[//]: # (title: HTML) HTML is Dokka's default and recommended output format. It is currently in Beta and approaching the Stable release. You can see an example of the output by browsing documentation for [kotlinx.coroutines](https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.coroutines/). ## Generate HTML documentation HTML as an output format is supported by all runners. To generate HTML documentation, follow these steps depending on your build tool or runner: * For [Gradle](dokka-gradle.md#generate-documentation), run `dokkaHtml` or `dokkaHtmlMultiModule` tasks. * For [Maven](dokka-maven.md#generate-documentation), run the `dokka:dokka` goal. * For [CLI runner](dokka-cli.md#generate-documentation), run with HTML dependencies set. > HTML pages generated by this format need to be hosted on a web server in order to render everything correctly. > > You can use any free static site hosting service, such as > [GitHub Pages](https://docs.github.com/en/pages/getting-started-with-github-pages/about-github-pages). > > Locally, you can use the [built-in IntelliJ web server](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/php-built-in-web-server.html). > {type="note"} ## Configuration HTML format is Dokka's base format, so it is configurable through `DokkaBase` and `DokkaBaseConfiguration` classes: Via type-safe Kotlin DSL: ```kotlin import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaTask import org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBaseConfiguration buildscript { dependencies { classpath("org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-base:%dokkaVersion%") } } tasks.withType().configureEach { pluginConfiguration { customAssets = listOf(file("my-image.png")) customStyleSheets = listOf(file("my-styles.css")) footerMessage = "(c) 2022 MyOrg" separateInheritedMembers = false templatesDir = file("dokka/templates") mergeImplicitExpectActualDeclarations = false } } ``` Via JSON: ```kotlin import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaTask tasks.withType().configureEach { val dokkaBaseConfiguration = """ { "customAssets": ["${file("assets/my-image.png")}"], "customStyleSheets": ["${file("assets/my-styles.css")}"], "footerMessage": "(c) 2022 MyOrg", "separateInheritedMembers": false, "templatesDir": "${file("dokka/templates")}", "mergeImplicitExpectActualDeclarations": false } """ pluginsMapConfiguration.set( mapOf( // fully qualified plugin name to json configuration "org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase" to dokkaBaseConfiguration ) ) } ``` ```groovy import org.jetbrains.dokka.gradle.DokkaTask tasks.withType(DokkaTask.class) { String dokkaBaseConfiguration = """ { "customAssets": ["${file("assets/my-image.png")}"], "customStyleSheets": ["${file("assets/my-styles.css")}"], "footerMessage": "(c) 2022 MyOrg" "separateInheritedMembers": false, "templatesDir": "${file("dokka/templates")}", "mergeImplicitExpectActualDeclarations": false } """ pluginsMapConfiguration.set( // fully qualified plugin name to json configuration ["org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase": dokkaBaseConfiguration] ) } ``` ```xml org.jetbrains.dokka dokka-maven-plugin ... ${project.basedir}/my-image.png ${project.basedir}/my-styles.css (c) MyOrg 2022 Maven false ${project.basedir}/dokka/templates false ``` Via [command line options](dokka-cli.md#run-with-command-line-options): ```Bash java -jar dokka-cli-%dokkaVersion%.jar \ ... -pluginsConfiguration "org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase={\"customAssets\": [\"my-image.png\"], \"customStyleSheets\": [\"my-styles.css\"], \"footerMessage\": \"(c) 2022 MyOrg\", \"separateInheritedMembers\": false, \"templatesDir\": \"dokka/templates\", \"mergeImplicitExpectActualDeclarations\": false} " ``` Via [JSON configuration](dokka-cli.md#run-with-json-configuration): ```json { "moduleName": "Dokka Example", "pluginsConfiguration": [ { "fqPluginName": "org.jetbrains.dokka.base.DokkaBase", "serializationFormat": "JSON", "values": "{\"customAssets\": [\"my-image.png\"], \"customStyleSheets\": [\"my-styles.css\"], \"footerMessage\": \"(c) 2022 MyOrg\", \"separateInheritedMembers\": false, \"templatesDir\": \"dokka/templates\", \"mergeImplicitExpectActualDeclarations\": false}" } ] } ``` ### Configuration options The table below contains all of the possible configuration options and their purpose. | **Option** | **Description** | |-----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `customAssets` | List of paths for image assets to be bundled with documentation. The image assets can have any file extension. For more information, see [Customizing assets](#customize-assets). | | `customStyleSheets` | List of paths for `.css` stylesheets to be bundled with documentation and used for rendering. For more information, see [Customizing styles](#customize-styles). | | `templatesDir` | Path to the directory containing custom HTML templates. For more information, see [Templates](#templates). | | `footerMessage` | The text displayed in the footer. | | `separateInheritedMembers` | This is a boolean option. If set to `true`, Dokka renders properties/functions and inherited properties/inherited functions separately. This is disabled by default. | | `mergeImplicitExpectActualDeclarations` | This is a boolean option. If set to `true`, Dokka merges declarations that are not declared as [expect/actual](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-connect-to-apis.html), but have the same fully qualified name. This can be useful for legacy codebases. This is disabled by default. | For more information about configuring Dokka plugins, see [Configuring Dokka plugins](dokka-plugins.md#configure-dokka-plugins). ## Customization To help you add your own look and feel to your documentation, the HTML format supports a number of customization options. ### Customize styles You can use your own stylesheets by using the `customStyleSheets` [configuration option](#configuration). These are applied to every page. It's also possible to override Dokka's default stylesheets by providing files with the same name: | **Stylesheet name** | **Description** | |----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | `style.css` | Main stylesheet, contains most of the styles used across all pages | | `logo-styles.css` | Header logo styling | | `prism.css` | Styles for [PrismJS](https://prismjs.com/) syntax highlighter | The source code for all of Dokka's stylesheets is [available on GitHub](https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/%dokkaVersion%/plugins/base/src/main/resources/dokka/styles). ### Customize assets You can provide your own images to be bundled with documentation by using the `customAssets` [configuration option](#configuration). These files are copied to the `/images` directory. It's possible to override Dokka's images and icons by providing files with the same name. The most useful and relevant one being `logo-icon.svg`, which is the image that's used in the header. The rest is mostly icons. You can find all images used by Dokka on [GitHub](https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/%dokkaVersion%/plugins/base/src/main/resources/dokka/images). ### Change the logo To customize the logo, you can begin by [providing your own asset](#customize-assets) for `logo-icon.svg`. If you don't like how it looks, or you want to use a `.png` file instead of the default `.svg` file, you can [override the `logo-styles.css` stylesheet](#customize-styles) to customize it. For an example of how to do this, see our [custom format example project](https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/%dokkaVersion%/examples/gradle/dokka-customFormat-example). ### Modify the footer You can modify text in the footer by using the `footerMessage` [configuration option](#configuration). ### Templates Dokka provides the ability to modify [FreeMarker](https://freemarker.apache.org/) templates used for generating documentation pages. You can change the header completely, add your own banners/menus/search, load analytics, change body styling and so on. Dokka uses the following templates: | **Template** | **Description** | |------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `base.ftl` | Defines the general design of all pages to be rendered. | | `includes/header.ftl` | The page header that by default contains the logo, version, source set selector, light/dark theme switch, and search. | | `includes/footer.ftl` | The page footer that contains the `footerMessage` [configuration option](#configuration) and copyright. | | `includes/page_metadata.ftl` | Metadata used within `` container. | | `includes/source_set_selector.ftl` | [The source set](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets) selector in the header. | The base template is `base.ftl` and it includes all of the remaining listed templates. You can find the source code for all of Dokka's templates [on GitHub](https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/%dokkaVersion%/plugins/base/src/main/resources/dokka/templates). You can override any template by using the `templatesDir` [configuration option](#configuration). Dokka searches for the exact template names within the given directory. If it fails to find user-defined templates, it uses the default templates. #### Variables The following variables are available inside all templates: | **Variable** | **Description** | |--------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `${pageName}` | The page name | | `${footerMessage}` | The text which is set by the `footerMessage` [configuration option](#configuration) | | `${sourceSets}` | A nullable list of [source sets](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/multiplatform-discover-project.html#source-sets) for multi-platform pages. Each item has `name`, `platform`, and `filter` properties. | | `${projectName}` | The project name. It's available only within the `template_cmd` directive. | | `${pathToRoot}` | The path to root from the current page. It's useful for locating assets and is available only within the `template_cmd` directive. | Variables `projectName` and `pathToRoot` are available only within the `template_cmd` directive as they require more context and thus they need to be resolved at later stages by the [MultiModule](dokka-gradle.md#multi-project-builds) task: ```html <@template_cmd name="projectName"> ${projectName} ``` #### Directives You can also use the following Dokka-defined [directives](https://freemarker.apache.org/docs/ref_directive_userDefined.html): | **Variable** | **Description** | |-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `<@content/>` | The main page content. | | `<@resources/>` | Resources such as scripts and stylesheets. | | `<@version/>` | The module version taken from configuration. If the [versioning plugin](https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/tree/%dokkaVersion%/plugins/versioning) is applied, it is replaced with a version navigator. |