/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ /** * Utility to run unit tests for K1 and K2 (analysis API). */ plugins { id("dokkabuild.base") id("dokkabuild.java") } val descriptorsTestConfiguration: Configuration by configurations.creating { extendsFrom(configurations.testImplementation.get()) } val symbolsTestConfiguration: Configuration by configurations.creating { extendsFrom(configurations.testImplementation.get()) } val symbolsTest = tasks.register("symbolsTest") { useJUnitPlatform { excludeTags("onlyDescriptors", "onlyDescriptorsMPP") } classpath += symbolsTestConfiguration } // run symbols and descriptors tests tasks.test { //enabled = false classpath += descriptorsTestConfiguration dependsOn(symbolsTest) } val descriptorsTest = tasks.register("descriptorsTest") { classpath += descriptorsTestConfiguration } tasks.check { dependsOn(symbolsTest) }