path: root/plugins/base/src/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/base/src/test')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/signatures/SignatureTest.kt b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/signatures/SignatureTest.kt
index dd3d85c1..d23c45e9 100644
--- a/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/signatures/SignatureTest.kt
+++ b/plugins/base/src/test/kotlin/signatures/SignatureTest.kt
@@ -239,6 +239,60 @@ class SignatureTest : AbstractCoreTest() {
+ @Test
+ fun `class with no supertype`() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ sourceSets {
+ sourceSet {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/main/kotlin/test/Test.kt")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val source = source("class SimpleClass")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example/-simple-class/index.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "class ", A("SimpleClass"), Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `class with generic supertype`() {
+ val configuration = dokkaConfiguration {
+ sourceSets {
+ sourceSet {
+ sourceRoots = listOf("src/main/kotlin/test/Test.kt")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val source = source("class InheritingClassFromGenericType<T : Number, R : CharSequence> : Comparable<T>, Collection<R>")
+ val writerPlugin = TestOutputWriterPlugin()
+ testInline(
+ source,
+ configuration,
+ pluginOverrides = listOf(writerPlugin)
+ ) {
+ renderingStage = { _, _ ->
+ writerPlugin.writer.renderedContent("root/example/-inheriting-class-from-generic-type/index.html").firstSignature().match(
+ "class ", A("InheritingClassFromGenericType"), " <", A("T"), " : ", A("Number"), ", ", A("R"), " : ", A("CharSequence"),
+ "> : ", A("Comparable"), "<", A("T"), "> , ", A("Collection"), "<", A("R"), ">", Span()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
fun `fun with annotation`() {