path: root/docs/topics/runners/dokka-cli.md
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+[//]: # (title: CLI)
+If for some reason you cannot use [Gradle](dokka-gradle.md) or [Maven](dokka-maven.md) build tools, Dokka has
+a command line (CLI) runner for generating documentation.
+In comparison, it has the same, if not more, capabilities as the Gradle plugin for Dokka. Although it is considerably more
+difficult to set up as there is no autoconfiguration, especially in multiplatform and multi-module environments.
+## Get started
+The CLI runner is published to Maven Central as a separate runnable artifact.
+You can find it on [mvnrepository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.dokka/dokka-cli/%dokkaVersion%) or by browsing
+[maven central repository directories](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jetbrains/dokka/dokka-cli/%dokkaVersion%) directly.
+With the `dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar` file saved on your computer, run it with the `-help` option to see all
+available configuration options and their description:
+java -jar dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar -help
+It also works for some nested options, such as `-sourceSet`:
+java -jar dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar -sourceSet -help
+## Generate documentation
+### Prerequisites
+Since there is no build tool to manage dependencies, you have to provide dependency `.jar` files yourself.
+Listed below are the dependencies that you need for any output format:
+| **Group** | **Artifact** | **Version** | **Link** |
+| `org.jetbrains.dokka` | `dokka-base` | %dokkaVersion% | [mvnrepository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.dokka/dokka-base/%dokkaVersion%) |
+| `org.jetbrains.dokka` | `dokka-analysis` | %dokkaVersion% | [mvnrepository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.dokka/dokka-analysis/%dokkaVersion%) |
+| `org.jetbrains.dokka` | `kotlin-analysis-compiler` | %dokkaVersion% | [mvnrepository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.dokka/kotlin-analysis-compiler/%dokkaVersion%) |
+| `org.jetbrains.dokka` | `kotlin-analysis-intellij` | %dokkaVersion% | [mvnrepository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.dokka/kotlin-analysis-intellij/%dokkaVersion%) |
+Below are the additional dependencies that you need for [HTML](dokka-html.md) output format:
+| **Group** | **Artifact** | **Version** | **Link** |
+| `org.jetbrains.kotlinx` | `kotlinx-html-jvm` | 0.8.0 | [mvnrepository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.kotlinx/kotlinx-html-jvm/0.8.0) |
+| `org.freemarker` | `freemarker` | 2.3.31 | [mvnrepository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.freemarker/freemarker/2.3.31) |
+### Run with command line options
+You can pass command line options to configure the CLI runner.
+At the very least you need to provide the following options:
+* `-pluginsClasspath` - a list of absolute/relative paths to downloaded dependencies, separated by semi-colons `;`
+* `-sourceSet` - an absolute path to code sources to generate documentation for
+* `-outputDir` - an absolute/relative path of the documentation output directory
+java -jar dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar \
+ -pluginsClasspath "./dokka-base-%dokkaVersion%.jar;./dokka-analysis-%dokkaVersion%.jar;./kotlin-analysis-intellij-%dokkaVersion%.jar;./kotlin-analysis-compiler-%dokkaVersion%.jar;./kotlinx-html-jvm-0.8.0.jar;./freemarker-2.3.31.jar" \
+ -sourceSet "-src /home/myCoolProject/src/main/kotlin" \
+ -outputDir "./dokka/html"
+> Due to an internal class conflict, first pass `kotlin-analysis-intellij` and only then `kotlin-analysis-compiler`.
+> Otherwise you may see obscure exceptions, such as `NoSuchFieldError`.
+Executing the given example generates documentation in [HTML](dokka-html.md) output format.
+See [Command line options](#command-line-options) for more configuration details.
+### Run with JSON configuration
+It's possible to configure the CLI runner with JSON. In this case, you need to provide an
+absolute/relative path to the JSON configuration file as the first and only argument.
+All other configuration options are parsed from it.
+java -jar dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar dokka-configuration.json
+At the very least, you need the following JSON configuration file:
+ "outputDir": "./dokka/html",
+ "sourceSets": [
+ {
+ "sourceSetID": {
+ "scopeId": "moduleName",
+ "sourceSetName": "main"
+ },
+ "sourceRoots": [
+ "/home/myCoolProject/src/main/kotlin"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "pluginsClasspath": [
+ "./dokka-base-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlinx-html-jvm-0.8.0.jar",
+ "./dokka-analysis-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlin-analysis-intellij-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlin-analysis-compiler-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./freemarker-2.3.31.jar"
+ ]
+> Due to an internal class conflict, first pass `kotlin-analysis-intellij` and only then `kotlin-analysis-compiler`.
+> Otherwise you may see obscure exceptions, such as `NoSuchFieldError`.
+See [JSON configuration options](#json-configuration) for more details.
+### Other output formats
+By default, the `dokka-base` artifact contains the [HTML](dokka-html.md) output format only.
+All other output formats are implemented as [Dokka plugins](dokka-plugins.md). In order to use them, you have to put them
+on the plugins classpath.
+For example, if you want to generate documentation in the experimental [GFM](dokka-markdown.md#gfm) output format, you need to download and
+pass [gfm-plugin's JAR](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.dokka/gfm-plugin/%dokkaVersion%) into
+the `pluginsClasspath` configuration option.
+Via command line options:
+java -jar dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar \
+ -pluginsClasspath "./dokka-base-%dokkaVersion%.jar;...;./gfm-plugin-%dokkaVersion%.jar" \
+ ...
+Via JSON configuration:
+ ...
+ "pluginsClasspath": [
+ "./dokka-base-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "...",
+ "./gfm-plugin-%dokkaVersion%.jar"
+ ],
+ ...
+With the GFM plugin passed to `pluginsClasspath`, the CLI runner generates documentation in the GFM output format.
+For more information, see [Markdown](dokka-markdown.md) and [Javadoc](dokka-javadoc.md#generate-javadoc-documentation) pages.
+## Command line options
+To see the list of all possible command line options and their detailed description, run:
+java -jar dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar -help
+Short summary:
+| Option | Description |
+| `moduleName` | Name of the project/module. |
+| `moduleVersion` | Documented version. |
+| `outputDir` | Output directory path, `./dokka` by default. |
+| `sourceSet` | Configuration for a Dokka source set. Contains nested configuration options. |
+| `pluginsConfiguration` | Configuration for Dokka plugins. |
+| `pluginsClasspath` | List of jars with Dokka plugins and their dependencies. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+| `offlineMode` | Whether to resolve remote files/links over network. |
+| `failOnWarning` | Whether to fail documentation generation if Dokka has emitted a warning or an error. |
+| `delayTemplateSubstitution` | Whether to delay substitution of some elements. Used in incremental builds of multi-module projects. |
+| `noSuppressObviousFunctions` | Whether to suppress obvious functions such as those inherited from `kotlin.Any` and `java.lang.Object`. |
+| `includes` | Markdown files that contain module and package documentation. Accepts multiple values separated by semicolons. |
+| `suppressInheritedMembers` | Whether to suppress inherited members that aren't explicitly overridden in a given class. |
+| `globalPackageOptions` | Global list of package configuration options in format `"matchingRegex,-deprecated,-privateApi,+warnUndocumented,+suppress;+visibility:PUBLIC;..."`. Accepts multiple values separated by semicolons. |
+| `globalLinks` | Global external documentation links in format `{url}^{packageListUrl}`. Accepts multiple values separated by `^^`. |
+| `globalSrcLink` | Global mapping between a source directory and a Web service for browsing the code. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+| `helpSourceSet` | Prints help for the nested `-sourceSet` configuration. |
+| `loggingLevel` | Logging level, possible values: `DEBUG, PROGRESS, INFO, WARN, ERROR`. |
+| `help, h` | Usage info. |
+#### Source set options
+To see the list of command line options for the nested `-sourceSet` configuration, run:
+java -jar dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar -sourceSet -help
+Short summary:
+| Option | Description |
+| `sourceSetName` | Name of the source set. |
+| `displayName` | Display name of the source set, used both internally and externally. |
+| `classpath` | Classpath for analysis and interactive samples. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+| `src` | Source code roots to be analyzed and documented. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+| `dependentSourceSets` | Names of the dependent source sets in format `moduleName/sourceSetName`. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+| `samples` | List of directories or files that contain sample functions. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+| `includes` | Markdown files that contain module and package documentation. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+| `documentedVisibilities` | Visibilities to be documented. Accepts multiple values separated by semicolons. Possible values: `PUBLIC`, `PRIVATE`, `PROTECTED`, `INTERNAL`, `PACKAGE`. |
+| `reportUndocumented` | Whether to report undocumented declarations. |
+| `noSkipEmptyPackages` | Whether to create pages for empty packages. |
+| `skipDeprecated` | Whether to skip deprecated declarations. |
+| `jdkVersion` | Version of JDK to use for linking to JDK Javadocs. |
+| `languageVersion` | Language version used for setting up analysis and samples. |
+| `apiVersion` | Kotlin API version used for setting up analysis and samples. |
+| `noStdlibLink` | Whether to generate links to the Kotlin standard library. |
+| `noJdkLink` | Whether to generate links to JDK Javadocs. |
+| `suppressedFiles` | Paths to files to be suppressed. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+| `analysisPlatform` | Platform used for setting up analysis. |
+| `perPackageOptions` | List of package source set configurations in format `matchingRegexp,-deprecated,-privateApi,+warnUndocumented,+suppress;...`. Accepts multiple values separated by semicolons. |
+| `externalDocumentationLinks` | External documentation links in format `{url}^{packageListUrl}`. Accepts multiple values separated by `^^`. |
+| `srcLink` | Mapping between a source directory and a Web service for browsing the code. Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. |
+## JSON configuration
+Below are some examples and detailed descriptions for each configuration section. You can also find an example
+with [all configuration options](#complete-configuration) applied at the bottom of the page.
+### General configuration
+ "moduleName": "Dokka Example",
+ "moduleVersion": null,
+ "outputDir": "./build/dokka/html",
+ "failOnWarning": false,
+ "suppressObviousFunctions": true,
+ "suppressInheritedMembers": false,
+ "offlineMode": false,
+ "includes": [
+ "module.md"
+ ],
+ "sourceLinks": [
+ { "_comment": "Options are described in a separate section" }
+ ],
+ "perPackageOptions": [
+ { "_comment": "Options are described in a separate section" }
+ ],
+ "externalDocumentationLinks": [
+ { "_comment": "Options are described in a separate section" }
+ ],
+ "sourceSets": [
+ { "_comment": "Options are described in a separate section" }
+ ],
+ "pluginsClasspath": [
+ "./dokka-base-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlinx-html-jvm-0.8.0.jar",
+ "./dokka-analysis-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlin-analysis-intellij-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlin-analysis-compiler-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./freemarker-2.3.31.jar"
+ ]
+<deflist collapsible="true">
+ <def title="moduleName">
+ <p>The display name used to refer to the module. It is used for the table of contents, navigation, logging, etc.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>root</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="moduleVersion">
+ <p>The module version.</p>
+ <p>Default: empty</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="outputDirectory">
+ <p>The directory to where documentation is generated, regardless of output format.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>./dokka</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="failOnWarning">
+ <p>
+ Whether to fail documentation generation if Dokka has emitted a warning or an error.
+ The process waits until all errors and warnings have been emitted first.
+ </p>
+ <p>This setting works well with <code>reportUndocumented</code></p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="suppressObviousFunctions">
+ <p>Whether to suppress obvious functions.</p>
+ <p>
+ A function is considered to be obvious if it is:
+ <list>
+ <li>
+ Inherited from <code>kotlin.Any</code>, <code>Kotlin.Enum</code>, <code>java.lang.Object</code> or
+ <code>java.lang.Enum</code>, such as <code>equals</code>, <code>hashCode</code>, <code>toString</code>.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Synthetic (generated by the compiler) and does not have any documentation, such as
+ <code>dataClass.componentN</code> or <code>dataClass.copy</code>.
+ </li>
+ </list>
+ </p>
+ <p>Default: <code>true</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="suppressInheritedMembers">
+ <p>Whether to suppress inherited members that aren't explicitly overridden in a given class.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note: This can suppress functions such as <code>equals</code> / <code>hashCode</code> / <code>toString</code>,
+ but cannot suppress synthetic functions such as <code>dataClass.componentN</code> and
+ <code>dataClass.copy</code>. Use <code>suppressObviousFunctions</code>
+ for that.
+ </p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="offlineMode">
+ <p>Whether to resolve remote files/links over your network.</p>
+ <p>
+ This includes package-lists used for generating external documentation links.
+ For example, to make classes from the standard library clickable.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Setting this to <code>true</code> can significantly speed up build times in certain cases,
+ but can also worsen documentation quality and user experience. For example, by
+ not resolving class/member links from your dependencies, including the standard library.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Note: You can cache fetched files locally and provide them to
+ Dokka as local paths. See <code>externalDocumentationLinks</code> section.
+ </p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="includes">
+ <p>
+ A list of Markdown files that contain
+ <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/kotlin-doc.html#module-and-package-documentation">module and package documentation</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>The contents of specified files are parsed and embedded into documentation as module and package descriptions.</p>
+ <p>This can be configured on per-package basis.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="sourceSets">
+ <p>
+ Individual and additional configuration of Kotlin
+ <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets">source sets</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>For a list of possible options, see <a href="#source-set-configuration">source set configuration</a>.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="sourceLinks">
+ <p>The global configuration of source links that is applied for all source sets.</p>
+ <p>For a list of possible options, see <a href="#source-link-configuration">source link configuration</a>.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="perPackageOptions">
+ <p>The global configuration of matched packages, regardless of the source set they are in.</p>
+ <p>For a list of possible options, see <a href="#per-package-configuration">per-package configuration</a>.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="externalDocumentationLinks">
+ <p>The global configuration of external documentation links, regardless of the source set they are used in.</p>
+ <p>For a list of possible options, see <a href="#external-documentation-configuration">external documentation configuration</a>.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="pluginsClasspath">
+ <p>A list of JAR files with Dokka plugins and their dependencies.</p>
+ </def>
+### Source set configuration
+How to configure Kotlin
+[source sets](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets):
+ "sourceSets": [
+ {
+ "displayName": "jvm",
+ "sourceSetID": {
+ "scopeId": "moduleName",
+ "sourceSetName": "main"
+ },
+ "dependentSourceSets": [
+ {
+ "scopeId": "dependentSourceSetScopeId",
+ "sourceSetName": "dependentSourceSetName"
+ }
+ ],
+ "documentedVisibilities": ["PUBLIC", "PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "INTERNAL", "PACKAGE"],
+ "reportUndocumented": false,
+ "skipEmptyPackages": true,
+ "skipDeprecated": false,
+ "jdkVersion": 8,
+ "languageVersion": "1.7",
+ "apiVersion": "1.7",
+ "noStdlibLink": false,
+ "noJdkLink": false,
+ "includes": [
+ "module.md"
+ ],
+ "analysisPlatform": "jvm",
+ "sourceRoots": [
+ "/home/ignat/IdeaProjects/dokka-debug-mvn/src/main/kotlin"
+ ],
+ "classpath": [
+ "libs/kotlin-stdlib-%kotlinVersion%.jar",
+ "libs/kotlin-stdlib-common-%kotlinVersion%.jar"
+ ],
+ "samples": [
+ "samples/basic.kt"
+ ],
+ "suppressedFiles": [
+ "src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/Suppressed.kt"
+ ],
+ "sourceLinks": [
+ { "_comment": "Options are described in a separate section" }
+ ],
+ "perPackageOptions": [
+ { "_comment": "Options are described in a separate section" }
+ ],
+ "externalDocumentationLinks": [
+ { "_comment": "Options are described in a separate section" }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+<deflist collapsible="true">
+ <def title="displayName">
+ <p>The display name used to refer to this source set.</p>
+ <p>
+ The name is used both externally (for example, the source set name is visible to documentation readers) and
+ internally (for example, for logging messages of <code>reportUndocumented</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>The platform name can be used if you don't have a better alternative.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="sourceSetID">
+ <p>The technical ID of the source set</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="documentedVisibilities">
+ <p>The set of visibility modifiers that should be documented.</p>
+ <p>
+ This can be used if you want to document protected/internal/private declarations,
+ as well as if you want to exclude public declarations and only document internal API.
+ </p>
+ <p>This can be configured on per-package basis.</p>
+ <p>
+ Possible values:
+ <list>
+ <li><code>PUBLIC</code></li>
+ <li><code>PRIVATE</code></li>
+ <li><code>PROTECTED</code></li>
+ <li><code>INTERNAL</code></li>
+ <li><code>PACKAGE</code></li>
+ </list>
+ </p>
+ <p>Default: <code>PUBLIC</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="reportUndocumented">
+ <p>
+ Whether to emit warnings about visible undocumented declarations, that is declarations without KDocs
+ after they have been filtered by <code>documentedVisibilities</code> and other filters.
+ </p>
+ <p>This setting works well with <code>failOnWarning</code>.</p>
+ <p>This can be configured on per-package basis.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="skipEmptyPackages">
+ <p>
+ Whether to skip packages that contain no visible declarations after
+ various filters have been applied.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ For example, if <code>skipDeprecated</code> is set to <code>true</code> and your package contains only
+ deprecated declarations, it is considered to be empty.
+ </p>
+ <p>Default for CLI runner is <code>false</code>.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="skipDeprecated">
+ <p>Whether to document declarations annotated with <code>@Deprecated</code>.</p>
+ <p>This can be configured on per-package basis.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="jdkVersion">
+ <p>The JDK version to use when generating external documentation links for Java types.</p>
+ <p>
+ For example, if you use <code>java.util.UUID</code> in some public declaration signature,
+ and this option is set to <code>8</code>, Dokka generates an external documentation link
+ to <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/UUID.html">JDK 8 Javadocs</a> for it.
+ </p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="languageVersion">
+ <p>
+ <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/compatibility-modes.html">The Kotlin language version</a>
+ used for setting up analysis and <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kotlin-doc.html#sample-identifier">@sample</a>
+ environment.
+ </p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="apiVersion">
+ <p>
+ <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/compatibility-modes.html">The Kotlin API version</a>
+ used for setting up analysis and <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kotlin-doc.html#sample-identifier">@sample</a>
+ environment.
+ </p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="noStdlibLink">
+ <p>
+ Whether to generate external documentation links that lead to the API reference
+ documentation of Kotlin's standard library.
+ </p>
+ <p>Note: Links <b>are</b> generated when <code>noStdLibLink</code> is set to <code>false</code>.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="noJdkLink">
+ <p>Whether to generate external documentation links to JDK's Javadocs.</p>
+ <p>The version of JDK Javadocs is determined by the <code>jdkVersion</code> option.</p>
+ <p>Note: Links <b>are</b> generated when <code>noJdkLink</code> is set to <code>false</code>.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="includes">
+ <p>
+ A list of Markdown files that contain
+ <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/kotlin-doc.html#module-and-package-documentation">module and package documentation</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>The contents of the specified files are parsed and embedded into documentation as module and package descriptions.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="analysisPlatform">
+ <p>
+ Platform to be used for setting up code analysis and
+ <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kotlin-doc.html#sample-identifier">@sample</a> environment.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Possible values:
+ <list>
+ <li><code>jvm</code></li>
+ <li><code>common</code></li>
+ <li><code>js</code></li>
+ <li><code>native</code></li>
+ </list>
+ </p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="sourceRoots">
+ <p>
+ The source code roots to be analyzed and documented.
+ Acceptable inputs are directories and individual <code>.kt</code> / <code>.java</code> files.
+ </p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="classpath">
+ <p>The classpath for analysis and interactive samples.</p>
+ <p>This is useful if some types that come from dependencies are not resolved/picked up automatically.</p>
+ <p>This option accepts both <code>.jar</code> and <code>.klib</code> files.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="samples">
+ <p>
+ A list of directories or files that contain sample functions which are referenced via the
+ <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kotlin-doc.html#sample-identifier">@sample</a> KDoc tag.
+ </p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="suppressedFiles">
+ <p>The files to be suppressed when generating documentation.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="sourceLinks">
+ <p>A set of parameters for source links that is applied only for this source set.</p>
+ <p>For a list of possible options, see <a href="#source-link-configuration">source link configuration</a>.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="perPackageOptions">
+ <p>A set of parameters specific to matched packages within this source set.</p>
+ <p>For a list of possible options, see <a href="#per-package-configuration">per-package configuration</a>.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="externalDocumentationLinks">
+ <p>A set of parameters for external documentation links that is applied only for this source set.</p>
+ <p>For a list of possible options, see <a href="#external-documentation-configuration">external documentation configuration</a>.</p>
+ </def>
+### Source link configuration
+The `sourceLinks` configuration block allows you to add a `source` link to each signature
+that leads to the `remoteUrl` with a specific line number. (The line number is configurable by setting `remoteLineSuffix`).
+This helps readers to find the source code for each declaration.
+For an example, see the documentation for the
+function in `kotlinx.coroutines`.
+You can configure source links for all source sets together at the same time, or
+ "sourceLinks": [
+ {
+ "localDirectory": "src/main/kotlin",
+ "remoteUrl": "https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/master/src/main/kotlin",
+ "remoteLineSuffix": "#L"
+ }
+ ]
+<deflist collapsible="true">
+ <def title="localDirectory">
+ <p>The path to the local source directory.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="remoteUrl">
+ <p>
+ The URL of the source code hosting service that can be accessed by documentation readers,
+ like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc. This URL is used to generate
+ source code links of declarations.
+ </p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="remoteLineSuffix">
+ <p>
+ The suffix used to append the source code line number to the URL. This helps readers navigate
+ not only to the file, but to the specific line number of the declaration.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The number itself is appended to the specified suffix. For example,
+ if this option is set to <code>#L</code> and the line number is 10, the resulting URL suffix
+ is <code>#L10</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Suffixes used by popular services:
+ <list>
+ <li>GitHub: <code>#L</code></li>
+ <li>GitLab: <code>#L</code></li>
+ <li>Bitbucket: <code>#lines-</code></li>
+ </list>
+ </p>
+ <p>Default: empty (no suffix)</p>
+ </def>
+### Per-package configuration
+The `perPackageOptions` configuration block allows setting some options for specific packages matched by `matchingRegex`.
+You can add package configurations for all source sets together at the same time, or
+ "perPackageOptions": [
+ {
+ "matchingRegex": ".*internal.*",
+ "suppress": false,
+ "skipDeprecated": false,
+ "reportUndocumented": false,
+ "documentedVisibilities": ["PUBLIC", "PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "INTERNAL", "PACKAGE"]
+ }
+ ]
+<deflist collapsible="true">
+ <def title="matchingRegex">
+ <p>The regular expression that is used to match the package.</p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="suppress">
+ <p>Whether this package should be skipped when generating documentation.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="skipDeprecated">
+ <p>Whether to document declarations annotated with <code>@Deprecated</code>.</p>
+ <p>This can be set on project/module level.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="reportUndocumented">
+ <p>
+ Whether to emit warnings about visible undocumented declarations, that is declarations without KDocs
+ after they have been filtered by <code>documentedVisibilities</code> and other filters.
+ </p>
+ <p>This setting works well with <code>failOnWarning</code>.</p>
+ <p>This can be configured on source set level.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>false</code></p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="documentedVisibilities">
+ <p>The set of visibility modifiers that should be documented.</p>
+ <p>
+ This can be used if you want to document protected/internal/private declarations within this package,
+ as well as if you want to exclude public declarations and only document internal API.
+ </p>
+ <p>Can be configured on source set level.</p>
+ <p>Default: <code>PUBLIC</code></p>
+ </def>
+### External documentation configuration
+The `externalDocumentationLink` block allows the creation of links that lead to the externally hosted documentation of
+your dependencies.
+For example, if you are using types from `kotlinx.serialization`, by default they are unclickable in your
+documentation, as if they are unresolved. However, since the API reference documentation for `kotlinx.serialization`
+is built by Dokka and is [published on kotlinlang.org](https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.serialization/), you can
+configure external documentation links for it. Thus allowing Dokka to generate links for types from the library, making
+them resolve successfully and clickable.
+You can configure external documentation links for all source sets together at the same time, or
+ "externalDocumentationLinks": [
+ {
+ "url": "https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.serialization/",
+ "packageListUrl": "https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.serialization/package-list"
+ }
+ ]
+<deflist collapsible="true">
+ <def title="url">
+ <p>The root URL of documentation to link to. It <b>must</b> contain a trailing slash.</p>
+ <p>
+ Dokka does its best to automatically find <code>package-list</code> for the given URL,
+ and link declarations together.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If automatic resolution fails or if you want to use locally cached files instead,
+ consider setting the <code>packageListUrl</code> option.
+ </p>
+ </def>
+ <def title="packageListUrl">
+ <p>
+ The exact location of a <code>package-list</code>. This is an alternative to relying on Dokka
+ automatically resolving it.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Package lists contain information about the documentation and the project itself,
+ such as module and package names.
+ </p>
+ <p>This can also be a locally cached file to avoid network calls.</p>
+ </def>
+### Complete configuration
+Below you can see all possible configuration options applied at the same time.
+ "moduleName": "Dokka Example",
+ "moduleVersion": null,
+ "outputDir": "./build/dokka/html",
+ "failOnWarning": false,
+ "suppressObviousFunctions": true,
+ "suppressInheritedMembers": false,
+ "offlineMode": false,
+ "sourceLinks": [
+ {
+ "localDirectory": "src/main/kotlin",
+ "remoteUrl": "https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/master/src/main/kotlin",
+ "remoteLineSuffix": "#L"
+ }
+ ],
+ "externalDocumentationLinks": [
+ {
+ "url": "https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/",
+ "packageListUrl": "https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/package-list"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/",
+ "packageListUrl": "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/package-list"
+ }
+ ],
+ "perPackageOptions": [
+ {
+ "matchingRegex": ".*internal.*",
+ "suppress": false,
+ "reportUndocumented": false,
+ "skipDeprecated": false,
+ "documentedVisibilities": ["PUBLIC", "PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "INTERNAL", "PACKAGE"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "sourceSets": [
+ {
+ "displayName": "jvm",
+ "sourceSetID": {
+ "scopeId": "moduleName",
+ "sourceSetName": "main"
+ },
+ "dependentSourceSets": [
+ {
+ "scopeId": "dependentSourceSetScopeId",
+ "sourceSetName": "dependentSourceSetName"
+ }
+ ],
+ "documentedVisibilities": ["PUBLIC", "PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "INTERNAL", "PACKAGE"],
+ "reportUndocumented": false,
+ "skipEmptyPackages": true,
+ "skipDeprecated": false,
+ "jdkVersion": 8,
+ "languageVersion": "1.7",
+ "apiVersion": "1.7",
+ "noStdlibLink": false,
+ "noJdkLink": false,
+ "includes": [
+ "module.md"
+ ],
+ "analysisPlatform": "jvm",
+ "sourceRoots": [
+ "/home/ignat/IdeaProjects/dokka-debug-mvn/src/main/kotlin"
+ ],
+ "classpath": [
+ "libs/kotlin-stdlib-%kotlinVersion%.jar",
+ "libs/kotlin-stdlib-common-%kotlinVersion%.jar"
+ ],
+ "samples": [
+ "samples/basic.kt"
+ ],
+ "suppressedFiles": [
+ "src/main/kotlin/org/jetbrains/dokka/Suppressed.kt"
+ ],
+ "sourceLinks": [
+ {
+ "localDirectory": "src/main/kotlin",
+ "remoteUrl": "https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/master/src/main/kotlin",
+ "remoteLineSuffix": "#L"
+ }
+ ],
+ "externalDocumentationLinks": [
+ {
+ "url": "https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/",
+ "packageListUrl": "https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/package-list"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/",
+ "packageListUrl": "https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/package-list"
+ }
+ ],
+ "perPackageOptions": [
+ {
+ "matchingRegex": ".*internal.*",
+ "suppress": false,
+ "reportUndocumented": false,
+ "skipDeprecated": false,
+ "documentedVisibilities": ["PUBLIC", "PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "INTERNAL", "PACKAGE"]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "pluginsClasspath": [
+ "./dokka-base-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlinx-html-jvm-0.8.0.jar",
+ "./dokka-analysis-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlin-analysis-intellij-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./kotlin-analysis-compiler-%dokkaVersion%.jar",
+ "./freemarker-2.3.31.jar"
+ ],
+ "pluginsConfiguration": [
+ {
+ "fqPluginName": "org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase",
+ "serializationFormat": "JSON",
+ "values": "{\"separateInheritedMembers\":false,\"footerMessage\":\"© 2021 pretty good Copyright\"}"
+ }
+ ],
+ "includes": [
+ "module.md"
+ ]