotlin.properties.Delegates
+import org.junit.ComparisonFailure
+data class MarkdownTestUniqueId(val id: Int) : Serializable {
+ class object {
+ var id = 0
+ fun next() = MarkdownTestUniqueId(id++)
+ }
+public open class MarkdownSpecification(val path: String, val processor: (String) -> String)
+trait MarkdownTest {
+ fun description(): Description
+public open class MarkdownTestCase(val spec: MarkdownSpecification, val input: String, val expected: String) : MarkdownTest, Runner() {
+ val _description by Delegates.lazy {
+ Description.createSuiteDescription(input, MarkdownTestUniqueId.next())!!
+ }
+ override fun description(): Description = _description
+ override fun getDescription(): Description? = description()
+ override fun run(notifier: RunNotifier?) {
+ notifier!!
+ notifier.fireTestStarted(_description)
+ val result = spec.processor(input)
+ when (result) {
+ expected -> notifier.fireTestFinished(_description)
+ else -> notifier.fireTestFailure(Failure(_description, ComparisonFailure("Output mismatch", expected, result)))
+ }
+ }
+public open class MarkdownTestSection(val spec: MarkdownSpecification, val title: String) : MarkdownTest, ParentRunner<MarkdownTest>(spec.javaClass) {
+ val children = arrayListOf<MarkdownTest>();
+ val _description by Delegates.lazy {
+ val desc = Description.createSuiteDescription(title, MarkdownTestUniqueId.next())!!
+ for (item in getChildren()!!) {
+ desc.addChild(describeChild(item))
+ }
+ desc
+ }
+ override fun description(): Description = _description
+ override fun getChildren(): MutableList<MarkdownTest>? = children
+ override fun describeChild(child: MarkdownTest?): Description? = child!!.description()
+ override fun runChild(child: MarkdownTest?, notifier: RunNotifier?) {
+ notifier!!
+ when (child) {
+ is MarkdownTestCase -> child.run(notifier)
+ is MarkdownTestSection -> {
+ if (child.children.size == 0) {
+ notifier.fireTestStarted(child.description())
+ notifier.fireTestFinished(child.description())
+ } else {
+ child.run(notifier)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+public class MarkdownTestRunner(specificationClass: Class<MarkdownSpecification>) : MarkdownTestSection(specificationClass.newInstance(), "Tests") {
+ {
+ val lines = File(spec.path).readLines()
+ createSections(this, lines, 1)
+ }
+ private fun createTests(parent: MarkdownTestSection, lines: List<String>): Int {
+ val testMark = lines.takeWhile { it.trim() != "." }
+ val testHtml = lines.drop(testMark.size).drop(1).takeWhile { it.trim() != "." }
+ parent.children.add(MarkdownTestCase(spec, testMark.join("\n", postfix = "\n"), testHtml.join("\n", postfix = "\n")))
+ return testMark.size + testHtml.size + 3
+ }
+ private fun createSections(parent: MarkdownTestSection, lines: List<String>, level: Int): Int {
+ var sectionNumber = 1
+ var index = 0
+ while (index < lines.size) {
+ val line = lines[index]
+ if (line.trim() == ".") {
+ index = createTests(parent, lines.subList(index + 1, lines.lastIndex)) + index + 1
+ continue
+ }
+ val head = line.takeWhile { it == '#' }.length
+ if (head == 0) {
+ index++
+ continue
+ }
+ if (head < level) {
+ return index
+ }
+ if (head == level) {
+ val title = lines[index].dropWhile { it == '#' }.dropWhile { it.isWhitespace() }
+ sectionNumber++
+ val section = MarkdownTestSection(spec, title)
+ val lastIndex = createSections(section, lines.subList(index + 1, lines.lastIndex), level + 1) + index + 1
+ if (section.children.size > 0)
+ parent.children.add(section)
+ val nextHead = lines[lastIndex].takeWhile { it == '#' }.length
+ if (nextHead < level) {
+ return lastIndex
+ }
+ index = lastIndex
+ continue
+ }
+ index++
+ }
+ return lines.size
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/src/markdown/ParserTest.kt b/test/src/markdown/ParserTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4538b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/src/markdown/ParserTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package org.jetbrains.dokka.tests
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
+public class ParserTest {
+ Test fun text() {
+ val markdown = MarkdownProcessor().parse("text")
+ println(markdown.dump())
+ }
+ Test fun textWithSpaces() {
+ val markdown = MarkdownProcessor().parse("text and string")
+ println(markdown.dump())
+ }
+ Test fun multiline() {
+ val markdown = MarkdownProcessor().parse(
+ println(markdown.dump())
+ }
+ Test fun para() {
+ val markdown = MarkdownProcessor().parse(
+"""paragraph number
+number two
+ println(markdown.dump())
+ }
+ Test fun bulletList() {
+ val markdown = MarkdownProcessor().parse(
+* list item 1
+* list item 2
+ println(markdown.dump())
+ }
+ Test fun emph() {
+ val markdown = MarkdownProcessor().parse("*text*")
+ println(markdown.dump())
+ }
diff --git a/test/src/markdown/Specification.kt b/test/src/markdown/Specification.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0cda024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/src/markdown/Specification.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package org.jetbrains.kmark.test
+import org.junit.runner.*
+import org.jetbrains.kmark.test.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
+class Specification : MarkdownSpecification("test/data/markdown/spec.txt", {
+ markdownToHtml(it.replace("→", "\t"))
+}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/src/model/CommentTest.kt b/test/src/model/CommentTest.kt
index 7f56f688..28f717db 100644
--- a/test/src/model/CommentTest.kt
+++ b/test/src/model/CommentTest.kt
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ public class CommentTest {
with(model.members.single().members.single()) {
assertEquals(NormalStyle, NormalStyle)
assertEquals("Summary".toRichString(), doc.summary)
- assertEquals(1, doc.sections.count())
- with (doc.sections.elementAt(0)) {
+ assertEquals(2, doc.sections.count())
+ with (doc.sections["one"]!!) {
assertEquals("one", label)
assertEquals(RichString.empty, text)
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ public class CommentTest {
verifyModel("test/data/comments/section1.kt") { model ->
with(model.members.single().members.single()) {
assertEquals("Summary".toRichString(), doc.summary)
- assertEquals(1, doc.sections.count())
- with (doc.sections.elementAt(0)) {
+ assertEquals(2, doc.sections.count())
+ with (doc.sections["one"]!!) {
assertEquals("one", label)
assertEquals("section one".toRichString(), text)
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ public class CommentTest {
verifyModel("test/data/comments/section2.kt") { model ->
with(model.members.single().members.single()) {
assertEquals("Summary".toRichString(), doc.summary)
- assertEquals(2, doc.sections.count())
- with (doc.sections.elementAt(0)) {
+ assertEquals(3, doc.sections.count())
+ with (doc.sections["one"]!!) {
assertEquals("one", label)
assertEquals("section one".toRichString(), text)
- with (doc.sections.elementAt(1)) {
+ with (doc.sections["two"]!!) {
assertEquals("two", label)
assertEquals("section two".toRichString(), text)
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ public class CommentTest {
verifyModel("test/data/comments/sectionOnOneLine.kt") { model ->
with(model.members.single().members.single()) {
assertEquals("Summary".toRichString(), doc.summary)
- assertEquals(1, doc.sections.count())
- with (doc.sections.elementAt(0)) {
+ assertEquals(2, doc.sections.count())
+ with (doc.sections["one"]!!) {
assertEquals("one", label)
assertEquals("same line".toRichString(), text)
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ public class CommentTest {
verifyModel("test/data/comments/emptySectionOnOneLine.kt") { model ->
with(model.members.single().members.single()) {
assertEquals("Summary".toRichString(), doc.summary)
- assertEquals(1, doc.sections.count())
- with (doc.sections.elementAt(0)) {
+ assertEquals(2, doc.sections.count())
+ with (doc.sections["one"]!!) {
assertEquals("one", label)
assertEquals(RichString.empty, text)
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ public class CommentTest {
verifyModel("test/data/comments/multilineSection.kt") { model ->
with(model.members.single().members.single()) {
assertEquals("Summary".toRichString(), doc.summary)
- assertEquals(1, doc.sections.count())
- with (doc.sections.elementAt(0)) {
+ assertEquals(2, doc.sections.count())
+ with (doc.sections["one"]!!) {
assertEquals("one", label)
assertEquals("""line one
line two""".toRichString(), text)
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ line two""".toRichString(), text)
verifyModel("test/data/comments/sectionWithBracedLabel.kt") { model ->
with(model.members.single().members.single()) {
assertEquals("Summary".toRichString(), doc.summary)
- assertEquals(1, doc.sections.count())
- with (doc.sections.elementAt(0)) {
+ assertEquals(2, doc.sections.count())
+ with (doc.sections["this.label.is.really.long"]!!) {
assertEquals("this.label.is.really.long", label)
assertEquals("section one".toRichString(), text)