package testRunner import org.jetbrains.dokka.* import org.jetbrains.dokka.model.Module import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.ModulePageNode import org.jetbrains.dokka.pages.PlatformData import org.jetbrains.dokka.plugability.DokkaContext import org.jetbrains.dokka.utilities.DokkaConsoleLogger import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder import import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.Paths // TODO: take dokka configuration from file abstract class AbstractCoreTest { protected val logger = DokkaConsoleLogger protected fun getTestDataDir(name: String) = File("src/test/resources/$name").takeIf { it.exists() }?.toPath() ?: throw InvalidPathException(name, "Cannot be found") protected fun testFromData( configuration: DokkaConfigurationImpl, cleanupOutput: Boolean = true, block: TestBuilder.() -> Unit ) { val testMethods = TestBuilder().apply(block).build() val tempDir = getTempDir(cleanupOutput) if (!cleanupOutput)"Output generated under: ${tempDir.root.absolutePath}") val newConfiguration = configuration.copy( outputDir = tempDir.root.toPath().toAbsolutePath().toString() ) DokkaTestGenerator(newConfiguration, logger, testMethods).generate() } protected fun testInline( query: String, configuration: DokkaConfigurationImpl, cleanupOutput: Boolean = true, block: TestBuilder.() -> Unit ) { val testMethods = TestBuilder().apply(block).build() val testDirPath = getTempDir(cleanupOutput).root.toPath() val fileMap = query.toFileMap() fileMap.materializeFiles(testDirPath.toAbsolutePath()) if (!cleanupOutput)"Output generated under: ${testDirPath.toAbsolutePath()}") val newConfiguration = configuration.copy( outputDir = testDirPath.toAbsolutePath().toString(), passesConfigurations = configuration.passesConfigurations .map { it.copy(sourceRoots = { it.copy(path = "${testDirPath.toAbsolutePath()}/${it.path}") }) } ) DokkaTestGenerator(newConfiguration, logger, testMethods).generate() } private fun String.toFileMap(): Map = this.replace("\r\n", "\n") .split("\n/") .map { fileString -> fileString.split("\n", limit = 2) .let { it.first().trim().removePrefix("/") to it.last().trim() } }.toMap() private fun Map.materializeFiles( root: Path = Paths.get("."), charset: Charset = Charset.forName("utf-8") ) = { (path, content) -> val file = root.resolve(path) Files.createDirectories(file.parent) Files.write(file, content.toByteArray(charset)) } private fun getTempDir(cleanupOutput: Boolean) = if (cleanupOutput) { TemporaryFolder().apply { create() } } else { object : TemporaryFolder() { override fun after() {} }.apply { create() } } protected class TestBuilder { var analysisSetupStage: (Map) -> Unit = {} var pluginsSetupStage: (DokkaContext) -> Unit = {} var documentablesCreationStage: (List) -> Unit = {} var documentablesMergingStage: (Module) -> Unit = {} var documentablesTransformationStage: (Module) -> Unit = {} var pagesGenerationStage: (ModulePageNode) -> Unit = {} var pagesTransformationStage: (ModulePageNode) -> Unit = {} fun build() = TestMethods( analysisSetupStage, pluginsSetupStage, documentablesCreationStage, documentablesMergingStage, documentablesTransformationStage, pagesGenerationStage, pagesTransformationStage ) } protected fun dokkaConfiguration(block: DokkaConfigurationBuilder.() -> Unit): DokkaConfigurationImpl = DokkaConfigurationBuilder().apply(block).build() @DslMarker protected annotation class DokkaConfigurationDsl @DokkaConfigurationDsl protected class DokkaConfigurationBuilder { var outputDir: String = "out" var format: String = "html" var generateIndexPages: Boolean = true var cacheRoot: String? = null var pluginsClasspath: List = emptyList() private val passesConfigurations = mutableListOf() fun build() = DokkaConfigurationImpl( outputDir = outputDir, format = format, generateIndexPages = generateIndexPages, cacheRoot = cacheRoot, impliedPlatforms = emptyList(), passesConfigurations = passesConfigurations, pluginsClasspath = pluginsClasspath ) fun passes(block: Passes.() -> Unit) { passesConfigurations.addAll(Passes().apply(block)) } } @DokkaConfigurationDsl protected class Passes : ArrayList() { fun pass(block: DokkaPassConfigurationBuilder.() -> Unit) = add(DokkaPassConfigurationBuilder().apply(block).build()) } @DokkaConfigurationDsl protected class DokkaPassConfigurationBuilder( var moduleName: String = "root", var classpath: List = emptyList(), var sourceRoots: List = emptyList(), var samples: List = emptyList(), var includes: List = emptyList(), var includeNonPublic: Boolean = true, var includeRootPackage: Boolean = true, var reportUndocumented: Boolean = false, var skipEmptyPackages: Boolean = false, var skipDeprecated: Boolean = false, var jdkVersion: Int = 6, var languageVersion: String? = null, var apiVersion: String? = null, var noStdlibLink: Boolean = false, var noJdkLink: Boolean = false, var suppressedFiles: List = emptyList(), var collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries: Boolean = true, var analysisPlatform: String = "jvm", var targets: List = listOf("jvm"), var sinceKotlin: String? = null, var perPackageOptions: List = emptyList(), var externalDocumentationLinks: List = emptyList(), var sourceLinks: List = emptyList() ) { fun build() = PassConfigurationImpl( moduleName = moduleName, classpath = classpath, sourceRoots = { SourceRootImpl(it) }, samples = samples, includes = includes, includeNonPublic = includeNonPublic, includeRootPackage = includeRootPackage, reportUndocumented = reportUndocumented, skipEmptyPackages = skipEmptyPackages, skipDeprecated = skipDeprecated, jdkVersion = jdkVersion, languageVersion = languageVersion, apiVersion = apiVersion, noStdlibLink = noStdlibLink, noJdkLink = noJdkLink, suppressedFiles = suppressedFiles, collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries = collectInheritedExtensionsFromLibraries, analysisPlatform = Platform.fromString(analysisPlatform), targets = targets, sinceKotlin = sinceKotlin, perPackageOptions = perPackageOptions, externalDocumentationLinks = externalDocumentationLinks, sourceLinks = sourceLinks ) } } data class TestMethods( val analysisSetupStage: (Map) -> Unit, val pluginsSetupStage: (DokkaContext) -> Unit, val documentablesCreationStage: (List) -> Unit, val documentablesMergingStage: (Module) -> Unit, val documentablesTransformationStage: (Module) -> Unit, val pagesGenerationStage: (ModulePageNode) -> Unit, val pagesTransformationStage: (ModulePageNode) -> Unit )