/* * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ package org.jetbrains.dokka import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.ConfigurableBlock import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.parseJson import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.serializeAsCompactJson import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.serializeAsPrettyJson public fun DokkaConfigurationImpl(json: String): DokkaConfigurationImpl = parseJson(json) public fun GlobalDokkaConfiguration(json: String): GlobalDokkaConfiguration = parseJson(json) @Deprecated("Renamed to better distinguish between compact/pretty prints", ReplaceWith("this.toCompactJsonString()")) public fun DokkaConfiguration.toJsonString(): String = this.toCompactJsonString() @Deprecated("Renamed to better distinguish between compact/pretty prints", ReplaceWith("this.toCompactJsonString()")) public fun <T : ConfigurableBlock> T.toJsonString(): String = this.toCompactJsonString() /** * Serializes [DokkaConfiguration] as a machine-readable and compact JSON string. * * The returned string is not very human friendly as it will be difficult to parse by eyes due to it * being compact and in one line. If you want to show the output to a human being, see [toPrettyJsonString]. */ public fun DokkaConfiguration.toCompactJsonString(): String = serializeAsCompactJson(this) /** * Serializes [DokkaConfiguration] as a human-readable (pretty printed) JSON string. * * The returned string will have excessive line breaks and indents, which might not be * desirable when passing this value between API consumers/producers. If you want * a machine-readable and compact json string, see [toCompactJsonString]. */ public fun DokkaConfiguration.toPrettyJsonString(): String = serializeAsPrettyJson(this) /** * Serializes a [ConfigurableBlock] as a machine-readable and compact JSON string. * * The returned string is not very human friendly as it will be difficult to parse by eyes due to it * being compact and in one line. If you want to show the output to a human being, see [toPrettyJsonString]. */ public fun <T : ConfigurableBlock> T.toCompactJsonString(): String = serializeAsCompactJson(this) /** * Serializes a [ConfigurableBlock] as a human-readable (pretty printed) JSON string. * * The returned string will have excessive line breaks and indents, which might not be * desirable when passing this value between API consumers/producers. If you want * a machine-readable and compact json string, see [toCompactJsonString]. */ public fun <T : ConfigurableBlock> T.toPrettyJsonString(): String = serializeAsCompactJson(this)