@file:Suppress("SameParameterValue") package org.jetbrains.dokka import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.InternalCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.ExperimentalCoroutineDispatcher import org.jetbrains.dokka.generation.GracefulGenerationExit import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaPlugin import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.DokkaLogger import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties import kotlin.reflect.jvm.isAccessible /** * DokkaGenerator is the main entry point for generating documentation * * [generate] method has been split into submethods for test reasons */ class DokkaGenerator( private val configuration: DokkaConfiguration, private val logger: DokkaLogger ) { fun generate() = timed(logger) { report("Initializing plugins") val context = initializePlugins(configuration, logger) runCatching { context.single(CoreExtensions.generation).run { logger.progress("Dokka is performing: $generationName") generate() } }.exceptionOrNull()?.let { e -> finalizeCoroutines() throw e } finalizeCoroutines() }.dump("\n\n === TIME MEASUREMENT ===\n") fun initializePlugins( configuration: DokkaConfiguration, logger: DokkaLogger, additionalPlugins: List<DokkaPlugin> = emptyList() ) = DokkaContext.create(configuration, logger, additionalPlugins) private fun finalizeCoroutines() { runCatching { Dispatchers.Default.closeExecutor() Dispatchers.IO.let { dispatcher -> dispatcher::class.memberProperties.find { it.name == "dispatcher" }?.also { it.isAccessible = true }?.call(dispatcher) }?.closeExecutor() } } @OptIn(InternalCoroutinesApi::class) private fun Any.closeExecutor() = (this as ExperimentalCoroutineDispatcher).also { it.executor::class.members .find { it.name == "close" } ?.also { it.isAccessible = true }?.call(it.executor) } } class Timer internal constructor(startTime: Long, private val logger: DokkaLogger?) { private val steps = mutableListOf("" to startTime) fun report(name: String) { logger?.progress(name) steps += (name to System.currentTimeMillis()) } fun dump(prefix: String = "") { logger?.info(prefix) val namePad = steps.map { it.first.length }.maxOrNull() ?: 0 val timePad = steps.windowed(2).map { (p1, p2) -> p2.second - p1.second }.maxOrNull()?.toString()?.length ?: 0 steps.windowed(2).forEach { (p1, p2) -> if (p1.first.isNotBlank()) { logger?.info("${p1.first.padStart(namePad)}: ${(p2.second - p1.second).toString().padStart(timePad)}") } } } } private fun timed(logger: DokkaLogger? = null, block: Timer.() -> Unit): Timer = Timer(System.currentTimeMillis(), logger).apply { try { block() } catch (exit: GracefulGenerationExit) { report("Exiting Generation: ${exit.reason}") } finally { report("") } }