AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-06-20Prevent early evaluation of kotlinTasks. To work with kotlin-androidSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-20Add gradle integration testsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-20Configure dokka based on Kotlin compile tasksSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-16Update gradle to 4.0Simon Ogorodnik
2017-06-07Add missing @Optional to cacheRoot parameterSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-07Fix StringOutOfBoundsException in link mappingSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-07Make package-list caching optionalSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-05Add caching of package-list's and fix multiple package-list loadingsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-06-05Prepare for next development iterationSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-26Fix serialization issues with gradleSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-22Sort package-list outputAlex Waters
2017-05-19README updatedDmitry Jemerov
2017-05-18Support reference-style markdown links in KDocSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-18Fix invalid line breaks in table cells for markdown formatsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-17Update "Using Dokka" section of readmeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-16Fix runner parameters for consistency, add default link to stdlibSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-15Fix linking to javadoc external static fieldsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-15Fix parsing of line breaks inside javadoc commentsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-15Throw exception when unable to collect classpath for android dokkaSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-15Fix dokka-android plugin with Android Gradle 2.4.0 build toolsAlex Waters
2017-05-11Resolve links in package docs in whole moduleSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-11Add external documentation links argument to gradle, maven, antSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-11Support linking of external documentationSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-11Do not publish private companion object members in public only modeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-11Set jekyll links extension to .htmlSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-04Add bunch of new parameters to runnersSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-04Fix Markdown list spacing, ordering, and erroneous new linesAlex Waters
2017-05-02Refactoring internal communication for gradleSimon Ogorodnik
2017-05-02Fix missing whitespace around links and tokens in Markdown formatted textAlex Waters
2017-04-25Fix bintray dependenciesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-25Fix dependencies for gradle plugin publishing to plugins.gradle.orgSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-25Fix <String> escaping in samples for KWS HTML formatSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-24Fix wrong maven coordinates on gradle plugin repo pageSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-24Fix NPE in gradle pluginSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-24Fix compilation of cli moduleSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-24Update bundled kotlin-compiler to 1.1.2Simon Ogorodnik
2017-04-10Merge branch 'fix-parse-package-options'Simon Ogorodnik
2017-04-10Tweak kws html format to match output of old formatSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-10Fix typo in html tag emph -> emSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-07Fix parsing of per package options in CLI modeSimon Ogorodnik
2017-04-04Merge pull request #150 from Knize/android-build-tools-2.3Simon Ogorodnik
2017-03-31Fix dokka-android to support new build toolsknize
2017-03-29Implement assertion replacement templates for samplesSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-29Per package optionsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-24Fix GFM format crash in GuiceSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-23Add support for nice IDEA featureSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-23Fix JVM crash in gradle pluginSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-20Fix p tag closing in HTML format'sSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-20Deprecate old kotlin-website formatsSimon Ogorodnik
2017-03-20Create HTML based format for kotlin-websiteSimon Ogorodnik