path: root/docs/src/doc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-03-26Fix configuration for suppressing obvious functions (#1789)Marcin Aman
2021-03-26Reintroduce multimodule documentation (#1804)Marcin Aman
2021-03-15Update documentation for 1.4.30Kamil Doległo
2021-03-01Create documentation for versioning (#1748)Marcin Aman
2021-03-01Suppress tag support (#1742)Marcin Aman
2021-02-24Fix parameters on cli and bump kotlinx.cli (#1755)Marcin Aman
2021-01-18Add information about template to docs (#1700)Marcin Aman
2021-01-14Footer customisation (#1691)Marcin Aman
2020-12-16Remove `documentationFileName` from documentation as it is no longer valid (#...Marcin Aman
2020-12-03Update Dokka version to 1.4.20 (#1632)Marcin Aman
2020-11-25Remove suspend from SourceToDocumentableTranslator (#1622)Kamil Doległo
2020-11-23fix grammar error (#1639)Hollow Man
2020-11-18Add matchingRegex (#598)Martin Bonnin
2020-11-10Include base docs in MkDocsMarcin Aman
2020-10-30Update usage.mdYuri Schimke
2020-10-20Bump dokka version to Aman
2020-10-19Add plugins listMarcin Aman
2020-10-08Include information about required META-INF/services fileMarcin Aman
2020-10-07Fix typos and 404 links in manuals (#1460)Andrzej Ratajczak
2020-10-07Make logo replaceable #1339 (#1488)Marcin Aman
2020-09-22Update Dokka version to 1.4.10 in .md filesMikhail Zarechenskiy
2020-09-03Upgrade version number to 1.4.0 in README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md and usage.mdsebastian.sellmair
2020-09-03Change all occurrences of `dokka` to `Dokka`Kamil Doległo
2020-09-03Add Mkdocs plugin to Gradle, split README and Developers' guide into several ...Kamil Doległo