AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-11-21Fix suppressing of companion when it implements some interfaceSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Auto-expand type-aliases excluded from documentationSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Do not suppress Companions when it's extends/implements somethingSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Fix reporting of FileComparisonFailure by adding idea_rt dependencySimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Fix find node by signature when referencing type parameterSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Fix find node by signature when linking to extension with Type ParamSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21More info in can't find node by signatureSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-21Hard-code language versionSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-20Support receiver referenceSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-20Advance Kotlin Compiler version to pinnedSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-14Handle indent correctly, Add tests for assertTrue/False samplesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-14Support assertFalse and message in assertTrue/assertFalseIlya Gorbunov
2017-11-14Take intellij-core-analysis backSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-09Exclude src from kotlin-ide-common in fatjarSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-09Use maven to resolve kotlin-compiler dependency instead of ivySimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-09Drop dependency on intellij-core-analysisSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-08Download dependencies from TeamCitySimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-08Fix PluginXmlTransformerSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-07Fix problem with Java descriptorsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-05Fix Can't find node by signature in asJava modeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-03Fix not suppressing Android generated files in javadoc formatSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-03Fix pom generation for dokka-android-pluginSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-03Fix early lazy computationSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-02Fix not rebuilding on source changeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-02Make classpath Iterable<File> #218Simon Ogorodnik
2017-11-02Fix android-sdk license accepting on TeamCitySimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-02#228: Correctly render multiline indented code blocksSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-02Correctly handle redirects in ExternalDocumentationLinkResolverSimon Ogorodnik
2017-11-02Fix README: outFormat in Maven must be outputFormatDaniel
2017-11-02Ensure build directory exists before generating POM into it (#236)Eric Wendelin
2017-10-24Update Gradle to 4.2.1Simon Ogorodnik
2017-10-24Fix building of maven pluginSimon Ogorodnik
2017-10-09Correct test, due fix in kotlin-ide-commonSimon Ogorodnik
2017-10-09Drop obsolete librariesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-10-09Update kotlin-compiler to 1.1.51Simon Ogorodnik
2017-10-09Migrate run configurationsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-10-08Update ShadowJar Gradle plugin to 2.0.1Simon Ogorodnik
2017-10-08Replace provided configuration with compileOnlySimon Ogorodnik
2017-10-08Update Gradle Version to 4.2Simon Ogorodnik
2017-10-08Update Dokka versionSimon Ogorodnik
2017-08-31Add JetBrains BadgeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-07-20Add global configuration "includeNonPublic"Jonathan Haas
2017-07-20Make PackageOptions serializableJonathan Haas
2017-07-06Fix link in the last breadcrumbs itemDmitry Neverov
2017-06-26Update README.mdSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-26Remove empty gradle settingsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-26Add deleted cli-parserSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-26Workaround top-level java class name not match filenameSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-26Update bundled kotlin compiler to 1.1.3Simon Ogorodnik
2017-06-23Suppress output of android.R and other generated stuff in dokka-androidSimon Ogorodnik