package org.jetbrains.conventions import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.ShadowPlugin plugins { id("org.jetbrains.conventions.base") `maven-publish` signing id("org.jetbrains.conventions.dokka") } val javadocJar by tasks.registering(Jar::class) { group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP description = "Assembles a Javadoc JAR using Dokka HTML" archiveClassifier.set("javadoc") from(tasks.dokkaHtml) } publishing { repositories { // Publish to a project-local Maven directory, for verification. To test, run: // ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToMavenProjectLocalRepository // and check $rootDir/build/maven-project-local maven(rootProject.layout.buildDirectory.dir("maven-project-local")) { name = "MavenProjectLocal" } } publications.withType().configureEach { artifact(javadocJar) pom { name.convention(provider { "Dokka ${}" }) description.convention("Dokka is an API documentation engine for Kotlin and Java, performing the same function as Javadoc for Java") url.convention("") licenses { license { name.convention("The Apache Software License, Version 2.0") url.convention("") distribution.convention("repo") } } developers { developer { id.convention("JetBrains") name.convention("JetBrains Team") organization.convention("JetBrains") organizationUrl.convention("") } } scm { connection.convention("scm:git:git://") url.convention("") } } } } plugins.withType().configureEach { // manually disable publication of Shadow elements // This is done to preserve compatibility and have the same behaviour as previous versions of Dokka. // For more details, see val javaComponent = components["java"] as AdhocComponentWithVariants javaComponent.withVariantsFromConfiguration(configurations["shadowRuntimeElements"]) { skip() } }