package org.jetbrains.dokka.model import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import import class AdditionalModifiers(val content: SourceSetDependent>) : ExtraProperty { companion object : ExtraProperty.Key { override fun mergeStrategyFor( left: AdditionalModifiers, right: AdditionalModifiers ): MergeStrategy = MergeStrategy.Replace(AdditionalModifiers(left.content + right.content)) } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = if (other is AdditionalModifiers) other.content == content else false override fun hashCode() = content.hashCode() override val key: ExtraProperty.Key = AdditionalModifiers } fun SourceSetDependent>.toAdditionalModifiers() = AdditionalModifiers(this) data class Annotations( private val myContent: SourceSetDependent> ) : ExtraProperty { companion object : ExtraProperty.Key { override fun mergeStrategyFor(left: Annotations, right: Annotations): MergeStrategy = MergeStrategy.Replace(Annotations(left.myContent + right.myContent)) } override val key: ExtraProperty.Key = Annotations data class Annotation( val dri: DRI, val params: Map, val mustBeDocumented: Boolean = false, val scope: AnnotationScope = AnnotationScope.DIRECT ) { override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = when (other) { is Annotation -> dri == other.dri else -> false } override fun hashCode(): Int = dri.hashCode() } @Deprecated("Use directAnnotations or fileLevelAnnotations") val content: SourceSetDependent> get() = myContent val directAnnotations: SourceSetDependent> = annotationsByScope(AnnotationScope.DIRECT) val fileLevelAnnotations: SourceSetDependent> = annotationsByScope(AnnotationScope.FILE) private fun annotationsByScope(scope: AnnotationScope): SourceSetDependent> = myContent.entries.mapNotNull { (key, value) -> val withoutFileLevel = value.filter { it.scope == scope } if (withoutFileLevel.isEmpty()) null else Pair(key, withoutFileLevel) }.toMap() enum class AnnotationScope { DIRECT, FILE, GETTER, SETTER } } fun SourceSetDependent>.toAnnotations() = Annotations(this) sealed class AnnotationParameterValue data class AnnotationValue(val annotation: Annotations.Annotation) : AnnotationParameterValue() data class ArrayValue(val value: List) : AnnotationParameterValue() data class EnumValue(val enumName: String, val enumDri: DRI) : AnnotationParameterValue() data class ClassValue(val className: String, val classDRI: DRI) : AnnotationParameterValue() abstract class LiteralValue : AnnotationParameterValue() { abstract fun text() : String } data class IntValue(val value: Int) : LiteralValue() { override fun text(): String = value.toString() } data class LongValue(val value: Long) : LiteralValue() { override fun text(): String = value.toString() } data class FloatValue(val value: Float) : LiteralValue() { override fun text(): String = value.toString() } data class DoubleValue(val value: Double) : LiteralValue() { override fun text(): String = value.toString() } object NullValue : LiteralValue() { override fun text(): String = "null" } data class BooleanValue(val value: Boolean) : LiteralValue() { override fun text(): String = value.toString() } data class StringValue(val value: String) : LiteralValue() { override fun text(): String = value override fun toString(): String = value } object PrimaryConstructorExtra : ExtraProperty, ExtraProperty.Key { override val key: ExtraProperty.Key = this } data class ActualTypealias( val typeAlias: DTypeAlias ) : ExtraProperty { @Suppress("unused") @Deprecated(message = "It can be removed soon. Use [typeAlias.underlyingType]", ReplaceWith("this.typeAlias.underlyingType")) val underlyingType: SourceSetDependent get() = typeAlias.underlyingType companion object : ExtraProperty.Key { override fun mergeStrategyFor( left: ActualTypealias, right: ActualTypealias ) = MergeStrategy.Fail { throw IllegalStateException("Adding [ActualTypealias] should be after merging all documentables") } } override val key: ExtraProperty.Key = ActualTypealias }