package org.jetbrains.dokka.model import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaConfiguration import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaSourceSetID /** * A unique composite key of multiple [DokkaSourceSetID] that identifies [DisplaySourceSet]. * Consists of multiple (non-zero) [DokkaSourceSetID] that the corresponding [DisplaySourceSet] was built from. * * Should not be constructed or copied outside of [DisplaySourceSet] instantiation. */ public data class CompositeSourceSetID( private val children: Set ) { public constructor(sourceSetIDs: Iterable) : this(sourceSetIDs.toSet()) public constructor(sourceSetId: DokkaSourceSetID) : this(setOf(sourceSetId)) init { require(children.isNotEmpty()) { "Expected at least one source set id" } } public val merged: DokkaSourceSetID = children.sortedBy { it.scopeId + it.sourceSetName }.let { sortedChildren -> DokkaSourceSetID( scopeId = sortedChildren.joinToString(separator = "+") { it.scopeId }, sourceSetName = sortedChildren.joinToString(separator = "+") { it.sourceSetName } ) } public val all: Set = setOf(merged, *children.toTypedArray()) operator fun contains(sourceSetId: DokkaSourceSetID): Boolean { return sourceSetId in all } operator fun contains(sourceSet: DokkaConfiguration.DokkaSourceSet): Boolean { return sourceSet.sourceSetID in this } operator fun plus(other: DokkaSourceSetID): CompositeSourceSetID { return copy(children = children + other) } }