[//]: # (title: Module documentation) Documentation for a module as a whole, as well as packages in that module, can be provided as separate Markdown files. ## File format Inside the Markdown file, the documentation for the module as a whole and for individual packages is introduced by the corresponding first-level headings. The text of the heading **must** be **Module ``** for a module, and **Package ``** for a package. The file doesn't have to contain both module and package documentation. You can have files that contain only package or module documentation. You can even have a Markdown file per module or package. Using [Markdown syntax](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/), you can add: * Headings up to level 6 * Emphasis with bold or italic formatting * Links * Inline code * Code blocks * Blockquotes Here's an example file containing both module and package documentation: ```text # Module kotlin-demo This content appears under your module name. # Package org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo This content appears under your package name in the packages list. It also appears under the first-level heading on your package's page. ## Level 2 heading for package org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo Content after this heading is also part of documentation for `org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo` # Package org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo2 This content appears under your package name in the packages list. It also appears under the first-level heading on your package's page. ## Level 2 heading for package org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo2 Content after this heading is also part of documentation for `org.jetbrains.kotlin.demo2` ``` To explore an example project with Gradle, see [Dokka gradle example](https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/%dokkaVersion%/examples/gradle/dokka-gradle-example). ## Pass files to Dokka To pass these files to Dokka, you need to use the relevant **includes** option for Gradle, Maven, or CLI: Use the [includes](dokka-gradle.md#includes) option in [Source set configuration](dokka-gradle.md#source-set-configuration). Use the [includes](dokka-maven.md#includes) option in [General configuration](dokka-maven.md#general-configuration). If you are using command line configuration, use the [includes](dokka-cli.md#includes-cli) option in [Source set options](dokka-cli.md#source-set-options). If you are using JSON configuration, use the [includes](dokka-cli.md#includes-json) option in [General configuration](dokka-cli.md#general-configuration).