path: root/src/Formats
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Formats')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 949 deletions
diff --git a/src/Formats/FormatDescriptor.kt b/src/Formats/FormatDescriptor.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c7ca794..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/FormatDescriptor.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-public interface FormatDescriptor {
- val formatServiceClass: KClass<out FormatService>?
- val outlineServiceClass: KClass<out OutlineFormatService>?
- val generatorServiceClass: KClass<out Generator>
- val packageDocumentationBuilderClass: KClass<out PackageDocumentationBuilder>
- val javaDocumentationBuilderClass: KClass<out JavaDocumentationBuilder>
diff --git a/src/Formats/FormatService.kt b/src/Formats/FormatService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e66a6b7..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/FormatService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
- * Abstract representation of a formatting service used to output documentation in desired format
- *
- * Bundled Formatters:
- * * [HtmlFormatService] – outputs documentation to HTML format
- * * [MarkdownFormatService] – outputs documentation in Markdown format
- * * [TextFormatService] – outputs documentation in Text format
- */
-public interface FormatService {
- /** Returns extension for output files */
- val extension: String
- /** Appends formatted content to [StringBuilder](to) using specified [location] */
- fun appendNodes(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>)
-/** Format content to [String] using specified [location] */
-fun FormatService.format(location: Location, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>): String = StringBuilder().apply { appendNodes(location, this, nodes) }.toString()
diff --git a/src/Formats/HtmlFormatService.kt b/src/Formats/HtmlFormatService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c461905..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/HtmlFormatService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.google.inject.Inject
-import com.google.inject.name.Named
-import java.io.File
-import java.nio.file.Paths
-public open class HtmlFormatService @Inject constructor(@Named("folders") locationService: LocationService,
- signatureGenerator: LanguageService,
- val templateService: HtmlTemplateService)
-: StructuredFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator, "html"), OutlineFormatService {
- override public fun formatText(text: String): String {
- return text.htmlEscape()
- }
- override fun formatSymbol(text: String): String {
- return "<span class=\"symbol\">${formatText(text)}</span>"
- }
- override fun formatKeyword(text: String): String {
- return "<span class=\"keyword\">${formatText(text)}</span>"
- }
- override fun formatIdentifier(text: String, kind: IdentifierKind): String {
- return "<span class=\"identifier\">${formatText(text)}</span>"
- }
- override fun appendBlockCode(to: StringBuilder, line: String, language: String) {
- to.append("<pre><code>")
- to.append(line)
- to.append("</code></pre>")
- }
- override fun appendHeader(to: StringBuilder, text: String, level: Int) {
- to.appendln("<h$level>${text}</h$level>")
- }
- override fun appendParagraph(to: StringBuilder, text: String) {
- to.appendln("<p>${text}</p>")
- }
- override fun appendLine(to: StringBuilder, text: String) {
- to.appendln("${text}<br/>")
- }
- override fun appendLine(to: StringBuilder) {
- to.appendln("<br/>")
- }
- override fun appendAnchor(to: StringBuilder, anchor: String) {
- to.appendln("<a name=\"${anchor.htmlEscape()}\"></a>")
- }
- override fun appendTable(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<table>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</table>")
- }
- override fun appendTableHeader(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<thead>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</thead>")
- }
- override fun appendTableBody(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<tbody>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</tbody>")
- }
- override fun appendTableRow(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<tr>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</tr>")
- }
- override fun appendTableCell(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<td>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</td>")
- }
- override fun formatLink(text: String, href: String): String {
- return "<a href=\"${href}\">${text}</a>"
- }
- override fun formatStrong(text: String): String {
- return "<strong>${text}</strong>"
- }
- override fun formatEmphasis(text: String): String {
- return "<emph>${text}</emph>"
- }
- override fun formatStrikethrough(text: String): String {
- return "<s>${text}</s>"
- }
- override fun formatCode(code: String): String {
- return "<code>${code}</code>"
- }
- override fun formatUnorderedList(text: String): String = "<ul>${text}</ul>"
- override fun formatOrderedList(text: String): String = "<ol>${text}</ol>"
- override fun formatListItem(text: String, kind: ListKind): String {
- return "<li>${text}</li>"
- }
- override fun formatBreadcrumbs(items: Iterable<FormatLink>): String {
- return items.map { formatLink(it) }.joinToString("&nbsp;/&nbsp;")
- }
- override fun appendNodes(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- templateService.appendHeader(to, getPageTitle(nodes), calcPathToRoot(location))
- super.appendNodes(location, to, nodes)
- templateService.appendFooter(to)
- }
- override fun appendOutline(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- templateService.appendHeader(to, "Module Contents", calcPathToRoot(location))
- super.appendOutline(location, to, nodes)
- templateService.appendFooter(to)
- }
- private fun calcPathToRoot(location: Location) = Paths.get(location.path).parent.relativize(Paths.get(locationService.root.path + '/'))
- override fun getOutlineFileName(location: Location): File {
- return File("${location.path}-outline.html")
- }
- override fun appendOutlineHeader(location: Location, node: DocumentationNode, to: StringBuilder) {
- val link = ContentNodeDirectLink(node)
- link.append(languageService.render(node, LanguageService.RenderMode.FULL))
- val signature = formatText(location, link)
- to.appendln("<a href=\"${location.path}\">${signature}</a><br/>")
- }
- override fun appendOutlineLevel(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<ul>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</ul>")
- }
- override fun formatNonBreakingSpace(): String = "&nbsp;"
-fun getPageTitle(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>): String? {
- val breakdownByLocation = nodes.groupBy { node -> formatPageTitle(node) }
- return breakdownByLocation.keys.singleOrNull()
-fun formatPageTitle(node: DocumentationNode): String {
- val path = node.path
- if (path.size == 1) {
- return path.first().name
- }
- val qualifiedName = node.qualifiedName()
- if (qualifiedName.length == 0 && path.size == 2) {
- return path.first().name + " / root package"
- }
- return path.first().name + " / " + qualifiedName
diff --git a/src/Formats/HtmlTemplateService.kt b/src/Formats/HtmlTemplateService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index ae42a31b..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/HtmlTemplateService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import java.nio.file.Path
-public interface HtmlTemplateService {
- fun appendHeader(to: StringBuilder, title: String?, basePath: Path)
- fun appendFooter(to: StringBuilder)
- companion object {
- public fun default(css: String? = null): HtmlTemplateService {
- return object : HtmlTemplateService {
- override fun appendFooter(to: StringBuilder) {
- to.appendln("</BODY>")
- to.appendln("</HTML>")
- }
- override fun appendHeader(to: StringBuilder, title: String?, basePath: Path) {
- to.appendln("<HTML>")
- to.appendln("<HEAD>")
- if (title != null) {
- to.appendln("<title>$title</title>")
- }
- if (css != null) {
- val cssPath = basePath.resolve(css)
- to.appendln("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$cssPath\">")
- }
- to.appendln("</HEAD>")
- to.appendln("<BODY>")
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/Formats/JekyllFormatService.kt b/src/Formats/JekyllFormatService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index f81257d6..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/JekyllFormatService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.google.inject.Inject
-open class JekyllFormatService
- @Inject constructor(locationService: LocationService,
- signatureGenerator: LanguageService,
- linkExtension: String = "md")
-: MarkdownFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator, linkExtension) {
- override fun appendNodes(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- to.appendln("---")
- appendFrontMatter(nodes, to)
- to.appendln("---")
- to.appendln("")
- super.appendNodes(location, to, nodes)
- }
- protected open fun appendFrontMatter(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>, to: StringBuilder) {
- to.appendln("title: ${getPageTitle(nodes)}")
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Formats/KotlinWebsiteFormatService.kt b/src/Formats/KotlinWebsiteFormatService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eda7910..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/KotlinWebsiteFormatService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.google.inject.Inject
-public class KotlinWebsiteFormatService @Inject constructor(locationService: LocationService,
- signatureGenerator: LanguageService)
-: JekyllFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator, "html") {
- private var needHardLineBreaks = false
- override fun appendFrontMatter(nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>, to: StringBuilder) {
- super.appendFrontMatter(nodes, to)
- to.appendln("layout: api")
- }
- override public fun formatBreadcrumbs(items: Iterable<FormatLink>): String {
- items.drop(1)
- if (items.count() > 1) {
- return "<div class='api-docs-breadcrumbs'>" +
- items.map { formatLink(it) }.joinToString(" / ") +
- "</div>"
- }
- return ""
- }
- override public fun formatCode(code: String): String = if (code.length > 0) "<code>$code</code>" else ""
- override fun formatStrikethrough(text: String): String = "<s>$text</s>"
- override fun appendAsSignature(to: StringBuilder, node: ContentNode, block: () -> Unit) {
- val contentLength = node.textLength
- if (contentLength == 0) return
- to.append("<div class=\"signature\">")
- needHardLineBreaks = contentLength >= 62
- try {
- block()
- } finally {
- needHardLineBreaks = false
- }
- to.append("</div>")
- }
- override fun appendAsOverloadGroup(to: StringBuilder, block: () -> Unit) {
- to.append("<div class=\"overload-group\">\n")
- block()
- to.append("</div>\n")
- }
- override fun formatLink(text: String, href: String): String {
- return "<a href=\"${href}\">${text}</a>"
- }
- override fun appendTable(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<table class=\"api-docs-table\">")
- body()
- to.appendln("</table>")
- }
- override fun appendTableHeader(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<thead>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</thead>")
- }
- override fun appendTableBody(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<tbody>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</tbody>")
- }
- override fun appendTableRow(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<tr>")
- body()
- to.appendln("</tr>")
- }
- override fun appendTableCell(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln("<td markdown=\"1\">")
- body()
- to.appendln("\n</td>")
- }
- override public fun appendBlockCode(to: StringBuilder, line: String, language: String) {
- if (language.isNotEmpty()) {
- super.appendBlockCode(to, line, language)
- } else {
- to.append("<pre markdown=\"1\">")
- to.append(line.trimStart())
- to.append("</pre>")
- }
- }
- override fun formatSymbol(text: String): String {
- return "<span class=\"symbol\">${formatText(text)}</span>"
- }
- override fun formatKeyword(text: String): String {
- return "<span class=\"keyword\">${formatText(text)}</span>"
- }
- override fun formatIdentifier(text: String, kind: IdentifierKind): String {
- return "<span class=\"${identifierClassName(kind)}\">${formatText(text)}</span>"
- }
- override fun formatSoftLineBreak(): String = if (needHardLineBreaks)
- "<br/>"
- else
- ""
- override fun formatIndentedSoftLineBreak(): String = if (needHardLineBreaks)
- "<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
- else
- ""
- private fun identifierClassName(kind: IdentifierKind) = when(kind) {
- IdentifierKind.ParameterName -> "parameterName"
- IdentifierKind.SummarizedTypeName -> "summarizedTypeName"
- else -> "identifier"
- }
diff --git a/src/Formats/MarkdownFormatService.kt b/src/Formats/MarkdownFormatService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index f694ae3e..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/MarkdownFormatService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.google.inject.Inject
-public open class MarkdownFormatService
- @Inject constructor(locationService: LocationService,
- signatureGenerator: LanguageService,
- linkExtension: String = "md")
-: StructuredFormatService(locationService, signatureGenerator, "md", linkExtension) {
- override public fun formatBreadcrumbs(items: Iterable<FormatLink>): String {
- return items.map { formatLink(it) }.joinToString(" / ")
- }
- override public fun formatText(text: String): String {
- return text.htmlEscape()
- }
- override fun formatSymbol(text: String): String {
- return text.htmlEscape()
- }
- override fun formatKeyword(text: String): String {
- return text.htmlEscape()
- }
- override fun formatIdentifier(text: String, kind: IdentifierKind): String {
- return text.htmlEscape()
- }
- override public fun formatCode(code: String): String {
- return "`$code`"
- }
- override public fun formatUnorderedList(text: String): String = text + "\n"
- override public fun formatOrderedList(text: String): String = text + "\n"
- override fun formatListItem(text: String, kind: ListKind): String {
- val itemText = if (text.endsWith("\n")) text else text + "\n"
- return if (kind == ListKind.Unordered) "* $itemText" else "1. $itemText"
- }
- override public fun formatStrong(text: String): String {
- return "**$text**"
- }
- override fun formatEmphasis(text: String): String {
- return "*$text*"
- }
- override fun formatStrikethrough(text: String): String {
- return "~~$text~~"
- }
- override fun formatLink(text: String, href: String): String {
- return "[$text]($href)"
- }
- override public fun appendLine(to: StringBuilder) {
- to.appendln()
- }
- override public fun appendLine(to: StringBuilder, text: String) {
- to.appendln(text)
- }
- override fun appendAnchor(to: StringBuilder, anchor: String) {
- // no anchors in Markdown
- }
- override public fun appendParagraph(to: StringBuilder, text: String) {
- to.appendln()
- to.appendln(text)
- to.appendln()
- }
- override public fun appendHeader(to: StringBuilder, text: String, level: Int) {
- appendLine(to)
- appendLine(to, "${"#".repeat(level)} $text")
- appendLine(to)
- }
- override public fun appendBlockCode(to: StringBuilder, line: String, language: String) {
- appendLine(to)
- to.appendln("``` ${language}")
- to.appendln(line)
- to.appendln("```")
- appendLine(to)
- }
- override fun appendTable(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.appendln()
- body()
- to.appendln()
- }
- override fun appendTableHeader(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- body()
- }
- override fun appendTableBody(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- body()
- }
- override fun appendTableRow(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.append("|")
- body()
- to.appendln()
- }
- override fun appendTableCell(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- to.append(" ")
- body()
- to.append(" |")
- }
- override fun formatNonBreakingSpace(): String = "&nbsp;"
diff --git a/src/Formats/OutlineService.kt b/src/Formats/OutlineService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6626cf51..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/OutlineService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import java.io.File
- * Service for building the outline of the package contents.
- */
-public interface OutlineFormatService {
- fun getOutlineFileName(location: Location): File
- public fun appendOutlineHeader(location: Location, node: DocumentationNode, to: StringBuilder)
- public fun appendOutlineLevel(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit)
- /** Appends formatted outline to [StringBuilder](to) using specified [location] */
- public fun appendOutline(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- for (node in nodes) {
- appendOutlineHeader(location, node, to)
- if (node.members.any()) {
- val sortedMembers = node.members.sortedBy { it.name }
- appendOutlineLevel(to) {
- appendOutline(location, to, sortedMembers)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun formatOutline(location: Location, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>): String =
- StringBuilder().apply { appendOutline(location, this, nodes) }.toString()
diff --git a/src/Formats/StandardFormats.kt b/src/Formats/StandardFormats.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 94e1b115..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/StandardFormats.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.*
-abstract class KotlinFormatDescriptorBase : FormatDescriptor {
- override val packageDocumentationBuilderClass = KotlinPackageDocumentationBuilder::class
- override val javaDocumentationBuilderClass = KotlinJavaDocumentationBuilder::class
- override val generatorServiceClass = FileGenerator::class
-class HtmlFormatDescriptor : KotlinFormatDescriptorBase() {
- override val formatServiceClass = HtmlFormatService::class
- override val outlineServiceClass = HtmlFormatService::class
-class HtmlAsJavaFormatDescriptor : FormatDescriptor {
- override val formatServiceClass = HtmlFormatService::class
- override val outlineServiceClass = HtmlFormatService::class
- override val generatorServiceClass = FileGenerator::class
- override val packageDocumentationBuilderClass = KotlinAsJavaDocumentationBuilder::class
- override val javaDocumentationBuilderClass = JavaPsiDocumentationBuilder::class
-class KotlinWebsiteFormatDescriptor : KotlinFormatDescriptorBase() {
- override val formatServiceClass = KotlinWebsiteFormatService::class
- override val outlineServiceClass = YamlOutlineService::class
-class JekyllFormatDescriptor : KotlinFormatDescriptorBase() {
- override val formatServiceClass = JekyllFormatService::class
- override val outlineServiceClass = null
-class MarkdownFormatDescriptor : KotlinFormatDescriptorBase() {
- override val formatServiceClass = MarkdownFormatService::class
- override val outlineServiceClass = null
diff --git a/src/Formats/StructuredFormatService.kt b/src/Formats/StructuredFormatService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a2b68a..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/StructuredFormatService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import org.jetbrains.dokka.LanguageService.RenderMode
-import java.util.*
-data class FormatLink(val text: String, val href: String)
-enum class ListKind {
- Ordered,
- Unordered
-abstract class StructuredFormatService(locationService: LocationService,
- val languageService: LanguageService,
- override val extension: String,
- val linkExtension: String = extension) : FormatService {
- val locationService: LocationService = locationService.withExtension(linkExtension)
- abstract fun appendBlockCode(to: StringBuilder, line: String, language: String)
- abstract fun appendHeader(to: StringBuilder, text: String, level: Int = 1)
- abstract fun appendParagraph(to: StringBuilder, text: String)
- abstract fun appendLine(to: StringBuilder, text: String)
- abstract fun appendLine(to: StringBuilder)
- abstract fun appendAnchor(to: StringBuilder, anchor: String)
- abstract fun appendTable(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit)
- abstract fun appendTableHeader(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit)
- abstract fun appendTableBody(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit)
- abstract fun appendTableRow(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit)
- abstract fun appendTableCell(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit)
- abstract fun formatText(text: String): String
- abstract fun formatSymbol(text: String): String
- abstract fun formatKeyword(text: String): String
- abstract fun formatIdentifier(text: String, kind: IdentifierKind): String
- fun formatEntity(text: String): String = text
- abstract fun formatLink(text: String, href: String): String
- open fun formatLink(link: FormatLink): String = formatLink(formatText(link.text), link.href)
- abstract fun formatStrong(text: String): String
- abstract fun formatStrikethrough(text: String): String
- abstract fun formatEmphasis(text: String): String
- abstract fun formatCode(code: String): String
- abstract fun formatUnorderedList(text: String): String
- abstract fun formatOrderedList(text: String): String
- abstract fun formatListItem(text: String, kind: ListKind): String
- abstract fun formatBreadcrumbs(items: Iterable<FormatLink>): String
- abstract fun formatNonBreakingSpace(): String
- open fun formatSoftLineBreak(): String = ""
- open fun formatIndentedSoftLineBreak(): String = ""
- open fun formatText(location: Location, nodes: Iterable<ContentNode>, listKind: ListKind = ListKind.Unordered): String {
- return nodes.map { formatText(location, it, listKind) }.joinToString("")
- }
- open fun formatText(location: Location, content: ContentNode, listKind: ListKind = ListKind.Unordered): String {
- return StringBuilder().apply {
- when (content) {
- is ContentText -> append(formatText(content.text))
- is ContentSymbol -> append(formatSymbol(content.text))
- is ContentKeyword -> append(formatKeyword(content.text))
- is ContentIdentifier -> append(formatIdentifier(content.text, content.kind))
- is ContentNonBreakingSpace -> append(formatNonBreakingSpace())
- is ContentSoftLineBreak -> append(formatSoftLineBreak())
- is ContentIndentedSoftLineBreak -> append(formatIndentedSoftLineBreak())
- is ContentEntity -> append(formatEntity(content.text))
- is ContentStrong -> append(formatStrong(formatText(location, content.children)))
- is ContentStrikethrough -> append(formatStrikethrough(formatText(location, content.children)))
- is ContentCode -> append(formatCode(formatText(location, content.children)))
- is ContentEmphasis -> append(formatEmphasis(formatText(location, content.children)))
- is ContentUnorderedList -> append(formatUnorderedList(formatText(location, content.children, ListKind.Unordered)))
- is ContentOrderedList -> append(formatOrderedList(formatText(location, content.children, ListKind.Ordered)))
- is ContentListItem -> append(formatListItem(formatText(location, content.children), listKind))
- is ContentNodeLink -> {
- val node = content.node
- val linkTo = if (node != null) locationHref(location, node) else "#"
- val linkText = formatText(location, content.children)
- if (linkTo == ".") {
- append(linkText)
- } else {
- append(formatLink(linkText, linkTo))
- }
- }
- is ContentExternalLink -> {
- val linkText = formatText(location, content.children)
- if (content.href == ".") {
- append(linkText)
- } else {
- append(formatLink(linkText, content.href))
- }
- }
- is ContentParagraph -> appendParagraph(this, formatText(location, content.children))
- is ContentBlockCode -> appendBlockCode(this, formatText(location, content.children), content.language)
- is ContentHeading -> appendHeader(this, formatText(location, content.children), content.level)
- is ContentBlock -> append(formatText(location, content.children))
- }
- }.toString()
- }
- open fun link(from: DocumentationNode, to: DocumentationNode): FormatLink = link(from, to, extension)
- open fun link(from: DocumentationNode, to: DocumentationNode, extension: String): FormatLink {
- return FormatLink(to.name, locationService.relativePathToLocation(from, to))
- }
- fun locationHref(from: Location, to: DocumentationNode): String {
- val topLevelPage = to.references(DocumentationReference.Kind.TopLevelPage).singleOrNull()?.to
- if (topLevelPage != null) {
- return from.relativePathTo(locationService.location(topLevelPage), to.name)
- }
- return from.relativePathTo(locationService.location(to))
- }
- fun appendDocumentation(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, overloads: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- val breakdownBySummary = overloads.groupByTo(LinkedHashMap()) { node -> node.content }
- for ((summary, items) in breakdownBySummary) {
- appendAsOverloadGroup(to) {
- items.forEach {
- val rendered = languageService.render(it)
- appendAsSignature(to, rendered) {
- to.append(formatCode(formatText(location, rendered)))
- it.appendSourceLink(to)
- }
- it.appendOverrides(to)
- it.appendDeprecation(location, to)
- }
- // All items have exactly the same documentation, so we can use any item to render it
- val item = items.first()
- item.details(DocumentationNode.Kind.OverloadGroupNote).forEach {
- to.append(formatText(location, it.content))
- }
- to.append(formatText(location, item.content.summary))
- appendDescription(location, to, item)
- appendLine(to)
- appendLine(to)
- }
- }
- }
- private fun DocumentationNode.isModuleOrPackage(): Boolean =
- kind == DocumentationNode.Kind.Module || kind == DocumentationNode.Kind.Package
- protected open fun appendAsSignature(to: StringBuilder, node: ContentNode, block: () -> Unit) {
- block()
- }
- protected open fun appendAsOverloadGroup(to: StringBuilder, block: () -> Unit) {
- block()
- }
- fun appendDescription(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, node: DocumentationNode) {
- if (node.content.description != ContentEmpty) {
- appendLine(to, formatText(location, node.content.description))
- appendLine(to)
- }
- node.content.getSectionsWithSubjects().forEach {
- appendSectionWithSubject(it.key, location, it.value, to)
- }
- for (section in node.content.sections.filter { it.subjectName == null }) {
- appendLine(to, formatStrong(formatText(section.tag)))
- appendLine(to, formatText(location, section))
- }
- }
- fun Content.getSectionsWithSubjects(): Map<String, List<ContentSection>> =
- sections.filter { it.subjectName != null }.groupBy { it.tag }
- fun appendSectionWithSubject(title: String, location: Location, subjectSections: List<ContentSection>, to: StringBuilder) {
- appendHeader(to, title, 3)
- subjectSections.forEach {
- val subjectName = it.subjectName
- if (subjectName != null) {
- appendAnchor(to, subjectName)
- to.append(formatCode(subjectName)).append(" - ")
- to.append(formatText(location, it))
- appendLine(to)
- }
- }
- }
- private fun DocumentationNode.appendOverrides(to: StringBuilder) {
- overrides.forEach {
- to.append("Overrides ")
- val location = locationService.relativePathToLocation(this, it)
- appendLine(to, formatLink(FormatLink(it.owner!!.name + "." + it.name, location)))
- }
- }
- private fun DocumentationNode.appendDeprecation(location: Location, to: StringBuilder) {
- if (deprecation != null) {
- val deprecationParameter = deprecation!!.details(DocumentationNode.Kind.Parameter).firstOrNull()
- val deprecationValue = deprecationParameter?.details(DocumentationNode.Kind.Value)?.firstOrNull()
- if (deprecationValue != null) {
- to.append(formatStrong("Deprecated:")).append(" ")
- appendLine(to, formatText(deprecationValue.name.removeSurrounding("\"")))
- appendLine(to)
- } else if (deprecation?.content != Content.Empty) {
- to.append(formatStrong("Deprecated:")).append(" ")
- to.append(formatText(location, deprecation!!.content))
- } else {
- appendLine(to, formatStrong("Deprecated"))
- appendLine(to)
- }
- }
- }
- private fun DocumentationNode.appendSourceLink(to: StringBuilder) {
- val sourceUrl = details(DocumentationNode.Kind.SourceUrl).firstOrNull()
- if (sourceUrl != null) {
- to.append(" ")
- appendLine(to, formatLink("(source)", sourceUrl.name))
- } else {
- appendLine(to)
- }
- }
- fun appendLocation(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- val singleNode = nodes.singleOrNull()
- if (singleNode != null && singleNode.isModuleOrPackage()) {
- if (singleNode.kind == DocumentationNode.Kind.Package) {
- appendHeader(to, "Package " + formatText(singleNode.name), 2)
- }
- to.append(formatText(location, singleNode.content))
- } else {
- val breakdownByName = nodes.groupBy { node -> node.name }
- for ((name, items) in breakdownByName) {
- appendHeader(to, formatText(name))
- appendDocumentation(location, to, items)
- }
- }
- }
- private fun appendSection(location: Location, caption: String, nodes: List<DocumentationNode>, node: DocumentationNode, to: StringBuilder) {
- if (nodes.any()) {
- appendHeader(to, caption, 3)
- val children = nodes.sortedBy { it.name }
- val membersMap = children.groupBy { link(node, it) }
- appendTable(to) {
- appendTableBody(to) {
- for ((memberLocation, members) in membersMap) {
- appendTableRow(to) {
- appendTableCell(to) {
- to.append(formatLink(memberLocation))
- }
- appendTableCell(to) {
- val breakdownBySummary = members.groupBy { formatText(location, it.summary) }
- for ((summary, items) in breakdownBySummary) {
- appendSummarySignatures(items, location, to)
- if (!summary.isEmpty()) {
- to.append(summary)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private fun appendSummarySignatures(items: List<DocumentationNode>, location: Location, to: StringBuilder) {
- val summarySignature = languageService.summarizeSignatures(items)
- if (summarySignature != null) {
- appendAsSignature(to, summarySignature) {
- appendLine(to, summarySignature.signatureToText(location))
- }
- return
- }
- val renderedSignatures = items.map { languageService.render(it, RenderMode.SUMMARY) }
- renderedSignatures.subList(0, renderedSignatures.size - 1).forEach {
- appendAsSignature(to, it) {
- appendLine(to, it.signatureToText(location))
- }
- }
- appendAsSignature(to, renderedSignatures.last()) {
- to.append(renderedSignatures.last().signatureToText(location))
- }
- }
- private fun ContentNode.signatureToText(location: Location): String {
- return if (this is ContentBlock && this.isEmpty()) {
- ""
- } else {
- val signatureAsCode = ContentCode()
- signatureAsCode.append(this)
- formatText(location, signatureAsCode)
- }
- }
- override fun appendNodes(location: Location, to: StringBuilder, nodes: Iterable<DocumentationNode>) {
- val breakdownByLocation = nodes.groupBy { node ->
- formatBreadcrumbs(node.path.filterNot { it.name.isEmpty() }.map { link(node, it) })
- }
- for ((breadcrumbs, items) in breakdownByLocation) {
- appendLine(to, breadcrumbs)
- appendLine(to)
- appendLocation(location, to, items.filter { it.kind != DocumentationNode.Kind.ExternalClass })
- }
- for (node in nodes) {
- if (node.kind == DocumentationNode.Kind.ExternalClass) {
- appendSection(location, "Extensions for ${node.name}", node.members, node, to)
- continue
- }
- appendSection(location, "Packages", node.members(DocumentationNode.Kind.Package), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Types", node.members.filter { it.kind in DocumentationNode.Kind.classLike }, node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Extensions for External Classes", node.members(DocumentationNode.Kind.ExternalClass), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Enum Values", node.members(DocumentationNode.Kind.EnumItem), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Constructors", node.members(DocumentationNode.Kind.Constructor), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Properties", node.members(DocumentationNode.Kind.Property), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Inherited Properties", node.inheritedMembers(DocumentationNode.Kind.Property), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Functions", node.members(DocumentationNode.Kind.Function), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Inherited Functions", node.inheritedMembers(DocumentationNode.Kind.Function), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Companion Object Properties", node.members(DocumentationNode.Kind.CompanionObjectProperty), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Companion Object Functions", node.members(DocumentationNode.Kind.CompanionObjectFunction), node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Other members", node.members.filter {
- it.kind !in setOf(
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Class,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Interface,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Enum,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Object,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.AnnotationClass,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Constructor,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Property,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Package,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.Function,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.CompanionObjectProperty,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.CompanionObjectFunction,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.ExternalClass,
- DocumentationNode.Kind.EnumItem
- )
- }, node, to)
- val allExtensions = collectAllExtensions(node)
- appendSection(location, "Extension Properties", allExtensions.filter { it.kind == DocumentationNode.Kind.Property }, node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Extension Functions", allExtensions.filter { it.kind == DocumentationNode.Kind.Function }, node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Companion Object Extension Properties", allExtensions.filter { it.kind == DocumentationNode.Kind.CompanionObjectProperty }, node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Companion Object Extension Functions", allExtensions.filter { it.kind == DocumentationNode.Kind.CompanionObjectFunction }, node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Inheritors",
- node.inheritors.filter { it.kind != DocumentationNode.Kind.EnumItem }, node, to)
- appendSection(location, "Links", node.links, node, to)
- }
- }
- private fun collectAllExtensions(node: DocumentationNode): Collection<DocumentationNode> {
- val result = LinkedHashSet<DocumentationNode>()
- val visited = hashSetOf<DocumentationNode>()
- fun collect(node: DocumentationNode) {
- if (!visited.add(node)) return
- result.addAll(node.extensions)
- node.references(DocumentationReference.Kind.Superclass).forEach { collect(it.to) }
- }
- collect(node)
- return result
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Formats/YamlOutlineService.kt b/src/Formats/YamlOutlineService.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7968824c..00000000
--- a/src/Formats/YamlOutlineService.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package org.jetbrains.dokka
-import com.google.inject.Inject
-import java.io.File
-class YamlOutlineService @Inject constructor(val locationService: LocationService,
- val languageService: LanguageService) : OutlineFormatService {
- override fun getOutlineFileName(location: Location): File = File("${location.path}.yml")
- var outlineLevel = 0
- override fun appendOutlineHeader(location: Location, node: DocumentationNode, to: StringBuilder) {
- val indent = " ".repeat(outlineLevel)
- to.appendln("$indent- title: ${languageService.renderName(node)}")
- to.appendln("$indent url: ${locationService.location(node).path}")
- }
- override fun appendOutlineLevel(to: StringBuilder, body: () -> Unit) {
- val indent = " ".repeat(outlineLevel)
- to.appendln("$indent content:")
- outlineLevel++
- body()
- outlineLevel--
- }