path: root/plugins/jekyll/src/main
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-06-25Cleanup paragraphs and tables in GFM renderer (#1946)Mike Sinkovsky
* GFM renderer: cleanup paragraphs * GFM renderer: cleanup tables * GFM renderer: add tests for wrong header in table Table with extra cell in row is really generated by `all-modules-page` plugin * Remove commented-out lines * Add BriefCommentPreprocessor which inserts a line break between a signature and a brief comment Fixed a bug with `mapTransform` function which replaces table headers with their contents Co-authored-by: Kamil Doległo <kamil.doleglo@interia.pl>
2021-06-21Remove extra dash (#1968)Rachel M. Carmena
2020-11-27Adding multimodule all modules page creation for gfmBłażej Kardyś
2020-08-19Refactor location providersKamil Doległo
2020-07-13Remove TODO NOW in JekyllPluginsebastian.sellmair
2020-07-13Support dokkaJekyll and dokkaGfm tasks in new task configurationsebastian.sellmair
2020-07-13Remove `format` from dokka DokkaConfigurationsebastian.sellmair
2020-07-07Add overrides to provided pluginsPaweł Marks
2020-04-15Refactor package list to be a preprocessorAndrzej Ratajczak
2020-04-01Fixes problems with Markdown and JekyllAndrzej Ratajczak
2020-03-23Gradle Task supporting multimodular projectsAndrzej Ratajczak