package org.jetbrains.conventions /** * Base configuration for Java projects. * * This convention plugin contains shared Java config for both the [KotlinJvmPlugin] convention plugin and * the Gradle Plugin subproject (which cannot have the `kotlin("jvm")` plugin applied). */ plugins { id("org.jetbrains.conventions.base") java } java { toolchain { languageVersion.set(dokkaBuild.mainJavaVersion) } withSourcesJar() } tasks.withType().configureEach { useJUnitPlatform() maxParallelForks = if (System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") != null) { Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() } else { (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2).takeIf { it > 0 } ?: 1 } javaLauncher.set(javaToolchains.launcherFor { languageVersion.set(dokkaBuild.testJavaLauncherVersion) }) } dependencies { testImplementation(platform( }