 * Copyright 2014-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.

package model

import org.jetbrains.dokka.DokkaSourceSetID
import org.jetbrains.dokka.Platform
import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.*
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertTrue

class DisplaySourceSetTest {
    fun `contains sourceSetId`() {
        val contentSourceSet = DisplaySourceSet(
            sourceSetIDs = CompositeSourceSetID(listOf(DokkaSourceSetID("m1", "s1"), DokkaSourceSetID("m2", "s2"))),
            name = "displayName",
            platform = Platform.common

            DokkaSourceSetID("m3", "s3") in contentSourceSet.sourceSetIDs,
            "Expected source set id not being contained in content source set"

            DokkaSourceSetID("m1", "s1") in contentSourceSet.sourceSetIDs,
            "Expected source set id being contained in content source set"

            DokkaSourceSetID("m1+m2", "s1+s2") in contentSourceSet.sourceSetIDs,
            "Expected merged source set being contained in content source set"

    fun `Iterable contains sourceSetId`() {

        val contentSourceSet = DisplaySourceSet(
            sourceSetIDs = CompositeSourceSetID(listOf(DokkaSourceSetID("m1", "s1"), DokkaSourceSetID("m2", "s2"))),
            name = "displayName",
            platform = Platform.common

            DokkaSourceSetID("m3", "s3") in listOf(contentSourceSet).computeSourceSetIds(),
            "Expected source set id not being contained in content source set"

            DokkaSourceSetID("m1", "s1") in listOf(contentSourceSet).computeSourceSetIds(),
            "Expected source set id being contained in content source set"

            DokkaSourceSetID("m1+m2", "s1+s2") in listOf(contentSourceSet).computeSourceSetIds(),
            "Expected merged source set being contained in content source set"