path: root/core
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-09-26Change logic of platforms renderingSimon Ogorodnik
2018-09-26Don't show applicable to Any extensions for all declarationsSimon Ogorodnik
2018-09-26Refactor platforms & SinceKotlin logicSimon Ogorodnik
2018-09-24Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/kotlin-website-jonnyzzz' into kotlin-web...Simon Ogorodnik
2018-09-24Use only first target for expect elementsSimon Ogorodnik
2018-09-24Get rid of duplicated items with set of platform < than commonSimon Ogorodnik
2018-09-23less noise from an attempt to write file several timesEugene Petrenko
2018-09-21less noise on errorEugene Petrenko
2018-09-21Fix number of platforms bubblesZubakov
2018-09-20Quick hack to make native workSimon Ogorodnik
2018-09-14include more diagnostics for files clashesEugene Petrenko
2018-09-14cleanupEugene Petrenko
2018-09-13avoid clash for empty-named symbolsEugene Petrenko
2018-09-13report files clashEugene Petrenko
2018-09-13more logging around signature failureEugene Petrenko
2018-09-13more loggingEugene Petrenko
2018-09-13add nice toString()Eugene Petrenko
2018-09-13more info instead of NPEEugene Petrenko
2018-09-13Merge pull request #356 from aleksZubakov/kotlin-website-jonnyzzzEugene Petrenko
2018-09-13add more debug info in error messageEugene Petrenko
2018-09-13add missing dependency, the kotlin-plugin.jar is not available in Maven (and ...Eugene Petrenko
2018-09-13Added native supportZubakov
2018-09-12Unresolved LazyTopDownAnalyzerFacade hotfixZubakov
2018-09-12Bundled compiler version upgradedZubakov
2018-09-06Minor refactoring, kotlin-website format change: add platforms to summary sig...Zubakov
2018-09-06Drop unnecessary properties in SourceRootZubakov
2018-08-27Change render for kotlin mpp signatures renderingZubakov
2018-08-27TODO: remove unnecessary code blockZubakov
2018-08-27Introduce origin reference kind, change documentation graph merge logic, mino...Zubakov
2018-08-27Ant runner default external links and classpath resolving fixZubakov
2018-08-17Merger platforms bug fix, refactoringZubakov Aleksey
2018-08-17Convert assertFails in kws samples without message properlySimon Ogorodnik
2018-08-17Fix crash on incorrect sample conversionSimon Ogorodnik
2018-08-06Optional dependency bug workaround: google/guice#847aleksZubakov
2018-08-06DocumentationMerger refactoringaleksZubakov
2018-08-06ExternalDocumentationLinkResolver refactoring, extract common dependencies fr...aleksZubakov
2018-08-01Refactoring, replace DocumentationOption with PassConfigurationaleksZubakov
2018-07-25Add logic of merging different platforms graphsaleksZubakov
2018-07-17NodeReferenceGraph style fixesZubakov Aleksey
2018-07-16Merge branch 'devsite-fixes-backport' into dev-multiplatfaleksZubakov
2018-07-15Fix missing functions after rebaseSimon Ogorodnik
2018-07-14KT-24032: Fix parameter rendering in asJava modeSimon Ogorodnik
2018-07-14Fix default param.Douglas Sigelbaum
2018-07-14[backport] Introduce option to enable/disable jdk linkingSimon Ogorodnik
2018-07-14Fix package docs parsing testSimon Ogorodnik
2018-07-14KT-24624: Partial, more detailed signature on class pageSimon Ogorodnik
2018-07-14KT-24025: Support constants in as java modeSimon Ogorodnik
2018-07-14Provide signature for packagesSimon Ogorodnik
2018-07-14Fix nullability detectionSimon Ogorodnik
2018-07-14KT-24300: Support inclusion overview.html into package summarySimon Ogorodnik