package org.jetbrains.dokka import import import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod import* import org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats.FileGeneratorBasedFormatDescriptor import org.jetbrains.dokka.Formats.FormatDescriptor import org.jetbrains.dokka.Utilities.ServiceLocator import org.jetbrains.dokka.Utilities.lookup import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.impl.EnumEntrySyntheticClassDescriptor import* import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.fqNameSafe import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.parents import import import import import import java.nio.file.Path import import javax.inject.Named import kotlin.reflect.full.findAnnotation fun ByteArray.toHexString() = this.joinToString(separator = "") { "%02x".format(it) } @Singleton class ExternalDocumentationLinkResolver @Inject constructor( val options: DocumentationOptions, @Named("libraryResolutionFacade") val libraryResolutionFacade: DokkaResolutionFacade, val logger: DokkaLogger ) { val packageFqNameToLocation = mutableMapOf() val formats = mutableMapOf() class ExternalDocumentationRoot(val rootUrl: URL, val resolver: InboundExternalLinkResolutionService, val locations: Map) { override fun toString(): String = rootUrl.toString() } val cacheDir: Path? = options.cacheRoot?.resolve("packageListCache")?.apply { createDirectories() } val cachedProtocols = setOf("http", "https", "ftp") fun URL.doOpenConnectionToReadContent(timeout: Int = 10000, redirectsAllowed: Int = 16): URLConnection { val connection = this.openConnection() connection.connectTimeout = timeout connection.readTimeout = timeout when (connection) { is HttpURLConnection -> { return when (connection.responseCode) { in 200..299 -> { connection } HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER -> { if (redirectsAllowed > 0) { val newUrl = connection.getHeaderField("Location") URL(newUrl).doOpenConnectionToReadContent(timeout, redirectsAllowed - 1) } else { throw RuntimeException("Too many redirects") } } else -> { throw RuntimeException("Unhandled http code: ${connection.responseCode}") } } } else -> return connection } } fun loadPackageList(link: DokkaConfiguration.ExternalDocumentationLink) { val packageListUrl = link.packageListUrl val needsCache = packageListUrl.protocol in cachedProtocols val packageListStream = if (cacheDir != null && needsCache) { val packageListLink = packageListUrl.toExternalForm() val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256") val hash = digest.digest(packageListLink.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)).toHexString() val cacheEntry = cacheDir.resolve(hash) if (cacheEntry.exists()) { try { val connection = packageListUrl.doOpenConnectionToReadContent() val originModifiedDate = val cacheDate = cacheEntry.lastModified().toMillis() if (originModifiedDate > cacheDate || originModifiedDate == 0L) { if (originModifiedDate == 0L) logger.warn("No date header for $packageListUrl, downloading anyway") else"Renewing package-list from $packageListUrl") connection.getInputStream().copyTo(cacheEntry.outputStream()) } } catch (e: Exception) { logger.error("Failed to update package-list cache for $link") val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream() PrintWriter(baos).use { e.printStackTrace(it) } baos.flush() logger.error(baos.toString()) } } else {"Downloading package-list from $packageListUrl") packageListUrl.openStream().copyTo(cacheEntry.outputStream()) } cacheEntry.inputStream() } else { packageListUrl.doOpenConnectionToReadContent().getInputStream() } val (params, packages) = packageListStream .bufferedReader() .useLines { lines -> lines.partition { it.startsWith(DOKKA_PARAM_PREFIX) } } val paramsMap = params.asSequence() .map { it.removePrefix(DOKKA_PARAM_PREFIX).split(":", limit = 2) } .groupBy({ (key, _) -> key }, { (_, value) -> value }) val format = paramsMap["format"]?.singleOrNull() ?: "javadoc" val locations = paramsMap["location"].orEmpty() .map { it.split("\u001f", limit = 2) } .map { (key, value) -> key to value } .toMap() val defaultResolverDesc = services["dokka-default"]!! val resolverDesc = services[format] ?: defaultResolverDesc.takeIf { format in formatsWithDefaultResolver } ?: defaultResolverDesc.also { logger.warn("Couldn't find InboundExternalLinkResolutionService(format = `$format`) for $link, using Dokka default") } val resolverClass = javaClass.classLoader.loadClass(resolverDesc.className).kotlin val constructors = resolverClass.constructors val constructor = constructors.singleOrNull() ?: constructors.first { it.findAnnotation() != null } val resolver = as InboundExternalLinkResolutionService val rootInfo = ExternalDocumentationRoot(link.url, resolver, locations) { FqName(it) }.forEach { packageFqNameToLocation[it] = rootInfo } } init { options.externalDocumentationLinks.forEach { try { loadPackageList(it) } catch (e: Exception) { throw RuntimeException("Exception while loading package-list from $it", e) } } } fun buildExternalDocumentationLink(element: PsiElement): String? { return element.extractDescriptor(libraryResolutionFacade)?.let { buildExternalDocumentationLink(it) } } fun buildExternalDocumentationLink(symbol: DeclarationDescriptor): String? { val packageFqName: FqName = when (symbol) { is PackageFragmentDescriptor -> symbol.fqName is DeclarationDescriptorNonRoot -> symbol.parents.firstOrNull { it is PackageFragmentDescriptor }?.fqNameSafe ?: return null else -> return null } val externalLocation = packageFqNameToLocation[packageFqName] ?: return null val path = externalLocation.locations[symbol.signature()] ?: externalLocation.resolver.getPath(symbol) ?: return null return URL(externalLocation.rootUrl, path).toExternalForm() } companion object { const val DOKKA_PARAM_PREFIX = "\$dokka." val services = ServiceLocator.allServices("inbound-link-resolver").associateBy { } private val formatsWithDefaultResolver = ServiceLocator .allServices("format") .filter { val desc = ServiceLocator.lookup(it) as? FileGeneratorBasedFormatDescriptor desc?.generatorServiceClass == FileGenerator::class }.map { } .toSet() } } interface InboundExternalLinkResolutionService { fun getPath(symbol: DeclarationDescriptor): String? class Javadoc(paramsMap: Map>) : InboundExternalLinkResolutionService { override fun getPath(symbol: DeclarationDescriptor): String? { if (symbol is EnumEntrySyntheticClassDescriptor) { return getPath(symbol.containingDeclaration)?.let { it + "#" + } } else if (symbol is JavaClassDescriptor) { return DescriptorUtils.getFqName(symbol).asString().replace(".", "/") + ".html" } else if (symbol is JavaCallableMemberDescriptor) { val containingClass = symbol.containingDeclaration as? JavaClassDescriptor ?: return null val containingClassLink = getPath(containingClass) if (containingClassLink != null) { if (symbol is JavaMethodDescriptor || symbol is JavaClassConstructorDescriptor) { val psi = symbol.sourcePsi() as? PsiMethod if (psi != null) { val params = psi.parameterList.parameters.joinToString { it.type.canonicalText } return containingClassLink + "#" + + "(" + params + ")" } } else if (symbol is JavaPropertyDescriptor) { return "$containingClassLink#${}" } } } // TODO Kotlin javadoc return null } } class Dokka(val paramsMap: Map>) : InboundExternalLinkResolutionService { val extension = paramsMap["linkExtension"]?.singleOrNull() ?: error("linkExtension not provided for Dokka resolver") override fun getPath(symbol: DeclarationDescriptor): String? { val leafElement = when (symbol) { is CallableDescriptor, is TypeAliasDescriptor -> true else -> false } val path = getPathWithoutExtension(symbol) if (leafElement) return "$path.$extension" else return "$path/index.$extension" } private fun getPathWithoutExtension(symbol: DeclarationDescriptor): String { return when { symbol.containingDeclaration == null -> identifierToFilename( symbol is PackageFragmentDescriptor -> identifierToFilename(symbol.fqName.asString()) else -> getPathWithoutExtension(symbol.containingDeclaration!!) + '/' + identifierToFilename( } } } }