path: root/runners/cli/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runners/cli/src')
2 files changed, 302 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/DokkaArgumentsParser.kt b/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/DokkaArgumentsParser.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d795da7..00000000
--- a/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/DokkaArgumentsParser.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import kotlinx.cli.*
-import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
-class ParseContext(val cli: CommandLineInterface = CommandLineInterface("dokka")) {
- private val transformActions = mutableMapOf<KProperty<*>, (String) -> Unit>()
- private val flagActions = mutableMapOf<KProperty<*>, () -> Unit>()
- fun registerFlagAction(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- property: KProperty<*>,
- invoke: () -> Unit
- ) {
- if (property !in flagActions.keys) {
- cli.flagAction(keys, help) {
- flagActions[property]!!()
- }
- }
- flagActions[property] = invoke
- }
- fun registerSingleOption(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- property: KProperty<*>,
- invoke: (String) -> Unit
- ) {
- if (property !in transformActions.keys) {
- cli.singleAction(keys, help) {
- transformActions[property]!!(it)
- }
- }
- transformActions[property] = invoke
- }
- fun registerRepeatableOption(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- property: KProperty<*>,
- invoke: (String) -> Unit
- ) {
- if (property !in transformActions.keys) {
- cli.repeatingAction(keys, help) {
- transformActions[property]!!(it)
- }
- }
- transformActions[property] = invoke
- }
- fun parse(args: Array<String>) {
- cli.parseArgs(*args)
- }
-fun CommandLineInterface.singleAction(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- invoke: (String) -> Unit
-) = registerAction(
- object : FlagActionBase(keys, help) {
- override fun invoke(arguments: ListIterator<String>) {
- if (arguments.hasNext()) {
- val msg = arguments.next()
- invoke(msg)
- }
- }
- override fun invoke() {
- error("should be never called")
- }
- }
-fun CommandLineInterface.repeatingAction(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- invoke: (String) -> Unit
-) = registerAction(
- object : FlagActionBase(keys, help) {
- override fun invoke(arguments: ListIterator<String>) {
- while (arguments.hasNext()) {
- val message = arguments.next()
- if (this@repeatingAction.getFlagAction(message) != null) {
- arguments.previous()
- break
- }
- invoke(message)
- }
- }
- override fun invoke() {
- error("should be never called")
- }
- }
-class DokkaArgumentsParser(val args: Array<String>, val parseContext: ParseContext) {
- class OptionDelegate<T>(
- var value: T,
- private val action: (delegate: OptionDelegate<T>, property: KProperty<*>) -> Unit
- ) {
- operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T = value
- operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): OptionDelegate<T> {
- action(this, property)
- return this
- }
- }
- fun <T> parseInto(dest: T): T {
- // TODO: constructor: (DokkaArgumentsParser) -> T
- parseContext.parse(args)
- return dest
- }
- fun <T> repeatableOption(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- transform: (String) -> T
- ) = OptionDelegate(mutableListOf<T>()) { delegate, property ->
- parseContext.registerRepeatableOption(keys, help, property) {
- delegate.value.add(transform(it))
- }
- }
- fun <T : String?> repeatableOption(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String
- ) = repeatableOption(keys, help) { it as T }
- fun <T> repeatableFlag(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- initElement: (ParseContext) -> T
- ) = OptionDelegate(mutableListOf<T>()) { delegate, property ->
- parseContext.registerFlagAction(keys, help, property) {
- delegate.value.add(initElement(parseContext))
- }
- }
- fun <T> singleFlag(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- initElement: (ParseContext) -> T,
- transform: () -> T
- ) = OptionDelegate(initElement(parseContext)) { delegate, property ->
- parseContext.registerFlagAction(keys, help, property) {
- delegate.value = transform()
- }
- }
- fun singleFlag(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String
- ) = singleFlag(keys, help, { false }, { true })
- fun <T : String?> stringOption(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- defaultValue: T
- ) = singleOption(keys, help, { it as T }, { defaultValue })
- fun <T> singleOption(
- keys: List<String>,
- help: String,
- transform: (String) -> T,
- initElement: (ParseContext) -> T
- ) = OptionDelegate(initElement(parseContext)) { delegate, property ->
- parseContext.registerSingleOption(keys, help, property) {
- val toAdd = transform(it)
- delegate.value = toAdd
- }
- }
-//`(-perPackage fqName [-include-non-public] [...other flags])*` (edited)
-//`(-sourceLink dir url [-urlSuffix value])*`
-//`(-extLink url [packageListUrl])*` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/main.kt b/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/main.kt
index 55601b21..989a45a1 100644
--- a/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/main.kt
+++ b/runners/cli/src/main/kotlin/cli/main.kt
@@ -1,278 +1,350 @@
package org.jetbrains.dokka
+import kotlinx.cli.*
import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.Utilities.defaultLinks
-import java.io.File
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet.*
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.DokkaConsoleLogger
+import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.cast
+import java.io.*
import java.net.MalformedURLException
import java.net.URL
-import java.net.URLClassLoader
-open class GlobalArguments(parser: DokkaArgumentsParser) : DokkaConfiguration {
- override val outputDir: String by parser.stringOption(
- listOf("-output"),
- "Output directory path",
- "")
- override val format: String by parser.stringOption(
- listOf("-format"),
- "Output format (text, html, markdown, jekyll, kotlin-website)",
- "")
- override val generateIndexPages: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-generateIndexPages"),
- "Generate index page"
- )
+import java.nio.file.Files
+import java.nio.file.Paths
- override val cacheRoot: String? by parser.stringOption(
- listOf("-cacheRoot"),
- "Path to cache folder, or 'default' to use ~/.cache/dokka, if not provided caching is disabled",
- null)
+class GlobalArguments(args: Array<String>) : DokkaConfiguration {
- override val impliedPlatforms: List<String> = emptyList()
+ val parser = ArgParser("globalArguments", prefixStyle = ArgParser.OptionPrefixStyle.JVM)
- override val passesConfigurations: List<Arguments> by parser.repeatableFlag(
- listOf("-pass"),
- "Single dokka pass"
- ) {
- Arguments(parser)
- }
+ val json: String? by parser.argument(ArgType.String, description = "Json file name").optional()
-class Arguments(val parser: DokkaArgumentsParser) : DokkaConfiguration.PassConfiguration {
- override val moduleName: String by parser.stringOption(
- listOf("-module"),
- "Name of the documentation module",
- "")
+ override val outputDir by parser.option(ArgType.String, description = "Output directory path")
+ .default(DokkaDefaults.outputDir)
- override val classpath: List<String> by parser.repeatableOption(
- listOf("-classpath"),
- "Classpath for symbol resolution"
+ override val cacheRoot by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Path to cache folder, or 'default' to use ~/.cache/dokka, if not provided caching is disabled"
- override val sourceRoots: List<DokkaConfiguration.SourceRoot> by parser.repeatableOption(
- listOf("-src"),
- "Source file or directory (allows many paths separated by the system path separator)"
- ) { SourceRootImpl(it) }
- override val samples: List<String> by parser.repeatableOption(
- listOf("-sample"),
- "Source root for samples"
+ override val sourceSets by parser.option(
+ ArgTypeArgument,
+ description = "Single dokka source set",
+ fullName = "sourceSet"
+ ).multiple()
+ override val pluginsConfiguration by parser.option(
+ ArgTypePlugin,
+ description = "Configuration for plugins in format fqPluginName=json^^fqPluginName=json..."
+ ).default(emptyMap())
+ override val pluginsClasspath by parser.option(
+ ArgTypeFile,
+ description = "List of jars with dokka plugins (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ override val offlineMode by parser.option(
+ ArgType.Boolean,
+ "Offline mode (do not download package lists from the Internet)"
+ ).default(DokkaDefaults.offlineMode)
+ override val failOnWarning by parser.option(
+ ArgType.Boolean,
+ "Throw an exception if the generation exited with warnings"
+ ).default(DokkaDefaults.failOnWarning)
+ val globalPackageOptions by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "List of package source sets in format \"prefix,-deprecated,-privateApi,+warnUndocumented,+suppress;...\" "
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val globalLinks by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "External documentation links in format url^packageListUrl^^url2..."
+ ).delimiter("^^")
+ val globalSrcLink by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Mapping between a source directory and a Web site for browsing the code (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val helpSourceSet by parser.option(
+ ArgTypeHelpSourceSet,
+ description = "Prints help for single -sourceSet"
- override val includes: List<String> by parser.repeatableOption(
- listOf("-include"),
- "Markdown files to load (allows many paths separated by the system path separator)"
- )
- override val includeNonPublic: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-includeNonPublic"),
- "Include non public")
- override val includeRootPackage: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-includeRootPackage"),
- "Include root package")
+ override val modules: List<DokkaConfiguration.DokkaModuleDescription> = emptyList()
- override val reportUndocumented: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-reportUndocumented"),
- "Report undocumented members")
+ init {
+ parser.parse(args)
- override val skipEmptyPackages: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-skipEmptyPackages"),
- "Do not create index pages for empty packages")
- override val skipDeprecated: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-skipDeprecated"),
- "Do not output deprecated members")
- override val jdkVersion: Int by parser.singleOption(
- listOf("-jdkVersion"),
- "Version of JDK to use for linking to JDK JavaDoc",
- { it.toInt() },
- { 6 }
- )
- override val languageVersion: String? by parser.stringOption(
- listOf("-languageVersion"),
- "Language Version to pass to Kotlin Analysis",
- null)
- override val apiVersion: String? by parser.stringOption(
- listOf("-apiVersion"),
- "Kotlin Api Version to pass to Kotlin Analysis",
- null
- )
+ sourceSets.all {
+ it.perPackageOptions.cast<MutableList<DokkaConfiguration.PackageOptions>>()
+ .addAll(parsePerPackageOptions(globalPackageOptions))
+ }
- override val noStdlibLink: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-noStdlibLink"),
- "Disable documentation link to stdlib")
+ sourceSets.all {
+ it.externalDocumentationLinks.cast<MutableList<ExternalDocumentationLink>>().addAll(parseLinks(globalLinks))
+ }
- override val noJdkLink: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-noJdkLink"),
- "Disable documentation link to JDK")
+ globalSrcLink.forEach {
+ if (it.isNotEmpty() && it.contains("="))
+ sourceSets.all { sourceSet ->
+ sourceSet.sourceLinks.cast<MutableList<SourceLinkDefinitionImpl>>()
+ .add(SourceLinkDefinitionImpl.parseSourceLinkDefinition(it))
+ }
+ else {
+ DokkaConsoleLogger.warn("Invalid -srcLink syntax. Expected: <path>=<url>[#lineSuffix]. No source links will be generated.")
+ }
+ }
- override val suppressedFiles: List<String> by parser.repeatableOption(
- listOf("-suppressedFile"),
- ""
- )
+ sourceSets.forEach {
+ it.externalDocumentationLinks.cast<MutableList<ExternalDocumentationLink>>().addAll(defaultLinks(it))
+ it.externalDocumentationLinks.cast<MutableList<ExternalDocumentationLink>>().replaceAll { link ->
+ ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder(link.url, link.packageListUrl).build()
+ }
+ }
+ }
- override val sinceKotlin: String? by parser.stringOption(
- listOf("-sinceKotlin"),
- "Kotlin Api version to use as base version, if none specified",
- null
- )
+private fun parseSourceSet(args: Array<String>): DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet {
- override val collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries: Boolean by parser.singleFlag(
- listOf("-collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries"),
- "Search for applicable extensions in libraries")
+ val parser = ArgParser("sourceSet", prefixStyle = ArgParser.OptionPrefixStyle.JVM)
- override val analysisPlatform: Platform by parser.singleOption(
- listOf("-analysisPlatform"),
- "Platform for analysis",
- { Platform.fromString(it) },
- { Platform.DEFAULT }
- )
+ val moduleName by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Name of the documentation module",
+ fullName = "moduleName"
+ ).required()
- override val targets: List<String> by parser.repeatableOption(
- listOf("-target"),
- "Generation targets"
+ val moduleDisplayName by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Name of the documentation module"
- override val perPackageOptions: MutableList<DokkaConfiguration.PackageOptions> by parser.singleOption(
- listOf("-packageOptions"),
- "List of package passConfiguration in format \"prefix,-deprecated,-privateApi,+warnUndocumented,+suppress;...\" ",
- { parsePerPackageOptions(it).toMutableList() },
- { mutableListOf() }
+ val sourceSetName by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Name of the source set"
+ ).default("main")
+ val displayName by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Displayed name of the source set"
+ ).default("JVM")
+ val classpath by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Classpath for symbol resolution (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val sourceRoots by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Source file or directory (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)",
+ fullName = "src"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val dependentSourceSets by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Names of dependent source sets in format \"moduleName/sourceSetName\" (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val samples by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Source root for samples (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val includes by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Markdown files to load (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val includeNonPublic: Boolean by parser.option(ArgType.Boolean, description = "Include non public")
+ .default(DokkaDefaults.includeNonPublic)
+ val includeRootPackage by parser.option(ArgType.Boolean, description = "Include root package")
+ .default(DokkaDefaults.includeRootPackage)
+ val reportUndocumented by parser.option(ArgType.Boolean, description = "Report undocumented members")
+ .default(DokkaDefaults.reportUndocumented)
+ val skipEmptyPackages by parser.option(
+ ArgType.Boolean,
+ description = "Do not create index pages for empty packages"
+ ).default(DokkaDefaults.skipEmptyPackages)
+ val skipDeprecated by parser.option(ArgType.Boolean, description = "Do not output deprecated members")
+ .default(DokkaDefaults.skipDeprecated)
+ val jdkVersion by parser.option(
+ ArgType.Int,
+ description = "Version of JDK to use for linking to JDK JavaDoc"
+ ).default(DokkaDefaults.jdkVersion)
+ val languageVersion by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Language Version to pass to Kotlin analysis"
- override val externalDocumentationLinks: MutableList<DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink> by parser.singleOption(
- listOf("-links"),
- "External documentation links in format url^packageListUrl^^url2...",
- { MainKt.parseLinks(it).toMutableList() },
- { mutableListOf() }
+ val apiVersion by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Kotlin Api Version to pass to Kotlin analysis"
- override val sourceLinks: MutableList<DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition> by parser.repeatableOption(
- listOf("-srcLink"),
- "Mapping between a source directory and a Web site for browsing the code"
- ) {
- if (it.isNotEmpty() && it.contains("="))
- SourceLinkDefinitionImpl.parseSourceLinkDefinition(it)
- else {
- throw IllegalArgumentException("Warning: Invalid -srcLink syntax. Expected: <path>=<url>[#lineSuffix]. No source links will be generated.")
- }
+ val noStdlibLink by parser.option(ArgType.Boolean, description = "Disable documentation link to stdlib")
+ .default(DokkaDefaults.noStdlibLink)
+ val noJdkLink by parser.option(ArgType.Boolean, description = "Disable documentation link to JDK")
+ .default(DokkaDefaults.noJdkLink)
+ val suppressedFiles by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "Paths to files to be suppressed (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val analysisPlatform: Platform by parser.option(
+ ArgTypePlatform,
+ description = "Platform for analysis"
+ ).default(DokkaDefaults.analysisPlatform)
+ val perPackageOptions by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "List of package source set configuration in format \"prefix,-deprecated,-privateApi,+warnUndocumented,+suppress;...\" "
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ val externalDocumentationLinks by parser.option(
+ ArgType.String,
+ description = "External documentation links in format url^packageListUrl^^url2..."
+ ).delimiter("^^")
+ val sourceLinks by parser.option(
+ ArgTypeSourceLinkDefinition,
+ description = "Mapping between a source directory and a Web site for browsing the code (allows many paths separated by the semicolon `;`)",
+ fullName = "srcLink"
+ ).delimiter(";")
+ parser.parse(args)
+ return object : DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet {
+ override val moduleDisplayName = moduleDisplayName ?: moduleName
+ override val displayName = displayName
+ override val sourceSetID = DokkaSourceSetID(moduleName, sourceSetName)
+ override val classpath = classpath
+ override val sourceRoots = sourceRoots.map { SourceRootImpl(it.toAbsolutePath()) }
+ override val dependentSourceSets: Set<DokkaSourceSetID> = dependentSourceSets
+ .map { dependentSourceSetName -> dependentSourceSetName.split('/').let { DokkaSourceSetID(it[0], it[1]) } }
+ .toSet()
+ override val samples = samples.map { it.toAbsolutePath() }
+ override val includes = includes.map { it.toAbsolutePath() }
+ override val includeNonPublic = includeNonPublic
+ override val includeRootPackage = includeRootPackage
+ override val reportUndocumented = reportUndocumented
+ override val skipEmptyPackages = skipEmptyPackages
+ override val skipDeprecated = skipDeprecated
+ override val jdkVersion = jdkVersion
+ override val sourceLinks = sourceLinks
+ override val analysisPlatform = analysisPlatform
+ override val perPackageOptions = parsePerPackageOptions(perPackageOptions)
+ override val externalDocumentationLinks = parseLinks(externalDocumentationLinks)
+ override val languageVersion = languageVersion
+ override val apiVersion = apiVersion
+ override val noStdlibLink = noStdlibLink
+ override val noJdkLink = noJdkLink
+ override val suppressedFiles = suppressedFiles
-object MainKt {
- fun parseLinks(links: String): List<ExternalDocumentationLink> {
- val (parsedLinks, parsedOfflineLinks) = links.split("^^")
- .map { it.split("^").map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotBlank() } }
- .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
- .partition { it.size == 1 }
- return parsedLinks.map { (root) -> ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder(root).build() } +
- parsedOfflineLinks.map { (root, packageList) ->
- val rootUrl = URL(root)
- val packageListUrl =
- try {
- URL(packageList)
- } catch (ex: MalformedURLException) {
- File(packageList).toURI().toURL()
- }
- ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder(rootUrl, packageListUrl).build()
- }
- }
+object ArgTypeFile : ArgType<File>(true) {
+ override fun convert(value: kotlin.String, name: kotlin.String): File = File(value)
+ override val description: kotlin.String
+ get() = "{ String that points to file path }"
- @JvmStatic
- fun entry(configuration: DokkaConfiguration) {
- val generator = DokkaGenerator(configuration, DokkaConsoleLogger)
- generator.generate()
- DokkaConsoleLogger.report()
- }
+object ArgTypePlatform : ArgType<Platform>(true) {
+ override fun convert(value: kotlin.String, name: kotlin.String): Platform = Platform.fromString(value)
+ override val description: kotlin.String
+ get() = "{ String thar represents paltform }"
- fun findToolsJar(): File {
- val javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home")
- val default = File(javaHome, "../lib/tools.jar")
- val mac = File(javaHome, "../Classes/classes.jar")
- when {
- default.exists() -> return default
- mac.exists() -> return mac
- else -> {
- throw Exception("tools.jar not found, please check it, also you can provide it manually, using -cp")
+object ArgTypePlugin : ArgType<Map<String, String>>(true) {
+ override fun convert(value: kotlin.String, name: kotlin.String): Map<kotlin.String, kotlin.String> =
+ value.split("^^").map {
+ it.split("=").let {
+ it[0] to it[1]
- }
- }
+ }.toMap()
- fun createClassLoaderWithTools(): ClassLoader {
- val toolsJar = findToolsJar().canonicalFile.toURI().toURL()
- val originalUrls = (javaClass.classLoader as? URLClassLoader)?.urLs
- val dokkaJar = javaClass.protectionDomain.codeSource.location
- val urls = if (originalUrls != null) arrayOf(toolsJar, *originalUrls) else arrayOf(toolsJar, dokkaJar)
- return URLClassLoader(urls, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().parent)
- }
+ override val description: kotlin.String
+ get() = "{ String fqName=json, remember to escape `\"` inside json }"
- fun startWithToolsJar(configuration: DokkaConfiguration) {
- try {
- javaClass.classLoader.loadClass("com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.HtmlDoclet")
- entry(configuration)
- } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {
- val classLoader = createClassLoaderWithTools()
- classLoader.loadClass("org.jetbrains.dokka.MainKt")
- .methods.find { it.name == "entry" }!!
- .invoke(null, configuration)
+object ArgTypeSourceLinkDefinition : ArgType<DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition>(true) {
+ override fun convert(value: kotlin.String, name: kotlin.String): DokkaConfiguration.SourceLinkDefinition =
+ if (value.isNotEmpty() && value.contains("="))
+ SourceLinkDefinitionImpl.parseSourceLinkDefinition(value)
+ else {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException("Warning: Invalid -srcLink syntax. Expected: <path>=<url>[#lineSuffix]. No source links will be generated.")
- }
- fun createConfiguration(args: Array<String>): GlobalArguments {
- val parseContext = ParseContext()
- val parser = DokkaArgumentsParser(args, parseContext)
- val configuration = GlobalArguments(parser)
+ override val description: kotlin.String
+ get() = "{ String that represent source links }"
- parseContext.cli.singleAction(
- listOf("-globalPackageOptions"),
- "List of package passConfiguration in format \"prefix,-deprecated,-privateApi,+warnUndocumented,+suppress;...\" "
- ) { link ->
- configuration.passesConfigurations.all { it.perPackageOptions.addAll(parsePerPackageOptions(link)) }
- }
+object ArgTypeArgument : ArgType<DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet>(true) {
+ override fun convert(value: kotlin.String, name: kotlin.String): DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet =
+ parseSourceSet(value.split(" ").filter { it.isNotBlank() }.toTypedArray())
- parseContext.cli.singleAction(
- listOf("-globalLinks"),
- "External documentation links in format url^packageListUrl^^url2..."
- ) { link ->
- configuration.passesConfigurations.all { it.externalDocumentationLinks.addAll(parseLinks(link)) }
- }
+ override val description: kotlin.String
+ get() = ""
- parseContext.cli.repeatingAction(
- listOf("-globalSrcLink"),
- "Mapping between a source directory and a Web site for browsing the code"
- ) {
- val newSourceLinks = if (it.isNotEmpty() && it.contains("="))
- listOf(SourceLinkDefinitionImpl.parseSourceLinkDefinition(it))
- else {
- if (it.isNotEmpty()) {
- println("Warning: Invalid -srcLink syntax. Expected: <path>=<url>[#lineSuffix]. No source links will be generated.")
- }
- listOf()
- }
+// Workaround for printing nested parsers help
+object ArgTypeHelpSourceSet : ArgType<Any>(false) {
+ override fun convert(value: kotlin.String, name: kotlin.String): Any = Any().also { parseSourceSet(arrayOf("-h")) }
- configuration.passesConfigurations.all { it.sourceLinks.addAll(newSourceLinks) }
- }
+ override val description: kotlin.String
+ get() = ""
- parser.parseInto(configuration)
- return configuration
+fun defaultLinks(config: DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet): MutableList<ExternalDocumentationLink> =
+ mutableListOf<ExternalDocumentationLink>().apply {
+ if (!config.noJdkLink)
+ this += DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink
+ .Builder("https://docs.oracle.com/javase/${config.jdkVersion}/docs/api/")
+ .build()
+ if (!config.noStdlibLink)
+ this += ExternalDocumentationLink
+ .Builder("https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/")
+ .build()
- fun GlobalArguments.addDefaultLinks() = passesConfigurations.forEach { it.externalDocumentationLinks += it.defaultLinks() }
- @JvmStatic
- fun main(args: Array<String>) {
- val configuration = createConfiguration(args).apply { addDefaultLinks() }
- if (configuration.format.toLowerCase() == "javadoc")
- startWithToolsJar(configuration)
- else
- entry(configuration)
- }
+private fun String.toAbsolutePath() = Paths.get(this).toAbsolutePath().toString()
+fun parseLinks(links: List<String>): List<ExternalDocumentationLink> {
+ val (parsedLinks, parsedOfflineLinks) = links
+ .map { it.split("^").map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotBlank() } }
+ .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
+ .partition { it.size == 1 }
+ return parsedLinks.map { (root) -> ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder(root).build() } +
+ parsedOfflineLinks.map { (root, packageList) ->
+ val rootUrl = URL(root)
+ val packageListUrl =
+ try {
+ URL(packageList)
+ } catch (ex: MalformedURLException) {
+ File(packageList).toURI().toURL()
+ }
+ ExternalDocumentationLink.Builder(rootUrl, packageListUrl).build()
+ }
+fun main(args: Array<String>) {
+ val globalArguments = GlobalArguments(args)
+ val configuration = if (globalArguments.json != null)
+ DokkaConfigurationImpl(
+ Paths.get(checkNotNull(globalArguments.json)).toFile().readText()
+ )
+ else
+ globalArguments
+ DokkaGenerator(configuration, DokkaConsoleLogger).generate()