package org.jetbrains.dokka.resolvers import org.jetbrains.dokka.CoreExtensions import org.jetbrains.dokka.links.DRI import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.single import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.htmlEscape import java.util.* private const val PAGE_WITH_CHILDREN_SUFFIX = "index" open class DefaultLocationProvider( protected val pageGraphRoot: RootPageNode, protected val dokkaContext: DokkaContext ) : LocationProvider { protected val extension = ".html" protected val pagesIndex: Map = pageGraphRoot.asSequence().filterIsInstance() .map { { dri -> dri to it } }.flatten() .groupingBy { it.first } .aggregate { dri, _, (_, page), first -> if (first) page else throw AssertionError("Multiple pages associated with dri: $dri") } protected val pathsIndex: Map> = IdentityHashMap>().apply { fun registerPath(page: PageNode, prefix: List) { val newPrefix = prefix + page.pathName put(page, newPrefix) page.children.forEach { registerPath(it, newPrefix) } } put(pageGraphRoot, emptyList()) pageGraphRoot.children.forEach { registerPath(it, emptyList()) } } override fun resolve(node: PageNode, context: PageNode?, skipExtension: Boolean): String = pathTo(node, context) + if (!skipExtension) extension else "" override fun resolve(dri: DRI, platforms: List, context: PageNode?): String = pagesIndex[dri]?.let { resolve(it, context) } ?: // Not found in PageGraph, that means it's an external link ExternalLocationProvider.getLocation(dri, this.dokkaContext.configuration.passesConfigurations .filter { passConfig -> platforms.toSet() .contains(PlatformData(passConfig.moduleName, passConfig.analysisPlatform, passConfig.targets)) } // TODO: change targets to something better? .flatMap { it.externalDocumentationLinks }.distinct() ) override fun resolveRoot(node: PageNode): String = pathTo(pageGraphRoot, node).removeSuffix(PAGE_WITH_CHILDREN_SUFFIX) override fun ancestors(node: PageNode): List = generateSequence(node) { it.parent() }.toList() protected open fun pathTo(node: PageNode, context: PageNode?): String { fun pathFor(page: PageNode) = pathsIndex[page] ?: throw AssertionError( "${page::class.simpleName}(${}) does not belong to current page graph so it is impossible to compute its path" ) val contextNode = if (context?.children?.isEmpty() == true && context.parent() != null) context.parent() else context val nodePath = pathFor(node) val contextPath = contextNode?.let { pathFor(it) }.orEmpty() val commonPathElements = nodePath.asSequence().zip(contextPath.asSequence()) .takeWhile { (a, b) -> a == b }.count() return (List(contextPath.size - commonPathElements) { ".." } + nodePath.drop(commonPathElements) + if (node.children.isNotEmpty()) listOf(PAGE_WITH_CHILDREN_SUFFIX) else emptyList()).joinToString("/") } private fun PageNode.parent() = pageGraphRoot.parentMap[this] } fun DRI.toJavadocLocation(jdkVersion: Int): String { // TODO: classes without packages? val packageLink = packageName?.replace(".", "/") if (classNames == null) { return "$packageLink/package-summary.html".htmlEscape() } val classLink = if (packageLink == null) "$classNames.html" else "$packageLink/$classNames.html" if (callable == null) { return classLink.htmlEscape() } val callableLink = "$classLink#${}" + when { jdkVersion < 8 -> "(${callable.params.joinToString(", ")})" jdkVersion < 10 -> "-${callable.params.joinToString("-")}-" else -> "(${callable.params.joinToString(",")})" } return callableLink.htmlEscape() } fun DRI.toDokkaLocation(extension: String): String { // TODO: classes without packages? if (classNames == null) { return "$packageName/index$extension" } val classLink = if (packageName == null) { "" } else { "$packageName/" } + classNames.split('.').joinToString("/", transform = ::identifierToFilename) if (callable == null) { return "$classLink/index$extension" } return "$classLink/${identifierToFilename(}$extension" } private val reservedFilenames = setOf("index", "con", "aux", "lst", "prn", "nul", "eof", "inp", "out") private fun identifierToFilename(name: String): String { if (name.isEmpty()) return "--root--" val escaped = name.replace('<', '-').replace('>', '-') val lowercase = escaped.replace("[A-Z]".toRegex()) { matchResult -> "-" + matchResult.value.toLowerCase() } return if (lowercase in reservedFilenames) "--$lowercase--" else lowercase } private val PageNode.pathName: String get() = if (this is PackagePageNode) name else identifierToFilename(name)