### Note All Gradle projects inside the `project` subfolder can also be imported to the IDE by clicking on the corresponding build.gradle.kts file -> "import gradle project". Before importing: Make sure that you have dokka installed locally (`./gradlew publishToMavenLocal`). ### To update git submodules Integration tests have fixed git revision number, with the diff patch applied from the corresponding file (e.g. [`coroutines.diff`](projects/coroutines/coroutines.diff)). In order to update: * Checkout the project with the requered revision - It's some state of the `master` * Manually write the diff (or apply the existing one and tweak) to have the project buildable against locally published Dokka of version `for-integration-tests-SNAPSHOT` * `git diff > $pathToProjectInDokka/project.diff` * Go to `$pathToProjectInDokka`, `git fetch && git checkout $revisionNumber` - Prior to that, ensure that you have your git submodules initialized * Ensure that the corresponding `GradleIntegrationTest` passes locally and push